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07-09-2021 , 06:42 PM
That is the correct thing for people like you to do for the reasons I stated. Glad we agreed on that. Perhaps others will now look at you will a different light as a beacon of sage wisdom that they can follow. After that they can take their vitamins and say their prayers. Remember, do not reply to this post like you did the last one, since that breaks the whole "have you on ignore" thing. You should always stay in character when possible.

All the best.
07-09-2021 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I sense Tooth is finally moving in this direction. His replies to the zero content posters have grown more concise and less winded.

This thread really is a lot more pleasant and informative to read when 60% of posts are on ignore.

He should definitely put me on ignore once he realizes he cannot handle my posts as you have in theory done (though a dude constantly yelling about the end of the world has no need to see what others say anyways) and what sunshine boy claims to now be doing. I was the one who suggested that, because I do know what makes riggies happy in the end. Remember, take your vitamins!

As to your latest post - the fact is the unvaccinated derps will be increasing serious case (needing hospitalization) and death counts in the future. That was trivially easy to predict, so no shock it is starting to happen. Hopefully they will not cause any problematic variants as they get culled for the next while, since society will not be shutting down for their benefit.

All the best.
07-09-2021 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I sense Tooth is finally moving in this direction. His replies to the zero content posters have grown more concise and less winded.

This thread really is a lot more pleasant and informative to read when 60% of posts are on ignore.
Yep. Agreed.

Should have done it earlier. Not quite sure what people get out of inane trolling like that. More a sign of low intelligence than anything else.
07-09-2021 , 08:02 PM
Well yeah vitamin D is a touchy subject for those who spend all day in their mom's basements.
Very condescending and passive aggressive poster!
Low Vit D, low T, get that fixed motoroy you will be a lot happier.

Big prayers,

Last edited by TooCuriousso1; 07-09-2021 at 08:04 PM. Reason: 2x Pfizer 2w+
07-09-2021 , 08:47 PM
Nice to see you now have a support group for each other, as watching Shuffle reply to his own posts was a tad weird. I am glad that I helped you guys find each other and now you can build on each other's theories in a collaborative manner, which (if it ever actually happened - odds are it will not) would be genuinely entertaining to watch. Combine the A+ with the D and the Q and magic should indeed happen! I suggest building on the profiling of others who have a couple dozen posts in this thread wasting countless minutes with people who spend thousands of hours researching doomsday material non stop and post about it without getting anywhere. That has some potential so feel free to build on that in the future!

All the best.
07-09-2021 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
By the way here's an interesting recent large study on vitamin D levels and the correlation with covid hospitalisation rates, for anyone that is interested. Trolls can just ignore it.
There have been several peer reviewed studies of vitamin D levels and correlation with Covid. Some found a link, others didn't. I'd say there could be a possible connection but the jury is still out.

That being said, there are zero studies claiming that taking vitamin D supplements is even the slightest bit comparable to the vaccine in terms of protection from hospitalization or death from Covid.

How many people with normal vitamin D levels have died from Covid? How many fully vaccinated people have died from Covid? The difference in those numbers is in the millions I'd wager.

It's one thing to suggest that taking vitamin D might possibly be helpful. But suggesting that people should just take Vitamin D in lieu of the vaccine, because the vitamin will protect you, is about the worst advice you can give.
07-09-2021 , 11:37 PM
Are deaths and hospitalizations down in highly vaccinated populations

This is the first question every business community should ask. Not cases, we need to get to a place where cases don't matter anymore. Only after this is answered should profit takers ask what the long term affects are
07-10-2021 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I sense Tooth is finally moving in this direction. His replies to the zero content posters have grown more concise and less winded.
I'm just busy living life with covid gone for the moment and summer.

Monteroy has opinions but lack the intelligence, rhetorical skill and high level understanding to impress them on others. Thus he devolves into nihilistic trolling as a way to self soathe. He even knows this himself:

Originally Posted by Monteroy
My posts are of the same value as everyone's in this thread. Zero.
Here he's projecting his own nihilism and fatalism about his own inability to be persuasive and correct onto everyone else. It's amusing to watch someone have such a clown-level meltdown. I'd suggest a hobby as this is clearly a frustrating dead end for him.
Originally Posted by Monteroy
By the way, since you are not an anti-vaxxer and all - you taking the vaccine?
I'm anti vax for <25, pro vax for over that. Could stretch down to 18 when you factor in the social good. There's also a difference between traditional and experimental vaccines. Although covid is bad enough that the good greatly outweighs the bad (including potential tail bad) for over 25s or so.

I'm over 30 so I'll be taking the vacc, probably Pfizer. Currently in a country that can't get enough vaccs even for its own older citizens because low-IQ pieces of trash like you and Cuepee and most of the experts are pushing vaccs on the last segment of the population (under 18s) rather than spreading them globally more strategically. That's because you want compliance, not the best health outcomes; covid allows you to let loose your little inner Nazi/misanthrope and impose your will and hate on others which you can't do through persuasion (see above).

Vaccinations are pretty much irrelevant for the stopping of covid or covid mutations now, delta and lambda are out of the bag and the temperate country with the highest case growth (UK) has one of the highest vacc rates in the world.
07-10-2021 , 05:31 AM
You seem a bit upset. Fear not, there is a new support group within this thread that is made for people just like you who need it, where you can vent to each other about meanies and your unfortunate lot in life, which is always someone else's fault. Use that new support group along with doing thousands of more posts in this black hole of a thread to help you get through your frustrations. Also, take your vitamins.

All the best.
07-10-2021 , 10:23 AM
Is anyone denying the straight line between lack of vaccination and bad outcomes as places like Missouri with ~38% vaccination rates see historically high covid rates with 91% of patients on ventilators whereas at the peek of covid they had about 50% of patients on ventilators (speaking to the increased risk with variants) and the age of patients dropping with a much higher percent between age 20-40?

As other regions with less Derps now enjoy opening society up, we see the Derps in Missouri creating the very situations where, if un-arrested Missouri should start considering more shut downs. I look forward to the Derps tears and complaints about possible shutdowns, if they are raised, while they ignore they are the ones creating the conditions.

Amid COVID spike, Missouri sees as many new cases daily as entire Northeast

‘Surge response team’ arrives in Missouri amid COVID spike caused by Delta variant

Herp Derp, Herp Derp!
07-10-2021 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You seem a bit upset. Fear not, there is a new support group within this thread that is made for people just like you who need it, where you can vent to each other about meanies and your unfortunate lot in life, which is always someone else's fault. Use that new support group along with doing thousands of more posts in this black hole of a thread to help you get through your frustrations. Also, take your vitamins.

All the best.
I absolutely love that this forums derps feel compelled to seek their own safe space echo box by creating their own forum within the forum.

This entire thread used to be that when i joined it. TS and few others consistent spew of politard hyper pro Trump garbage with a circle jerk of applause.

Each and every time I easily destroyed their points with then an outcry for Mods to ban me and keep their safe space pure.

Soon they will take up a deep corner of the deep web trying to hide their conversations from any rebuttal knowing it falls apart immediately when challenged.
07-10-2021 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
There have been several peer reviewed studies of vitamin D levels and correlation with Covid. Some found a link, others didn't. I'd say there could be a possible connection but the jury is still out.

That being said, there are zero studies claiming that taking vitamin D supplements is even the slightest bit comparable to the vaccine in terms of protection from hospitalization or death from Covid.

How many people with normal vitamin D levels have died from Covid? How many fully vaccinated people have died from Covid? The difference in those numbers is in the millions I'd wager.

It's one thing to suggest that taking vitamin D might possibly be helpful. But suggesting that people should just take Vitamin D in lieu of the vaccine, because the vitamin will protect you, is about the worst advice you can give.
That's not what I said.

What I said was that vitamin D deficiency is a major risk factor. There is enough evidence now to put that beyond doubt. I never suggested that anyone should take vitamin D instead of a vaccine.

Anyway on that note here's a short little quiz for you.

What do these groups of people have in common? All are known high risk groups for covid.

Dark skinned people, obese people, old people, people with diabetes

They all have high rates of vitamin D deficiency.

I know its' not a peer reviewed study or anything but it is factually correct (see link below), so I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
07-10-2021 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You seem a bit upset. Fear not, there is a new support group within this thread that is made for people just like you who need it, where you can vent to each other about meanies and your unfortunate lot in life, which is always someone else's fault. Use that new support group along with doing thousands of more posts in this black hole of a thread to help you get through your frustrations. Also, take your vitamins.

All the best.
You constantly reference "the poker is rigged thread" to compare how dumb and illogical people are. Apparently that's where you've managed to find the lowest hanging fruit.

Lets just be real about you and your schtick. You have this condescending and snarky persona where you find low hanging fruit to troll and make yourself feel intellectually superior. Any time you step away from people with the most ridiculous takes, you end up looking like a sputtering fool. You're like Kramer in karate class with 8 year olds

I've never read the poker is rigged thread but I'm sure it attracts people more weird and dumb than the community of radical leftwing nutjobs the politics section cultivated. You may find it amusing and pat yourself on the back for mocking these people but at a certain point your own state of being mentally unwell shines through. I haven't read a single post of yours or in that thread but just clicking on the who's posted icon tells us all we need to know. You have nearly 6k posts about poker being rigged. By far the most frequent poster. Accumulating thousands of more posts than extremely high volume posters occupying the leaderboard. At some point a mentally well person would realize they aren't "dominating the rubes" or whatever, they're just acting out their own mental problems.

You have come to the right place to troll though. There is no moderation here, unless you're a bitcoin bear. Anyways, that's why I'm posting this. Although you are amusing in small doses, you really do get boring and disruptive. And obviously you have a track record of continuing endlessly. It would be nice if you just stopped posting. I realize the chances are low but I'm trying. I believe you already told everyone you were leaving and continued to spam pages of trolling nonsense. I realize people with your type of mental problems couldn't just walk away without an announcement or some sort of declaration but feel free to shock the world and just go silent. That would be fantastic. You'd basically prove me wrong and dominate me like an 8 year old in karate class if you did that

07-10-2021 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
You're like Kramer in karate class with 8 year olds
Sure, but using your analogy that makes you and the others in your support group here the 8 year olds, with similar results as seen in that video. Fair enough on that assessment. Were you the kid being held upside down or was that the vitamin guy? Hard to really keep track of all of you in the end! Anyway, if you know a more competitive thread on this site let me know, and in the meantime you can enjoy and support Shuffle as he posts multiple doomsday fetish posts in his latest conversation with himself.

All the best.
07-10-2021 , 03:15 PM
I think what is undeniable is the Derps are now seeing definitively how wrong their anti vax stance was.

The writing is on the wall as near 100% of people sick enough to be in hospital and die are the anti vax folk.

If that was not the case the Derps would never put anyone on ignore and would be hammering away with their 'anti-vax proof'. So instead they are increasingly shrinking into a safe space that will only have other Derps who will circle jerk them and tell them how right they were even in being wrong.

I doubt even the derps would deny that is what is happening.
07-10-2021 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I realize people with your type of mental problems couldn't just walk away without an announcement or some sort of declaration but feel free to shock the world and just go silent.
Fat chance of that happening. Pretty sure the guy sits at his keyboard drooling and hitting the refresh button every few seconds. Doesn't seem to matter what time of the day or night it is, but he replies almost instantly to anyone giving him the attention he craves. Pretty sad really.
07-10-2021 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
You have nearly 6k posts about poker being rigged. By far the most frequent poster. Accumulating thousands of more posts than extremely high volume posters occupying the leaderboard. At some point a mentally well person would realize they aren't "dominating the rubes" or whatever, they're just acting out their own mental problems.
Very sad.

MotoRoy what insecurities cause you to post with such condescension? Fatty? Poor? No friends? Maybe you never got as good at poker as you thought your supreme intellect deserved?

Such best.
07-10-2021 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think what is undeniable is the Derps are now seeing definitively how wrong their anti vax stance was.
Nah, that process will never happen, and this is where your approach and mine differ quite a bit when chatting with derps. You actually approach them with logic and reason and try to track and debate their ever changing points, and assume they will evolve or you will win with that process. In contrast I recognize that their posts are essentially zero content with zero impact and zero potential for change, so I treat them as such and post in an according manner with no expectation of accomplishing anything, because why bother. Most of the time the derps react in mundane ways like the couple posts above, but once in a while that process will create a fun reaction like that rando saying they are 8 year olds in terms of their abilities, so when they do that I simply go with the flow and have fun. The derps get energized like pets getting a treat, and I get amused for a bit. After that, when the action stops they simply go back to their derping, because that is their destiny. Nothing changes that, hence I never try.

Of course the vast majority of serious cases and deaths moving forward among adults that have access to the vaccine will be those that refuse to take it, but that will not have any impact on derps as they derp it up. Up will be down as they will find their own way to make combining a lot of losing bets into a winning one in their mind with their form of martingale reasoning. As I see it, the more entertaining the better, and best not to think too deeply about it. Just be entertained.
07-10-2021 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Once in a while that process will create a fun reaction like that rando saying they are 8 year olds in terms of their abilities, so when they do that I simply go with the flow and have fun.
Haha I see you and your buddy QP have similar reading comprehension.

Last edited by TooCuriousso1; 07-10-2021 at 03:33 PM. Reason: best
07-10-2021 , 04:19 PM
I seriously suggest regulars itt use the ignore feature. It really is an absolutely fantastic tool. I know have two names on my list. Replying to or quoting these morons just encourages them and triggers pathetic trolls like that rigged thread tragic. Can't recommend it highly enough.
07-10-2021 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
A good reminder that even if a vaccine partially works, there can be more vaccinated deaths than unvaccinated.
A problem that just gets worse and worse the more people get vaccinated
07-10-2021 , 06:08 PM
So, some official knocks on your door and asks if you are vaxxed or not. If not you go on a list. But no pressure. No Sir.

07-10-2021 , 06:28 PM
I'm currently living on Prince Edward Island (total cases of 206 in the past 18 months) and I haven't got vaccinated yet. I didn't see the point as a healthy 27 year only living on PEI to take a vaccine that only has emergency use authorization. From a strictly rational standpoint it seemed pointless. Now that I'm traveling to Toronto, I think I'll get vaccinated before leaving

There's a psychological concept in trading and gambling about how passively making a mistake doesn't feel as bad as actively making one. I can't recall the name but I think that concept accurately accounts for why I haven't got vaccinated yet. I may not have explained that as well as possible.

If someone can recall the name of what I'm describing I would greatly appreciate it.
07-10-2021 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
So, some official knocks on your door and asks if you are vaxxed or not. If not you go on a list. But no pressure. No Sir.

Paranoid much?

Although I gotta say god bless these volunteers, you must have an insanely high tolerance for abuse from derps to volunteer for this. Hope no one gets hurt.
07-11-2021 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Paranoid much?

Although I gotta say god bless these volunteers, you must have an insanely high tolerance for abuse from derps to volunteer for this. Hope no one gets hurt.
TS was right about this.

Enough, everyone has had their chance for the vax, just let them be and let other countries get them.
Really sucks being in an unprotected country with Delta starting to rip through it while America has million dollar lotteries for taking a jab, free hotel room for you and your cousin if you bring her along and now door to door Jehovah witness harassment?

Should really just stop distributing around America. Just keep what you have on hand and all new production for export.
We're not asking for a donation, we'll pay for it.
