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Coronavirus Coronavirus

01-05-2021 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The last refuge of the lying scoundrel - claiming the (correct) math is wrong.

If it's not 1 in a million of 20-24 per week going on ventilators, what is the number? If you're going to claim the math is wrong let's hear what you think the math and data is, so I can demolish you on that as well.
Why don't you cite a source to back up your statements for once? Worldwide, how many people get ventilated per week in the 20-24 age range?

Also, quite dishonest of you to imply that people don't stay on a ventilator for longer than a week. One of my friends was on one for 5 weeks before she died. My 3 friends who were ventilated didn't all get ventilated the same day or even the same week, but they were all ventilated at the same time. The # of people who get put on ventilators in a given week is significantly lower than the # of people who are ventilated at a given point during that week. You know that, yet you misrepresent the numbers anyway.
01-05-2021 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by holmfries
I’m surprised that there isn’t more moderation solely to mitigate the risk of spreading this much disinformation related to COVID. It seems like 2+2 has decided this will be the contained “dumpster” that isn’t going to be moderated and cleansed.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
It's truly bizarre that people like you are in a moral panic about spreading what you call "disinformation" about covid on a tiny thread on the Internet (in the most correct covid thread on the Internet since January), but not in a moral panic about the extreme disinformation of the authorities.

CDC, Februrary-May: Do not wear masks
CDC, February: Corona is low risk in the US, go about your business normally
WHO, Feburary-June: Population should not wear masks
WHO, March: Stigma is more dangerous than the virus. Don't close borders.

CDC now: Only wear (useless/net harmful) cloth masks, not surgical masks or N95

Various European health ministers and official bodies in June/July/August: Masks work and greatly reduce spread, so we're going to rely on them and you can keep living as normal (right before they soared far faster than non-mask countries).

These official sources of information and policy were incredibly harmful/dangerous.

No, you're just an idiot with a small mind.

In February you would have been calling for this thread to be locked as I predicted global lockdowns and market crashes and called for mask wearing, things that strongly disagreed with official info and advice.

People with your level of idiocy are why we have a pandemic in the first place. It could have been stopped quite easily early if there were fewer silly people of your kind in the world.

the person you're quoting didn't even say which side he thought was producing misinformation. tooth doth protest too much

I think my favorite take from you is when you said masks increase the spread of covid.

blaming him for covid spreading is pretty amazing almost as dumb as your blame it on the democrats and promiscuity. Which doesn't make sense as generally democrats are more educated than republicans.

So which is it dumb people or democrats causing the spread?
01-05-2021 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Make changes to their behavior so people can do what? I tried to extract this from the lockdown crowd a week or 2 ago and unsurprisingly nobody answered.

We should lockdown people like rika from going to the roller disco so people like coopee can go from store to store and be safer in the dogshit masks they hand out?

What are the people locking down and sacrificing their jobs and lives for? other people being safer while they continue to work? Those people to feel safer when they go shopping? Spell it out. Eradication isn't happening. People are free to lockdown by their own choice for their own safety.
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think no one answered as it is such a dumb question.
Nobody following this thread should believe that
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Limit the spread. Limit the damage. And limit the dying, is the answer for non-derps.

Heck even Tooth admitted if this was a far more virulent virus with a much higher DPM, lockdowns by Trump would have happened and been justified.

He only backed away from those statements when he saw the corner he had painted himself when I probed on him 'what Trump could have done differently to get compliance' when he had stated many times earlier there was nothing Trump could have done differently. Oops. Another contradiction exposed.

So it seems we are only arguing over what DPM is acceptable or not to impose limitations and not whether they are justifiable or not.

So you answer this question.

Do you think society has zero ability to try to contain spread of any disease or virus no matter how contagious and deadly if the people with it just don't GAF about its spread?

If Ebola was to come back to the USA in a handful of people who did not want to be quarantined or have their movements limited, would you fight for them to be able to travel freely? Or lets say it evolves such that a small percent of people are carriers and spreaders of it, for a short window of time, but remain asymptomatic. Should they be able move freely amongst the populace and if others do not want to accidentally interact with them, they should just stay home?
You didn't answer the question. You said some things that didn't address the question, then asked one yourself. I guess you could say you completely re-framed my point and went on a min meth-rant. Others have less charitable takes on your habit of completely missing the point and re-framing the discussion.

I'll try again. For example the restaurant industry is shut down. Those people are losing their jobs, their businesses, their savings, their homes, mental health etc. This isn't the only industry. They are locking down the behavior of occupying and operating restaurants. What specific types of behavior is this making more safe? For example, are they sacrificing all that so you can go shopping store to store collecting dogshit masks and feel safer? What specific behavior are they sacrificing for? Remember, everyone has the choice to lock down on their own.

They are sitting at home watching their lives collapse so other people can _____

Right now it sounds like some people are asking others to sacrifice everything so they can feel safer at their jobs, shopping, etc with flimsy masks on. You specifically have posted about going store to store in a dogshit mask. How can you justify shutting down restaurants while you hit the mall for funsies?

Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
If this is serious will answer.

It obviously varies from place to place and each individuals context. The thesis would be taking steps to lower/mitigate spread. Not having large gatherings or unnecessary travel, social distancing , wearing masks etc etc.

Instead of:

You didn't answer the question either. Be more specific. Like I'm not in favor of concerts or stadiums full at pro sports etc.

People have the choice to lock themselves down. Some are being forced out of their jobs. If we force people out of restaurants, what behavior are we sacrificing this for? So other people can collect amazon packages more safely? Be specific?

An interesting thread on the vaccine

01-05-2021 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by GreenSmoke85
the person you're quoting didn't even say which side he thought was producing misinformation. tooth doth protest too much
The people protesting "misinformation" are people protesting again non-orthodox information. He could mean tgiggity's pure lying anecdotes, but I doubt he posted about that.
I think my favorite take from you is when you said masks increase the spread of covid.
It's a take from three things:

1. The largest randomized controlled mask trial ever done which shows that cloth masks performed substantially worse than no mask.

2. The physics of mask spread, which shows that cloth masks spread up to 10x more particles than no mask (as published in Nature).

3. The real world, population level data (from county level to country level) on how corona did in mask mandate countries (worse than anywhere even starting off a low base).

The last was definitive for me. Ironically, this is also what was definitive for the experts after the first wave (the data from the first wave showed the opposite to what it shows now, purely from confounding variables). That's what had them overturning decades of science on masks which show they don't work at a population level (hence their advice early in the pandemic).
blaming him for covid spreading is pretty amazing almost as dumb as your blame it on the democrats and promiscuity. Which doesn't make sense as generally democrats are more educated than republicans.

So which is it dumb people or democrats causing the spread?
I'm blaming his type of thinking (trust the authoritative orthodoxy and attack/censor opposing views!) for the spread of covid. If everyone in the world in January/February had thought "the WHO are obviously worthless dickheads compromised by China (as I did/said - read my posts in Jan/Feb)" rather than "the WHO is the authoritative body who haven't declared an emergency yet and advised against China border closure, so we don't need to panic", this pandemic wouldn't have happened.

Try to keep up son. You're not even participating in the discussion, you're about 3 levels below where you need to be to even understand what's being said.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 01-05-2021 at 06:30 PM.
01-05-2021 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Nobody following this thread should believe that

You didn't answer the question. You said some things that didn't address the question, then asked one yourself. I guess you could say you completely re-framed my point and went on a min meth-rant. Others have less charitable takes on your habit of completely missing the point and re-framing the discussion.

I'll try again. For example the restaurant industry is shut down. Those people are losing their jobs, their businesses, their savings, their homes, mental health etc. This isn't the only industry. They are locking down the behavior of occupying and operating restaurants. What specific types of behavior is this making more safe? For example, are they sacrificing all that so you can go shopping store to store collecting dogshit masks and feel safer? What specific behavior are they sacrificing for? Remember, everyone has the choice to lock down on their own.

They are sitting at home watching their lives collapse so other people can _____

Right now it sounds like some people are asking others to sacrifice everything so they can feel safer at their jobs, shopping, etc with flimsy masks on. You specifically have posted about going store to store in a dogshit mask. How can you justify shutting down restaurants while you hit the mall for funsies?

You didn't answer the question either. Be more specific. Like I'm not in favor of concerts or stadiums full at pro sports etc.

People have the choice to lock themselves down. Some are being forced out of their jobs. If we force people out of restaurants, what behavior are we sacrificing this for? So other people can collect amazon packages more safely? Be specific?

An interesting thread on the vaccine

good thread in relative plain speak for those of us that know little about mRNA.
01-05-2021 , 07:31 PM
Fun news from San Diego a few hours ago:

32 cases of the more contagious strain of SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have been identified in San Diego County
The 24 newly confirmed patients are believed to have no travel history and to have come from 19 different households, but the investigation and contact tracing are ongoing.

New cases have been identified in San Diego, Chula Vista, La Mesa, and Lakeside. The cases are among multiple age groups. While the four youngest cases are under 10 and the oldest is over 70, the average age of the variant cases to date is 36, the same as the overall average for all confirmed cases in the county to date.
gg. If they're catching 32 broadly spread community transmitted (non-traveler) in a single county from samples collected a week-ago, with testing capacity for the new strain nowhere near online yet, there are at least 10s of thousands of cases of the new strain in the US spreading to many tens of thousands of right now. Soon to be hundreds of thousands. R is a lot lower in the US, but the extra 0.7 is enough to make this act not unlike the first wave.
01-05-2021 , 07:36 PM
And just to give an idea of what 0.7 extra R means, in 10 weeks starting from 10,000 cases:

Old strain = ~1.3^10 = 13x = 130,000 cases (the last week is 30K cases at once)
New strain = 2^10 = 1024x = 10,000,000 cases (the last week is 5 million cases at once)

One is manageable, the other is a disaster requiring shelter in place lockdowns.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 01-05-2021 at 07:46 PM.
01-05-2021 , 07:40 PM
This was inevitable. Both sets of fingers crossed the vaccine still works, or we are in for an enormous **** show.
01-05-2021 , 07:45 PM
Will the vaccine go into arms fast enough? 400K/day is the current rate = 0.12% of the population per day plus a 3-4 week lag to develop immunity - assuming the second booster isn't needed for immunity. Seems too slow to make a meaningful difference to something as fast as the UK strain.
01-05-2021 , 07:50 PM
Vaccination rate should improve as supply chain gets more efficient. However I read that Canada is throwing out vials if they run out of people in the prioritized tranche, so leave it up to government to **** it up.

The new strain is still going to be a disaster, but if the vaccine doesn't work on it we are in for a disaster of biblical proportions.
01-05-2021 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
Vaccination rate should improve as supply chain gets more efficient. However I read that Canada is throwing out vials if they run out of people in the prioritized tranche, so leave it up to government to **** it up.

The new strain is still going to be a disaster, but if the vaccine doesn't work on it we are in for a disaster of biblical proportions.

In contrast, Israel is giving excess vaccine to walk-ins rather than waste it.

Positively inexcusable to throw out vials. Just insane.
01-05-2021 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
Not when you're a libertarian.

thats what the vast majority of this is about. People not wanting to make any changes as they only care about their own outcomes.

This is the crux of Rika position. Hes not doing anything that he doesnt want to do regardless if it could help others. A true alpha posting on a poker forum.
I locked down in February before it was even "required." I wore an N95 mask before mask vs. no mask was even a debate (I was the only one in my city wearing a mask, and had to deal with stares and glares because people thought I was a weirdo). I even wore disposable gloves, and shut down my vending route and real estate business BEFORE the governors of each state that I operate in required me to.

I also pulled my daughter out of school, BEFORE schools shut down. I quit attending church BEFORE the Governor shut it down. I "canceled" my daughters 7th birthday party (feb 29th 2020) even though my entire family wanted me to allow it, but I refused and she didn't have one. I also cancelled my birthday party (april 18th) even though all my friends were having a party for another friend of ours whose birthday was april 4th. (not only did I not have a birthday party, I didn't go to my friends, nor did I attend any bbqs etc.)

I didn't attend anti mask rallies in April 2020 because I thought it was irresponsible. I voluntarily complied with ALL government mandates (until late June). I even ONLY did grocery pickup, never went inside a grocery store, bought 100% of my things online (or just went without) stopped going to jui jitsu even when it was open (and I even kept paying even though I wasn't attending to support the academy), had my wife quit going to the gym. Refused to go to my dad's birthday bbq, didn't go to my mom's either.

So quit ****ing acting like I'm an irresponsible idiot. I sacrificed a lot at the beginning of 2020, and made my family sacrifice too.

The reason I did this? Because I thought there was a chance covid might be LEGIT serious. (back in feb/march I would of guessed 1-5% of people who caught covid would die, and that 4-10% would have long term health consequences)

HOWEVER, it turns out covid is a nothing burger. Way more people had it then we realized. Way more people were asymptomatic then we thought. So the math from early 2020 was wrong (I don't regret locking down so hard though, because I'd rather err on the side of caution).

HOWEVER, we now know covid is a nothing burger. And you guys are still in your prey mindset acting like pussies running around acting like this is small pox 2.0 or some ****. This is the same thing that happened in the silver thread, and what those "zomg hyperinflation" pussies thought/went through too (there's still people that think hyperinflation due to QE is "just around the corner"...hell, listen to Peter Schiff's podcast).

Well, it turns out we didn't have hyperinflation, and covid isn't that big of a deal. If you want to run around like chicken littles acting like it is a big deal, you can. But it's not. It's a nothing burger and the cuck west is just being pussies at this point (whereas back in march I'd argue it was being cautious).

The true meaning of being an alpha is doing what the **** you want, when the **** you want, however the **** you want to do it. And that's what I do.

I locked down even when the government said I didn't have to. Now I'm not locked down even though the government says I have to. I wore a mask, even when I was the only one. I don't wear a mask, even when I'm the only one.

Rika don't give a **** what you think about him. Go yell at a rock and see if the rock cares, it doesn't, I don't either.
01-05-2021 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
At this point of Covid-19, 99% people don't look at data anymore. If you don't work with data in your normal life, what are the chances of you googling covid data in Jan 2021 to get facts?

Their opinions were formed back in April and has cemented since then. No amount of 10+ months of data will convince any one to change their minds about anything.


People seem to be incapable of changing their opinion on topics anymore
01-05-2021 , 08:38 PM
Covid is a nothingburger for the young and healthy (in terms of deaths, long term consequences are a little more uncertain) but for the old it's pretty deadly.

Both your early and recent responses are too extreme imo. The risk of getting it in February given low population prevalence was ultra low even if the death rate was 5%, you had way lower odds of dying in February at 5% death rate than you do now at a known 1% death rate, simply due to the odds of catching it which are >20x what they were in February.
01-05-2021 , 09:14 PM
It's every man for himself out there. Wish it wasn't like that but you should plan to get it. Will be a nothing burger for almost everyone. Old/fat people should just hibernate.

I'm exercising, sleeping, eating healthy, abstaining from alcohol & smoking weed until I get vaccinated.
01-05-2021 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Covid is a nothingburger for the young and healthy (in terms of deaths, long term consequences are a little more uncertain) but for the old it's pretty deadly.

Both your early and recent responses are too extreme imo. The risk of getting it in February given low population prevalence was ultra low even if the death rate was 5%, you had way lower odds of dying in February at 5% death rate than you do now at a known 1% death rate, simply due to the odds of catching it which are >20x what they were in February.
1-5% death, but in addition I was concerned about a 4-10% long term effects (so adding them up I was thinking a 5-15% chance, per person, I have a family of 3, so someone getting f'ed up was legit possible, plus my inlaws got back from china 2 days before the travel ban, my daughter's best friends family got back 1 month before the travel wife is chinese).

Now I believe it's WAY WAY WAY LOWER then 1 in 15,000+ for me, 1 in 15,000+ for my wife and 1 in 200,000+ for my daughter. So even if we all got it, the odds are TINY that someone would get f'ed up.

Old people can self isolate. Them interacting with me is their choice, not mine. And personally if I was old (85 like my great uncle who "died" from covid) I would of just said f it and lived my life. If I died I died, who gives a ****, I'm 85 and not going to live much longer anyways (no way would I have skipped thanksgiving or christmas, as of today though, if I had magically been waiting, I would wait the last little bit for the vaccine since it's already here...but back in June, I would of said f it, I'm having a good 4th of July, and if I don't see christmas, then oh well)

edited to add: I also didn't think the US was testing as much as it should of been, so I thought it was "here" more then they said it was...however I was wrong. While it was here more then they thought, it wasn't "that much more"...I had way overshot on how prevalent I thought it was in America in Feb/March. So that skewed my actions.

Last edited by RikaKazak; 01-05-2021 at 10:08 PM.
01-05-2021 , 10:52 PM
1% population death.

I think you're a bit optimistic with 1 in 15,000. Odds of death look like this right now:

Death: 1 in 2500 (if you get it).
Proceed to ventilator: 1 in 1000
Hospitalization needed: 1 in 200

Death: 1 in 1000 (if you get it).
Proceed to ventilator: 1 in 400
Hospitalization needed: 1 in 80

These are all "if you get it" numbers, for someone careful about close social contact, divide by at least 10, for someone not careful, divide by 2-3. And your behavior is putting you well in the "if you get it" group. Some of those outcomes aren't fun.

The above assume that hospitals are well staffed and not overloaded when you get it; they worsen substantially in places like California or if this second strain gets going.

Long term meaningful damage is unknown. There's weak but not completely dismissable evidence of meaningful short and long term cognitive impacts among younger people, including those without symptoms. This is a blood disease as a much as a lung disease, unlike other viruses, and it does some weird things in the body, particularly around clotting, which can impact every organ system.

So I still think it's wise to do low-life-impact things to avoid it where possible. I assume you're not 22 like tgiggity's claimed "3 friends all unconscious on ventilators at the same time" and are in your 30s or 40s.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 01-05-2021 at 10:57 PM.
01-05-2021 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

I'll try again. For example the restaurant industry is shut down. Those people are losing their jobs, their businesses, their savings, their homes, mental health etc. This isn't the only industry. They are locking down the behavior of occupying and operating restaurants. What specific types of behavior is this making more safe? For example, are they sacrificing all that so you can go shopping store to store collecting dogshit masks and feel safer? What specific behavior are they sacrificing for? Remember, everyone has the choice to lock down on their own.

You seem to be assuming that a herd immunity, let it rip strategy results in better outcomes despite what Sweden showed us. I don't accept that premise. I think if you have vast amounts more people sick and dying that has similar or worse impact on the economy.

I think rolling strategies of selective tightening and re-opening to alleviate stress on the healthcare system is optimal.

Now answer my question if you do not fear to.
01-05-2021 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
And just to give an idea of what 0.7 extra R means, in 10 weeks starting from 10,000 cases:

Old strain = ~1.3^10 = 13x = 130,000 cases (the last week is 30K cases at once)
New strain = 2^10 = 1024x = 10,000,000 cases (the last week is 5 million cases at once)

One is manageable, the other is a disaster requiring shelter in place lockdowns.
Glad to see you learned from the b*tchslap i gave you when i taught you, you were wrong when you argued prior that you do not lock down a more virulent strain and i corrected you and explained to you the science.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Actually, you have it backwards. Lockdowns and restrictions help select the more prolific strains, the ones with high enough R that they can keep spreading despite lockdowns. ..

Originally Posted by Cuepee
This is a profound misunderstanding of the science. No surprise.

There is no reason, zero, to believe the "more prolific strains" would not keep spreading at the same or greater rate in a 'let it rip' scenario. The 'let it rip' scenario DOES NOT see the "more prolific strain" out competed and its nonsense if you application of the science makes you think that.

What you are mistaking is predominantly seeing the "more prolific strain" in a lockdown absent the diminished 'weaker strains' for meaning the more "prolific strains" are doing better at spreading under those conditions and that is not the case.

For those who actually want to understand science and not just Tooth bro science, as misguided and ignorant as he is, here is what matters...

'Generations' for mutations are what matters the most. The more proliferation, the more generations, the more "prolific strains" that will have time to emerge.

Anyway amazing backpedal by you. Good to see you can learn grasshopper.

Now claim you were right in both instances. That they should not lock more virulent strains as you first said ... and this strain is so much more virulent it needs locking down.

Yup, the same.
01-05-2021 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You seem to be assuming that a herd immunity, let it rip strategy results in better outcomes despite what Sweden showed us. I don't accept that premise. I think if you have vast amounts more people sick and dying that has similar or worse impact on the economy.

I think rolling strategies of selective tightening and re-opening to alleviate stress on the healthcare system is optimal.
Your second paragraph describes exactly the "let it rip" scenario that you attack in the first post. Burn-through is exactly the strategy you describe in your second paragraph: letting it go through the population at a level where the health care system doesn't overwhelm completely.

lol? This is like "nothingburger" where you don't even understand what's being said. Definitely the under on 140 LSAT.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 01-05-2021 at 11:10 PM.
01-05-2021 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Glad to see you learned from the b*tchslap i gave you when i taught you, you were wrong when you argued prior that you do not lock down a more virulent strain and i corrected you and explained to you the science.
Dear worthless loser,
I've been doing the math on this since January, and better than the experts. It's right here in this thread. You have never corrected or educated anyone in your life; you're the epitome of an absolutely worthless person.
Anyway amazing backpedal by you. Good to see you can learn grasshopper.

Now claim you were right in both instances. That they should not lock more virulent strains as you first said ... and this strain is so much more virulent it needs locking down.

Yup, the same.
You're confusing the position: excessive restrictions and burn-through avoidance selects more virulent strains with the position: lockdowns will be needed as a virulent strain gets out of hand so as not to overwhelm the health system.

You do this over and over, conflating things that any sane person sees are totally different. You're just a total loser/idiot who wastes everyone's time. Every post you do is like your "Nothingburger" posts where you waste everyone's time because you don't know what words mean, except that you can't follow arguments or points either. You're not even a person, just a madlibs generator.
01-05-2021 , 11:11 PM
Los Angeles County

The Testing Positivity Rate is defined as the percentage of tests reported that are positive. The 7-Day Daily Average Testing Positivity Rate provides a more current picture of how many people tested positive, as opposed to the cumulative Testing Positivity Rate, which would date back to the beginning of the pandemic. We use a rolling 7-day average to smooth some of the fluctuations we see in the daily numbers due to reporting and processing lags that are a part of reportable disease surveillance.
01-05-2021 , 11:48 PM
2 thoughts on this thread.

When it comes to alphaness. Going to a mega church seems about on par with getting pegged.

Cuepee is super dumb.
01-06-2021 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
This was inevitable. Both sets of fingers crossed the vaccine still works, or we are in for an enormous **** show.
you should have prayed harder.
01-06-2021 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I locked down in February before it was even "required." I wore an N95 mask before mask vs. no mask was even a debate (I was the only one in my city wearing a mask, and had to deal with stares and glares because people thought I was a weirdo). I even wore disposable gloves, and shut down my vending route and real estate business BEFORE the governors of each state that I operate in required me to.

I also pulled my daughter out of school, BEFORE schools shut down. I quit attending church BEFORE the Governor shut it down. I "canceled" my daughters 7th birthday party (feb 29th 2020) even though my entire family wanted me to allow it, but I refused and she didn't have one. I also cancelled my birthday party (april 18th) even though all my friends were having a party for another friend of ours whose birthday was april 4th. (not only did I not have a birthday party, I didn't go to my friends, nor did I attend any bbqs etc.)

I didn't attend anti mask rallies in April 2020 because I thought it was irresponsible. I voluntarily complied with ALL government mandates (until late June). I even ONLY did grocery pickup, never went inside a grocery store, bought 100% of my things online (or just went without) stopped going to jui jitsu even when it was open (and I even kept paying even though I wasn't attending to support the academy), had my wife quit going to the gym. Refused to go to my dad's birthday bbq, didn't go to my mom's either.

So quit ****ing acting like I'm an irresponsible idiot. I sacrificed a lot at the beginning of 2020, and made my family sacrifice too.

The reason I did this? Because I thought there was a chance covid might be LEGIT serious. (back in feb/march I would of guessed 1-5% of people who caught covid would die, and that 4-10% would have long term health consequences)

HOWEVER, it turns out covid is a nothing burger. Way more people had it then we realized. Way more people were asymptomatic then we thought. So the math from early 2020 was wrong (I don't regret locking down so hard though, because I'd rather err on the side of caution).

HOWEVER, we now know covid is a nothing burger. And you guys are still in your prey mindset acting like pussies running around acting like this is small pox 2.0 or some ****. This is the same thing that happened in the silver thread, and what those "zomg hyperinflation" pussies thought/went through too (there's still people that think hyperinflation due to QE is "just around the corner"...hell, listen to Peter Schiff's podcast).

Well, it turns out we didn't have hyperinflation, and covid isn't that big of a deal. If you want to run around like chicken littles acting like it is a big deal, you can. But it's not. It's a nothing burger and the cuck west is just being pussies at this point (whereas back in march I'd argue it was being cautious).

The true meaning of being an alpha is doing what the **** you want, when the **** you want, however the **** you want to do it. And that's what I do.

I locked down even when the government said I didn't have to. Now I'm not locked down even though the government says I have to. I wore a mask, even when I was the only one. I don't wear a mask, even when I'm the only one.

Rika don't give a **** what you think about him. Go yell at a rock and see if the rock cares, it doesn't, I don't either.
Rika types 1000 words to say he doesn't care. Super alpha
