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he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw) he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw)

05-15-2011 , 06:07 PM
The Naked Gun
05-15-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
the way you yanks treat religion is hilarious though
"Yanks" come from New England, the extreme north-eastern states. I've never been there and have only met a few of them, so I don't know what they're like. But go ahead and stero-type the rest of us sane atheists from the rest of the country if that is the limit of your intellect.


Last edited by ronmon; 05-15-2011 at 06:41 PM.
05-15-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyLittleF
Our father who art in heaven who the **** is she!!!!! WANT!!!!!

05-15-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by ronmon
"Yanks" come from New England, the extreme north-eastern states. I've never been there and have only met a few of them, so I don't know what they're like. But go ahead and stero-type the rest of us sane atheists from the rest of the country if that is the limit of your intellect.

lol? i dont even know how to respond to that.

btw last night on million pound drop.....

question: wayne rooney has 19 tattoos on his chest, what does this represent?

two idiots have 200k left, possible answers: no of times Scum U have won the league
number of times wayne rooney has watched shrek
05-15-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by ronmon
"Yanks" come from New England, the extreme north-eastern states. I've never been there and have only met a few of them, so I don't know what they're like. But go ahead and stero-type the rest of us sane atheists from the rest of the country if that is the limit of your intellect.

do you want a hose to help get the sand out of your vagina?

of course people stereotype, its why i dont mind being called a drunken irish fool etc. Like i dont even drink most days till like 2pm
05-15-2011 , 07:33 PM
I can see why it would get American's backs up. There are 300,000,000 Amurikans but they seem to get the 'LOL Americans are dumb' stereotype and only that - especially in Europe.

Us Irish have the booze stereotype (which isn't all that negative) but we also have good stereotypes like 'land of saints and scholars' and 'the land of a thousand welcomes' etc.
05-15-2011 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by ronmon
"Yanks" come from New England, the extreme north-eastern states. I've never been there and have only met a few of them, so I don't know what they're like. But go ahead and stero-type the rest of us sane atheists from the rest of the country if that is the limit of your intellect.

Ok, all Americans think Europe is a country, believe that Al Quaida is the army of Iraq, that Jesus was born in Kentuky and that a World Series need only consist of 2 countries...

Last edited by DirtyLittleF; 05-15-2011 at 07:42 PM. Reason: these views are not endorsed by 2+2 or any of its affiliates, or possibly any of its members
05-15-2011 , 07:52 PM
well then apparently im a fool, i thought it was common knowledge that america is way more religous, especially than the UK.
05-15-2011 , 08:37 PM
Thread has turned to aids
05-15-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
well then apparently im a fool, i thought it was common knowledge that america is way more religous, especially than the UK.
No, it is common knowledge. Our country was founded at least partially on matters of religion (or at least the freedom of); while it is not a strictly theological nation by any means, nor should it be, 83% of Americans still say that they are in some way religious, as opposed to the 52% of EU members who 'believe there is a God'.
05-15-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by ronmon
"Yanks" come from New England, the extreme north-eastern states.
The term Yankee (sometimes shortened to Yank) has several interrelated meanings, usually referring to people originating in the northern United States, or still more narrowly New England, where application of the term is largely restricted to descendants of the English settlers of the region.

The meaning of Yankee has varied over time. In the 18th century, it referred to residents of New England descended from the original English settlers of the region. (Mark Twain, in the following century, used the word in this sense in his novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, published in 1889.) As early as the 1770s, British people applied the term to any person from what became the United States. In the 19th century, Americans in the southern United States employed the word in reference to Americans from the northern United States (though not to recent immigrants from Europe; thus a visitor to Richmond, Virginia, in 1818 commented, "The enterprising people are mostly strangers; Scots, Irish, and especially New England men, or Yankees, as they are called").

Outside the United States, Yankee is slang for anyone from the United States. The truncated form Yank is especially popular among Britons, and may sometimes be considered offensive or disapproving. though it is by no means universally used in a pejorative sense.
What "yank" means largely depends where you're from.

And try telling a real Yankees fan in NY that he's from New England !!!!
05-15-2011 , 08:47 PM
Half of everyone is below average intelligence. That can't be helped.

Having been born in California and moved to Florida as a teenager, being called a yankee is definitely a slur. I know lots of insulting words for other nationalities, but I don't use them here.

Last edited by ronmon; 05-15-2011 at 08:55 PM.
05-15-2011 , 08:57 PM
sorry if i hurt your feelings

05-15-2011 , 08:58 PM
Septics.... still piissed over a little scuffle like the war of independence! We really should never have let you win that one, would have solved a lot of problems.
05-15-2011 , 09:05 PM
We gave you another shot in 1812 , but you guys fell short again
05-15-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Thread has turned to aids
Blast it with boobs to kill the AIDS.
05-15-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by JustinJude
Blast it with boobs to kill the AIDS.
I pressed my boobs to the screen, but it didn't seem to do anything.
05-15-2011 , 09:17 PM
perhaps a tampon would be more suited for this situation

05-15-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
I pressed my boobs to the screen, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Did for me....
05-15-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by ronmon
Half of everyone is below average intelligence. That can't be helped.

Having been born in California and moved to Florida as a teenager, being called a yankee is definitely a slur. I know lots of insulting words for other nationalities, but I don't use them here.
What? I'm from New York... living in South Carolina... and I refer to myself as a yankee. Not once have I ever thought of it as being a slur, insulting, offensive etc.

And apatheism ftw.
05-16-2011 , 12:46 AM
If you are offended over someone calling you a "yank" you are either too proud or too bitter. Ron's passive aggressiveness is beginning to get out of line imo. Don't worry about it pubby, I wouldn't feel bad at all. Ron is in the extreme minority here with this one.

With that said... We make playful fun of everyone in itt in various ways and if someone can't take that or wants some sort of double standard for themselves they can politely Gtfo imo.
05-16-2011 , 12:59 AM
In other news...

Tbobby may have found a girl...sorry Bernard. Jenn and u went out this weekend again and everything went pretty well. It was actually a really good relaxing weekend for me and I'm kind of sad its over. Saturday was about the most fun ive ever had in a day in south Florida without spending money. I won't promise a tr because fu guys and f this undertitle but I may give cliffs at some point.

Any good date movies out BTW? Her fav movie is boobdock saints and its my job to pick a movie for tonight.
05-16-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
With that said... We make playful fun of everyone in itt in various ways
Pretty much this ^^^

There are various shifting alliances ... my favorite sport is teh nutz vs yourz suckz ... 'Merkins vs ROTW ... ScumchesterUtd+Skankees vs teams that don't buy a championship most years ...

And while I know I'm always on the righteous side of every argument, I respect the right of everyone else to be wrong

Oh and the whole American revolution thing ... basically the "patriots" were a bunch of ingrates, that, after Britain had defended the colonies from the froggy French Canadiens, they (the Brits) quite reasonably expected the colonies to chip in to pay for some of the expenses. Teabagging may have seemed a good idea at the time, but if the Brits had known that the colonies would be so uppity then maybe it would have been better to abandon them and French would be the language spoken in the area that is now the USA
05-16-2011 , 01:42 AM
InthePub, are you still IntheDogHouse BTW??
05-16-2011 , 02:03 AM
Oh and i think everyones getting a tad too worked up about Yank and Yankee, no Brit calls an American a Yankee, that sounds like something out of a Davey Crocket book to us. You're just plain Yanks, or septics if you're a cockney. Its like french are frogs, Australians are Aussies New Zealanders are Kiwis. To others English are Pommies, Roast Beef's or about 100 other slang names. From our point of view, its nothing to do with your historical North / South divide because no-one outside of your country cares about such things. If you surveyed 100 people in a typical British high street i'm guessing maybe 5/100 would even know what or where the Mason Dixon line is. Actually thinking about it the same numbers probably true for Americans....
