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[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] [Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified]

03-16-2024 , 12:45 PM
Adding packages.
10 hours is 1035 (10% off)
5 hours is 545 (5% off).
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
03-17-2024 , 04:22 AM
Hello everyone, I'd like to highlight the collaborative efforts between Collie and us over the past five months. Collie consistently demonstrates exceptional organization in our coaching sessions and consistently delivers outstanding work. We highly recommend him based on our experience working together.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
03-20-2024 , 09:27 PM
Hello! Sent you an email!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
03-27-2024 , 11:15 PM
Had a great experience working with Seb so far, highly recommended!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
04-04-2024 , 12:33 AM
I should mention there is a very active student Discord and I respond to questions posted there by students frequently. Anyone who does 5+ hours or purchases a package will gain access to it.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
04-17-2024 , 07:01 PM

New video with Pete Clarke.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
04-20-2024 , 07:40 AM
Hey guys! Here to make my feedback.
I started a coaching path with Seb about a month ago.

I would absolutely reccomend him, Seb (alias pokercollie), is really a nice guy, he made me comfortable every time we spent together and even if my english is not perfect we never had communication problems. He is really naturally amazing teaching.

You can expect from him to improve your game a while if you are open to listen and to understand his advices.
He gives you the base to understand theory, learning you the key concepts that you must know to be good in all the different dynamics that exist in poker.
Furthermore, is very competent about how to exploit the pool, so he will give you a lot of info to improve your exploitative plays, that itÂ’s just crucial to crush the game.

I am very happy with What I am learning from him and I am really looking forward to continue improving my game working with him also on my mindset, because he can helps you also about the psychological part of the game, due to his studies.

I will finish my feedback Just talking very shortly about the Discord server, Seb always gives feedbacks about the hands giving reflexion about theory and playing vs specific types of opponents, so a lot of information that can Helps you improve and also a positive environment.

I hope that this feedback will help you.
Good luck!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
04-29-2024 , 05:08 PM
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
05-14-2024 , 09:59 AM

Me providing mindset coaching to Pete Clarke

Last edited by ColliePoker; 05-14-2024 at 10:04 AM.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
05-31-2024 , 05:38 PM
This is insane he is charging 120$ an hour for beating Ontario poker games while 4 tablin and table selecting without a real sample. Ontario poker is the easiest in the world and his win rates and hourly's are terrible compared to others doing the same. He has not given a big enough sample to prove hes even a winning player and even if his winrate is true its not that impressive and misrepresenting since it would be massively different in a row site

IF your playing in the row pool know that beating 2/5 in Ontario is like beating nl50 before you buy
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
06-02-2024 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
This is insane he is charging 120$ an hour for beating Ontario poker games while 4 tablin and table selecting without a real sample. Ontario poker is the easiest in the world and his win rates and hourly's are terrible compared to others doing the same. He has not given a big enough sample to prove hes even a winning player and even if his winrate is true its not that impressive and misrepresenting since it would be massively different in a row site

IF your playing in the row pool know that beating 2/5 in Ontario is like beating nl50 before you buy
I'll write a long response so that I only have to do it once.

You'll see a comment like this on YouTube/2+2/etc for just about every public-facing person in poker, especially coaches.
BrokenStars got some savage comments about what a scam he is when he started, which you can still see. Pretty soon after, QY has a comment about how BrokenStars is a better coach than him! Pete Clarke has some really committed haters despite having coached countless students for roughly a decade and building a wildly successful business. Matt Roberts has a blog on here where some random accused him of botting with 0 evidence. So, unfortunately baseless random shots is just part of the price of doing business in the poker community, no matter how qualified or successful anyone becomes.

It's pretty clear this guy has an emotional bias of some kind, because he's blatantly making things up. He has no evidence to support the claims that I table select hard or play 4 tables, it just makes his case sound better. I'm actually quite bad at being disciplined with table selection. I'll play whatever is running. As for 4 tables, again this is just not true. I play 6-8 tables. You can see me on YT playing 5 tables while talking, with 1-2 additional tables sometimes off-screen, which I comment on. MovingTarget also can't seem to decide if my graph is "terrible," "not that impressive," or good enough to be fabricated.

As for the question of geo-fenced winrates: yes, ON is softer. I disclose in the second sentence of my post that I play in ON. I also offer a free consultation and a money-back guarantee, so it seems like a pretty bad scam, if I'm running one. How much softer is ON? It's tough to say. I've heard regs who played ROW for a long time say they notice a difference at 200nl, and they find 500nl to be about the same. While ON is definitely softer, I think it is way overstating it that 500nl ON is the same as 50nl ROW, because most of the regs at 500nl play full-time and there is usually only one fish.

Obviously, there are plenty of regs that are better than me. If they're also charging less and are good teachers, you should go with them. The free market suggests that such a coach is rare or non-existant. My rate was not always 115. I started at 50/h, and even gave out free sessions to promote myself. The rate went up as I built a reputation and demand continued to rise. Of course, Aner0 and QY are more qualified coaches, and their prices reflect that.

End of the day, I have been a successful coach because students keep coming back and keep recommending me. I coach tons of students at 50nl ROW. I have also coached multiple former pros who needed theory after returning to the game post-PIO. You can read their reviews above. If my knowledge was at a 50nl level, they would not stick around for long. They're learning and their winrate is going up, so they stick around and recommend me.

As a student/consumer, your own personal assessment + reviews is most of what you have available to make a decision anyways, because there is no way of knowing if someone's graph is legit or not. You have to judge the coach for yourself. You'll notice, there are no negative reviews of my coaching, which you'd expect if 115 was a rip-off. I am not saying I am the greatest coach ever, or the best deal ever. I think my rate is fair. If you're not sure, it's free to book a call with me and decide for yourself.

That's the last I'm gonna say about it in direct response. Guy can have the last word if he wants. I know my reputation is good enough at this point that I'm gonna be fine regardless. I have words of endorsement from Qing Yang, I'm an affiliated coach for the CarrotCorner subscription library (, I'm the mindset coach for CGC, and you can read plenty of reviews from students. I am backed by pros and students alike, and I'm grateful for where I'm at.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
06-02-2024 , 01:51 PM
Well i"m not some random youtuber im a 10+ year pro with 5k+ posts (thanks puzzles and games!) Also from the same ringfenced pool so have information others don't have.

Its not that you didn't disclose your playing in a ringfence its that your still downplaying it. I might give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just don't know the difference since you have never been a row winning player but even now your downplaying how vastly different the Ontario pool is from the row. you just said nl500 is "about the same" its probably like 6bb/100 in winrate differences certainly if you table select. that's not "about the same"

brokenstars hasn't posted a graph in 3 years

I am told peteclark doesn't play much poker but I don't know much about him or carrotcorner other then they hired you. Looks like they hired you for "mindset" and not poker anyway and you have leveraged that to get a better hourly.

Matt Roberts considers himself a rec and part time poker player and still makes over 100k a year in the Ontario pool which is not really helping your case. Before ontario he had far less impressive results. Hes also a great example of why your sample is so bad. He made double what he made in the first year of Ontario then what he has made this year/ (he has a public vlog you can see this data) This is an example of variance but also an example of how quickly a pool can possibly change your win rate .It also shows how your small outdated sample from last year is not even your new win rate in Ontario let alone the row because even ontario has changed a lot since you got most of your volumn in. that's assuming the 60k hands you played last year is even a big enough sample to get a win rate .(its not)

So of the 3 guys you listed the only one we are sure is a successful current poker player is the one playing in the Ontario player pool. I wonder why that is

I don't have any emotional bias I actually defended you a little bit when you posted your coaching offers originally in the Ontario discord when you first started and everyone ripped you to shreds for coaching for like 30 bucks an hour. But now you raised your hourly like 3x since then without playing any poker and it triggered me.

I think there is a fair market for you people always want a "mindset coach" Its just not 120 usd and rising. I guess theirs just enough plebs out there that raised your limit. hey who am I to stop a free market of stupidity .

Its not just one thing you do. you do the golden trifecta to misrepresent your skill.
Post a small sample size graph that means nothing.
Don't play anymore or wont post your current downswing graph
Play in the softest online field which means nothing and post your winning graphs from that to attract people who don't understand how soft that pool really is.

150k hands over 2 years? Thats 200 hands a day of poker you have played. 35k winnings which is not even good in the Ontario pool and is the equivalent of working at home hardware.

Heres a good example of some bad coaching. "im not sure what to do with 95o in the bb here" "versus this size bet we'll three bet half the time"

I don't think telling people to 3 bet 95o half the time is good coaching you should probably get some reps in.

i saw you doing some 200 zoom acr coaching. lets see your graph on that one
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
06-15-2024 , 09:54 AM
I initially got coaching with Seb to work on my technical game after a long period away from poker, but have been consistently impressed with his mental game coaching. I already had strong mental game and had long gotten over tilting or getting angry, so I was impressed at Sebs ability to drill down further and spot mental game flaws. His overall style helps breed confidence and always leaves me with a boost after our sessions. I would recommend his mental game coaching both for immediate performance issues, as well as longer term philosophy to approach the game.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
07-19-2024 , 08:04 PM
Hey I tried emailing you at the email on your website but it said the address does not exist? Is there a better way to get a hold of you?

I am new to this site, and 100% not a bot.

I enjoyed your youtube video with the guy who plays NL5.

Last edited by The_Darkness; 07-19-2024 at 08:14 PM.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
07-19-2024 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by The_Darkness
Hey I tried emailing you at the email on your website but it said the address does not exist? Is there a better way to get a hold of you?

I am new to this site, and 100% not a bot.

I enjoyed your youtube video with the guy who plays NL5.
Hey man. Thanks. Sorry about the email. It should be, not
Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
You can email me at, add me on Discord at ColliePoker, or message me here.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
07-20-2024 , 06:40 AM
Can you stop being a massive scumbag?

I've noticed personally + have read anecdotal accounts from other regs in our discord of you table camping, seat hopping, and generally just being a scumbag on at least 20 occasions.

I know you've been told off as I've seen the records of table chats, and it's been openly discussed in at least one of the public Ontario discord servers.

Also if you could stop grimming everyone.

Last edited by woolly; 07-20-2024 at 06:49 AM.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
07-20-2024 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by woolly
Can you stop being a massive scumbag?

I've noticed personally + have read anecdotal accounts from other regs in our discord of you table camping, seat hopping, and generally just being a scumbag on at least 20 occasions.

I know you've been told off as I've seen the records of table chats, and it's been openly discussed in at least one of the public Ontario discord servers.

Also if you could stop grimming everyone.
Hi Woolly

Please DM me and I will return you the BTNs. When I have a lot of tables open and 1 HU table there are a lot of thoughts going through my mind, and who played the first BTN is very low on the list. But I am more than happy to give you those BTNs back.

I think the open discussion you refer to was prompted by Jarretman. FYI, He reached out to me personally, told me he realized I was a new player, and that some of the Stars etiquette might not have been discussed with me before, and took the post down in the ON Discord.

I am not interested in trying to angle people, or get edge in unethical ways. If something you consider unethical is observed, I am more than happy to rectify it.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
09-13-2024 , 06:01 AM
I've had 5 sessions with Collie working on my mental game side and found it very useful. Very compassionate, insightful person, definitely recommend
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
10-27-2024 , 11:03 PM

Updated results.

Last edited by ColliePoker; 10-27-2024 at 11:05 PM. Reason: include total hands and bb/100
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
11-21-2024 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by woolly
Can you stop being a massive scumbag?

I've noticed personally + have read anecdotal accounts from other regs in our discord of you table camping, seat hopping, and generally just being a scumbag on at least 20 occasions.

I know you've been told off as I've seen the records of table chats, and it's been openly discussed in at least one of the public Ontario discord servers.

Also if you could stop grimming everyone.
lol unsurprising.

can't believe this clown charges for coaching.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
12-02-2024 , 02:50 PM
here are my results at 2/5 (3.8bb/100 ev)
here are my results at 1/2 (7.95bb/100 ev)
here are my results at 1k+ (2.71bb/100 ev)
here are overall results. 5.62bb/100 average

This is not with much if any table selection. Because I have various appointments for coaching or psychotherapy throughout most days, I can't just sit at the PC looking for good tables and saying no to meh ones. I also sometimes have to leave very good tables for appointments.

We have 55 members in my discord server, where various hands are posted and discussed and people support each other. I am not sure how many hours I've coached now exactly, but it's well over 200. More things in the works as well. Been such a blast getting into poker over the last two years, moving up the stakes and learning to apply my teaching skills to coaching.
Feel free to hit me up with any questions.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
