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Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam

03-01-2014 , 03:44 AM
got a lame PM with an excuse as to why he cant send FIFTY dollars from paypal today

go figure
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Christ, De 'Berg!
To clarify for you Eman, because I don't think you're understanding this:

You are not scummy for losing the money in the first place - all poker players have gone on tilt and lost money that they shouldn't have at one point - what's scummy is avoiding the repayment for FIVE YEARS. Willfully ignoring the fact that you made a mistake that costed someone else money and aggravation, and not bothering to try to right that wrong, is a sign that you really need to start thinking about how your actions effect other people. As of now, it appears you still are an extremely selfish person - what seems to be spurring you on to make good right now is mostly the fact that other people have called you names and you don't like that. That shouldn't be the thing bothering you most here - you should be bothered by the fact that your actions effected someone else mostly. I imagine you see yourself somewhat as a victim in this whole situation, but you aren't.

Actually .... he is somewhat scummy for losing the money in the first place. The reason being that as I understand it, he lost the stake money playing in certain games that he was specifically not supposed to use the stake money to play. Now, the foregoing maybe isn't as bad as not admitting you messed up and repaying the money at some point over a 5 year period. But, still
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx
got a lame PM with an excuse as to why he cant send FIFTY dollars from paypal today

go figure
sounds like hes just a straight up scumbag to me.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx
got a lame PM with an excuse as to why he cant send FIFTY dollars from paypal today

go figure
Shocked by this news.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-01-2014 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx
got a lame PM with an excuse as to why he cant send FIFTY dollars from paypal today

go figure
This is how it goes with these people - I hope you have let go of this emotionally long time ago because it's very frustrating and disappointing dealing with these empty promises that gives hope. The last guy who owed me even constructed a detailed payment plan. And I've never seen 1 cent from any of these guys who will "pay back as soon as I can, I promise". I've had about 5 of them (before I finally learned to not trust people with money) and the story always goes and ends the same.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:19 PM
I know its not much but I didn't realize I could send 50 dollars instantly from my bank account with echecks. So 50 dollars sent. Sorry it took so long was in the process of moving this weekend. I'll continue sending payments when i get the cash.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:27 PM
Lol, where has this thread been hiding?

Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
I know its not much but I didn't realize I could send 50 dollars instantly from my bank account with echecks. So 50 dollars sent. Sorry it took so long was in the process of moving this weekend. I'll continue sending payments when i get the cash.
Do you feel better about yourself now?

Glad to see a debt being paid off after so long, gives me hope for the future.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:23 PM
How is it that some people who owe other people money and can't pay for whatever reason, always have money to gamble with?
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:47 AM
Maybe try .005/.010 h2h PLO next time.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
so I stepped in a 5/10 plo h2h game I believe it was and sat down with the 670. And lost.
Am I getting this wrong or does "h2h" mean "head to head"?

Who the **** stakes a guy who calls HU h2h?
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
I know its not much but I didn't realize I could send 50 dollars instantly from my bank account with echecks. So 50 dollars sent. Sorry it took so long was in the process of moving this weekend. I'll continue sending payments when i get the cash.

how many more multiples of $50 are you keeping in that bank account that you could send an echeck for?

Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx

how many more multiples of $50 are you keeping in that bank account that you could send an echeck for?

Don't get too excited until it clears, echecks can bounce just like paper...
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 02:02 PM
Congrats on the $50. At this rate you should be completely paid off in 95 years.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
I could've paid him back the money way before what it is now had he kept his cool and worked with me. I am not saying it is his fault but I am saying had he worked with me this would have never happened. And he would've been paid back by now.
these two statements are completely contradictory, one cannot state that something is not someone's fault and then in the same sentence claim "this never would have happened" if they only would have "worked" with you.

when you are in default of a loan/contract etc. it does not matter what the underlying circumstances are, you have not kept up your end of the contract, to insist that the loan would have been paid back had your stake partner given you another stake recommendation is not only ludicrous but also assumes that you would have won money on this other stake - a fact I might have some trouble with seeing as you admitted that you had not played in a very long time

your arguments against finding another part-time job or another higher-paying full time job to make the situation right are all typical of the entitled "supposedly pro-poker" mindset that stems from years of sitting on your ass and watching money fall into your lap

I have a friend that you remind me of who donates his paychecks every week to his local casino. This player wasn't even beating poker games back during the boom years of the game, yet he is still down at the casino playing against players who are 2-3x better than they were 5-6 years ago and wondering why they always "suck out" on him.

Try this for some advice:

1. Get a clue.
2. You are not a top 1% player.
3. Probably not even a top 50% player.
4. The game passed you by while you were in hiding over the past few years dodging a $950 debt.
5. Getting staked to play micro-stakes is nearly the same as agreeing to split your paycheck with some guy who can get you a job at a 3rd world shoe factory.
6. Asking for extra shifts at your present job, or heaven forbid...getting another job would have paid off the stake and likely helped build a small roll for you to take your own shot with.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Makkara92
How do you know im the only one to laugh at it, or that i would wait some kind of response?
Trust... You are.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 05:38 PM
Hard to believe this is a serious thread & not a total level but it appears it might be serious.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 09:32 PM
posting in potential epic thread
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 10:11 PM
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
03-03-2014 , 10:34 PM
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
08-29-2023 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx

how many more multiples of $50 are you keeping in that bank account that you could send an echeck for?

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

I no longer have access to the eman6969 account but I want to make good on this debt. I want to pay 200 a month until it's paid off. I just need your paypal information. I don't have pm's enabled but maybe a mod can enable them so he can send me his information.

Last edited by PokerWat; 08-29-2023 at 01:15 PM.
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
08-29-2023 , 11:26 PM
its taken you 8yrs to pay back $1,000?

Are you like a ex/drug addict? Not trying to be a dick, just curious
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
08-30-2023 , 04:56 AM
So OP still has not payed after 15 years? Ffs
Will we ever see games lower than 1cent/2cent? Then we discuss OP's <img K scam Quote
