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04-10-2021 , 03:09 PM
Masks are so important they are mandated universally, but not important enough for anyone to actually give a **** about what constitutes a mask.

Wouldn't establishing a standard(or multiple) be the first thing you'd do and distribute as many as widely as possible.

Other than the mask covering your mouth/nose the only thing the CDC really recommends is not using an n95.
04-10-2021 , 03:12 PM
i give smoking girl a 6 without the mask and borderline 8 with
04-10-2021 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Your posts read like a fat insecure ten year old took a critical reasoning course. But you're a grown man.

Clue is in the bolded. I have no problem with the info. A blind monkey can collect stats reliably. Their predictions, insights, chosen courses of actions, lack of early timely responses and conclusions are what sucked (and I crushed them on). Not the low level data collection. WTF is wrong with you?

The CDC study is the perfect example. They said double masking stops 95%, but hilariously we find out that that 95% was based on volume. Thus the gigantic droplets that never get into the lungs anyway (they drop to the floor in seconds) are stopped by masks while the actual infectious smaller aerosols of which there are 100x the number are not. Which makes the study completely worthless at best and deliberately destructively dishonest at worst.

And this has real world consequences. Europe relied on masks, believing they worked because of these loser experts, and hence didn't take proper precautions and actions as their numbers climbed from low levels. Thus followed 6 months of death, economic destruction and lockdowns when they could have had a much more optimal solution on those three axes.

Imagine being as stupid as Tooth that you think you can say the guy compiling and presenting the info (expert) is an idiot, but you then can take that info and present it as if backing up your argument.

Tooth I can wave my hands as you always do and just invalidate the 'info' as worthless due to 'idiots' and thus any argument you make based on that data is idiotic.

I don't generally need to do that as your argument on its face is usually idiotic enough.

Proof... you thinking Tien was not insulting people who end up with bad side effects after covid.
04-10-2021 , 05:25 PM
You're confusing a conclusion with a premise. This is very amusing to me.

My position on experts is pretty simple.

Standard take: Pronouncements of experts should be given deference without regard to common sense or sound principles/philosophy. They get it right more often than not and not listening to them has dire consequences. The latest peer reviewed research should be taken as indicative of truth.

My take: Experts are mostly unreliable at broad analysis and especially at doing cost benefits. To a 140 IQ they are mostly morons full of gross reasoning errors. They have usefulness in their very narrow lane but in fields without high IQs (virology being one) are highly inferior to critical thinkers outside it. The latest peer reviewed research is more likely to be incorrect than correct just on its presented facts, before you even begin considering the extrapolations from the research to policy, which introduce another level of error and poor analysis. You need to actually critically analyze research and expert opinions for gross philosophical/epistemological flaws before considering it, because it is full of them.

The evidence we've gained on expert competence since covid have greatly favored my take over the standard take, so much so it's case closed that my take is correct.
04-10-2021 , 06:51 PM
No, no Tooth.

I can quote you plenty, if you want, mocking 'experts' as being worthless idiots.

You are not saying they are capable of flawless high end work which is good for you to reference. You make them out to be useless.

So when those experts sit at a computer and devise their models and create their work that you then rely on to make your case, you are taking the work of useless idiots and trying to say it proves how smart and correct you are, because that work supports what you are saying.

If other people you are arguing with quotes experts you don't agree with, then you mock the experts and the veracity of their work.

But once again this is an example of you not simply not comprehending how hollow your arguments are and how easily exposed by me they are.

Fish in a barrel, as they say.
04-10-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheJacob
Masks are so important they are mandated universally, but not important enough for anyone to actually give a **** about what constitutes a mask.

Wouldn't establishing a standard(or multiple) be the first thing you'd do and distribute as many as widely as possible.

Other than the mask covering your mouth/nose the only thing the CDC really recommends is not using an n95.
My nephew's kindergarten open house. Kids come out to do a song for the parents and they've all got masks on. Some shitty cotton masks that can't fit 3yo's anyways.
They're in class together everyday for 6 hours or whatever. Their masks aren't doing **** in that environment.
Really broke my heart. Just no logic behind it.
04-11-2021 , 06:20 AM
Thread appears to have become performance art at this point.
04-11-2021 , 07:14 AM
Went outside yesterday and 95% of the people walking around weren't wearing masks. And there were hundreds around the area on this sunny day.

I love it. Intuitively most people know masks are useless.
04-11-2021 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

don't get me wrong as I am not complaining. I love that you and Tooth, more than any people I have debated prior almost always end up backpedaling away from what yu said prior the second you listen to my reasoning and realize I am right.

It is endless entertainment for me to see you deconstruct your own argument and pretend you never said it. It is cowards who fear owning their own words and you guys are cowards.

Your comment was stated as a reply to ain individual stating they were suffering with adverse effects.

You laughed at them.

I get you are now afraid to admit it.

I laugh as I see both you and Tooth running away making that 'yipe, yipe, yipe,' sound.

Yes I am laughing at those bums and losers complaining about fatigue 5 weeks later after getting Covid.

They will get sympathy from Cuepee who is also an out of shape bum.

Not from me.

You are an out of shape boomer hitting 60. I run and workout 2-3x a week. Of course you will side with the population that never worked out in their lives and complaining about fatigue. You are part of that demographic.
04-11-2021 , 07:24 AM
It is actually sad to see a poor dog with no front legs being ridiculed by Cuepee.

You definitely won't see that dog whine about fatigue.
04-11-2021 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Tooth, how does it feel to be PROVEN so stupid, once again?

Have you ever won an argument against me? No.

Read below and see Tien saying he said exactly what I said he did and that your ability to comprehend what you read is that of a toddler.

He is saying if he meets a person, ANYONE, who says they are suffering from side effects, he is going to laugh at them. COuld some in that group be lazy bums, sure. Are all of them, no. But he does not care. They all get mocked in Tien's world.


(btw this is where you argue Tien is now wrong and tell Tien what he meant too)

Originally Posted by Tien
Yes I am laughing at those bums and losers complaining about fatigue 5 weeks later after getting Covid.

They will get sympathy from Cuepee who is also an out of shape bum.

Not from me.

You are an out of shape boomer hitting 60. I run and workout 2-3x a week. Of course you will side with the population that never worked out in their lives and complaining about fatigue. You are part of that demographic.
I like that i goaded you into actually owning your position honestly for once. Good on you. That is actually the more respectable way to comport oneself as opposed to how you and Tooth are usually so cowardly to try and disassociate yourselves from your stated views.

Maybe next we can get you to actually own your prior stated position that 'the old's even pre covid should just have been dead already as they are taking up resources that you could instead have'.

(and not that your attempts at a personal d*ck measuring contest matter but I bet I am in better shape for my age demographic than you are for yours. Possibly in an absolute sense as well. So fantasize all you want about what you want to believe. I doubt it is accurate.)
04-11-2021 , 12:16 PM
You're still too stupid to get it. He is talking about the "bums and losers" who don't exercise and then complain of fatigue, not the people with conditions that aren't their fault. He explicitly says that twice. How is this not clear to you? Jesus. Your posts are just endless "not getting it".

Besides that, you're truly not mentally well. Who spends 10+ posts trying and epicly failing to get a gotcha on another poster based purely on his misunderstanding of English? Everyone here who isn't a politics forum loser like yourself cares about discussing the topic and cares enough to be relevant and interesting. You care about discussing and attacking people you don't like politically. You're the easiest exile in the history of this forum, but the mods here are complete losers.

Normal people.
04-11-2021 , 12:43 PM

You attack people as or more often than anyone else ITT. You would be a much better poster if you left that vortex alone.
04-11-2021 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by adios
If the particles are too small for the mask to filter then why would the masks reduce the distance?

airflow speed reduction.
04-11-2021 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
You're still too stupid to get it. He is talking about the "bums and losers" who don't exercise and then complain of fatigue, not the people with conditions that aren't their fault. He explicitly says that twice. How is this not clear to you? Jesus. Your posts are just endless "not getting it".

Besides that, you're truly not mentally well. Who spends 10+ posts trying and epicly failing to get a gotcha on another poster based purely on his misunderstanding of English? Everyone here who isn't a politics forum loser like yourself cares about discussing the topic and cares enough to be relevant and interesting. You care about discussing and attacking people you don't like politically. You're the easiest exile in the history of this forum, but the mods here are complete losers.

Normal people.

Still spewing the stupid. Still getting owned.

Soon enough you will pivot to my position while pretending you are not.

Tien is being abundantly clear. He is laughing at anyone and EVERYONE, who has those issues. He has said no exemption or alluded to no exemption for anyone as he does not need to know or care to know what their circumstance are. They all get laughed at and assumed to be lazy bums.

This is just another example in a long history of examples of you losing yet another argument to me and being unable to admit it.

Your continued argument on this is proof to everyone reading of that.
04-11-2021 , 01:54 PM
You're just a madlibs generator at this point.
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong

You attack people as or more often than anyone else ITT. You would be a much better poster if you left that vortex alone.
That simply isn't true. Until the politics forum idiots like Cuepee arrived, this thread had fantastic content. A bit of back and forth but nothing like the insane bullshit that Cuepee brings, because it was about the topic and not people. Cuepee is a pure idiot who's obsessed with people and politics and couldn't give a **** about the topic or anyone who's reading.

All you can do with losers like that is exile them. I've ignored Cuepee for long periods and he just continues with his nonsense with other people (example: Tien) and randomly posting off topic Trump stuff. Had you and others been more vocal about Cuepee being exiled early, this thread would be far better. The mods don't even read here any more and need people like you to say something. The failure is yours, son.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 04-11-2021 at 02:11 PM.
04-11-2021 , 02:23 PM
I don't think we know enough yet.

Meanwhile, Texas update, one month after all restrictions were lifted:

The left wing press, experts and Democrat politicians spend days hyperventilating, screeching, opining about the murderous irresponsibility of Texas opening up fully. Now we have the results: Texas is doing better than the rest of the (masked and restricted) US.

The data shows that opening up was indeed the correct course of action. Doubly so because if they were wrong or cases go up enough to to be worrying, they can simply restrict again. It's not a static thing.

Makes you wonder what other nuance the experts and the left wing press don't capture and what other stuff they screech hysterically about that is in fact a nothingburger.
04-11-2021 , 04:55 PM
India skyrocketing like crazy though, it seems like there will be a new record number of infections in a day this week because of it + Brazil. 7-day average seems like it could also reach record heights. Deaths also been moving up.

The good news is all countries with lots of vaccinations have really good numbers despite all the variants.
04-11-2021 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I don't think we know enough yet.

Meanwhile, Texas update, one month after all restrictions were lifted:

The left wing press, experts and Democrat politicians spend days hyperventilating, screeching, opining about the murderous irresponsibility of Texas opening up fully. Now we have the results: Texas is doing better than the rest of the (masked and restricted) US.

The data shows that opening up was indeed the correct course of action. Doubly so because if they were wrong or cases go up enough to to be worrying, they can simply restrict again. It's not a static thing.

Makes you wonder what other nuance the experts and the left wing press don't capture and what other stuff they screech hysterically about that is in fact a nothingburger.
But.... does anyone know *WHY* Texas is doing well?
04-11-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg

The good news is all countries with lots of vaccinations have really good numbers despite all the variants.
Not Chile.
04-11-2021 , 06:53 PM
Yeah the only variant active in the vacc countries is the UK one; numbers of the others are too small still to have any data.
04-11-2021 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bdidd
Thread appears to have become performance art at this point.
The most astute post in many, many pages.
04-12-2021 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
You're just a madlibs generator at this point.

That simply isn't true. Until the politics forum idiots like Cuepee arrived, this thread had fantastic content. A bit of back and forth but nothing like the insane bullshit that Cuepee brings, because it was about the topic and not people. Cuepee is a pure idiot who's obsessed with people and politics and couldn't give a **** about the topic or anyone who's reading.

All you can do with losers like that is exile them. I've ignored Cuepee for long periods and he just continues with his nonsense with other people (example: Tien) and randomly posting off topic Trump stuff. Had you and others been more vocal about Cuepee being exiled early, this thread would be far better. The mods don't even read here any more and need people like you to say something. The failure is yours, son.

Cuepee is of course awful, but his awfulness is not an excuse to pay attention to him. You should be more like me and encourage Tien and others to ignore him as well.
04-12-2021 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Lunkwill
But.... does anyone know *WHY* Texas is doing well?
They have reached herd immunity.

10% of Texans have been tested for covid. I predict the true number to be double that since a lot of young people don't bother to get tested when sick.

Texas is also 20% fully vaccinated and 38% 1 dose.

So ~58% of the population have very high anti body levels.

I predict the entire USA can open up 100% tomorrow and be absolutely fine. Most states are at Texas level or near Texas in herd immunity.
04-12-2021 , 08:20 AM
The people that screeched at Texas opening up 100% were basically people that never looked at data.

We can tell who is anti science and ignorant by where they stood on the Texas re-open alone.
