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[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) [Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names)

06-21-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Chasincoin
I have and they replied that I have been verified, but now are saying they are waiting for others to send in theirs. Meaning my new roommate also got his account closed because of "suspicious activity". They asked who he was and I said well hes my new roommate. We both got banned because apparently we were playing in the 55 30k from the same IP address.
Seems pretty corrupt that they disable both our accounts just because we are playing in the same tournament.
This is a thing that concerns me. Players in the same room with different accounts. They play a 400NL game and I wind up monkey in the middle. Here is one who can't understand why there would be anything wrong with the two of them playing together. I guess the WSOP will let them sit next to each other and look at each other's cards. GMAB
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Chasincoin
would you like 3.5 stolen from you tough guy?
you think Bovada cares enough about 3.5k to illegitimately hold it from you? There are guys here talking about winning 100k in a month.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by druidfluid
Notice/question to Coinbase users.

I've been using as an intermediary yet I just received an email from coinbase saying they believe I am using it for online gambling and that if I continue to do so my account will be locked. Has this happened to anyone?
Can they still tell where it is originating from despite using a middle man wallet?
Concerning. I don't touch Coinbase as I feel their fees are outrageous. And as it's somewhat related, I would like to take this opportunity to bump my post.

Originally Posted by MadADX
I bet this was asked and answered before, but I just wouldn't know what to search for. Does anyone have any idea what the threshold is for Circle to start asking questions? 5k/month? Are other exchanges similar in anyone's experience? I'm starting to spread my coin around on multiple exchanges to keep the amounts manageable.

I've been keeping some coin on Bitstamp as USD because their buy/sell fees are very reasonable, at .25%. Beats the hell out of Coinbase's 1-2%, and Circle seems to charge 1.5% for buys and pays you 1.5% for sells. So Circle is obviously the best place to move money to your bank but I don't want to push it.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by TNHillbilly
This is a thing that concerns me. Players in the same room with different accounts. They play a 400NL game and I wind up monkey in the middle. Here is one who can't understand why there would be anything wrong with the two of them playing together. I guess the WSOP will let them sit next to each other and look at each other's cards. GMAB
I understand your concern with people in the same room playing a 400NL holdem cashgame table but in a mtt with many tables I find it hardly an advantage. People playing in the same room in the same 600 field MTT shouldn't "warrant suspicious activity". My brother's account also got temporary disabled too because he played at my house. THIS is what is corrupt and very shady. 15 days ago they didn't care who was playing but now that I requested a cashout all of a sudden my account is under investigation for suspicious activity??
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 03:50 PM
I play at my buddy's house occasionally. We've played in the same mtts but make sure to never be at the same cash tables or sngs and have never had an issue.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 03:55 PM
Now if you only play at the same house and play an identical mtt schedule, I can see why that would look like multi accounting.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 04:01 PM
maz -i would email them just to be on the safe side and tell them that ocassionally you play in tournaments together

chasincoin- calm down 3.5k isnt a big win and is peanuts to bovada. It just took me 3 weeks to receive a check from the request date, sometimes they take a bit longer and all the security verifications you are going through are completely standard.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 05:11 PM
requested cashout june 9th, approved on june 10th.

received today, june 21st, deposited, cleared
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 05:21 PM
BTC approved morning of 15th finally hit wallet today.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Chasincoin
I have and they replied that I have been verified, but now are saying they are waiting for others to send in theirs. Meaning my new roommate also got his account closed because of "suspicious activity". They asked who he was and I said well hes my new roommate. We both got banned because apparently we were playing in the 55 30k from the same IP address.
Seems pretty corrupt that they disable both our accounts just because we are playing in the same tournament.
The plot starts to thicken.....
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
BTC approved morning of 15th finally hit wallet today.
At which BTC price? From the 15th or?
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by RetiredPokerPlayer
At which BTC price? From the 15th or?
The current price at the time of processing.

They canceled the original one from the 15th due to a "technical error" on their end.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by bigdongbrad
requested cashout june 9th, approved on june 10th.

received today, june 21st, deposited, cleared
Was this for a check? I had requested a check on June 9th and am still waiting on it.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chasincoin
I have and they replied that I have been verified, but now are saying they are waiting for others to send in theirs. Meaning my new roommate also got his account closed because of "suspicious activity". They asked who he was and I said well hes my new roommate. We both got banned because apparently we were playing in the 55 30k from the same IP address.
Seems pretty corrupt that they disable both our accounts just because we are playing in the same tournament.
Sounds to me like this probably has to do with them protecting against multi-accounting
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-21-2016 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by 1 Lucky FLIP
$6900 payout

Requested: 06/19 midnight
Approved: 06/20 2:00 am
Received: 06/20 to blockchain wallet 2:00 am
Kids...we are witnessing the re-incarnation of NetTeller
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 12:20 AM
I'm new to Bitcoin. Was successfully able to deposit via instructions from EndTheFed (Thanks!!). I called Bovada asking about other withdrawals and then asked if they charge a fee for more than one Bitcoin withdrawal per month. Rep said Bovada doesn't charge fees for Bitcoin withdrawals, but Bitcoin (I guess he meant Blockchain/Circle) will take 10% of the withdrawal. He couldn't clearly explain why. Can anyone explain this, or was the Rep confused?
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by tradenine
To End the Fed, others:

I am unable to login to my blockchain wallet via web browser, and their support has not only been unable to fix the issue, but are sending me extremely stupid responses via email, the kind where they completely ignore 95% of what you just wrote to them.

Not only can I not login, but even if I could get it fixed, I'm not super comfortable using a bitcoin wallet with this kind of technical instability and incapable support.

So I need a new wallet. What would you suggest? I'm a bitcoin noob, 95% of what I know has come from reading this thread. I want something easy to use which won't give any problems.
Do you have your recovery phrase written down? If so, you should be able to use that to recreate your wallet on their site. Or you can recreate it on another wallet client like Multibit... that's a desktop wallet that you run on your computer.

I have used Multibit, and used the recovery phrase to transfer a wallet to Multibit. I haven't used Electrum myself, but it's legit.

Originally Posted by wrbeyer
Is anyone worried about the major swings in the btc market when withdrawing? $50/btc swings are a lot of variance.
You're only exposed to fluctuations for a very short time. They give you the current exchange rate at the second they send your withdrawal. And as soon as it confirms in your personal wallet you can send it to your exchange and convert it back in to USD.

Originally Posted by Slurf Song
I did some googling and found posts on bitcoin-related forums complaining of accounts closed without warning but instances were very few, more than a year old and I have zero knowledge of poster's credibility.
Yeah, that's the thing... even in the rare stories I've read about they there's no way to know what that person was involved in and whether they were telling the whole story.

Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
+1 I know clicking receive generates a new one but only until the address is used. BOvada said I need to use a new address after their "technical error", so I just sent some money from my circle to that address and then generated a new one, but I would like to know an easier way for future reference. Thanks
Click the "Add+" button to create a new subsection in your wallet. Then when you click "Receive" inside of that section you will get a new address. The added benefit of doing this is that it allows you to label each section with the date of your withdrawal for you own record keeping.

Originally Posted by DivadIV
just got my first 3000 cahout using bct waited an hour to get on blockchain now its down to 2820
Don't pay attention to what Blockchain's wallet displays as the USD value. Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it - and you aren't able to sell bitcoin to them. Their exchange rate will be different from your exchange's... and that's the only one that matters.

Originally Posted by druidfluid
Notice/question to Coinbase users.

I've been using as an intermediary yet I just received an email from coinbase saying they believe I am using it for online gambling and that if I continue to do so my account will be locked. Has this happened to anyone?
Can they still tell where it is originating from despite using a middle man wallet?
Hmm, the only transactions you've done are with Bovada?

Originally Posted by MadADX
Concerning. I don't touch Coinbase as I feel their fees are outrageous. And as it's somewhat related, I would like to take this opportunity to bump my post.
They charge 1% for their retail side, broker style business but they also have a full service bitcoin exchange. I believe the fee there is only a 0.25% taker fee and 0% for maker orders.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Chasincoin
THIS exactly.. Quick cashout story. 3.5 weeks ago i get 2nd in a mad monday event for 3.7k and decided to cashout for 3500 via check. 4 days later it approved and processed. I go to vegas for 2 weeks and when I get back i had not received my check yet. I call them and they say checks are taking 15 business days. I tell them i recieved a cashout in 2 days from americas card room via bitcoin and ask can i get my payment that way. So somehow after 2weeks of my payout being approved and processed they are able to cancel it so i can request a bit coin withdrawl. I asked them so you havent even sent my money to me in 2.5 week? They really had no answer for me. Anyways after I request my bitcoin cashout which was on 6/16, 2 days later i try and log into bovada and notice that my account has been diabled and I must send in all these documents. I am beyond livid at these ****in crooks. I have been playing on this bunk site for over 10 years and this is how they treat valued customers? THey have no problem taking our deposits but when it comes to cashing its never easy. this site is a joke!
Come on lol... They arent gonna give you the run around for 3500$ lol
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by daedalus 9
Kids...we are witnessing the re-incarnation of NetTeller
Yep, and if you get set up with one of the bitcoin funded debit cards you can have cash in hand within minutes of Bovada sending your withdrawal.

From poker site to cash in hand in about 24 hours for free is some pre-UIGEA level stuff.

Originally Posted by MikeBucks
I'm new to Bitcoin. Was successfully able to deposit via instructions from EndTheFed (Thanks!!). I called Bovada asking about other withdrawals and then asked if they charge a fee for more than one Bitcoin withdrawal per month. Rep said Bovada doesn't charge fees for Bitcoin withdrawals, but Bitcoin (I guess he meant Blockchain/Circle) will take 10% of the withdrawal. He couldn't clearly explain why. Can anyone explain this, or was the Rep confused?
They were confused.

Sending a bitcoin transaction requires a fee of about 5 or 6 cents, and the two exchanges recommended in this thread only charge 1% and 0%.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by EndTheFed
Yep, and if you get set up with one of the bitcoin funded debit cards you can have cash in hand within minutes of Bovada sending your withdrawal.
Got any recs for this. PM me if more appropriate. Thanks.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 01:35 AM
Everybody who has been helped by endthefed should send at least $3 right now to his bitcoin wallet. He's too nice of a guy to ask, so I'll do it for him. For all the selfless work and time he has put in to help random strangers, I think he deserves it.

endthefed gimmie your address so I can throw ya something.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by EndTheFed
Do you have your recovery phrase written down? If so, you should be able to use that to recreate your wallet on their site. Or you can recreate it on another wallet client like Multibit... that's a desktop wallet that you run on your computer.

I have used Multibit, and used the recovery phrase to transfer a wallet to Multibit. I haven't used Electrum myself, but it's legit.
Thanks. The problem I'm having with blockchain is that it's supposed to be sending emails to confirm my login (can't login without doing this atm) but no emails are being sent.

Furthermore, as a workaround to this problem, I used the Reset 2FA feature which essentially allows you to change your registered email address. After doing this seemingly successfully, I am still getting no emails, upon trying to login on blockchain, at either my old or new email address, nor am I getting the emails to my old email address which I'm supposed to be getting after 2FA Reset is attempted on my account.

Their support is completely ignoring that their system is completely broke in this regard, at least in my experience, and sending me useless responses.

I do have the seed words written down, and perhaps I'll attempt to login to my blockchain wallet that way (I CAN get in via their android app which I fortunately paired before all this drama started but its functionality is of course limited relative to logging in via browser).

If you have other thoughts on this situation specifically I'm all ears. I'm totally new to bitcoin, and I remain concerned, honestly, with even restoring my wallet on as it clearly has some gross technical issues, and I don't need any (more) problems in accessing my money. EDIT: I think even if I try to get back into my bc wallet with seed words, I may still have the same problem. The seed words are really for if you lose your password/id if I'm not mistaken, and that's not the issue here.

I'm only using a wallet as an intermediary between circle/bitpay and bovada, not doing any other bitcoin business, so perhaps installing wallet software is overkill.

If I were to install multibit or electrum, is there anything, outside of the basic instructions I will find, that I need to do to for optimal setup and use?

Originally Posted by surf doc
Got any recs for this. PM me if more appropriate. Thanks.
There are only two of them to my knowledge, and this is the best one that it seems everyone is using, incl. myself.

I've had a good experience w it so far. It's very simple and it works as advertised.

Last edited by tradenine; 06-22-2016 at 06:12 AM.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by daedalus 9
Kids...we are witnessing the re-incarnation of NetTeller
2 hours later is pretty epic. The quickest I've received one was within 24 hours- Which I was more than thrilled with.

After that though, I requested another withdrawal almost right away. I had been reading that even though it says you are only allowed 1 withdrawal request per 5 days, that people had been requesting within that time, and still getting them processed.

So I requested another one and didn't hear anything for 5 days. I decided to call up Bovada and ask them if anything was wrong. The woman on the phone said I hadn't received it yet because I requested one within the 5 day waiting period and that I should be getting it within 48 hours after the 5 days from the last one processed had been up.

I asked when the 5 day waiting period starts- Was it from the moment I request it, or after the last one is approved? She said from When it was approved.

After I hung up, 12 hours later I got my withdrawal processed- That ended up being exactly 24 hours after the 5 day waiting period from my last approved withdrawal was up.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by druidfluid
Notice/question to Coinbase users.

I've been using as an intermediary yet I just received an email from coinbase saying they believe I am using it for online gambling and that if I continue to do so my account will be locked. Has this happened to anyone?
Can they still tell where it is originating from despite using a middle man wallet?
Whenever I read about an exchange raising questions about where the money comes from- it's always from coinbase. Has circle ever done this ? If not, it's just another added reason why I prefer Circle over coinbase.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-22-2016 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by EndTheFed

Hmm, the only transactions you've done are with Bovada?

No but the only gaming transactions I've done have been w/ Blockchain, not Coinbase. My first reaction was that I had just been careless and accidentally withdrawn to coinbase but Ive gone over the transactions and I'm not seeing it.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
