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2021 Trading Thread 2021 Trading Thread

02-10-2021 , 03:42 PM
all hail chairman powell
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 05:58 PM
Ok if this AH pump on weed stocks continues into open tomorrow, I'm out. This is nuts, I'll just take my $ before this pops and buy back in later
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jupiter0
I'm still watching SNDL needs 1.34 for long. I cut it to early. It just keeps floating on air.
I assume you're back into SNDL; any ideas about the time frame?
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Guy Incognito
I assume you're back into SNDL; any ideas about the time frame?
yep, I'm gonna take some profits in the a.m. especially if it goes red on the day and doesn't gap. This is like a short-term overbought and it has to consolidate eventually. If it gaps and runs it could be another trend day higher though. I'm gonna keep some regardless bc the social media I'm seeing on it I highly suspect is connected to WSB crowd. Sector ETF MJ printed a black candle on the day. not bullish if it didn't hold gains into close. I'm swinging MJ too and DNN PTN and CRBP. Took some profits on RMTI.

Last edited by Jupiter0; 02-10-2021 at 08:27 PM.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 10:29 PM
idk if all airline 10-ks look this bad or not but SAVE's is .. pretty ugly
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 11:21 PM
All my barbro facebook friends are posting about pot stocks right now and the thread is a bunch of randoms talking about how hard they are crushing the stock market.

Maybe this time is different because we have so many dollars in circulation or it will be sometime down the road where we get dick smacked by inflation. Its starting to feel extra bubbly. More bubbly than its felt since I've been investing
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-10-2021 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
All my barbro facebook friends are posting about pot stocks right now and the thread is a bunch of randoms talking about how hard they are crushing the stock market.

Maybe this time is different because we have so many dollars in circulation or it will be sometime down the road where we get dick smacked by inflation. Its starting to feel extra bubbly. More bubbly than its felt since I've been investing
What's amazing is that you could've taken the most random, sketchiest penny stock 1, 2, and 3 months ago and be up minimum 100% right now. You'd actually have to search and dig to find a loser.

This is why there are so many successful Youtube pump and dumpers right now. They all look like geniuses because they have yet to recommend a loser.

The formula for videos right now:

1. RNG any Biotech stock less than $5
2. Provide some "DD". "This company researches cancer and has huge potential because cancer is really important."
3. Look like a genius when it 2x's the next day or week.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 07:32 AM
NAKD up in pre. Might be the next one. SNDL 4.00's pre
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 10:21 AM
bailing out of all weed positions at open despite buying lol 2 year leaps. did not expect this run and might re-open these positions later

one thing lost in the GME/AMC momentum was how the weekend killed a lot of the news cycle/momentum in the stock -- can easily see WSB getting distracted by the next shiny object and moving on from weed over the 3 day weekend

time for the next trade
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 10:31 AM
Not too much chatter on WSB about BMBL IPO today so far but seems like it could catch on.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 11:14 AM
$MDP has a high acquisition probability. Its options are still cheap with low IV. Selling puts should be profitable as well.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 11:17 AM
pot stocks still got long way to come down
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by starssavior
$MDP has a high acquisition probability. Its options are still cheap with low IV. Selling puts should be profitable as well.
Where did you hear this?

You seem to just relentlessly pump the stocks you post about
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 11:59 AM
Had been trading in and out of shroom stocks since last march and made a bit of money, fomo into numi and mmed one last time in December at all time highs. looks like they are about 15-20% away from these highs, look to hopefully make a few percent on these overall and get out with a small profit.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
All my barbro facebook friends are posting about pot stocks right now and the thread is a bunch of randoms talking about how hard they are crushing the stock market.

Maybe this time is different because we have so many dollars in circulation or it will be sometime down the road where we get dick smacked by inflation. Its starting to feel extra bubbly. More bubbly than its felt since I've been investing
Northern Dynasty Minerals (NAK) has doubled in a week because they are appealing the Army Corps of Engineers denial of permitting for the Pebble Mine in Alaska. This appeal means absolutely nothing. Zero. The stock couldn't hold $1 when Trump was still in office and there was actually some promise that the USACE might actually approve the mine. Yet Stocktwits is going crazy and it traded at $1.30 premarket. Crazy stuff.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Where did you hear this?

You seem to just relentlessly pump the stocks you post about
It has a low market cap and its business is in a segment that historically has had a lot of consolidation. I’m guessing based on my research that the odds of a buyout attempt are high. I apologize for posting so often I’m just a little too excited about my stock and when I think I’m right about something I get a little obsessed. I’ll take a break for a bit.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 01:32 PM
The reason profits matter is because they form the basis for minimum valuation. The market is mostly focused on **** companies so when the market crashes they own money losing businesses.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 01:34 PM
A good short is LYV in theory. It’s going to post a gigantic loss. Yet the stock keeps pumping. Dumbest money in this market.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:30 PM
NVDA continuing to smash this month
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 03:22 PM
in AMD june calls (115c) and picked up some BMBL for kicks
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 04:19 PM
I noticed there is a corrugated box shortage lately so I sold a put on WRK @40 expiring 3-19. Anyone else into boring trades like these? Corrugated boxes are very boring, but necessary and of limited supply, unlike weeds, that can be grown anywhere and are effectively infinite.

Commodities currently in short supply.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 04:57 PM
In keeping with the same line I also just sold a put on INTC @57.50 expiring 3-19 after breaking news about Biden to sign an executive order to address the National semiconductor shortage. I believe INTC is the largest manufacturer of semis in the United States. You don't want to be outsourcing all your semi designs to TSM when they get invaded by China later this year.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 05:25 PM
Was checking Tilray weekly outs yesterday with 50 being $3 near close. Just didn’t think much could be made here. I figured maybe 20% pull back this week and held off.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by snowie963
Was checking Tilray weekly outs yesterday with 50 being $3 near close. Just didn’t think much could be made here. I figured maybe 20% pull back this week and held off.
Holy cow what a drop

this market is ruthless with it's pump and dump.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-11-2021 , 05:31 PM
Took a pretty bad beat today. Sat on 2/12 BYND 175 calls for a lot of the week and gave the position a lot of room, by 3:30 PM I was pretty deep red, concerned about a market sell-off, and finally decided to give up on the position (while still holding several 180c for next week I bought this morning). Literally less than 30 seconds after I cut, it started a huge move to the upside and the contracts I sold for $101 expiring tomorrow were worth $460 within twenty minutes. Was deep red in that particular position and would have gotten it all back, just brutal. Hopefully, the 180s for next week will soften the blow, are nicely green so far.

In other news, precious metals have been so damn frustrating.

Alright, done complaining now.

Last edited by karamazonk; 02-11-2021 at 05:36 PM.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
