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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

11-27-2015 , 09:13 AM
Hi, please exchange 250 ticket to 3x 50 and 10 x 10 thanks. Pirahn
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
Hi Andrew,

I have a 25Euro NL25 ticket,can U please split that into 5x5Euro Banzai tickets?

On another note,I have qualified for today's European Football Tournament 1k freeroll,but I don't see it in the lobby yet.Is this some kind of bug of the new lobby/mistake by me or will it be cancelled again as it was before?
Sorry was late,forgot the username is : Lifetilt22

The freeroll I'm talking about is definitely not the monday betting freeroll,it's a promotion of Unibet that runs when the Champions League and Europa League matches are held.
Promotion is called "European Football Nights".
But in the meantime this got solved,I got my ticket and was able to register to the tourney.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I've added it to the list of potential client improvements but it isn't scheduled just yet. It'll depend on how hard it is to build.
Thanks for that!

Also, can you change the NL25 ticket which I've got from moving on up promo into 2xNL10 1xNL4 and 1xSNG? Thanks!

my screenname is HootyMcOwl <--- click on this for lols
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 09:40 AM
So it'll take us a while to come up with good ideas there, if anyone has any promo suggestions feel free to post.
A modest continueing sng leaderboard which does reward winning. And have one for the low and one for the high.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 09:48 AM
Please exchange my NL25 Ticket to PLO25

Alias: MoMo911

Many thanks!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:02 AM

Please exchange my NL25 ticket to 6xNL4 + 1e bonus. Ty.
Alias: arnitis
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
So it'll take us a while to come up with good ideas there, if anyone has any promo suggestions feel free to post.
How about coming up with deposit bonuses for players that have lost during certain time period. You get deposits + you get losing players to play again or play more. Its not that you only give them money to freeroll with. They actually need to generate more revenue to earn the additional bonus.

Imo it does not need to be that they account is empty for money to get the bonus, but it could give them more goals even if they had some money left. If I remember correct vip system does not pay out bonuses during the earlier stages.

In poker the bonuses also work so that the deposited money isnt locked into the Poker product even though you take the deposit bonus, so player is still able to play on other products if he decides so.

Additional thing interesting to more regulars:
What are the statistics you are able to provide today for your regulars? Win/Loss per stake? any EV statistics? win/loss players per table? anything? Are you going to come up with anything more? Sometimes its frustrating when you are in downswing and not sure if you actually can win or even break even in the games you are playing at.

Are you giving out any estimations how much should vip progrram return on each step somewhere in 1-3M challenge points? would be nice to be transparent in this, especially now when many operators are doing changes and also you stated that it might be going into same direction at unibet also.

Good to see that the games have been getting better during the last few weeks or at least there are more games available. Keep up the good work.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:09 AM
Hi Andrew,
can you exchange my 25 € cash ticket for 6x4€ SNG and 1x1€ sng?

Alias: mdogomes
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:35 AM
Andrew, can you convert the daily ticket into 4x sng tickets?

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:50 AM
Hi Andrew, could you please convert a 50 euro UO ticket to:
25 x 2 euro UO tickets
and convert a 25 euro UO ticket to
6 x 4 euro UO tickets
1 x 1 euro UO ticket.


username: markesmith
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 10:51 AM
For a promo why not a scalable point multiplier for players that have lost x amount after 2 months into the quarter.

It would work something like the early bird but challenge points are increased by 50% for low tiered players (under 10k points in the quarter) 25% for players in the 10k-100k range and 10% for players over 100k for the quarter.

Obviously numbers could be changed and a deposit might be required.

This type of promo would have a good impact on players who are already familiar with hitting milestones. New players perhaps not so much as they may not be familiar with how points are generated. But new players are enjoying the welcome bonus which if used at least in part would give them exposure to hitting milestones.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 11:08 AM
what is the state of Unibet cashouts ? Are they still having problem with withdraws?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 11:18 AM
Hey. Could you please change my 10€ UO ticket to 5 2€ UO tickets? Username Mindaugas00, Thanks.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 11:26 AM
Short post before I go to a meeting.

Originally Posted by Hatebreedd
I think the ecosystem unibet has will suffer alot with the influx of alot of Rakebackgrinder mass multitableing nits. And like Sect7G also stated can cause a waterfalleffect all the way down to 4nl when regs that are not winning anymore are going to drop stakes.
I agree that it's a potential problem, but I don't think we're going to see many ex-SNE grinders come to our site. We have a 10 table cap and insufficient traffic for a start, and if it does happen then I'll adjust Challenges accordingly.

Originally Posted by igr
Could you please exchange my ticket into bonus? Alias: arama. Thanks!
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by paqmen
awesome support andrew!!!

u did a nice job to answer all questions and change the tickets etc.

thx a lot and keep going ur nice work

Originally Posted by fasteR
Hi Andrew, can u please convert my 25NL ticket into 2x10€ PLO and 5€ bonus?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by unibet_ajax
could you extend my welcome bonus.

also could you extend all my double trouble tickets to a langer period, cant play them all at the same time
Bugger, I tried extending the signup bonus but had forgotten that it's bugged. So it cancelled your bonus. You were 50% through the €40 payout stage, so I asked our 3rd line guy to credit you with the €20, and I credited you with a new €200 starter bonus.

Done for DT.

Originally Posted by pirahn
Hi, please exchange 250 ticket to 3x 50 and 10 x 10 thanks. Pirahn
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
Sorry was late,forgot the username is : Lifetilt22
Thanks, done.

Originally Posted by successor
Also, can you change the NL25 ticket which I've got from moving on up promo into 2xNL10 1xNL4 and 1xSNG? Thanks!
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Jinsticker
A modest continueing sng leaderboard which does reward winning. And have one for the low and one for the high.
I don't think that ongoing promotions work. Look at Battle of the Planets - it was great for the first couple of months, but then it stopped driving any changes in behaviour as everyone got used to it. Then when PS stopped it, everyone got upset.

I much prefer rotating the games we target with promotions, and that's the general plan each month. We'll get to SNG again soon enough, particularly as it looks like this promo is working so far.

Originally Posted by Shazratz
Please exchange my NL25 Ticket to PLO25
Sure, done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 11:34 AM
Ordering a bit strange here.

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 11:58 AM
Shorter meeting than expected.

Originally Posted by arnitis
Please exchange my NL25 ticket to 6xNL4 + 1e bonus. Ty.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Omaha_Player
How about coming up with deposit bonuses for players that have lost during certain time period. You get deposits + you get losing players to play again or play more. Its not that you only give them money to freeroll with. They actually need to generate more revenue to earn the additional bonus.
That'd work, but right now we aren't correctly integrated into the Unibet bonus tool system. That should be fixed in the medium term though, and it's something I definitely want to use it for.

Originally Posted by Omaha_Player
Imo it does not need to be that they account is empty for money to get the bonus, but it could give them more goals even if they had some money left. If I remember correct vip system does not pay out bonuses during the earlier stages.
I haven't thought through the details of this kind of thing because we can't do it yet, but I think I prefer doing it like double trouble rather than a reactivation thing.

Originally Posted by Omaha_Player
What are the statistics you are able to provide today for your regulars? Win/Loss per stake? any EV statistics? win/loss players per table? anything? Are you going to come up with anything more? Sometimes its frustrating when you are in downswing and not sure if you actually can win or even break even in the games you are playing at.
Essentially, we will do amount won/lost, rake and hands played by stake over whatever period. I don't think that all-in EV is much use for anyone, different styles can win and it only measures one kind of luck.

Originally Posted by Omaha_Player
Are you giving out any estimations how much should vip progrram return on each step somewhere in 1-3M challenge points? would be nice to be transparent in this, especially now when many operators are doing changes and also you stated that it might be going into same direction at unibet also.
I definitely think a lot of people are copying parts of what we're doing. But I don't think it works unless you do a lot of it at once.

We don't post effective rb% on the website because it doesn't help us. I don't mind if people discuss it though (except for a guy a few months ago who literally made numbers up and criticised us over his imaginary numbers).

There's another problem though, as it depends how quickly you earn Challenge points. If you're looser than average then you'll earn them faster, if you're tighter, slower. It also depends on how you run - you need to actually be dealt the hands to complete the Challenges, and obviously there's variance there. So, assuming you run at EV and are an average player:

1m points is approx 31%
1.25m points is approx 41% (this is the UO package step)
2m points is approx 48%
3m points is approx 52%

I think that if we cut anything from the loyalty scheme, it'll be from 1.25m+ points. I'm comfortable with the 1m to 1.25m jump, which is 100% rb in itself, because it means people go to the Unibet Open, which I view as a retention tool.

Originally Posted by mdogomes
can you exchange my 25 € cash ticket for 6x4€ SNG and 1x1€ sng?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Andrew, can you convert the daily ticket into 4x sng tickets?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by pool
Hi Andrew, could you please convert a 50 euro UO ticket to:
25 x 2 euro UO tickets
and convert a 25 euro UO ticket to
6 x 4 euro UO tickets
1 x 1 euro UO ticket.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
For a promo why not a scalable point multiplier for players that have lost x amount after 2 months into the quarter.

It would work something like the early bird but challenge points are increased by 50% for low tiered players (under 10k points in the quarter) 25% for players in the 10k-100k range and 10% for players over 100k for the quarter.

Obviously numbers could be changed and a deposit might be required.

This type of promo would have a good impact on players who are already familiar with hitting milestones. New players perhaps not so much as they may not be familiar with how points are generated. But new players are enjoying the welcome bonus which if used at least in part would give them exposure to hitting milestones.
While I am fine with the idea, I think the psychology will be a problem. It's bad to try to sell something to someone by starting from the assumption that they're a loser, even if they are. I actually have a sneaky way around this, but it's quite a long way off right now, 9-12 months.

Originally Posted by Mig
what is the state of Unibet cashouts ? Are they still having problem with withdraws?
"Still"? I don't think we've ever had problems with withdrawls.

Originally Posted by minvit
Hey. Could you please change my 10€ UO ticket to 5 2€ UO tickets? Username Mindaugas00, Thanks.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by jonny2192
Ordering a bit strange here.

Looks like an update speed problem to me, I'll let the developers know.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 12:40 PM
Hi i won a 10 euro ticket on unibet stream today, would you mind crediting 2x4nl tickets, and 2x1 euro sng, today if you read this and are still in the office? I'd like to continue the 25nl moving on up without depositing if possible, but need to play today, sat and sun. If you do i'll message unibet poker twitch and let them know (as i was just told to send my alias to there) - my alias (mohawkdown)


Last edited by SuddenlyGood2; 11-27-2015 at 12:47 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 12:46 PM

could u exchange my 25NL 25eu ticket to 6x4eu SnG and 1x1eu SnG?

Thank you!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 01:03 PM
Hi Andrew,

PLEASE , change me 50euro UO Ticket to...

3x10 UO Tickets
5x 2 UO Tickets
10x 1 UO Tickets


my unibet username : pazosvk
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 01:07 PM
Hi Andrew,

Can you change my NL25 ticket into a bonus? Thank you!

Alias: gahanka
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 01:36 PM
Please can you convert my nl25 ticket in:

2x NL10 ticket
1x NL4 ticket
1x SNG 1euro

alias: pollom0n

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 01:37 PM
Hello Andrew,

Can you please change my 25sng ticket to a bonus ?
Thanks in advance !

Alias is Lastfish
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:29 PM
This week unibet using mememory over one million kt and when i open 8 tables and play about 10 minutes my computer going down. I dont know how i fix this problem. I unistall and reinstall but it not help. what should i do?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by CooperCooper
This week unibet using mememory over one million kt and when i open 8 tables and play about 10 minutes my computer going down. I dont know how i fix this problem. I unistall and reinstall but it not help. what should i do?
play 6 tables ?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:54 PM
Hi Andrew,

could you convert my tickets into bonus?

1x NL25€ ticket
1x NL10€ ticket
1x 4€ SNG ticket
5x 1€ MTT ticket
8x 1€ SNG ticket

alias: Drugsarebad

thank you in advance!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
