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Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table

12-28-2020 , 07:10 PM
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Not until February most likely. Good luck not seeing any results until then. lol
lol I thought it may have been just a few days I needed to fade

But seems odd that they would not show this live as done in past years.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
Oh man, remember the simple days of Chainsaw just mindlessly buying into events and being outraged about the structure even though the structure sheets are easy to find.

I miss those days.

Seriously everyone knew the risk for this event, it was no secret that this could happened and was joked about for weeks. WSOP was never going to bend the rules for anyone, unless you were a known name from the boom era that luckboxed their way to the final table. This event is only running because of ESPN. A no name player isn't going to hold up production. Yes I get he is a top player with 3 bracelets, but its still a no name to the general public. ESPN needs their show.

my friend literally said the same thing to me.

Good times
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 08:07 PM
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
That is absolute madness. Society and governments have gone to complete madness. The modern day equivalent of the Salem witch trials imo.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Chabra
In this case you pretty much have to, but what I mean is if something similar were to be run in the future it would be more fair to lay different ground rules. Take a poll of poker players and overwhelming majority would not want to do it the way WSOP did this.
Who thinks that was fair what they did to him? Because he got covid and was quarantining Effel decides to up and disqualify him? I'm serious that dude should have been let go years ago. Every time there is a controversy he acts like a king. No empathy for this man, always taking Hellmuth side for example when he berates and harrasses others at the tables but to the avg person he threatens them with permanent 86 if they act up in the slightest. The favoritism gets worse and worse. How about if DNegs or Hellmuth were 8th in chips and got covid, you think Effel would disqualify them? No way. He'd probably move the FT a month later to accommodate them. Again Effel is a joke, imo has turned into a total douche.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by wtfsaywtf
Yeah I understand that. The cloth masks are marginally more effective than no mask at all when it comes to not spreading germs though. I can't believe more people don't understand that. Most people think that if everyone is wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth you are protected when in reality it ain't doing very much.
Okay, fair enough. This is why socially distancing and air circulation remain more important factors, and why people were always advised to stay at home if they are coughing/sneezing. But the video you posted does illustrate that a mask is more than "marginally effective" in protecting others from you. The reach of the more explosive respiratory actions – such as coughing and sneezing – are greatly reduced by the covering. Even the difference between talking and normal breathing is demonstrated quite well on there.

(The funny part is that I often wish conversation was added to the various guidelines earlier in the pandemic: e.g. "if you must leave the house, cover your face, maintain social distance, avoid touching your face, and just shut the hell up." In fact, the "talk less, smile more" line from Hamilton could have been put to use.)

But anyway, this is all stuff that was covered ad nauseam in the COVID-19 thread.

In the end, you and I both agree with others that the idea of having a live final table was pretty ridiculous, and we're seeing why.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 09:04 PM

Heads of ESPN Programing looking at this final table photo and thinking, "how do we get people to watch this?"

Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 09:09 PM
I know, air it on ESPN 2 months later. That will draw an audience!
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Videopro
I highly doubt the WSOP can pocket the prize money. It can and probably would be distributed to the remaining positions.
But half the people in this thread are saying “It’s totally fair deSilva got 9th because that’s what the rules say.”

But the rules say ALL players who test positive get 9th place. Would the WSOP violate their own rules if multiple people tested positive? Given that multiple people got DQed, but the WSOP got lucky it was one in each field, this doesn’t seem like it was a remote possibility.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 10:11 PM
Thats a good point. I wonder what would of happened if 8 or all 9 players tested positive for covid?
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Shark1980
Thats a good point. I wonder what would of happened if 8 or all 9 players tested positive for covid?
Wsop keeps the money, big freeroll for them, why else would they risk a live final table during a pandemic
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
Heads of ESPN Programing looking at this final table photo and thinking, "how do we get people to watch this?"
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Who thinks that was fair what they did to him? Because he got covid and was quarantining Effel decides to up and disqualify him? I'm serious that dude should have been let go years ago. Every time there is a controversy he acts like a king. No empathy for this man, always taking Hellmuth side for example when he berates and harrasses others at the tables but to the avg person he threatens them with permanent 86 if they act up in the slightest. The favoritism gets worse and worse. How about if DNegs or Hellmuth were 8th in chips and got covid, you think Effel would disqualify them? No way. He'd probably move the FT a month later to accommodate them. Again Effel is a joke, imo has turned into a total douche.

Does anyone take this guy seriously?
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
great work getting them to take off the masks indoors for a photo op. the three who didn't take them off are definitely the sharpest, my money is on them to win
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
Or they can die. How much is a non-zero chance of death worth?

^^^^ lol to the guy above me. Better never leave your house again if you are this fearful. Amazing what the media did to people.

I had Covid 8 weeks ago. Was no diff than a normal cold. Losing my smell and taste sucked though. I had the flu about 10 years ago and that was 10x worse for me.

Unless you have multiple preexisting conditions and are super old, you’ll be fine... just like the regular flu. This has been the biggest overblown worldwide circus we will ever see.

Everything is tagged Covid. Good news is though, no one is dying of cancer or heart disease this year. It’s all Covid!
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:14 PM
^^ this guy apparently doesn't know that more people than just old and sick have passed to COVID (and apparently doesn't think that we should slow the spread to protect those people, being born with an autoimmune disease makes you worthless right?)

Of course there is a huge difference between "never leaving your house" and voluntarily putting up ten thousand dollars to go play at a live poker table for entertainment. And you'd think on a poker forum one would be able to tell the difference between anecdotal, one off events and an overarching narrative when discussing things like a high-variance disease.

And somehow this poster believes that we aren't counting deaths from heart disease, when in fact we are and there is plenty of data available.

Overall 10/10 ignorance. Amazing what right-wing media did to some people
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
^^ this guy apparently doesn't know that more people than just old and sick have passed to COVID (and apparently doesn't think that we should slow the spread to protect those people, being born with an autoimmune disease makes you worthless right?)

Of course there is a huge difference between "never leaving your house" and voluntarily putting up ten thousand dollars to go play at a live poker table for entertainment. And you'd think on a poker forum one would be able to tell the difference between anecdotal, one off events and an overarching narrative when discussing things like a high-variance disease.

And somehow this poster believes that we aren't counting deaths from heart disease, when in fact we are and there is plenty of data available.

Overall 10/10 ignorance. Amazing what right-wing media did to some people

Ok sheep. If the media covered the flu like they did for this, there would be panic year round. Bottom line is people don’t care.

That’s why I laugh when I see people wearing masks in their own cars driving. Pathetic.

Of course theirs always going to be outliers of people dying who are young, but that’s life. Same **** with the flu. It sucks... but what can you do?

Oh wear a mask that literally doesn’t do anything .... just to comply.

I’m not talking n95 masks... I’m talking 95% of the homemade masks / gators that do NOTHING.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
^^ this guy apparently doesn't know that more people than just old and sick have passed to COVID (and apparently doesn't think that we should slow the spread to protect those people, being born with an autoimmune disease makes you worthless right?)

Of course there is a huge difference between "never leaving your house" and voluntarily putting up ten thousand dollars to go play at a live poker table for entertainment. And you'd think on a poker forum one would be able to tell the difference between anecdotal, one off events and an overarching narrative when discussing things like a high-variance disease.

And somehow this poster believes that we aren't counting deaths from heart disease, when in fact we are and there is plenty of data available.

Overall 10/10 ignorance. Amazing what right-wing media did to some people
Ummmm young and healthy people have a near zero chance of dying of COVID.

And by young and healthy I don't mean you Bakes =P. Make sure you are taking vitamin-D and eat healthy get some cardio exercise. Wear a mask and social distance.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Who thinks that was fair what they did to him? Because he got covid and was quarantining Effel decides to up and disqualify him? I'm serious that dude should have been let go years ago. Every time there is a controversy he acts like a king. No empathy for this man, always taking Hellmuth side for example when he berates and harrasses others at the tables but to the avg person he threatens them with permanent 86 if they act up in the slightest. The favoritism gets worse and worse. How about if DNegs or Hellmuth were 8th in chips and got covid, you think Effel would disqualify them? No way. He'd probably move the FT a month later to accommodate them. Again Effel is a joke, imo has turned into a total douche.
I think it’s fair, why should others suffer or be inconvenienced because someone else got covid?
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:28 PM
wtf? does he at least get the 9th place money?
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:29 PM
I wonder how often the pejorative "ok sheep" is a projection.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I tried to looks this up a bit further and the rules specifically say


Like, plural "players". Meaning if multiple players test positive or don't attend, they are all awarded 9th place money. I don't see any provision for reallocating prize money if multiple players are DQed in 9th. So I guess the WSOP would just pocket the money. Would this even be legal? It seems perverse to me for the WSOP to have a financial incentive in players getting covid.
TDA tournament rules are clear. If 2 or more people go out on the same hand at the same table, then the one who started the hand with the highest chip count gets the highest finish. If two players from different tables go out on the same hand, then they split the prizes. So if 2 were DQ'ed due to covid at this main event final table, then they both went out at the same table, and the one with the most chips would get 8th prize money and the other 9th.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
But half the people in this thread are saying “It’s totally fair deSilva got 9th because that’s what the rules say.”

But the rules say ALL players who test positive get 9th place. Would the WSOP violate their own rules if multiple people tested positive? Given that multiple people got DQed, but the WSOP got lucky it was one in each field, this doesn’t seem like it was a remote possibility.
They wouldn't have to break any of their own rules unless all 9 tested positive.

Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
Wsop keeps the money, big freeroll for them, why else would they risk a live final table during a pandemic
Sure, that makes sense. I can't see why the Nevada Gaming Commission would have an issue of this. Pretty clever of WSOP to find this loophole.

Originally Posted by MasterOfPoo8
Does anyone take this guy seriously?
One would hope not.

Originally Posted by yasuo
wtf? does he at least get the 9th place money?
wtf? do you read any posts before replying?

Originally Posted by persianpunisher
I wonder how often the pejorative "ok sheep" is a projection.
Most of the time. Shocking who it was that picked up the Covid derail and ran with it.

By which I mean not at all shocking, of course.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
12-29-2020 , 01:28 AM
Those were the rules. I said want needed to be done. Drive out there and rent a house as far away from the city as possible and interact with nobody.

This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. He needed to live as bubble boy.

Devastating bad beat.
Upeshka de Silva Positive for Coronavirus, DQed in 9th on Night before WSOP ME Final Table Quote
