This isn't like traditional markets. Lots of people are putting on their trader caps and not seeing how this all works in the Blockchain world; an easy mistake because this is a new playground. What plays out in a month of trading/activity here, may traditionally take a year in traditional markets.
For example, when I posted hey buying at $90 isn't a bad spot a lot of people were saying yeah but it just hit all time highs, that just doesn't seem right etc and they'll wait/buy the dip. The point is their mindset is completely wrong for this type of investment. Another likely problem is a dip of 40%+ (which will happen at some point) may be from 320 -> 175 or something and not right away, so say in September or such, which once again is 'years' away in the Crypto world for something like Ethereum. And even then it could just last a few weeks or something before it powers through. The more important thing is to get a foot hold in rather than 'perfect' timing //
May as well combine two posts:
For all the pretty graphs people post, in my eyes this is one of THE most important ones and what people should actually focus on:
Hopefully that URL link works, but if it doesn't I encourage everyone to go click on BTC & Eth, put it on a 3-month chart (or longer if you want) and linear/logarithmic and compare. Yeah Bitcoin has gone up too, but it's just a matter of time before Ethereum passes Bitcoin at the rate it has been going. This is where the growth/utility lies, ignore the 24hr price swings unless you're a trader. This is what really matters, and why hopefully a few people on 2p2 who consider themselves smart look at this and pause before yelling BUBBLE/SHORT because it's clear they don't understand where this is going. The early/smartest $ know once it's passes about ~375k ish daily Bitcoin becomes the alt coin (in a figurative sense, but it will be just a matter of time at that point).