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Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?)

02-18-2010 , 12:27 PM
It's noy MY definition, it's THE definition. Yes, you are a multiaccounter, even if Tilt allowed it. What was your good reason to change names and fool everyone you'd ever played against on Tilt anyway?

Obviously there is no scandal if Dave cleared his switch with FT, but when he says things like "I've never multiaccounted in my life. 1 screenname per site, period" and clearly has two on Full Tilt... I'd hardly call pointing that out looking for a needle in a haystack.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 12:53 PM
KSOT, you're an idiot.

Is Hollywood Dave multiaccounting if he has 2 names? Yes to the truest form of the word "multiaccounting" (to have more than 1 account)

Is Hollywood Dave using both his accounts to gain an upper edge somehow? No.

Did Brian Townsend use both his accounts to gain an upper edge? Yes. He used 1 account no one knew belong to him to gain the upper edge on people which he had reads on people and they had none on them.

What Hollywood Dave is doing is what a ton of other people have done to get rakeback on FTP.

What Brian Townsend did is no where close to what Hollywood Dave is doing. To put them in the same field is moronic.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 12:54 PM
Regardless to him being guilty or not, I personally feel as if I'm in a safe zone while being in a thread with many others who have such a solid understanding as to what a total douche holywood dave is.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 01:56 PM
Didn't *TT* also defend Jason Ho when his scam was first discovered?
Maybe I'm thinking about someone else
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:29 PM
I read the thread

[x] multi-accounting
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:40 PM
If this is multi-accounting, then everybody who has ever gotten divorced and married a different spouse should be arrested for bigamy.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
We played the 1K horse for several hours today. I didnt bring up the thread because I didnt want it to affect his tourney.

My posting of his twitter was just a curiosity post; I couldnt understand why someone would post to thousands of followers that they had a "secret" account on full tilt.

I am sorry if I caused Hollywood Dave any harm in this. He has explained to me that when we used to play stud8 on Full tilt and he was Hollywood Dave or Hollywood_Dave, it was prior to his signing with UB. UB did not want him using the name Hollywood Dave on any other site, since he was a sponsored pro on UB as that name. About 2 years ago, he said he stopped using the name Hollywood Dave or Hollywood_Dave, and started a new account.

The reason he referred to it as his "secret" account, is because no one who had played with him as Hollywood Dave, knew that it was in fact the replacement account for the Hollywood Dave account.

He said he never multiaccounted, and has used the "secret" newer account exclusively for about 2 years.

I hope this clears this up, and if this is accurate, I accept that explanation.
at best thats unethical and at worst thats way against the ftp TOC. Why wouldnt he tell everyone who he played with that hollywood dave was his old account? he gained an edge on every person he had history with by not outing himself.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
at best thats unethical and at worst thats way against the ftp TOC. Why wouldnt he tell everyone who he played with that hollywood dave was his old account? he gained an edge on every person he had history with by not outing himself.
How exactly would he have gone about doing this? By typing "I'm Hollywood Dave!" into the chatbox every 15 seconds? Which would have been hilarious, but still...
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:48 PM
Jeez...according to a previous post that account he is using has been exclusively used since August 2008. There is no angle shooting going on here. That's all that matters.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:09 PM
TT - I understand you aren't saying you condone HD acting like a douche. But I'm curious do you condone his antics just to be popular?
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:14 PM
Right. I guess that's that then.
Time to find something else for the teenage 2+2 knownowts to jump to the wrong conclusions about.

Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by *TT*
Dave is a friend of mine, I've said it before and I'll say it again - he is not a douchebag, he just plays one on TV.
Being your friend does not make him immune from being perceived as a douchebag.
I have played with Dave several times, and although his antics don't bother me any, I can see why most people would think he is a douchebag. He is the same in person as he acts on TV.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:45 PM
people are only crucifying Hollywood Dave for this relatively minor offense due to the fact that he is such an overwhelming douche in everything he does.... also people distrust midgets
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:59 PM
calling stuff like this a minor offense gives a pass to anyone who does it for whatever reason- and that can't be right.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by walsh313
Hollywood daves second account on ftp = ampallang. Wasn't gonna post it, but since he decided to deny it. In all fairness as far as tournaments go it looks like he doesn't use it anymore, who knows as far as cash games go. Anxiously awaiting his denial via twitter of this, as there is more info to roll out if he wishes to keep lying. God why is UB dumb enough to keep douches like this who aren't even good at poker as their pros?
Is ampallang, or oneleveldeep the second account name?
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:08 PM
Does troll NVG for tidbits to use on their website?
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Is ampallang, or oneleveldeep the second account name?
allen you don't owe an apology, dave is still breaking full tilt TOS, making a 2nd account for any reason is still multiaccounting (just not the really really bad kind)
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Does troll NVG for tidbits to use on their website?
Sometimes, even if they come from "respected" players.

Of course, you could find this out if you go to those sites yourself.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by apefish
calling stuff like this a minor offense gives a pass to anyone who does it for whatever reason- and that can't be right.
so are you for crucifying people that changed their account 1+years ago to get a rakeback deal and are "multiaccounting"?

also, to charder, I respect you so your opinion is somewhat valid, however, do you think that people he has "notes" on, those people won't get notes on him? also, as far as i know, Dave only plays tournaments and small ones at that. It's not like he's getting a gigantic edge.

What brian townsend did was multiaccount to gain the upper edge on players he had notes on and players had no notes on him. All the while he was being sponsered by FTP.

Hollywood Dave is not.

Also, For all those jumping on dave's back for "multi-accounting", he is no worse or better than the people that do this to get rakeback. He has committed no huge crime, so lets stop treating him like this is a huge scandal.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by stuckinpgh
It's no different than Phil Laak doing pushups on the WPT. These production companies highly encourage these types of things to make the boring product more entertaining.
That's a fantastic example. We're all huge fans of Phil Laak's antics as well.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:50 PM
It depends on which "we" you're talking about.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
It depends on which "we" you're talking about.
Take a vote.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by heater
That's a fantastic example. We're all huge fans of Phil Laak's antics as well.
I'd rather watch Phil/Antonio's antics any day of the week rather than Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson.

Not to mention Phil/Antonio are better than Chris/Howard at NL holdem anyways.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by apefish
calling stuff like this a minor offense gives a pass to anyone who does it for whatever reason- and that can't be right.
Lets be honest. The severity of most offenses in poker is limited to how good the player is who committed it. The worse the player, the more leeway they get.

Obviously a losing player is not gaining much if any by changing his screen name even though it can be a huge advantage for a winning player whether or not it was done for that reason or insecurity and should be handled as such.

Keep calling string bets on fish and see what that gets ya
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
02-18-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by C4L
Also, For all those jumping on dave's back for "multi-accounting", he is no worse or better than the people that do this to get rakeback. He has committed no huge crime, so lets stop treating him like this is a huge scandal.
Oh he's no worse than someone who breaks a contract with their affiliate to the detriment of his opponents for his own personal gain. Gotcha.
Why would Hollywood Dave brag about multiaccounting on ftp? (Because he wasn't MA'ing?) Quote
