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2020 Stock Trading Thread 2020 Stock Trading Thread

03-14-2020 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Onlydo2days
Have a friend that works on corporate side of restaurant industry as a consultant and he says early #s down 10-20%. Obviously little different dynamic there since you do have to eat more than you need the new Air Max.
U.S. reservations down 36% as of yesterday, big cities 50%+
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by matt121400
U.S. reservations down 36% as of yesterday, big cities 50%+
Good find. I think very actionable. In my area....Alberta....massive drops. Short BPF.UN (BOston Pizza INcome Fund)
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 01:44 AM

This guy has made a series of posts on the subject and they are quite interesting. I don't see MM as being as rigid as he describes, but it is interesting none-the-less. Also, some of it is a bit beyond my expertise so it would be helpful if some of the more knowledgeable guys could read it over and drop a quick opinion on his reasoning. Even more so if you go through his history and take a quick look at his other posts.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by coordi

This guy has made a series of posts on the subject and they are quite interesting. I don't see MM as being as rigid as he describes, but it is interesting none-the-less. Also, some of it is a bit beyond my expertise so it would be helpful if some of the more knowledgeable guys could read it over and drop a quick opinion on his reasoning. Even more so if you go through his history and take a quick look at his other posts.
WSB is gambler/fish/****** fest. Good place to look at memes though.

It's a long post that doesn't really say much. I'm not even sure he knows what's talking about given:

In a bull market, firms purchase calls to be long gamma...In the other case, during a downturn, firms want to hedge using puts and become short gamma, thus MM must take on calls.
Uh no. Buying options, both calls and puts, is long gamma. And if firms buy puts, why are MM buying calls? This guy sounds he literally learned about options last week.

It's a manipulative post. But you gotta love the comments. No one really questions or challenges it. They just want to know whether it'll be up or down.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 02:33 AM

anyone know if this is true?

and if this happens the markets would close?
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
This guy sounds he literally learned about options last week.

It's a manipulative post. But you gotta love the comments. No one really questions or challenges it. They just want to know whether it'll be up or down.
Figured as much based on a reply he made, but wanted to double check
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 08:17 AM

a surface level analysis would assume it'd be a company to do pretty well with all the companies switching to remote work

yet the stock is sliding
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 08:47 AM
How's the FIRE community weathering this storm. Not a great time to be needing to rejoin the workforce.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:01 AM
rickroll, I think everything is just a mass liquidation at this point. That said, I don't buy the Slack thesis. Slack have an operating loss of $600 million last year, and revenue was already slowing. Comically, their SG&A is larger than than their revenue at this point, and another $450 million in R&D on top takes them to -$600.

They have a highly unprofitable business model, and with easy money drying up and businesses wanting to spend less (and Slack being fine for most companies while free, their free stuff is too generous and designed for growth), it seems a thin bet just on more remote workers.

Something priced at $11 billion with a P/S of 20 on slowing revenue of $600 million and massive losses isn't going to do well in this environment even with the worker boost.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll

a surface level analysis would assume it'd be a company to do pretty well with all the companies switching to remote work

yet the stock is sliding
MSFT drinking their milkshake and they can't put their expenditure in order.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
rickroll, I think everything is just a mass liquidation at this point. That said, I don't buy the Slack thesis. Slack have an operating loss of $600 million last year, and revenue was already slowing. Comically, their SG&A is larger than than their revenue at this point, and another $450 million in R&D on top takes them to -$600.

They have a highly unprofitable business model, and with easy money drying up and businesses wanting to spend less (and Slack being fine for most companies while free, their free stuff is too generous and designed for growth), it seems a thin bet just on more remote workers.

Something priced at $11 billion with a P/S of 20 on slowing revenue of $600 million and massive losses isn't going to do well in this environment even with the worker boost.
450m on r&d for a workplace chat I really hope this is the end of the unicorns.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 09:34 AM
solid answers from all regarding slack

you guys are the best

as part of the vc bubble i've definitely been drinking that koolaid

at the risk of being scolded for not reading through one of the stickies i've been looking at resources for trading spy options for dummies and having trouble parse it all as it's 99.9% people trying to push their easy money day trading chart reading systems - would appreciate it if someone pushed me in the right direction for a video/article/book to get started on the fly

been eager to start playing around with options with some money i don't mind losing but definitely want to put in at least a few hours studying up a bit before dipping my toes in
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:27 AM
Trial by fire. Look into a Think or Swim tutorial on how to use the platform, or any "advanced" trading platform, and read up on the option Greeks. You can do paper trading everywhere now and get experience for free even.

For me losing money is the ultimate motivator.

I think most would say the best advice is to stay away from options though
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:46 AM
thank you, i'm someone who will learn 10x faster with some skin in the game so going to put in a small enough that i don't mind it disapearing but enough to prefer not to lose it

i guess i'm like the "should i quit my job and move to vegas" threads that make everyone cringe
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:52 AM
Probably a bad time to get in on options. Extreme volatility is priced in and you're going to lose your mind and your starting money when the vol crushes down. There are also rapid reversals that will make you lose your shirt, especially at high vol. This is an expert's game now unless you have a months long view you want to express somehow (and at 70 VIX a lot of things are very priced in, even overpriced).

There's nothing special about options. People get bamboozled on this (hi Candy) but they're simply a way to bet on an outcome at various odds. Due to the huge fees and spread you need to reliably generate probabilities of outcomes accurately and get them cheap relative to that outcome. VIX at 2009 crash levels isn't a great time for that. There isn't the margin of error you need as a newcomer.

An example of a time to get options: With a pandemic incoming and the market at all time highs and giving zero chance of it happening. There was some comical mispricing then. There isn't now.

Ultimately though the alpha comes from reliably generating probabilities of outcomes, especially tail outcomes where you need a pretty good sense of both the market and a good rational analysis ability. If you can do that, knowing about options is almost superfluous, as how to express your opinion in options is trivial if you can see the outcome ranges clearly.

I hope that helps.

BTW I love Slack as an application but it's too easy to copy for <$50 million (let alone $450m R&D per year, wtf!) and Microsoft Teams is going to eat its whale-end lunch. It also has no pricing power with solid competitors in the space. It's just not a good bet and might even be a collapse bet (but I'm not making it).
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right

anyone know if this is true?

and if this happens the markets would close?
I've heard versions of this rumor. It seems like they have been planning since Thu-Fri but the logistics of exactly how severe the lockdown is going to be is unknown. Some % to almost 100% of mass transit might be affected.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Probably a bad time to get in on options. Extreme volatility is priced in and you're going to lose your mind and your starting money when the vol crushes down. There are also rapid reversals that will make you lose your shirt, especially at high vol. This is an expert's game now unless you have a months long view you want to express somehow (and at 70 VIX a lot of things are very priced in, even overpriced).

There's nothing special about options. People get bamboozled on this (hi Candy) but they're simply a way to bet on an outcome at various odds. Due to the huge fees and spread you need to reliably generate probabilities of outcomes accurately and get them cheap relative to that outcome. VIX at 2009 crash levels isn't a great time for that. There isn't the margin of error you need as a newcomer.

An example of a time to get options: With a pandemic incoming and the market at all time highs and giving zero chance of it happening. There was some comical mispricing then. There isn't now.

Ultimately though the alpha comes from reliably generating probabilities of outcomes, especially tail outcomes where you need a pretty good sense of both the market and a good rational analysis ability. If you can do that, knowing about options is almost superfluous, as how to express your opinion in options is trivial if you can see the outcome ranges clearly.

I hope that helps.

BTW I love Slack as an application but it's too easy to copy for <$50 million (let alone $450m R&D per year, wtf!) and Microsoft Teams is going to eat its whale-end lunch. It also has no pricing power with solid competitors in the space. It's just not a good bet and might even be a collapse bet (but I'm not making it).
Whats your view on selling options? Selling $220 SPY puts is pretty attractive.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:37 PM
You're a retail trader you should never, ever sell puts.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Hey all, I bought a short etf fund Thursday evening that was trounced Friday due to odd market ralley.

In all honest, am I ****ed as the fund dropped 25%roughly and legit put a ton of my net worth into it (prolly super stupid but yea I wanna make money). I feel
The market has a lot of space to drop along with fact corona is going to spread through us/ schools closing now.... I just can’t see the market doing well over the month. Just hold short etf and try to get to a small gain/ neutral level or just sigh liquidate position?

I’m think just hold for a couple of weeks and look for solid exit point when market sells off. I don’t see the market increasing really as all of the news seems negative and think we are way off from anything positive. I mean sports like Ncaa tourny/nba/etc being stopped (tons of money involved- I see no reason to stop unless for serious reason) / tons of schools shutting down- I can’t see market doing much the next month.
1) It wasn't an odd market rally, it was the 2nd biggest drop in history since the Depression, and, just like in 1987, you should have expected a monster bounce the following day, esp with the drops earlier in the week, the fact that you ignored this possibility is telling.

2) Hope is not a strategy.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Onlydo2days
Is that subject to the same 5% max that futures are?
Their SPX500 contract is showing down 1.4%, fwiw.

I can't imagine the liquidity on this is even remotely comparable to just the opening volume on any of WallSt/Tokyo/London.

Also, who cares where it opens? At this rate could open up 5 close down 5 and vice versa just as easily.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
Whats your view on selling options? Selling $220 SPY puts is pretty attractive.
This seems like a recepie for disaster in the current state of things. Yeah, you will probably make some money, but you also might lose 5k a contract for a chance at 100$
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
This seems like a recepie for disaster in the current state of things. Yeah, you will probably make some money, but you also might lose 5k a contract for a chance at 100$
I bought put contracts on fridays close at around the $250 strike price may 15 so they were pretty expensive - around 3:45 pm - but i dunno how low this thing could go. You think the SPY could go to $170 a share?!?!

I've been buying puts since 2 weeks ago so i'm up a bit, but I keep adding them on the way down. I think i'm gonna start selling them if we have a down day on monday.

I wouldn't mind start buying the SPY at around $220 a share so I figured selling puts would be a decent way to go.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Trump just announced another press conference at 5 p.m.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
I bought put contracts on fridays close at around the $250 strike price may 15 so they were pretty expensive - around 3:45 pm - but i dunno how low this thing could go. You think the SPY could go to $170 a share?!?!

I've been buying puts since 2 weeks ago so i'm up a bit, but I keep adding them on the way down. I think i'm gonna start selling them if we have a down day on monday.

I wouldn't mind start buying the SPY at around $220 a share so I figured selling puts would be a decent way to go.
I made a lot of dumb assumptions in my post. If you wait for 250ish and sell some july 220's its probably not a recipe for disaster. July 200s would be even better imo, and I think JV suggested a similar trade.

But i also think we could realistically (as in, not worst case scenario) see 200-225 at this point based on how poorly the virus is being managed world wide.
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
03-15-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
I made a lot of dumb assumptions in my post. If you wait for 250ish and sell some july 220's its probably not a recipe for disaster. July 200s would be even better imo, and I think JV suggested a similar trade.

But i also think we could realistically (as in, not worst case scenario) see 200-225 at this point based on how poorly the virus is being managed world wide.
IT would seem that way. How can any one make money when we are forced into our homes?
2020 Stock Trading Thread Quote
