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[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] [Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified]

05-15-2023 , 02:11 PM
Website: —

Youtube: —

Who I am:

My name is Seb and my alias for coaching is Collie. I play in the geofenced province of Ontario, Canada (usernames: Francach and Hamartia). I have been trying to play poker semi-professionally for about nine months and have been successful at it for about five. I have learned from a CFP and from Qing Yang.

Things clicked about five months ago (you can see the change in the graph @ 60k hands), and I’ve been beating the games quite tidily since then. I was in a CFP that taught me some useful tricks, but it was really coaching with QY ( that got me to the point where I was winning with confidence.

I have job experience as a teacher and I am in grad school to become a therapist, both of which influence my coaching. I consider these things to be added value, and I have heard the same from clients.

Who this coaching is for:

For strategy: struggling 200nl players, and anyone below that.
For life/emotion-driven coaching and mental game: anyone can benefit.

I think that coaches can and should be many things at once. Rather than just give you useful information and send you off, the goal is:
  • to have a long-term, equitable, and collaborative relationship
  • where we consider you holistically
  • accounting for things like your individual goals, your learning style, and your personal obstacles

I am invested in providing you with what you need as an individual.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enough of your coaching philosophy. Tell me how I will learn to crush the games.

Okay, fine. Like many coaches, I will help you analyze your stats in PT4 or HM3, go over HHs, and review PnEs. I also provide a run-down of the most essential components of theory, informed by my time with QY. Some things that I offer from a strategy point of view are:
  • how to separate “noise” in the solver from key information
  • a simple but theoretically sound way to think about flop cbetting that stops you from having to memorize boards
  • when to polarize vs merge
  • how to maximize your winnings vs. fish
  • theory of checkraises
  • theory of bet sizing
  • the difference between min-exploit and max-exploit / how to build and apply both

If someone says, “Okay start coaching. Go,” then I will be theory oriented. However, I want clients to have agency in their learning process. There are many different ways we can spend our time, each with unique perks and drawbacks. I aim to make coaching collaborative.

How do I know this is worth the price?

If you find yourself unsatisfied with the first session, all you need to do is set up a call to share your feedback and it's your money back.

The thing about coaching is that knowledge and insight you gain, you get to keep forever. A $75 lesson needs to yield 19c a day for you to break even over a year. If you're a low-stakes player, a strategy hour can do this very easily (0.25 to 1 bb per day). If you're a high-stakes player, having someone to discuss your personal factors with can do this very easily.

Tell me more about life/emotion-driven coaching.

The vast majority of players I have interacted with are dealing with challenges that go beyond strategic errors. Ignoring these types of issues is costing most players, both in BB/100 and in quality of life.

Examples of these challenges:
  • lifestyle issues (sleep, diet, exercise, alcohol/drugs, etc.)
  • interpersonal factors that impact A-game (breakups, bereavement, etc.)
  • bankroll management
  • tilting, self-leveling and punting
  • motivational issues with studying
  • direction and roadmap (What do I want from Poker? What’s my timeline for achieving that? What obstacles do I anticipate? What, if anything, will I need to change? How can I motivate myself better?)

Most of these things seem incredibly easy to fix, and of course, they are not. A lot of these challenges are intellectually simple but emotionally difficult. I struggled through most of my early twenties with a substance use disorder and know firsthand that being able to intellectualize a problem is often not enough to deal with it. I have learned from personal experience that:
  • people often need someone to remain accountable to
  • it can be helpful to have a sounding board for problem-solving
  • as well as someone who listens with attention and without judgment

This is not about me telling you to go do yoga and quit smoking. This is a collaborative process where you have a supportive environment to honestly explore your individual obstacles.

I can’t fix these issues for you, but I am invested in helping facilitate your goals.

What’s the structure of goal-based coaching?

What I recommend is that we take at least one hour early on to examine these factors, commit to a goal, a timeline, and a roadmap, and then check in intermittently throughout our time together to see how that is going, making adjustments where needed. The rest of the time, we’d work on strategy. If you don't need strategy from me, and just want to check in on goals and discuss obstacles, then once or twice a month is a good frequency.

Graphs and Stuff


Psychotherapy is a controlled act, and I am not a psychotherapist. If you have clinical issues like depression, we are absolutely able to talk about them. However, I am not a substitute for therapy. I am not covered by any insurance. Focus on lifestyle/emotion-driven coaching is on mapping your goals and roadblocks, not on disorders of any kind.

Last edited by slyless; 08-12-2024 at 01:38 PM. Reason: Information update
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
05-20-2023 , 10:23 AM
Nice informative YouTube videos
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
07-17-2023 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ColliePoker
Hey everyone. I play 200nl and 500nl with a winrate of 6.27bb/100

My main selling points are: I have extensive experience as a teacher, and you won't find a cheaper coach anywhere.

I have worked in education since 2019, teaching English to University students, adult ESL students, and high school students. I think I'm good at breaking down concepts for beginners.

Right now, my rate is 60/h, but I am also offering group coaching sessions for 30/h. I recommend this latter model for people playing lower stakes who don't want to pay boatloads for a coach.

I'm new to the 2+2 forum, so if I've done something wrong in promoting this, please let me know. And likewise if you have any questions or comments.

Thought I would post some updates which strengthen my qualifications.

1) Since this post, I have more than doubled my winnings, now up 30k playing part-time for just over six months. Having trouble attaching an image, but they're on homepage @ .

2) I have made nine videos now, the most popular of which can be found here:

3) I have had three students now for five hours net, and have booked a student for a six hour package in September. References available.

4) I received a coaching endorsement from Qing Yang, aka Poker Giraffe, based on my time with him as a student. See below:
"Seb is one of the brightest students I’ve worked with. He asked good questions, had an excellent grasp of concepts, and we were able to cover a lot of ground in a relatively short time. With his communication skills, I’m confident that he’ll be able to impart the same concepts to any potential students."
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-01-2023 , 12:43 PM
I tried something out recently, and I am glad I did it, so I will make it standard.

Students who are interested in coaching are entitled to a free 15m consult before purchasing. They can ask me any questions they might have about my background, what I typically teach, how I might differ from other coaches, etc. I might also ask questions about your experience, what you want from a coach, and just try to learn a bit about you as a person.

I think it is a useful context for both the coach and the client.

Feel free to comment on the thread, PM me or email me at
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-10-2023 , 12:08 PM
Additional update: as title indicates, current rate is 50USD/h
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-11-2023 , 10:33 AM
Sent you a pm
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-15-2023 , 04:18 AM
Email sent
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-17-2023 , 11:59 AM
Fairly saturated with students, so will be booking people for late August or early September. Priority will be given to people seeking mental game / goal coaching specifically, since I'd like to gain more experience there and meetings don't necessarily have to be as regular.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-21-2023 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by ColliePoker
Additional update: as title indicates, current rate is 50USD/h
current rates are reflected in title of thread
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
08-22-2023 , 06:11 PM
Thought I would drop a quick announcement.
I am happy to say that I've been brought on board by metal_ouda and CaptainRobur to offer regular mental game coaching to the players in their CFP.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
09-10-2023 , 03:06 PM
Have had a couple sessions with Seb now. Have found them very informative and useful to my game and how I think about theory.

Seb is enthusiastic about teaching and we have a Discord group with all the people he coaches where advise and hand histories are shared.

Would highly recommend him as a coach and think he is great value for money.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
09-10-2023 , 04:36 PM
Have had several coaching sessions with Seb, and have found that the way he breaks down the most fundamentally important aspects of the game really resonates with me. I am a microstakes player who has only been playing online for a few months, and felt it would be smart to invest in coaching early on, rather than getting overwhelmed by the vast amount of content out there these days. This has definitely proved to be a wise move, as I already have a much clearer idea of how to approach common spots and what exactly causes strategy construction to be formulated in a certain way, both at equilibrium and against the kinds of players I face at this level.

Seb really goes out of his way to ensure that you have grasped the concepts he is discussing by asking pertinent questions during coaching and making sure that any confusion or misapplication is given further clarity before progressing. This extends to between sessions also, where he is always willing to field questions, whether they pertain to concepts from a session, or to just general strategy and hand histories etc.

Overall, Seb has a clear understanding of how to approach and win at the game and how to adapt this to your specific level. He has a clear passion for wanting his students to be able to cut through the noise and actually achieve their poker goals. Fantastic value and couldn't recommend highly enough!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
11-02-2023 , 10:09 AM
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
11-10-2023 , 01:49 PM
I have been working with Seb for 5-6 sessions now. When I started coaching with Seb, I was a relatively new poker player playing 25NL, with very little theoretical understanding of the game. Working with Seb has unlocked a new understanding of how to apply theory to my game and has started me down the path of thinking about things like bet sizing and range construction in a way that is backed by theory. Before working with Seb, GTO was a bit of a mystery to me and any "studying" that I was trying to do was not very effective. Seb has made understanding the basics of theory and how to apply it to my game a very interesting and efficient process. After working with him for several sessions, I felt like I was making much more informed decisions in game. I have been able to move up to play 50NL recently and continue to leverage sessions with Seb to learn how to continue to improve my play. I also have had a good experience studying and discussing hands with his other students, something that Seb encourages his students to do.

Speaking from my experience as a low stakes player, I would recommend Seb's coaching to anyone who is interested in improving their understanding of poker theory and it's application at the tables quickly and in a way that is easily understandable and applicable. Seb has also made himself available to discuss mental game, which I'm sure would be beneficial to players of any stake. In short, investing in some sessions with Seb has been the best thing that I've done in terms of improving my game since I started playing poker about a year ago - I'd recommend his coaching to anyone who desires to make some improvements in their play!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
11-16-2023 , 07:59 PM
I have sent you a email. Pls check
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
11-19-2023 , 06:41 PM
Welp. October was a pain in the ass, but we've almost cracked $60k.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
12-19-2023 , 09:04 AM
After nearly 10 years away from Poker, I decided to get some coaching to get me up to speed as quick as possible. Seb has been excellent at both explaining theory in a clear and concise manner, as well as having a good few tricks and tactics that work exploitatively. I worked with him at 25nl and 50nl, achieving a strong win rate and am now taking shots at the 100nl games. Would highly recommend.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
12-21-2023 , 01:24 PM
Great coach, also excels at the mental/psychological side at the game which is just as important as the strategy side!
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
01-01-2024 , 11:11 PM
Seb is patient, explains his ideas clearly, is extremely friendly and yet at the same time straight forward. I couldn't ask for a better coach. I reached a stagnant point in my play but with Seb's theoretical explanations, he inspires you to use that new theoretical game knolwedge to create new exploits. I can confidently say that coaching with Seb has increased my winrate significantly.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-14-2024 , 03:17 PM
I've been brought on as one of the coaches for Carrot Corner. Here is a video I made with Pete Clarke

[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-21-2024 , 04:21 PM
My rate will most likely increase before April 1st.
[Francach] [0/h] NL10-200 6max Coaching and Goal-Oriented Coaching [Verified] Quote
