Originally Posted by DrDanimal
Can we please do something about this HipAintCheap clown????????
I only came here because someone reported some spam - I hadn't checked out any past posts. But now that I have, there's a lot of other "clowns" I'd deal with first.
HAC has annoyed the hell out of me at times in the Merge threads - for example, I think he's been waaaay to fast to call people shills in the past. But many others aren't much better. This latest dust-up started from him simply posting some information, and then we get a half dozen people all bitching about him posting, including one with a thinly-veiled threat, and a derail ensues.
This isn't the cashout thread - we have a separate one, and it's pretty much on track now aside from one small derail I see now which I'll probably move here. This is the network discussion thread, and I don't see any problem with allowing a little more leeway here - and there's no rule that says you have to play on Merge to post in here.
That said, HAC, I think everyone gets your perspective by now, and have been duly warned. Anyone who is unaware of the situation and happens upon this thread or the cashout one would have to be pretty thick not to get the idea that there are problems. It would be great if you could slow down on the posting, and try to limit yourself to new information or general conversation rather than repeating old warnings, if you have been.
Everyone else, how about not jumping on people who you think are getting a little out of line. Yes, HAC has gone a little overboard at times, but I hardly think his recent post required this much reaction. And if someone does get way out of line, feel free to report the posts rather than starting an argument.
I hope you all get your money soon.