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[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread [PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread

03-01-2015 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by trashy123
I cant see my scratchcards on bwin. Where the Cards should be is a sign of Adobe flah Player.

I updated Flash Player but it didnt help.
Same here.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 05:48 PM
There seems to be some type of segregation going on. A player like mina is online right now but moves tables quickly. If you player search his name half the time it shows him on tables that don't exist. Its been happening with a lot of players and ive been searching just to see how often it happens.

Try it yourself although he may have move. Ill put his name with a space but mina 2507 without spaces and itll show a table petra that does not open.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by DeepJR
I'm a reg that recently came back to party after a few months break and the blazing fast seating scripts make me feel uneasy like some three-legged antelope as a pack of cheetahs close in. I can't imagine recreational players aren't equally freaked out when literally 2 seconds after they click "buy in" at a 1/6 the table the table is filled with 6 players, each new player popping in at warp speed to sit successively to the next available left-most seat of the rec player.

Scripts are insanely predatory, cause paranoia in the player pool, and give the regulars that use them a completely unmatchable advantage over those that don't. Something needs to be done about them ASAP.

It doesn't have to be a technical solution- Party could change their policy to forbid seating scripts. This would effectively discourage their use since Party would then be able to threaten account closure if players were repeatedly displaying the unmistakable tell-tales of seating scripts.
+100000000 but I've been saying this same thing for the last 3 years and even got Party to put an announcement out saying they forbid scripts. But nobody has been punished for it, and the reality is as you stated.

We need to get a petition going, if a ton of people sign it maybe it will force the room to take action.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 05:54 PM
YSS, the search has always lagged a few mins at least
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
There's a break. At least 5 min longer because of that (usually like 7 min) with starting stacks less than 1,5bb.
Ah I get it.

Originally Posted by YouSureSir
There seems to be some type of segregation going on. A player like mina is online right now but moves tables quickly. If you player search his name half the time it shows him on tables that don't exist. Its been happening with a lot of players and ive been searching just to see how often it happens.

Try it yourself although he may have move. Ill put his name with a space but mina 2507 without spaces and itll show a table petra that does not open.
Same here.

Last edited by centebakkie; 03-01-2015 at 06:05 PM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Lessu
YSS, the search has always lagged a few mins at least
I dont really think thats what it is though, cause he'll be playing 1 table jn the lobby, leave, show up in search at a non existant table, and when search no longer shows him there he is back at normal tables. Its very weird. He consistantly moves tables so it only makes sense when he isnt visable in the lobby for 10 minutes and search shows him on a table that he probably is on a table we cant see...
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 06:05 PM
He moved from Petra to Akureyri table. He left that table. And is now back on Petra which we can not open. HUH

Now he's gone to Georgetown.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by YouSureSir
I dont really think thats what it is though, cause he'll be playing 1 table jn the lobby, leave, show up in search at a non existant table, and when search no longer shows him there he is back at normal tables. Its very weird. He consistantly moves tables so it only makes sense when he isnt visable in the lobby for 10 minutes and search shows him on a table that he probably is on a table we cant see...
gross if so. I can't even be bothered to investigate, GL
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 06:14 PM
Cheers Party!

My 1,645 points are now worthless. I don't rake a lot. I used to save up and buy the $50 Super Bounty tickets for 750 points each. Now all I can buy is the $20 tickets for the same 750 points. F that. There is no way I'll ever earn 750 points in a month to get the $100 cash.

My own fault, should have bought them before the changes, BUT, from how you were speaking in this thread it seemed there was a high chance I would get more value for my points if I waited for the changes. Seemed like higher rakers would be worse off slightly and lower end levels would be better off.

Oh well, thanks again. Keep up the great work!

BTW, how come everything seems to be working OK today? Thought there would be a high chance of things messing up today with the $500k running. Have you done something to improve the stability or are the hackers just having a day off?! Can you keep it running smoothly everyday now please?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 06:23 PM
The reset your password feature doesnt work in the client/website..

In the reset your password the link provided doesnt work(I've attempted this 4 times now)
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 06:44 PM
has he been on the whole time? i couldn't find him earlier and not now either
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Lessu
has he been on the whole time? i couldn't find him earlier and not now either
He was on for about an hour. He does that, comes on and switches tables every 5-10 minutes but always playing until he is done for the session. If you search his name it is always instantly updated on his new table, but sometimes, about 20 minutes worth of his session, he was on this petra table which is not openable or even in the lobby. Not sure what to make of it. I've seen this happen a lot thats why ive been trackkng it. At first I thought it was just a glitch but now im starting to wonder.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 07:35 PM
some skin only table?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 07:37 PM
I had 2 tickets for the 500k GTD, both owned by sat. Played it today and both tickets disppeared.

Is anything working fine on this site?

Also, the click & go promotion was down hours ago, when it only runs on sunday.

I´m totally sure that they do this on purpose to kick regs. You can´t have that team working for a major site and f***ing everything important for the customers.

Last edited by Spacebonyiga; 03-01-2015 at 07:43 PM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 07:40 PM
It really is hard to do things they way they do it.

For real.

Pretty impressive.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 07:41 PM
I wonder what % of comments left are negative feedback?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by trashy123
I cant see my scratchcards on bwin. Where the Cards should be is a sign of Adobe flah Player.

I updated Flash Player but it didnt help.

ditto - I checked I was up to date also, in both the poker client and the web link to account, the adobe button was visible.

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 08:56 PM
It's hard to get gold playing only mtts for me at least. Now the best a silver can get is a 20 dollar ticket.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 09:14 PM
Has anyone else been missing PartyPoints today? I only got 8 points from 186+14$ 500k. guaranteed as I busted out.

PartyPoker, our own personal hell of poker. In other news, old bugs are still there as software crashed today, too.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 10:08 PM
Oh, well, yeah, client crashes EVERY day. Without missing a single one.

One crash, and then works "fine", but never lets one day slip by w/o crashing.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-01-2015 , 11:41 PM
I really question the objective that Party Poker is obviously trying to accomplish here, since it seems to me that the profitability of the poker room (for Party) is going to be drastically reduced, since we're all leaving.

For anybody that is serious about leaving Party, here is what I suggest:

Option One: Collectively start a separate thread w/ exactly what we are looking for (individually), and how long Party has to achieve this, before each of us leaves for good. If these changes are not created, then simply sign the thread w/ "Gone", after time to enact the changes has expired.

For example, poster XXX: "30.0% Cash Bonus, For 5,000 Points. By March 18, 2015".

I'm not under the delusion that Party Poker will just up and change in response to this, and this is more about organizing, and at the least, letting other poker sites know that the regulars can, and will, leave, if another site tries to operate, in similar ways. In other words, it seems like a free-roll to do this, since there is a slim chance that when Party Poker sees this happening, they may make some small changes.

Another option: Engage in a simple "mass" - email campaign, which would state something like:

To: Customer Service

Please forward this message to the relevant supervisor.

Hi, my screen name is _____, and I have been playing in your poker room for ______ years, and have been a loyal customer of Party Poker. Because of the way in which you have conducted customer relations over the past few years, up to and including your recent roll-out of the "new" loyalty program, I will be leaving your site indefinitely, unless the following changes are made in the next ____ weeks:

(State specific desired change, etc.)

In addition, should I find myself leaving, I will make sure to advise every poker player I know, including the many recreational players, which I will be in contact with, not to play a single hand on Party Poker, and to avoid the company at all costs, for the following reasons:

(State all grievances, i.e. segregation, specific examples of lack of transparency/straight up lying to players, bots, and so on.)

Thank you for your time.



[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-02-2015 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by UpThePosh
Cheers Party!

My 1,645 points are now worthless. I don't rake a lot. I used to save up and buy the $50 Super Bounty tickets for 750 points each. Now all I can buy is the $20 tickets for the same 750 points. F that. There is no way I'll ever earn 750 points in a month to get the $100 cash.

My own fault, should have bought them before the changes, BUT, from how you were speaking in this thread it seemed there was a high chance I would get more value for my points if I waited for the changes. Seemed like higher rakers would be worse off slightly and lower end levels would be better off.

Oh well, thanks again. Keep up the great work!

BTW, how come everything seems to be working OK today? Thought there would be a high chance of things messing up today with the $500k running. Have you done something to improve the stability or are the hackers just having a day off?! Can you keep it running smoothly everyday now please?
Same here, my 1646 points are worthless for me now, more than that my status didn't even upgraded to silver (not that it matters so much now), even though i have accumulated ~300 points in the last month ( 150 after 16 February).
Now partypoker i ask you what can i do with my points??? I don't have time to play enough to reach gold status, i don't play MTT, casino. So tell me what should i use my points for?!?!?
NICE ONE PP.Keep them coming.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-02-2015 , 03:32 AM
I rake 10k/month but i am pretty happy with the current change.

Yea i lose a bunch of $ but feels pretty good to just insta take the cash and invest it in palpable things like hookers & blow.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-02-2015 , 03:50 AM
The new change is definitely better than the old system! the bonus' were too stupid too complete and too much of a grind...CONGRATS on doing something right party
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
03-02-2015 , 03:55 AM
I also liked the new loyalty program. I am Paladium by the way
The exchange rate is the same for me... the only difference is it is easier to get to paladium now.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
