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2016 First to act opening range 2016 First to act opening range

01-28-2016 , 06:07 AM
Hello fiends
What cards should I be raising and what cards should I be calling with when I am first to act with no straddle
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 07:39 AM
If you have to ask then probably not many hands.
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 07:47 AM
I've moved this thread to the Beginners Questions forum.
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 12:21 PM
Fold 80% of them dealt to you. There, I just increased your WR massively. Np
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 12:26 PM
Was this originally in uNL or LLSNL? The answer is quite different.
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 04:04 PM
2/5 300bbs deep is what I was looking for. Decided on 55+ and 9Ts+ and was looking for feedback
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by VolumeKing
2/5 300bbs deep is what I was looking for. Decided on 55+ and 9Ts+ and was looking for feedback
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 04:19 PM
volume king:

when u say first to act...Do you mean UTG?
is this in vegas? If so the wynn I assume?
How well do you play deep stacked? My definition of good is you are winning over 10bb/hr over a very large sample, are able to hand range very well and put your opponents in tough spots (not just when you are nutted up), people rgularly seat jump you or table change away from you, etc
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-28-2016 , 04:19 PM
Depends on position, action before you, effective stacks, villain tendencies, etc.
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-29-2016 , 12:54 AM
I am struggling to beat the game for over 4bbs and hour and want help with my ranges. I almost never bet big without the nuts or a big hand . I meant the UTG position. My friend says to play 55+ and JTs+. What say you guys?
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-29-2016 , 01:23 AM
Your friend is way too wide. UTG for a player that's not extremely experienced postflop is something like AJs+, AQ+, 88+
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-29-2016 , 02:31 AM
volume king - if that game is the wynn do not buy in 1500 deep. I played full time in vegas post BF until a few months ago when i moved and have several buds who reg it up in that game that are highly skilled at deepstack poker...u r gunna get worked over trying to play 300 bigs deep
2016 First to act opening range Quote
01-29-2016 , 05:46 AM
tbh you can honestly probably just open limp small pairs at LLSNL and open raise with the rest of your range which you're not folding

unless it's changed from the game conditions I read about
2016 First to act opening range Quote
