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Who's Your Fav To Win ''The Big One'' Million dollar buy in? Who's Your Fav To Win ''The Big One'' Million dollar buy in?
View Poll Results: Which list you pick and why?
List A
19 43.18%
List B
25 56.82%

05-28-2012 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by starrazz
Will it be televised? Which events will be on TV and which ones won't?
The ESPN schedule indicates that two episodes will be devoted to this event.

There will also be 2 episodes of $50k HORSE Player's Championship, and the rest is ME coverage.

Is Ivey actually confirmed busto? Or is that just BS. He is not on the list...
05-28-2012 , 04:12 PM
Well maybe he boycotts the WSOP again.. I highly doubt he's busto.
05-29-2012 , 12:48 AM
Hope some online boss wins the satty and ships it!
05-29-2012 , 07:35 PM
So what happens if Guy wins? What will he do with the money? As he's so rich he'll probably feel inclined to give it charity, but that would then be a massive f u to all those poker pro's for taking that much money out of circulation from poker... Would be interesting.
05-29-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by wcaseyb
He's mad. He's definitely mad. However, in your attempt at passive/aggressive belittling you called him a redneck (the "stupid white man" was so pathetic that there is no need to comment further). I would wager that there are many so-called rednecks who are much smarter, better people than many people, yourself included. I have never understood why "redneck" has become the new go-to insult on the internet when someone is being internet tough and attempting degradation. You're mad enough to make racist comments to someone you have never met on the internet because he was mad about a dead guy? I love the internets! Now I'm mad that your mad (and ignorant/racist) that he's mad (and just ignorant as far as we can tell so far, so one up on you). Meh, I'm over it now. As far as this tournament is concerned, it's amazing that people pay over 100k in rake for one tournament. Is there some type of tax deduction that comes with that amount or rake since it goes to a charity?
This is a prime example of what's funny but also very sad about the internet; Two people slightly above idiot level arguing over who's more intelligent. Both of you sort out your grammar, put some fricken paragraphs in (and in the right place) take out the immature racism and then you can at least pretend to be intelligent.

Maybe you're both trolls... Yeah you must be trolling... I've been trolled...****.
06-01-2012 , 04:49 PM
Negreanu or Seidel. Mercier should enter and turn around his 2012
06-01-2012 , 05:55 PM
Please let Tony G be on a Robls table. One Million Dollar needling would be amazing.
06-01-2012 , 06:17 PM
i hope ivey plays
06-02-2012 , 09:04 PM
JRB has tweeted he has some news regarding this and will release it tomorrow 5pm.

JRB to ship one drop?
06-02-2012 , 09:45 PM
jrb is as close to dead money as one can get.

don't know who would stake him for that, that is one rich dude who just burns 1 milli cos' he's friends with jrb.

jinxing jrb hardcore here, yw jrb.
06-02-2012 , 09:57 PM
i hope isildur1 plays this even
06-02-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by COCOCHANEL
Is Ivey actually confirmed busto? Or is that just BS. He is not on the list...
What, you think you someone is able to press it for 100k+ a roll regularly and not go busto? There are mutliple accounts of him losing over a million in night. He was borrowing millions of dollars while still on the FTP payroll which he never paid back. Obv busto after he stopped getting player funds and the divorce.
06-02-2012 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by pookomoo
This is a prime example of what's funny but also very sad about the internet; Two people slightly above idiot level arguing over who's more intelligent. Both of you sort out your grammar, put some fricken paragraphs in (and in the right place) take out the immature racism and then you can at least pretend to be intelligent.

Maybe you're both trolls... Yeah you must be trolling... I've been trolled...****.
no, you.
you think you can judge our intelligence over the internet, thats slightly worse than idiot,
thats serious problem, mister para graph.
you have an anal character, why dont you just take the gramma the way it is,
if you understand it? we might eventually not be native speakers.
sorry that we made you angry about the internet.

guy wins. he couldnt care less and has fun shipping it.
06-02-2012 , 10:57 PM
From Jason Mercier's Twitter:

"Just put down my deposit to play ONE DROP! 1 mill buyin ... #Nobigdeal Got one month to sell action I guess. Get at me 1.1 so 11,000 for 1%"
06-03-2012 , 01:01 AM
My moneys on JMerc now, has to be said.
06-03-2012 , 01:12 AM
johnny chan completely, either him or seidel
06-03-2012 , 01:27 AM
can u guys imagine johnny chan and siedal HU for the bracelet? that would be the most epic thing imo
06-03-2012 , 02:15 AM
i wonder who is actually in as in has paid the million, vs. who has paid the 50k, vs. who is trying to get in. hard to tell.

i'm pretty sure all added up it's over 48. it has to be nearly sold out.

39 + hellmuth, katchalov, jrb, mercier, philbort, esfandiari

i saw jaka on twitter asking about patch rules for one drop.

bonomo, richey selling shares. ivey. that's 49 right there.

i'm guessing the people one drop is going public with have paid in full.

maybe they could cancel a satellite? supposedly there are be 2 vegas sat's. maybe there could be one instead.

maybe ivey thinks he can sat in? at the MGM sat b/c bobby runs it? lol.
06-03-2012 , 02:34 AM
Droppin a million for a tournament ballsy
06-03-2012 , 02:36 AM
Somehow I have to go with Dwan.
06-03-2012 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I think howard lederer gonna win
Mark275 do you still have issues of wanting to be a female?
06-03-2012 , 03:23 AM
Hellmuth will win.
06-03-2012 , 03:35 AM
Tony G vs Hellmuth HU would be some of the best tv in history.
06-03-2012 , 03:45 AM
Can any smart genius itt show me where the criteria for wsop POY is. I can't find it on the site and it's f tilting me. Sorry for the derail.
06-03-2012 , 03:47 AM
I think Sam Trickett Negreanu Dwan Greenstein Victor Blom Duhamel or Haxton will win. Not sure how many of those have pre-regged but that's who I have in my pool.
