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[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread [PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread

10-16-2011 , 05:29 PM
How hard can it be to bann the bots/colluders, seize their money and give it to the people they harmed (atleast some of it). Not a lot of investigation needed imo, I think the evidence speaks for itself.

@Party_rep: Stop messing around and end this ****!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 06:33 PM
Give us the possibility to raise 2.5x/.5 with the mousewheel without additional software like TableninjaPartyPoker.
Super annoying when you multi table that you have to manualy enter the bet amount for those betsizes.
This is a win=win software upgrade.
We can play more tables.
The site gets more rake.
How hard can it be...
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 07:13 PM
^I have a free AHK betpot that will do this for you, you can make mousewheel do it automatically or hold down any button you like ot adjust by SB
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by coxquinn
^I have a free AHK betpot that will do this for you, you can make mousewheel do it automatically or hold down any button you like ot adjust by SB
Oh nice, could you sent a link or the ahk script in a pm ?
Would appreciate a lot man !
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 08:24 PM
Werent there some "sitting outs" when they wanted to increase the rakes for midstakes tables? Not sure if it really changes anything but maybe somene wants to organize something like that again so that they are kinda "forced" to at least acknowledge "us" and our concerns about the bot problem.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 09:50 PM
lol i played with those bot for at least 100k hands

they're pretty ez to beat. Also, I strongly doubt that shakir is a bot.

The only pokersite I trust now is pokerstars

Last edited by omnishakira; 10-16-2011 at 10:02 PM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-16-2011 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by MDN

I sincerely hope that all that extra profit that the company pockets as a result of switching to contributed rake system will be used to hire competent software developers instead of the existing ones who seem to only be able to produce noodle code, when fixing one bug introduces two others.
I think it's gonna be used on tony G titties
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
lol i played with those bot for at least 100k hands

they're pretty ez to beat. Also, I strongly doubt that shakir is a bot.

The only pokersite I trust now is pokerstars
The bots are taking out 6-11 bb/100. Do the math and see how much money that disappear from the poker community.

Secondly why do you not think shakri is a bot? Did you chat with the bot sometimes? That only proves that sometimes the person who control the bots is sitting at the computer. Shakirs stats is exactly the same like the other Russian bots.

Or why dont you think shakir is not a bot?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by MrFroggyX
Or why dont you think shakir is not a bot?
Level ?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 09:37 AM
If party doen`t want to deal with them - may be we can find their leaks - and punish them for their money on our own?

the only question is - to do so.
I am not really good at all math and databases work at poker((((
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 11:35 AM
Find it difficult to believe that Kolnik is a bot. If he is he is not a very good one.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 01:22 PM
I might just as well post my list now, these bots were playing at the beginning of this year, haven't been playing at the same games for a while so dunno they might still be playing:

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by gball
I might just as well post my list now, these bots were playing at the beginning of this year, haven't been playing at the same games for a while so dunno they might still be playing:







confirmed at NL100 and 200 FR
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 01:28 PM
Party hacked today?

Every time I write to, they auto-reply with a list of random letters:

"Dziękujemy za napisanie do nas. Otrzymalismy twoja wiadomość e-mail i zajmujemy się Twoim zapytaniem, które otrzymało numer referencyjny 8932*** . Prosimy przesyłac do nas ten numer w każdej wiadomości e-mail, którą wysyłasz do nas i która dotyczy to samo zapytanie, co pomoze nam na zapewnienie jak najlepszej obsługi.

Z poważaniem,

Zespół Obsługi Klienta

Powyższa wiadomość została wygenerowana przez system w celu potwierdzenia otrzymania Twojej wiadomości e-mail. Prosimy nie odpowiadać na niniejszą wiadomość."
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 01:32 PM
According to (polish => english), the email says:

Thank you for writing to us. We received your e-mail address and deal with your request, which received the reference number 8932 ***. Please send us the number in each e-mail you send to us and which relates to the same query, which will help us to provide the best possible service.


Customer Service Team

This message was generated by the system to confirm receipt of your e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by MrFroggyX
The bots are taking out 6-11 bb/100. Do the math and see how much money that disappear from the poker community.

Secondly why do you not think shakri is a bot? Did you chat with the bot sometimes? That only proves that sometimes the person who control the bots is sitting at the computer. Shakirs stats is exactly the same like the other Russian bots.

Or why dont you think shakir is not a bot?
lets say ive played 50k hands with him. I started to 3bet way lighter vs me for ~1000 hands. He insta ajusted this session then came back to normal when I came back to normal.

A computer would not have ajusted this quickly because he will treat the 51k hands the same. Computers cannot ajust that fast (imo). Also 1~2 time, he started to do some pretty weird kinda-tilt shove after I stacked him for 3-4bi
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
lets say ive played 50k hands with him. I started to 3bet way lighter vs me for ~1000 hands. He insta ajusted this session then came back to normal when I came back to normal.

A computer would not have ajusted this quickly because he will treat the 51k hands the same. Computers cannot ajust that fast (imo). Also 1~2 time, he started to do some pretty weird kinda-tilt shove after I stacked him for 3-4bi
No comments in regards to this particular player being a bot or not but you're just dead wrong on how long it will take a bot to adjust. There are practically infinite ways the developer can design how they adjust. For instance, they could weight your aggregate stats over your last 2,000 as 70% and then weight your last 300 hands as 30% for instance. They could even add catches such as if your recent stats versus the bot are a certain amount of standard deviations away from your normal actions over any amount of hands then they can massively increase the weighting of the recent hands with the idea being to 'catch' tilting or 'reacting' players.

This may sounds like it would be fairly complex to implement but programmatically speaking it is very trivial to implement this sort of logic. There is literally 0% chance that they way they measure your frequencies is based on all the hands they have from you against everybody. At minimum they are almost certainly only considering fairly recent hands and heavily weighting hands you played against the bot above hands you played against other players. Something a bot can do very easily and precisely, but a human can not.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 04:18 PM
youre right

well still I felt like he tilted a couple of time
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by gball
According to (polish => english), the email says:
This message was generated by the system to confirm receipt of your e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
Thank you.

Since then, I have received an apology that said:

" ... Let me apologize for the emails you have received in Polish. As we have already explained those were generated automatically by the system. I would like to inform you that we keep such unpleasant occurrences to a minimum. ..."

When I replied to this by asking if they had fixed the problem, they wrote back with:

"Dziękujemy za napisanie do nas. Otrzymalismy twoja wiadomość e-mail i zajmujemy się Twoim zapytaniem, które otrzymało numer referencyjny 8932***. Prosimy przesyłac do nas ten numer w każdej wiadomości e-mail, którą wysyłasz do nas i która dotyczy to samo zapytanie, co pomoze nam na zapewnienie jak najlepszej obsługi.

Z poważaniem,

Zespół Obsługi Klienta

Powyższa wiadomość została wygenerowana przez system w celu potwierdzenia otrzymania Twojej wiadomości e-mail. Prosimy nie odpowiadać na niniejszą wiadomość."

I think they're having a laugh.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Thank you.

Since then, I have received an apology that said:

" ... Let me apologize for the emails you have received in Polish. As we have already explained those were generated automatically by the system. I would like to inform you that we keep such unpleasant occurrences to a minimum. ..."

When I replied to this by asking if they had fixed the problem, they wrote back with:

"Dziękujemy za napisanie do nas. Otrzymalismy twoja wiadomość e-mail i zajmujemy się Twoim zapytaniem, które otrzymało numer referencyjny 8932***. Prosimy przesyłac do nas ten numer w każdej wiadomości e-mail, którą wysyłasz do nas i która dotyczy to samo zapytanie, co pomoze nam na zapewnienie jak najlepszej obsługi.

Z poważaniem,

Zespół Obsługi Klienta

Powyższa wiadomość została wygenerowana przez system w celu potwierdzenia otrzymania Twojej wiadomości e-mail. Prosimy nie odpowiadać na niniejszą wiadomość."

I think they're having a laugh.

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by gball
I might just as well post my list now, these bots were playing at the beginning of this year, haven't been playing at the same games for a while so dunno they might still be playing:

I play many of these regularly.

DiKiy312, Jackdron, Frolnik, VPIP_40 are all ******* terrible. VPIP_40 is the most random awful short stacker i've ever seen. Caviar is really bad, sisy is pretty bad, BigBuggy is meh, CoCo is meh. Some of worse than others, but as a general rule, it's a piece of delicious nude cake to beat these players. Awful awful players.

They are all registered as Russian.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 07:11 PM
They are all (or at least were half a year ago when I played them) the same program, there were no differences in their play.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-17-2011 , 07:48 PM
I just realised after Qualifying for a WPT that you cant cash in the Ticket for $T like you could on FT and i'm not completely sure but I think you can do this on Stars as well. I know this is not a big issue compaired to the Bots and other problems, but thgis defs have to changed.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-18-2011 , 12:22 AM
Has anyone had any issues with regards to withdrawing and exchange rates. I took out 500 dollars usd and the exchange rate conversion said it would be 509 aud - but they were only crediting me 468.92 to my bank account.

Is there some hidden fee that has been put in place that I don't know about - because I thought it was only 3 dollars.

Last edited by walchy; 10-18-2011 at 12:27 AM. Reason: numbers
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
10-18-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by walchy
Has anyone had any issues with regards to withdrawing and exchange rates. I took out 500 dollars usd and the exchange rate conversion said it would be 509 aud - but they were only crediting me 468.92 to my bank account.

Is there some hidden fee that has been put in place that I don't know about - because I thought it was only 3 dollars.
so your party account is in USD? did you make your withdrawal in USD or AUD?

when did you withdraw? USD500 = AUD489.43 at the moment (

if you had party make the currency exchange you probably lost 2-3%. your bank might charge for receiving wires too.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
