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What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America

05-27-2016 , 02:59 AM
Anxious to listen to her response..
A LOT seems off here from all parties.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:10 AM
as a non american/non english speaker I am not familiar with the cheapshot/ugly angle of calling her "Ms" because she got a Dr title, what if that slips your mind? We dont use titles of any sort in my country, we just refer to last name or first name.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
as a non american/non english speaker I am not familiar with the cheapshot/ugly angle of calling her "Ms" because she got a Dr title, what if that slips your mind? We dont use titles of any sort in my country, we just refer to last name or first name.
It's a non-issue. Only self-important twits would ever take offense to being called Ms. in a non-medical setting. It's hardly an important issue here compared to the actual bad stuff that's being alleged. Just your standard 2016 internet overreaction.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by KyleFly
The saddest thing to me is the people who picked sides already with the limited info. A lot of idiots about to be on blast.
Yeah who would make decisions with partial information.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I viewed it as him intentionally using Ms. to belittle her status as a doctor
According to her, her sole income for the last three years was from poker. Does Dr still apply? Dr degenerate maybe.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Thank you for joining us in the 21st century. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Gee Whiz, Delta only gives me 7 prefix options? So archaic and sexist of them.

What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 03:49 AM
What I want know is... will motorboating/motorboated become a term in the poker subculture? Maybe replacing the withered term like showers. Or for a poker hand that looks like propellers on a boat (88)...

"I was BU with motorboat, and jammed over MP raise... unfortunately ran into top of range and got motorboated off set!"
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by daChimp
What I want know is... will motorboating/motorboated become a term in the poker subculture?
It already is in flop games. It refers to when there is trips on board, and the motorboat is a full house (boat) including a higher three of a kind than the one visible on board. Getting motorboated is when you have a boat but lose to a motorboat.

So the board reads 7T772

If you have TT you have the motorboat. If you beat someone with e.g. QQ then that that person got motorboated, or their boat got motorboated.

Absent straight flush possibilities the motorboat is second (or sometimes third) nuts after quads, it's never the nuts.

I'm lol-bad at PLO but I imagine getting motorboated happens a lot in PLO when there is trips on board.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 05:43 AM
I'm going to make some live reads here and conclude that her story is a complete bs. I can't explain what is it about her, but she just reminds me of Mrs Clinton, both look demented.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by maslalo
I'm going to make some live reads here and conclude that her story is a complete bs. I can't explain what is it about her, but she just reminds me of Mrs Clinton, both look demented.
a solid argument

this type of thing just detracts from people who have legitimate skepticism about her story
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I viewed it as him intentionally using Ms. to belittle her status as a doctor
She's already done enough to belittle her status as a doctor. Having poker as a sole source of income for three years, for starters.

Btw. That Dream Crusher thinks even first names should be non gender specific too.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by maslalo
I'm going to make some live reads here and conclude that her story is a complete bs. I can't explain what is it about her, but she just reminds me of Mrs Clinton, both look demented.
No Mrs allowed.
Fortunately, Hillary can be a boys name as well as a girl.
Oh damn, I said 'boy' and 'girl'. They're gender specific words. I'm not supposed to do that anymore am I DreamCrusher.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 07:16 AM
At least One of the parties involved is all done with poker when this is done; complete black sheep status
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Puckster
At least One of the parties involved is all done with poker when this is done; complete black sheep status
We can certainly hope
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 08:17 AM
That jew statement seems like it came straight out of a Borat sketch.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by IgorC
That jew statement seems like it came straight out of a Borat sketch.
Or Woody Allen. Actually, this entire Jew/juice debate is exactly like this scene from Annie Hall:

What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 08:45 AM
Man, "Degenerate Doc" would be a really cool handle
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 09:09 AM
By the way, regardless of what I think of everything else, I don't think the delay in coming forward means anything. PNiA seems to appreciate a good slow roll.

P.S. Matusow is jewish so maybe there is something there. Props to Kristy Arnett for not being a slow roll loving jew hater.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 09:56 AM
I am sure there are dozens of Internet sleuths contacting the school to see if she actually received her doctorate.

As this story quickly unfolded, I wonder what proof she will have to produce to get the public on her side considering a number of high-profile people have come to the side of the accused. I guess, maybe an eyewitness other than her boyfriend? What would convince you?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Someone else mentioned this earlier and I don't know if they were joking but if not, I'd agree that it seems she could have misunderstood Chris's comment. His statement sounds reasonable if he actually said "Our show is great because we don't have any Juice."

i am assuming there is no rake charge on the show?

If so, saying "juice" sounds much more logical than randomly attacking jews to a stranger in a hyper politically correct environment in which an active participant of a TV show would surely be sensitive to if for no other reason than self preservation.

I cant remember where this statement fell within the sequence of events but if she was already on her guard from previous perceived or actual slights, she may have had a predisposition to assume the worst instead of clarifying what he actually said.
Agree, or maybe he meant "we don't have juice" like no orange or apple, they only have water or soda available. There's a lot of things he could have meant.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by AlaskanDogRunner
Agree, or maybe he meant "we don't have juice" like no orange or apple, they only have water or soda available. There's a lot of things he could have meant.
This seems considerable less likely.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Monorail
It's a non-issue. Only self-important twits would ever take offense to being called Ms. in a non-medical setting. It's hardly an important issue here compared to the actual bad stuff that's being alleged. Just your standard 2016 internet overreaction.
In this case, it seems apparent that it was meant to be a dig at her, as was the comment "there’s nothing I find the least bit attractive about her."

It will be interesting to see how things unfold. Dr. Moskow is obviously a very intelligent woman, not some mindless grifter looking for a quick score.

And what about how Nolan Dalla's assertion that at the Florida taping "Ms. Moskow showed up and to my surprise was seated at the table. Again, all this took place about 18 months ago -- I do not recall how exactly she ended up in the cash game. I might have not been there in the first hour when players were seated. I can't remember every detail about every show we film."

The Watergate defense: "To the best of my recollection at this point in time."

This could all become much more interesting following this afternoon's podcast. But with lawyers now involved, everything might go on the down low.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Benyamin
When the producers saw that she was capable of making folds like that, they knew she was too good for the table.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-27-2016 , 11:18 AM
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
