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Coronavirus Coronavirus

12-15-2020 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
I'm just responding to the absurd claim that young and healthy people don't die from covid. You may not like the fact that young and healthy people die from covid, but your feelings don't change facts
I haven't seen anyone claim that. Rather, the claim is that the response far outweighs the danger for the 18-49 age group. Corona is 3-5x more likely to kill this age group than the flu. I dunno about you, but it has never once crossed my mind that the flu would kill me. Never. I've had the flu at least a dozen times, and I even had swine flu. Despite being sick, the possibility of dying was so remote that it wasn't a concern at all. Corona being 3-5x more likely just means a few more people per 10000 die now. That sucks. No one should die. But we live in the real world. This level of sickness and death continues to be not concerning enough to lock everyone down in asymmetric panic.

Now the 50+ group, where the odds of death skyrocket to 200-650x more likely; that's a definite concern and that population should be treated with kid gloves.

Last edited by Wittgenheiny; 12-15-2020 at 01:30 AM.
12-15-2020 , 02:50 AM
What if I told you, you could very easily unwittingly infect a 50+ person?

No fear?
12-15-2020 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
What if I told you, you could very easily unwittingly infect a 50+ person?
What if I told you that with the correct measures and enforcement, you wouldn't need to worry about it?
12-15-2020 , 05:35 AM
I could also go for a walk tomorrow and get hit by a truck

So what?

what kind of stupid logic will be used next..
12-15-2020 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
You like lockdowns because you are privileged enough not to suffer from them and are out of touch with reality about the livelihoods suffering from them.
You don't help the people who are most in danger by exposing them to even more danger.
You help them by directing funds to them instead of the super rich and wall st gamblers.
12-15-2020 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
You don't help the people who are most in danger by exposing them to even more danger.
You help them by directing funds to them instead of the super rich and wall st gamblers.
What happens when neither party wants to give the working class any money?

This is the one thing that is comical about the US

every first world country gave out at least a few thousand every month as a UBI but the US couldn't do ****

what's even more comical is that Trump was going to give 2k + UBI for 6 weeks but that was apparently peanuts to Pelosi but now she wants to give one check of 600 lol

clown world
12-15-2020 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
If my schtick was getting on the internet and calling a bunch of people pussies, I probably wouldn't be forthcoming about how much I go roller skating.
A father taking his 7 year old daughter and wife roller skating because his daughter loves roller skating and got her own skates because of good grades is not him being a pussy, it's him being a good leader of his family.

Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
What if I told you, you could very easily unwittingly infect a 50+ person?

No fear?
What if I told you that I'm going to drive to the gym today, and I could accidentally have a car wreck and kill a 5 year old. ZOMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Ban Rika from driving!!!!!!!!! Ban everyone from driving!!!!

(keep in mind I could of infected an ultra high risk person with just the generic flu and killed them that way in 2019...could of done it in 2018 too, hell, I might be an accidental mass murderer and not even know it!!!!)

If we lived our life around what was "possible" and ignored what was "probable," we would be living a VERY stupid/silly/restricted life. Come on guys, a poker forum should be smarter then this.

(no straw manning me and claiming I would continue to interact with the public if I knew I had covid, I ldo wouldn't)
12-15-2020 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
I dunno it doesn't seem like you really think Covid is dangerous. It's one thing to go on the internet and say "I know I could totally die of Covid.". It's another to be laying in a bed in the ICU dying, saying "Jesus, I never really thought I'd die of Covid."

No one lays in the hospital bed suffocating to death and says, "well, I always knew there was a chance of this happening"
People said the same thing about having a family member die. "Once you have a family member die you'll take it more serious."

Well here I am. With a great uncle dead from covid (who was a great guy, loved tremendously, and will be missed) and my opinion on covid is it's even LESS serious now then I thought it was back before he died from it. (and that was just a couple of months ago, I went from 1 in 800ish when he died to 1 in 1,500ish+++ post death...notice how my odds of dying, NOT what "happened" to randomly happen to me influenced my opinion on how serious covid is)

Any other dumbass claims from the other side or has this matter finally been put to bed? I would expect this type of idiotic argument from reddit or my low IQ tenants, not from 2+2, there used to be so much fire given to idiotic statements like this the idiots would leave in shame.
12-15-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
A father taking his 7 year old daughter and wife roller skating because his daughter loves roller skating and got her own skates because of good grades is not him being a pussy, it's him being a good leader of his family.

What if I told you that I'm going to drive to the gym today, and I could accidentally have a car wreck and kill a 5 year old. ZOMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Ban Rika from driving!!!!!!!!! Ban everyone from driving!!!!

(keep in mind I could of infected an ultra high risk person with just the generic flu and killed them that way in 2019...could of done it in 2018 too, hell, I might be an accidental mass murderer and not even know it!!!!)

If we lived our life around what was "possible" and ignored what was "probable," we would be living a VERY stupid/silly/restricted life. Come on guys, a poker forum should be smarter then this.

(no straw manning me and claiming I would continue to interact with the public if I knew I had covid, I ldo wouldn't)
I don't get this mindset. Yes you could kill someone (or yourself) while driving. But we all accept some level of risk in order to live life. No one said life could be made risk-free. However when the risk-reward balance does not make sense, we take common sense precautions. Following the speed limit for example reduces your odds of killing someone and is a minor inconvenience.

You can use your argument to explain away taking any precautions about anything. Why wear a seat belt? Part of a building facade could fall on my head the moment I get out of the car. Why get my kids immunized? They could be hit by a drunk driver the next day. Why eat healthy and exercise? I could die of an undiagnosed aneurysm anyway.

Covid is killing large numbers of older people. It is overwhelming hospitals to the point people with other conditions are impacted. The steps to keep from inadvertently infecting others, are relatively minor inconveniences when measured against the suffering and death. You have absolutely no way to know whether you or your family members could get infected at church or a roller rink, and inadvertently spread it to an older person through a chain of contacts. This can happen even if you never come in contact with an older person yourself. That is how community transmission works. I guess you think big deal I could give them the flu also. Of course a flu is far less deadly than Covid to older people. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
12-15-2020 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
I haven't seen anyone claim that.
Maybe you should open your eyes when you try to read?

.but it's pretty obvious now it's not that bad if you're under 50, which I assume "most" everyone posting in this thread is...this **** is a nothingburger THANKFULLY
But covid is a TINY TINY TINY risk, and I'm thankful that it's a nothingburger,

Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
Rather, the claim is that the response far outweighs the danger for the 18-49 age group.
I don't think you understand how contagious diseases work.

Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
Corona is 3-5x more likely to kill this age group than the flu. I dunno about you, but it has never once crossed my mind that the flu would kill me. Never. I've had the flu at least a dozen times, and I even had swine flu. Despite being sick, the possibility of dying was so remote that it wasn't a concern at all.
That's really good for you. It's entirely irrelevant to our discussion, but I'm glad you've never had a severe flu.

This level of sickness and death continues to be not concerning enough to lock everyone down in asymmetric panic.
Pandemic: Causes 100x more preventable deaths than any other tragedy in American history.

Wittgenheiny: "This level of sickness and death continues to be not concerning"
12-15-2020 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
Maybe you should open your eyes when you try to read?
Pot, kettle-->
I even had swine flu.

I don't think you understand how contagious diseases work.
I don't think you understand how risk management works. Trying to come up with a general strategy from a population wide average when you have much more specific data is pretty lazy and stupid. There is no question this is what western governments have done since March. At first they did roughly nothing, then they barely acted when it was too late, and now they want to act like they should have 8 months ago. They are lazy, and stupid, and anyone who blindly parrots their suggestions is even lazier and more stupid.

Pandemic: Causes 100x more preventable deaths than any other tragedy in American history.
Rather, it's roughly as likely to kill you from the flu if you are 0-25, 3-5x more likely if you are 25-50, and 200-650x more likely if you are 50+. Those specific details sort of matter.

Wittgenheiny: "This level of sickness and death continues to be not concerning"
For people under the age of 50, this is an incontestable fact. You have lost the argument; quit trying to move the goalposts to save face and just admit it.
12-15-2020 , 01:34 PM
Good thing corona can't spread between age groups
12-15-2020 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by lvr
I could also go for a walk tomorrow and get hit by a truck

So what?

what kind of stupid logic will be used next..
All sorts of precautions are taken, and limitations imposed on the truck's driver to make that chance lesser.

So thanks, with your good logic, agreeing with a similar approach to covid.
12-15-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
A father taking his 7 year old daughter and wife roller skating because his daughter loves roller skating and got her own skates because of good grades is not him being a pussy, it's him being a good leader of his family.

What if I told you that I'm going to drive to the gym today, and I could accidentally have a car wreck and kill a 5 year old. ZOMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Ban Rika from driving!!!!!!!!! Ban everyone from driving!!!!

(keep in mind I could of infected an ultra high risk person with just the generic flu and killed them that way in 2019...could of done it in 2018 too, hell, I might be an accidental mass murderer and not even know it!!!!)

If we lived our life around what was "possible" and ignored what was "probable," we would be living a VERY stupid/silly/restricted life. Come on guys, a poker forum should be smarter then this.

(no straw manning me and claiming I would continue to interact with the public if I knew I had covid, I ldo wouldn't)
We DO live in the what if world.

Again all the road laws, trying to deal and prevent the what if, show you guys do not even understand the arguments you are trying to make.

You are proving his point. They put in all these mitigation rules for driving to do exactly what you are arguing against.
12-15-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
My great uncle died officially from covid. But he was 85, had cancer, and couldn't even use the bathroom on his own. So his death was more like a mercy kill then a ZOMG HE DIED AND MISSED OUT ON SO MUCH IN LIFE!!!!!!

If someone is 36, has a LEGIT preexisting condition and chooses to isolate, I wouldn't blame them, I'm not calling them a cuck......that's their choice (do grocery delivery, buy everything on amazon, get a job where you can work remotely, etc. etc.) Totally understandable.

But at this point if you're a 36 year old healthy male, and are "afraid" of covid, you are a pussy. Plain and simple. Being afraid/avoiding a 1 in 3, makes you cautious. Being afraid of a 1 in 1,500, makes you a coward.

And it's TOTALLY possible I die from covid. I fully recognize that the risk is non zero, and I'm not isolating (took my family roller skating yesterday, easily over 100 people, taking my family to a mega church on Thursday, no mask either time of course, I'll be doing BJJ on Tuesday and Friday, no mask ldo, and this weekend we'll probably go roller skating all day saturday no mask again, since my family is really enjoying the social interactions and exercise).

So yeah, I could die from covid, and you can lol @ me. But I could also die in a car wreck. Or get hit by lightning. Or have a crazy tenant pull a gun and shoot me when I'm collecting rent. Life has risks. I'm 100% going to die at some point. But covid is a TINY TINY TINY risk, and I'm thankful that it's a nothingburger, even if most people can't change their mind as the information changes, I'm capable, so I'm going to adjust the way I live.
You going places and refusing to wear a mask or be distanced is contributing to spread. Spread contributes to getting people sick. People getting sick contributes to hospital overflow. Hospital overflow and getting people sick contributes to people dying. People are dying that don't need to

Most of what your post says is reasonable and true, but it has nothing to do with the fact that the mask and distancing is a sign of respect for your fellow man in addition to the fact that it is designed for the safety and protection of them too. It's not about YOU. It's about EVERYONE AROUND YOU

Nobody is asking you to not live your life. Just have a little respect for everyone else's. Your attitude is getting people killed and it doesn't need to be this way at all
12-15-2020 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
For people under the age of 50, this is an incontestable fact. You have lost the argument; quit trying to move the goalposts to save face and just admit it.
The issue is contagiousness. Even if it doesn't kill you or anyone under 50, there's still other health concerns. Have you not talked to athletes, runners, or anyone who's had trouble breathing? There are two pro athletes that I know of who lost their entire season to covid (Eduardo Rodriguez, #1 starting pitcher for the Red Sox and Ryquell Armstead, running back for the Jaguars, who had a shot and being the starter this year. Both got shut down bc they've still not fully recovered. They were infected several months ago)

So, yeah, there's something to be said about not having fear, but it doesn't have to kill you to be a devastating problem
12-15-2020 , 03:37 PM
tgiggity normally is not exposed to statistics or basic numbers so he makes bad arguments and needs to guilt trip you (like in politics forum) to make a point. Since last time I showed him American death rates for healthy young, all he could say was his imaginary healthy friend doesn't live in America.

Ok I will use Sweden.

Between ages 10-19: 1 total death. 34 513 Infections
Between ages 20-29: 10 total deaths. 61 000 infections
Between ages 30-39: 22 total deaths. 58 400 infections.
Between ages 40-49: 55 total deaths. 61 000 infections.

Death totals are accurate. Infection totals are underreported for obvious reasons. Some studies show the true number is a multiple.

So between ages 10-49, we have 210 000 infections and not even 90 dead. And that includes 10-49 with pre-existing conditions.

Healthy with no pre-existing conditions is probably less than 50 / 500 000 infections (underreported number of infections).

Completely statistically irrelevant
12-15-2020 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by chytry
You don't help the people who are most in danger by exposing them to even more danger.
You help them by directing funds to them instead of the super rich and wall st gamblers.
If they are under 50 and healthy, there is no danger. Or about as dangerous as telling them drive to work sober.

We have all the numbers at this point. 10 months into the pandemic the death rates for healthy under 50 are meaningless. Completely meaningless, and we want to lock them up? You are anti facts and science at this point if you claim healthy people under 50 are in danger. Hell everyone under 60 and healthy are not in danger from this virus.

Last edited by Tien; 12-15-2020 at 03:52 PM.
12-15-2020 , 04:14 PM
All I said was that young, healthy people can and do die from covid in response to claims that corona can't harm young/healthy people.

It's a position of luck and privilege to run around spouting nonsense like "corona is a nothingburger if you're under 50 and healthy." Some of us have seen first hand the damage corona does to young and healthy people.

Since last time I showed him American death rates for healthy young, all he could say was his imaginary healthy friend doesn't live in America.
You completely missed the point.

Tien, can you show me the statistics on the number of young people who now have long term health complications from being infected with corona?
12-15-2020 , 04:15 PM
If they are under 50 and healthy, there is no danger. Or about as dangerous as telling them drive to work sober.
Jesus christ you are dumb
12-15-2020 , 04:17 PM
Let's do USA numbers (when deaths were at 216 000)

Ages 5-17: 123 deaths. 1025000 infections.
Ages 18-29: 1126 deaths. 2812000 infections.
Ages 30-39: 2674 deaths. 1996000 infections.
Ages 40-49: 6239 deaths. 1826000 infections.

Total of 10162 deaths out of 7659000 infections.

Again that includes 5-49 with pre-existing conditions + underreported number of true infections.

Not significantly in danger at all if under 50 and healthy.
12-15-2020 , 04:20 PM
Let's try again because you can't read:

Tien, can you show me the statistics on the number of young people who now have long term health complications from being infected with corona?
12-15-2020 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
All I said was that young, healthy people can and do die from covid in response to claims that corona can't harm young/healthy people.

It's a position of luck and privilege to run around spouting nonsense like "corona is a nothingburger if you're under 50 and healthy." Some of us have seen first hand the damage corona does to young and healthy people.
Its not position of luck and privilege. Its simple math.

I know you have a hard time understanding statistics, but damn do you really need people to always do research for you and spoon feed you facts?
12-15-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
Let's try again because you can't read:
This is called "shifting the goal posts".

First you talk about young healthy people dying and how much of a concern it is. The math shows you are completely wrong on this.

Now its about long term effects of people that are still alive.

What argument were you making again? Your arguments change everytime they get dumpstered.
12-15-2020 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Its not position of luck and privilege. Its simple math.

I know you have a hard time understanding statistics, but damn do you really need people to always do research for you and spoon feed you facts?
You do not get to make statements like the above while also making statements like the below.

Originally Posted by Tien
...Hell everyone under 60 and healthy are not in danger from this virus.
