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[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread [Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread

03-28-2014 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by RunNitOnce
Dammit fix the wait list problems. I shouldn't have to rejoin all the wait lists once I'm sat at a table.
Uber annoying.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 04:00 PM
I wondered what was going on with that. So if I join the waiting list and then join a table, it's taking me off. That would make sense in hindsight. I think that could be contributing to why table numbers are down.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Phatty
I wondered what was going on with that. So if I join the waiting list and then join a table, it's taking me off. That would make sense in hindsight. I think that could be contributing to why table numbers are down.
So you'd think it would be in their best interest to fix it right? Less tables equals less rake.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:02 PM
The waitlist system is actually less crappy than it was before.

I would join a waitlist, get a popup that a seat is open, a minute later have a chance to accept and sit, only to find that someone else had taken the seat.

But that's ok, another popup is behind that, I join, nope, that one is full too.

But that's ok, another popup is behind that, nope, that one is full too.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:16 PM
Bugs seem to be fixed after latest update
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by clydetheglide
Bugs seem to be fixed after latest update

I just restarted and it still has a playerbox color in player details but doesn't let me select it.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:06 PM
When I lost all the icons that I had put so much time into, it was pretty apparent to me that I shouldn't bother using their color coding or player notes since those could disappear overnight too. For me whether the color coding returns or not is a completely moot point. I would suggest only using HM/PT for using those types of functions.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:53 PM
The player box color thing seems intentional. I don't have it on carbon or aced, but I do have it on players only. Seems like they turned it off for some brands.

The waitlist change is ok. I don't mind joining the waitlist again when I get seated. It helps me manage how many tables I have open at any given time. And at least it actually works unlike the old one. So many times I'd be at the top of the list and then never get seated.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:24 PM
Can you change the background color of the huds stats individually to tag fish? If so, how do you do it? Not currently sitting in front of my computer.

Edit: for hold em manager
Edit2: not for individual stats I'm talking the box itself
Edit3: wrong section?

Sent from my SCH-I535 using 2+2 Forums

Last edited by Scootrsmb; 03-28-2014 at 08:32 PM.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:29 PM
Not sure if this was posted before, but here's Carbon's rationale behind anonymous sng registration:
For years, game selection has been a legitimate part of online poker, as skilled grinders monitor lobbies and players to find the most profitable situations. But in recent times, bumhunters have been ruining things for everybody, taking game selection to the extreme. This nasty little breed would rather walk on nails than play anybody whom they deem to be of equal or greater skill level.

With recreational online players becoming fewer and fewer, as their deposits are quickly bled dry by bumhunting, our network has decided to experiment with anonymous sit and go registration. So Carbon Poker players will now notice that screen names are hidden when they’re searching through the lobby for any type of SNG, including heads up.

Anonymous poker is certainly nothing new in the online poker industry. Other networks have gone as far as to hide all screen names in the lobby. Our network hasn’t gone to this extreme yet, but this is the first time that somebody has chosen to only make SNG’s anonymous.

As alluded to before, the one drawback to anonymous SNG’s is that game selection skills are now hampered. However, the idea is to create a more level playing environment, rather than one where there’s three fish and six grinders hunting them on every table. So while game selection is now diminished in Carbon SNG’s, the upside is that, on average, recreational players won’t feel so dominated at the tables.

So if you’re somebody who’s tired of playing at bumhunter-filled poker sites, give our new anonymous SNG’s a try. Nobody knows anybody until the tourney starts, which means game selection is far more random.
I don't have any issues with the change, but I did find this post to be ridiculous. It's always nice to get some insight on the way Merge thinks though.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:37 PM
Their reasoning more or less makes sense to me... and it's been working out for Bovada. If successful, there could be a benefit to good players, too.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by matt0216
Not sure if this was posted before, but here's Carbon's rationale behind anonymous sng registration:

... Other networks have gone as far as to hide all screen names in the lobby. Our network hasn’t gone to this extreme yet ...

[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:53 PM
Hope the "yet" wasn't a Freudian slip.

Logically it might sound like it makes sense but I think that the blog makes it apparent how out of touch they are with their own games. First of all, there simply aren't enough 6, 9 and 10 max sitngo tables on the Merge Network for players to bumhunt sitngos. Anonymous HU sitngos actually gives an advantage to bumhunters since fish can no longer avoid them. Some people say that fish aren't aware enough of who they are playing against to avoid them anyway but, truth be known, even a pigeon in a box knows enough to avoid negative reinforcement pretty quickly.

Also sitngos are not the easiest game, by any means, for players to bumhunt. Unless the bumhunter is the last to be seated at each table he plays, he isn't going to know who all of the players are who will be playing that table especially because of the slow updates in the lobby. Furthermore sitngos don't provide the ability to seat select which is crucial for bumhunting.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:55 PM
Is traffic way down on the tourney side? There's exactly two 50NL FR tables going right now. Usually at least 6 if not 8 or more on a Friday night. Where'd everybody go?
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I think that the blog makes it apparent how out of touch they are with their own games.
Completely agree with everything you said and that's why I found it ridiculous.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 10:36 PM
MTTs seem about normal.

Glad to see Merge issued a statement about the lobby and I support it. Please do something with the cash lobby like Party Poker.NJ has.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-28-2014 , 10:43 PM
With the mobile app coming a long nicely (becoming 1 of the most popular ways to play across all poker sites) the MTT side of things improved, and Poker Host finally gone (which has a bright side because when Merge kicked them off the MTT schedule it left a lot of people in the cold because they couldn't get funds on other Merge skins and now won't have that worry), things will get better.

Hopefully they make some roll back some other mistakes they've recently made in the form of cash game rake, promotions, and Sportsbook segregation. They've shown to be listening, if only a little, and seem to be trying again.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 03-29-2014 at 05:16 PM. Reason: Reply to deleted post.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 04:10 PM
Does anyone know if I can still use the "MARCHPK" bonus code? I went to check the details but they have the April code up now. As I recall it was 100% using that code good through the end of this month.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 06:12 PM
there is so little bumhunting in merge SNGs
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 06:36 PM
LOL bumhunting. Like the end game isn't to take another player's money however possible. Poker is a ruthless game to the core. If someone feels like they're being bumhunted, quit depositing or get better at poker and stop relying on the site to protect you. End of story.

Disclaimer: I'm always the first to reg for HU SNGs.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 06:50 PM
They basically deleted the post about anonymous sngs.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 07:01 PM
lol wow
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by RunNitOnce
LOL bumhunting. Like the end game isn't to take another player's money however possible. Poker is a ruthless game to the core. If someone feels like they're being bumhunted, quit depositing or get better at poker and stop relying on the site to protect you. End of story.

Disclaimer: I'm always the first to reg for HU SNGs.
While I agree trying to fight bumhunting in the current Merge SNG environment is probably a wasted effort, it should be clear that having weaker players "quit depositing or get better at poker" is NOT what anyone wants.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 07:29 PM
"CarbonPoker now features Anonymous Sit & Go tourney registration.

As you register for a Sit & Go tourney, your name won’t be posted until after the tournament begins. This puts some fun and mystery into the games – something this blogger will enjoy.

You never know who you’ll wind up playing against – so register for a tourney now to see this new feature in action"

the new blog post
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-29-2014 , 08:15 PM
it is fun. u dont know the donks that u are about to sit with and then the table pops up and u got matt0216, foldbos, justclickinbuttonz, violent1, etc. it makes it more enjoyable not knowing beforehand
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
