Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Certainly will be good to have 6 table max on the browser
I'll have patch notes on the 26th, so we'll see if the developers were able to fit it in.
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
feel like this is going to be the only workable option for a while, hope I'm wrong but no one knows (spending a month working on rolling back to v1 would still be the safest option imo).
It wouldn't. We'd be basically dead by now without the improvements made so far this month.
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Did try the client again, just 8 tables this time, I can pretty much set my watch by when it will crash (around twelve minutes in, then again after about another 12 minutes), and this has been consistent across my desktop and laptop, and across different versions of v2.
Could you post your dxdiag please. Also, what's your alias?
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Any idea how sng traffic can be up while all these client issues are going on?
Yes, it's because it crashes a lot more for you than it does for the average player. You are looking at this problem through the lens of your own experience, but that is not the normal experience. Total client disconnections are up about 20% vs. what they were in 1.0, not once every 12 minutes for everyone.
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
when you reg a sng, the tab doesn't tell you what the buyin is (buyin info only appears once game is running). This is annoying when I'm trying to maximise the number of tables I'm playing at the highest buyins and I don't know what I'm regged for.
I guess this was an oversight due to how this used to work with one table, and how it's handled in the desktop version due to the title bar. I've sent this to the developers as a bug report.
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Can be easy to be sat out of a game without knowing it, really need a warning symbol on each tab to alert us. Again this is gonna be a bigger issue when we get 6 tables max.
Doesn't the tab already show you when you have cards/are due to act?
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
There needs to be an easier way of regging games during play; I'm trying to register and the tables I'm playing on are stealing focus so I'm constantly fighting the table prioritisation system.
Can't you click the +1 button?
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
I was just meaning structure changes to the offending MTTs so they played a little longer to get to the GTD or making them rebuys (when the time comes) if the same MTT is constantly hitting payouts before late reg ends.
If it's seen as a temp issue due to lower player numbers just now then that's fine, the point I was making (and I think LektorAJ too) was that in an ideal world no MTT should ever hit the payouts before late reg ends.
I certainly agree that this shouldn't happen very often in an ideal world. It's a victim of the balance between wanting to make things as simple/straightforward as possible and players complaining that we don't have big enough tournaments.
Originally Posted by AmonRaa
Andrew, after my withdrawal was (is) on hold requiring documents to be sent it, you wrote to me saying verification process lasts 1-3 days. Its been 10 days thus far. Can you please look into it?
alias: mgermo
I'm afraid this is a general support thing, not a poker thing. Support are your best bet here.
Originally Posted by MaximumAnonymity
Been playing on Unibet for about a week and obv sometimes frustrated with some of the bugs. Anyway, as a software developer myself, it's refreshing to see things are actually going somewhere with the development. So just wanted to chime in and say keep up the good work!
Thanks. Hopefully the update next week will improve things further.
Originally Posted by MaximumAnonymity
Feature request: adding "table layouts" similar to Stars. So that it'd be possible to tile (or whatever) the tables in a predefined way and always use the same layout(s).
This was in 1.0 and was meant to be in 2.0, so I've passed this on to the developers as a bug report. The way it was meant to work was that the client would remember where your tables were when you played last. This way we avoid making the client more complicated, but achieve the same thing.
Originally Posted by MaximumAnonymity
Feature request #2 (alternative): I am not sure if this works already as I have not yet tried it properly but anyways enabling stacking the tables properly. So that the other tables will wait their turn under the active table and pop-up to the top in order once the action has been taken.
Stacking ought to work. It's hard for me to test though as I don't have a lot of time for that, so if anyone could have a go and report back, I'd appreciate it.
Originally Posted by MaximumAnonymity
These would come in handy after 8 tables which is something I'm not so sure you guys at Unibet are thrilled of. It'd boost someone's volume considerably tho
I think it's fine for someone to play lots of tables. The only problems are a) if they time out a lot and slow the game down for everyone else, or b) if they play super super tight and make the games boring for everyone else.
That's why we have a 8-12 table limit, depending on the stakes. But we can't go much lower than that, because players will simply multi-site. In that case, we don't fix a) or b), but we lose liquidity and we lose money. So the tension is between those two forces.
Originally Posted by MaximumAnonymity
EDIT: Question: Is it possible to withdraw without losing the €200 starting bonus?
Yes, the playthrough bonus doesn't mind if you withdraw or not.
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
I think part of the reason these tournaments start with so few entries (Ante Holdem is usually a single table at 22:30 CET, growing to three tables in a rush around 23:00 CET) is they are not on the front window of the client until they are well underway. The question is whether shortening late reg would cause people to play fewer tournaments total, or cause them to get better value for money(in terms of "fun" or hands per entry or whatever metric is used) by playing different ones which have more time to go until they turn into a shove-fest.
It would also be nice to find a way to show more tournaments on the client homepage but people have banged on about that enough lately.
If making guarantees is the issue then how about using the limited space on the front page to show only (or by priority) late-regging tournaments that are yet to hit their guarantee? This would be good for Unibet in that players would be directed more towards overlaying tournaments which would then overlay less frequently, and IMHO it would be better for the players as the tournaments would play with stack sizes more consistent with the amount of time they take to play, rather than committing 3 hours to play a "proper" tournament but find it turn into a shove fest 90 minutes in due to late regs.
Maybe the priority order should be:
1. Show tournaments in late reg yet to hit the GTD.
2. Show tournaments in late reg that have hit the GTD.
3. Show tournaments yet to start that are yet to hit the GTD
4. Show tournaments yet to start that have already hit the GTD.
That would be the minimum change from the situation now. Perhaps it would be even better with 2 and 3 reversed.
Thanks, something along these lines is a good idea. I'll send it on to Robin and see what he can come up with.
Originally Posted by JaNor
the Browser version is very stable. Can you maybe allow another 2 tables? From 4 to 6?
The developers are working on this, it's pretty likely to make it into the release next week but not guaranteed. We'll stay on 4 tables for mobile clients though, it'd be a lot more UI work there.
Originally Posted by JaNor
I like the new unibet when the bugs/crashes/discs get fixed.
Me too, I hope
Originally Posted by Kokas
Thanks, I've passed this on to the developers. Re: your one from earlier in the week:
Originally Posted by Kokas
Fraud came back with:
We have reviewed these players and found no conclusive evidence of chip dumping.
Seems that alias 6hgrtyuu played rather loosely against everybody.
Other alias's gameplay and winnings are OK.
Originally Posted by KarmaDope
An interesting "bug" I discovered recently, unfortunately I didn't take screenshots at the time and can't repeat myself for reasons which shall become clear.
I registered as a New User (from the UK) through the 2.0.7 software and it all went okay. When I went to log in for the first time a shape the size of the login box was stopping me from completing the "Build a profile" stuff you have to do when registering the first time and I had to login through the browser to complete this. Once this was done I was able to log back in through the client and all has been fine so far.
Originally Posted by nickouk
My gf is getting something that sounds a lot like this- unibet support are supposedly investigating, but can't currently explain it. I shall get her to login through the browser for the first time- thanks!!
Thanks. We have an internal thread looking into this.
Originally Posted by Kimosabi
Two things about the software I think you should improve:
- The call/check button: white lettering in a yellow backgroud gets faded, hard to see and eye soring
- The bet amount font size should be bigger, why not put the bet/raise amount inside the raise button? That way could be larger and would take no more space at the table.
We're still some way away from how we want the tables to look, hopefully the release next week will take us a bit closer to the reference design we have in mind.
Originally Posted by goldeneye_hd
Anyone playing cash games regularly here? im interested if anyone runs good on unibet. me and a couple of nmy friends all tend to run under ev and leaning towards breaking evan only winning with the bonuses. i know it might sound paranoia but not being able to see the hand histories makes me more paranoia towards these things.
Having the hand histories won't help, because there'll obviously be some other people who are running above EV in return. Over a large distribution of players, some people will run above and below AIEV, and players have no real way of telling how likely their runs are or are not.
If you think that you're being targeted for running under AIEV, then I think this post was moved into the wrong thread and you should
look here.
Originally Posted by nickouk
Hi Andrew. I'm really sorry (feel free to call me a technophobe) but I have tried several times to show you my dxdiag and really can't find how to upload it- none of the options seem to work.
No problem, and thanks for trying. It may be easiest if you mail me at
andrew.west@unibet.com, please mention your 2 + 2 name so that I can search for it afterwards though.
Originally Posted by nickouk
This is a rather small thing all things considered, but it would be great if the rewards/bonuses came in higher denominations of sng/mtt tickets, as the 1 euro ones really aren't worth it. Couldn't they be 2, or even 5/10? Thanks
We'll have a bonus shop from Jan 1st. Many promos, missions and Challenge payouts will be in bonus money instead, so people can save up points to get bigger tickets. We'll still award some of those smaller ones though, because they're aimed at getting the most casual players to try different game types. We have good causal data which say players stay longer if we can get them to play more game types.
Originally Posted by Gadgaard
You said you asked your 3rd line support to look into it??? I've been waiting patiently 3 weeks for a response. Have been checking my email every day, and looking every day on this thread for some sort of update, but haven't recieved anything
That's true. But look at the number of posts in this thread, I can't follow them all up afterwards. This is why it's better to talk to support, and indeed there's nothing here that support couldn't and indeed haven't already told you.
In your case, your last contact to regular support was on the 15th. And the transcript is all in Danish. Your account was closed on the 15th and your balance was paid out to your Skrill account on the same day.
Originally Posted by Potmolestor
few things about client first.
Overall layout is better, but player names are hard to see if tables are smaller.
I would like as well that it would be highlighted better when you are running out of time on your turn. I'm getting a lot more global sitouts with only 6 tabling. With old client there were no problems with 12.
Yeh, there should be another warning between the popup and the fold. This is something on the list of improvements.
Originally Posted by Potmolestor
Client is still freezing all tables and crashing now and then. After freeze I cannot open client again before killing it it in task manager.
The next release should further reduce the number of crashes that some players experience. Could you post your dxdiag front page and display page please?
Originally Posted by Potmolestor
Opening it again is a lot slower as well so basicly I never make it back on time. At least on V1 it was possible to make it back on time often before dc timer ended.
This is something else on the list of improvements - we need faster recovery from crashes and disconnections. It MAY be that this is something that'll make it into the release next week.
Originally Posted by Potmolestor
I just started clearing 150e bonus and I have 500e bonuses queued + I will hit one more 500e bonus from challenges this week. So basicly I have 1000e queued and quarter ends as well which means I won't ever catch up. Is it possible to change at least worth of 500e bonuses into 5x50nl and 5x50plo tickets?
Sure, done.
Originally Posted by Yoga Flame
*Sigh* Version 2.0.7 no better for me. Won't load in browser and when the client finally opeks, the log in box appears in the top left hand corner of the screen flashing on and off and doesn't physically allow you to enter any details.
Hmm, what do you mean by "won't load", and "when it finally opens"? Aren't those contradictory terms?
Also, could you post a screenshot of the latter problem please?
Originally Posted by Yoga Flame
Playing on my iPad and at least one freeze every half hour, where you might as well log out and back in for a quicker solution. Having made two final tables (thin brag) in the last two nights, feeezing when you're 15-20 BB is terrible.
Which iPad version and OS are you running?
If you have any refund requests, please talk to regular support.
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Would it please the hand history fiends if they could download anonymous HH? Where it just said Player 1-6 or 9 for the other players at the table? Is it possible?
This is one of those things where a) I'm worried it'd enable some third party software, and b) I have trouble putting it anywhere on the priority list. If the whole world would really like it, maybe we could look more closely at it, but I think we all agree that there're some areas we should be concentrating on first.
Originally Posted by RK_95
I just saw that Jamie is doing his last stream on twitch as we speak. Do you know anything about a new twitch schedule for next week or 2017?
BTW: I want to emphasize that Jamie did some great streams and I always really liked to watch them!
Yeh, Jamie did a good job and it was a pity he left Unibet. David and Robin are working on the schedule for next year. There're going to be quite a few changes, and it's going to expand by a lot. Hopefully I can post something before the end of the year.
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Same issues happens with the Double Trouble freeroll in that the ticket doesn't show the upcoming MTT when you click on it in profile even thought you can see it in the lobby (If you turn off 'Hide Closed registration').
Thanks for the report, I'll follow up with Robin.
Originally Posted by visu43
Had a situation today: there were 60 people playing 10 5 man SNGs, I register a few tables and the client crashes. I close the client and log in again and there are 14 people playing - this is most certainly a server issue that makes the client crash.
Do you have the time this happened, or can you tell me what your alias is please?
Originally Posted by darkzpf
Andrew, can you extend my double trouble tickets
Sure, done.
Originally Posted by sirilidion
Could you turn my € 10 UO ticket into 5 tickets of € 2 UO. Alias: GeraltRivia
Sorry, I don't do that in this thread any more. Please contact support or use the
community site
Originally Posted by 39suited
Running bad at cash game table, leave and get back into the pool ... only to get sat on same table again. Incredibly tilting.
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Change your alias, normally sorts that.
The algorithm will try to seat you at the table you just left, if the seat is still free. This is to discourage table selection via people sitting in and then out all of the time, hopping around.