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2021 Trading Thread 2021 Trading Thread

02-04-2021 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
Thanks for putting this on my radar.

Just crushed earnings-

$12.1m revenue
49% gross margins
$2.5m net income

...for a $59m market cap that also has $17m in cash.
I was in it at 1.60s or 1.70 and got shook out on that minor dip back then. never got back in. Looks like buy the hype, sell the news if that's the case on earnings. Looks like the run is over for awhile.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-04-2021 , 07:10 PM
Thank you to the BFI posters who share their time and knowledge. Beginning a few months ago I now have time to research and make a few speculative plays both for the enjoyment and learning experience. I have taken some positions, most of them from the great info shared in these threads along with a couple of my own selections.

I took a position in DOYU today at 14. Was hoping to enter in the 12s but has not dipped. Pluses - AFAIK no recent negative news re merger with HUYA and the share exchange is still 0.73. If merger goes thru (my guess it’s at least a coin flip) and HUYA holds around 25 there is 4-5$ possible value, more if China stocks continue north. DOYU may hold its own with no merger. Minuses - Investigation of DOYU about gambling issues reported 2 months ago. Who knows what the Chinese govt will do tomorrow. No merger, may have to take 11-12 to escape.

I took a position in HUYA a few weeks ago which has done well, thanks to Mr Spy. Have wanted to add to HUYA but have not seen any dips. If the DOYU play works, it will be a back door to acquire HUYA at an excellent price. Comments welcome.

Regards, C
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-04-2021 , 07:27 PM
Elon Musk pumped DOGE coin and SAND the miner in premarket on Twitter. So especially after that SIGL one and this I added him today lol The doge was something like "doge the peoples currency" and SAND was about the Darude song I guess Sandstorm. Something like "Sandstorm is a masterpiece" SAND was up like 15% premarket and gold down of course
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-04-2021 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cerebus
Thank you to the BFI posters who share their11-12 to escape.

I took a position in HUYA a few weeksHUYA but have not seen any dips. If the DOYU play works, it will be a back door to acquire HUYA at an excellent price. Comments welcome.

Regards, C
Yes there is definitely a lot of good stuff in here. If I am going to buy a small cap stock usually the ones posted here have been screened by smart people. Overall lots of good advice and I’m very thankful as well as a newer investor.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-04-2021 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by threeflight87
Interesting good tip.

I am honestly stunned that a magazine company still does that much in revs.

Wonder if it is mainly digital.

18% short interest.
They're at the checkout aisle of EVERY grocery store
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:05 AM
lol at paying for online subscription for something like people magazine. people impulse buy them because they are stuck in an airport and don't have anything to read on a flight or like rollduptrips get sucked in by the click bait headlines at the grocery store aisle
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 10:22 AM
Mgni is another TTD in the making
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 11:02 AM
Someone posted a list of Janet Yellen speaking fees from last year. They are having a meeting to discuss the recent trading volatility in the markets. Those citadel payments of 700k definitely came in handy and I guess this will be her first order of business.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:33 PM
ThreeFlight CTYX stock took flight, literally never seen anything like it. We literally banned a guy who literally gives away winners that +100% roi over and over. Who need wallstreetbets when you got ThreeFlight.

Last edited by ThrowingRocks; 02-05-2021 at 12:36 PM. Reason: i
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by ThrowingRocks
ThreeFlight CTYX stock took flight, literally never seen anything like it. We literally banned a guy who literally gives away winners that +100% roi over and over. Who need wallstreetbets when you got ThreeFlight.

I understand the skepticism he received, because he was promoting penny stocks with no DD, but banning him seemed unnecessary.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 02:29 PM
went with 2 year leaps in TLRY, 37c for jan 2023
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 02:33 PM
KNRLF peeking above 4. bursito, I love you!
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 02:51 PM
Level 2 is so thin, just Scotia keeping it down today, everyone else is buying

Can't wait for it to get off the CSE, it would easily be $10 already if it was on the nasdaq
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 03:57 PM
Im up 30% on the USO 38 call 38.52 is breakeven and its below it. I want to exercise it and lock in. Can i close it before it hits breakeven 38.52?
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Threeflight88

I gave you guys RVVTF at 21 cents in December. It hit .72 2 weeks later and most of you called me a scammer. 350%.

I gave you MITI at 2 cents. It hit 60 cents a month later and most of you called me a scammer. 3000%.

I pounded the table on here for CTYX at .028 for a month. Most hated. Just hit .12 and going higher. So far up 400% and going higher.

Maybe it is time you start listening?

Now up over $8 Million since last year.

I am giving you guys the plays. Stop hating. Start banking.
What next grandmasterThree?

Give me the next coordinates for flight!
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by PuckFokerGo

I understand the skepticism he received, because he was promoting penny stocks with no DD, but banning him seemed unnecessary.
He was soliciting his picks in a bunch of threads outside of BFI as well. The best one was complimenting Doug Polks play then asking him to “hit me up when you want to get into some good stocks”

Though if anyone was willing to bet on this guys picks they would have made some money.

If he comes in with another pick I’ll buy $100 worth and maybe it 20x’s
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-05-2021 , 10:53 PM
Buying some shares in a 50m cap mining company called Brixton or BBB on tsx. Worked for them years ago and have followed share price and news. The thorn project which they have drilled on and off for years seems pretty rich, though I have doubts about this site becoming a productive mine one day as it’s a 30 minute plane ride through the Alaska mountains.

They do have a few promising sites and 10m in the bank, according the the CEO who is an honest type guy, geologist, when I was working there all the geologists seemed to think they had something special. Also have family and friends still working for them so I have had a lot of interest in the company.

Not something I would feel good about going all in at this price (or any price really) but have been looking to get in for awhile with a small position and am comfortable with their track record and there has been a floor of above $.10 for years now.

Last edited by snowie963; 02-05-2021 at 11:05 PM.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-06-2021 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by snowie963
Buying some shares in a 50m cap mining company called Brixton or BBB on tsx. Worked for them years ago and have followed share price and news. The thorn project which they have drilled on and off for years seems pretty rich, though I have doubts about this site becoming a productive mine one day as it’s a 30 minute plane ride through the Alaska mountains.

They do have a few promising sites and 10m in the bank, according the the CEO who is an honest type guy, geologist, when I was working there all the geologists seemed to think they had something special. Also have family and friends still working for them so I have had a lot of interest in the company.

Not something I would feel good about going all in at this price (or any price really) but have been looking to get in for awhile with a small position and am comfortable with their track record and there has been a floor of above $.10 for years now.

Quick Ratio (MRQ)
Current Ratio (MRQ)
Debt to Equity Ratio (MRQ)
Net Debt (MRQ)
Total Debt (MRQ)
Total Assets (MRQ)

They have barely any debt?? Not much info on them
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-06-2021 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
Is that really it for this round of a sell-off? Weekend futures went from minus 1% to +1% and the market hasn't looked back since; we are now just shy of ATHs again with some blowout earnings from the biggest players. Meanwhile, however, the dollar has been creeping up, and a lot of earnings reactions continue to be negative.

I'm still sitting on a pretty large cash position. Don't have much confidence in any market direction right now, although I guess I have a bullish bias now. Should have a better idea by lunch time tomorrow.

STONKS only go up.
Bumping this to stir the pot on this, as I'm curious what people think and it kind of got buried amidst the GME bickering. The market basically never looked back this week after the rebound off the weekend futures. Quite the whipsaw from one Friday to the next. A lot of valuations continue to lead speculative fervor to insane heights, while many other stocks are more reasonably valued.

How likely is a "crash" at this point during this calendar year, which I guess I'll define as a 20+% drop peak to trough (is there an actual definition for %? still not sure what defines a bull market versus a bear market and what defines a crash). I suspect pretty likely, although I have an open mind about it and not too much confidence either way. However, excesses in one direction tend to lead to excesses in the other over time, no?

Last edited by karamazonk; 02-06-2021 at 04:42 PM.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-06-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by kekeeke

Quick Ratio (MRQ)
Current Ratio (MRQ)
Debt to Equity Ratio (MRQ)
Net Debt (MRQ)
Total Debt (MRQ)
Total Assets (MRQ)

They have barely any debt?? Not much info on them
No there is not a lot of info on them but I am investing a small amount based on what little I know of the mining industry from working in it and spending a couple summers at camp with the CEO. I wouldn’t say it’s anything other than speculation as an investment which is the stage of the business they are in as well, just posting for the record and since I haven’t posted anything before.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-07-2021 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
How likely is a "crash" at this point during this calendar year, which I guess I'll define as a 20+% drop peak to trough (is there an actual definition for %? still not sure what defines a bull market versus a bear market and what defines a crash). I suspect pretty likely, although I have an open mind about it and not too much confidence either way. However, excesses in one direction tend to lead to excesses in the other over time, no?
Stimulus + reopening + long term super low rates & QE will inflate this bubble some more ... at least till the autumn
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-07-2021 , 07:22 AM
Yeah the selloff the week before last was driven by contagion fears from Gamestop as insiders got liquidated; once the cartel choked off retail buys, the VIX was set to unwind from a ridiculous 37 (out of nowhere on the Gamestop Tuesday & Wednesday) which means higher in the markets.

There was literally no other cause than Gamestop for that little bit of selling.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-07-2021 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by chytry
Stimulus + reopening + long term super low rates & QE will inflate this bubble some more ... at least till the autumn
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Yeah the selloff the week before last was driven by contagion fears from Gamestop as insiders got liquidated; once the cartel choked off retail buys, the VIX was set to unwind from a ridiculous 37 (out of nowhere on the Gamestop Tuesday & Wednesday) which means higher in the markets.

There was literally no other cause than Gamestop for that little bit of selling.
Appreciate the feedback and I'm leaning more this direction. This seems like a bubble to me, but its collapse feels less imminent now.

Tooth, I agree that GME was at least a major factor. It's funny that I've talked to a few people about this and there are some wildly different opinions about it, with at least one very smart person and the most successful trader I know saying GME had nothing to do with the sell-off.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-07-2021 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
Appreciate the feedback and I'm leaning more this direction. This seems like a bubble to me, but its collapse feels less imminent now.

Tooth, I agree that GME was at least a major factor. It's funny that I've talked to a few people about this and there are some wildly different opinions about it, with at least one very smart person and the most successful trader I know saying GME had nothing to do with the sell-off.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
02-07-2021 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Nice vid, thanks. For some reason, as a kid, and I don't even know how I was exposed to him (commercials, I guess?), I always admired Peter Lynch.

That being said, and realizing this goes against the spirit of what he said, I see too many echoes of the dotcom bubble to shrug off concerns about the market to the extent this video would suggest. We've had an eleven+ year bull market since The GFC with a crash that ended up being a very short blip; I feel like it's particularly easy to be biased in the very bullish direction right now and end up being caught off guard in a bad way when this speculative fervor meets its end.
2021 Trading Thread Quote
