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05-21-2019 , 04:41 PM
Bitcoin creator Craig S. Wright (Satoshi Nakamoto) granted US copyright registrations for Bitcoin white paper and code

Craig S. Wright has been granted U.S. copyright registrations for the famed original Bitcoin white paper, and most of the original Bitcoin code (version 0.1). Importantly, the registrations issued by the U.S. Copyright Office recognize Wright as the author – under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto – of both the white paper and code.

Notably, when reviewing Wright’s copyright applications, the U.S. copyright examiner was aware that the Bitcoin white paper and code were each a “famous work” and there have been questions about who is associated with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. After receiving confirmation from Wright that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Copyright Office granted the following registrations:

• U.S. copyright registration no. TXu 2-136-996, effective date April 11, 2019, for the paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, with year of completion 2008. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

• U.S. copyright registration no. TX-8-708-058, effective date April 13, 2019, for computer program entitled Bitcoin, with year of completion 2009 and date of first publication January 3, 2009. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright wrote most of version 0.1 of the Bitcoin client software, and the registration covers the portions he authored.

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05-21-2019 , 04:51 PM
just goes to show how absurdly easy it is to scam people if you're somewhat knowledgeable about something they're completely ignorant of.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 04:56 PM
Bitcoin SV ripping. This is fun.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 04:59 PM
its funny to watch billionaires get richer

the fact that bitcoin is controlled by whales makes me lul so hard from the swings.

how can people think this is an actual currency or will ever be anything more than a volatile stock?

some people still cant use/understand paypal for **** sake and its been around 20+ years lol
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
its funny to watch billionaires get richer

the fact that bitcoin is controlled by whales makes me lul so hard from the swings.

how can people think this is an actual currency or will ever be anything more than a volatile stock?
i think of it as a currency because i use it as a currency. weird how that works
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
i think of it as a currency because i use it as a currency. weird how that works

Same, made multiple purchases this past weekend with my "fake currency."

Guess i got lucky somehow...
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 05:51 PM
Noob question for any US lawyers ITT, what are the ramifications of these copyrights? Are they enforceable? And if so, what does this mean for Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash,, etc.
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05-21-2019 , 06:48 PM
It's open source since 2008 under mit license. No way this sham copyright will be enforced.
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05-21-2019 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Fear_Itself
Noob question for any US lawyers ITT, what are the ramifications of these copyrights? Are they enforceable? And if so, what does this mean for Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash,, etc.
No copyright has been issued. You, I or anyone can go online right now and register the exact same claim as faketoshi has.

Don't be a sucker and fall for faketoshi nonsense like the idiot TS does

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05-21-2019 , 07:18 PM
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-21-2019 , 07:38 PM
Looks like Bitfinex/Tether admitted in court that it used client funds to buy Bitcoins. So, literally everything we've been saying this entire time then? Nice, that's nice.
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05-22-2019 , 01:40 AM
BSV up 70%. FYI huge penalties can occur from lying to copyright office.

Imagine owning BTC but not owning any BSV. You'd have to be over 99% confident that the BSV people are wrong!
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 02:02 AM
I'm 110% confident. It's suckers like you that think you have to own a worthless coin that keep it alive.

Even after today's pump it's still below what it was 5 weeks ago in sats. I'd take this miracle exit the market is offering you.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by TheMVP
I'm 110% confident. It's suckers like you that think you have to own a worthless coin that keep it alive.
So, just like bitcoin then?
Originally Posted by TheMVP
No copyright has been issued. You, I or anyone can go online right now and register the exact same claim as faketoshi has.

Don't be a sucker and fall for faketoshi nonsense like the idiot TS does

Salty cuck is salty.

Here's a little logic for you

P(Craig Wright is Satoshi) > P(Coin that can't scale past half a million transactions/day and remain viable money will become a major world currency)

P(coin designed to scale to all functions wins) >>>>> P(coin that can't' scale to even 1/100th of global currency functions wins)

(Potential return from bitcoin SV)/(Potential return from bitcoin) > 70x
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 04:58 AM
Will you leave the thread again once BSV is 0.05BTC? All this completely uninteresting garbage about CW is such a waste of time.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
Will you leave the thread again once BSV is 0.05BTC? All this completely uninteresting garbage about CW is such a waste of time.
Which of my probabilities do you disagree with? Are you allergic to rational analysis?

What odds do you give CW of being Satoshi, or part of the original team? 0%? 0.1%? 1%? If 1% then you should be long bitcoin SV.

Right now bitcoin SV is the leading possibility for a global single secure blockchain for all functions including currency. What Craig Wright is proposing is what Satoshi (whether he's CW or not) envisaged in his genius. Satoshi just temporarily hobbled Bitcoin at the time at 1Mb for temporary security, but never intended it to last this long.

Current bitcoin cannot scale and is hopelessly broken, which is why it topped out at $20K as transaction costs went to $30/transaction and transactions got choked for days, because the core network is an irredeemably incompetent clown show at even 1/100th of global scale. Bitcoin core is myspace, basically. Perhaps a future fork of bitcoin, or BCH, will end up being the winner, but current core unforked bitcoin is doomed and has no future.

Also I already left the thread. I was happily minding my own business, but the cuck TheMVP brought this bitcoin stuff to other threads (ironically mocking me for being long bitcoin as it ran up????) so I came back to punish him - thank him.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 05-22-2019 at 07:27 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 07:32 AM
Absolutely nobody in the crypto space not paid by nchain believe in bsv.
Bitcoin cash is the only big blockers contender and it doesn't look good. Bsv isn't even in the discussion since they lost the hash war.
Calvin will lose a ton of money on some illiquid coin that he mine at a loss. Even the theory that he launder gambling money through mining cannot work when he can't sell without crashing the market.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:03 AM
anyone wanna explain to me why it matters who is or isn't Satoshi at this point?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Which of my probabilities do you disagree with? Are you allergic to rational analysis?

What odds do you give CW of being Satoshi, or part of the original team? 0%? 0.1%? 1%? If 1% then you should be long bitcoin SV.

Right now bitcoin SV is the leading possibility for a global single secure blockchain for all functions including currency. What Craig Wright is proposing is what Satoshi (whether he's CW or not) envisaged in his genius. Satoshi just temporarily hobbled Bitcoin at the time at 1Mb for temporary security, but never intended it to last this long.

Current bitcoin cannot scale and is hopelessly broken, which is why it topped out at $20K as transaction costs went to $30/transaction and transactions got choked for days, because the core network is an irredeemably incompetent clown show at even 1/100th of global scale. Bitcoin core is myspace, basically. Perhaps a future fork of bitcoin, or BCH, will end up being the winner, but current core unforked bitcoin is doomed and has no future.

Also I already left the thread. I was happily minding my own business, but the cuck TheMVP brought this bitcoin stuff to other threads (ironically mocking me for being long bitcoin as it ran up????) so I came back to punish him - thank him.
0%. And even if he is it doesn't matter. The Schelling point has been decided on. Let's assume he is Satoshi, I wouldn't GAF personally. And Bitcoin with all it's network effects (liquidity, developers, security) would crush BSV on every single aspect you'd like to see in a global money.

The reason Bitcoin is the price and liquidity leader by a wide margin is because it has a social consus based on all kinds of individual reasons. You crave a leader so much that you think everybody would switch if they find out Satoshi isn't who they thought he was. I think Bitcoin doesn't even bat an eye if this would be proven. So your bet is pretty dumb, as it assumes an unrealistic upside when he turns out to be Satoshi.

And here I am, being baited into reacting to this nonsense again..
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05-22-2019 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
This isn't a rational response. We are talking about human beings, it is never 0%. Given that Gavin Andresen and the head of the bitcoin foundation were both sure he was Satoshi and witnessed private key signings, was satisified with the answers to questions about private correspondence, etc, 0% is not a sane answer.
And even if he is it doesn't matter. The Schelling point has been decided on.
How does one determine such a thing? This sounds like bull**** to me. Is it 100% that bitcoin is the eternal Schelling point for global money/blockchain? Or less than that? These absolute answers you give are not sane answers.
Let's assume he is Satoshi, I wouldn't GAF personally. And Bitcoin with all it's network effects (liquidity, developers, security) would crush BSV on every single aspect you'd like to see in a global money.
Well, this is a false statement. BSV crushes in scalability and flexibility for one, which is actually an incredibly important part of a global currency and eventually a global single blockchain.

Let's go back to 2009, an look at your statement applied then:

Global fiat currency transfer with all its network effects (liquidity, developers, security, stability, adoption) would crush bitcoin in every single aspect end-to-end in 2009
Money crushed bitcoin in 2009 - therefore bitcoin will never take off? That is your logic on BSV or as-yet-unknown alternatives?

Repeat for Ethereum and Ripple which both came way later and had massive returns which crushed bitcoin over the same time scale.

Your argument seems weak.
The reason Bitcoin is the price and liquidity leader by a wide margin is because it has a social consus based on all kinds of individual reasons.
You could have said the same about myspace or fiat.
You crave a leader so much that you think everybody would switch if they find out Satoshi isn't who they thought he was.
No, there are heaps of self interested parties in bitcoin who want the status quo, I agree. But if it runs into scaling problems again (and it will), then what?
I think Bitcoin doesn't even bat an eye if this would be proven. So your bet is pretty dumb, as it assumes an unrealistic upside when he turns out to be Satoshi.
Bitcoin SV ripped 60% or $1 billion on news of a patent filing from Craig Wright that most in the community instantly dismiss like you do (since it's an irrational 0% chance to you). How much would it rip if he was actually Satoshi? How many miners would switch for the free money as it rips? How much broad press coverage would the original Satoshi get as he explains his vision of why bitcoin is doomed and bitcoin SV is the future?

You haven't thought this through because your intellectual Peter Principle is being reached at "Schelling point".
And here I am, being baited into reacting to this nonsense again..
We are examining your extreme irrationality on the probabilities you've given. It is a useful exercise.
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05-22-2019 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
anyone wanna explain to me why it matters who is or isn't Satoshi at this point?
It doesn't matter tho some people think it does.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
i think of it as a currency because i use it as a currency. weird how that works
I know a lady who uses stocks as currency. She pays her pool boy, landscape guy, maid and nanny in stock. She had them all set up an account at her financial firm and then just sends them X number of shares of Y stock and then in a month it may be Z # of shares of B company. I believe they then go in and sell the stock and send themselves the proceeds but I can't confirm that.

I don't think someone using BTC, Y company or B company as currency means it is a currency.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I know a lady who uses stocks as currency. She pays her pool boy, landscape guy, maid and nanny in stock. She had them all set up an account at her financial firm and then just sends them X number of shares of Y stock and then in a month it may be Z # of shares of B company. I believe they then go in and sell the stock and send themselves the proceeds but I can't confirm that.

I don't think someone using BTC, Y company or B company as currency means it is a currency.

What are the defining properties of a currency?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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05-22-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
anyone wanna explain to me why it matters who is or isn't Satoshi at this point?
Isn't it important to know who CryptoJesus is?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-22-2019 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
What are the defining properties of a currency?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was going to tell you to google it, but I did it for you. Someone who can't figure out how to get rid of a signature probably isn't the best googler.

Divisible: Can be divided into smaller units of value.
Fungible: One unit is viewed as interchangeable with another.
Portable: Individuals can carry money with them and transfer it to others.
Durable: An item must be able to withstand being used repeatedly.
Acceptable: Everyone must be able to use the money for transactions.
Uniform: All versions of the same denomination must have the same purchasing power.
Limited in Supply: The supply of money in circulation ensures values remain relatively constant.
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