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twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment

10-10-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by travisohc
If you really think that something like this is happening I have bad news for you. If evidence is crystal clear that he first killed the woman and himself afterwards, then there is basically no "case" and also no investigation after that at all.

You take this all very personal for some reason.
We appreciate your opinion about bullying and its somewhat understandable but I think its finally about time for you to stfu. thank you

You could have not said it better
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
You could have not said it better
BTW what is happening on psde falls under the following law. Very similar law exist in Austria. I wouldn't wonder if someone send Screenshots to the police. If they have time and feel disgusted by the comments in that forum as well, they prob will try to gather ip addresses from psde user.

"Die Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener ist eine Straftat, die in Deutschland in § 189 StGB normiert ist und mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe geahndet wird"

There are multiple post in that forum that violat that law. Someone supposedly revealed the identy of the victim so no people are writing stuff like

"when I see the picture of her, the guy just tried to do a beauty surgery on her with the hammer"

Iam to lazy to read all the bullcrap there again, but it's quite obv violating the mentioned law above.

So why don't u close your mouth, get out of your basement and visit the real world out there,with real people.

Defending that thread in the bbv there is absolutely ridiculous. That psde has not closed it yet is absolutely mind boggling. They must think because they are sitting on Malta, that they are invincible.

But that is not true. There were German citizens living in EU countries prosecuted for hate speech on fb etc.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
BTW what is happening on psde falls under the following law. Very similar law exist in Austria. I wouldn't wonder if someone send Screenshots to the police. If they have time and feel disgusted by the comments in that forum as well, they prob will try to gather ip addresses from psde user.

"Die Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener ist eine Straftat, die in Deutschland in § 189 StGB normiert ist und mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe geahndet wird"

There are multiple post in that forum that violat that law. Someone supposedly revealed the identy of the victim so no people are writing stuff like

"when I see the picture of her, the guy just tried to do a beauty surgery on her with the hammer"

Iam to lazy to read all the bullcrap there again, but it's quite obv violating the mentioned law above.

So why don't u close your mouth, get out of your basement and visit the real world out there,with real people.

Defending that thread in the bbv there is absolutely ridiculous. That psde has not closed it yet is absolutely mind boggling. They must think because they are sitting on Malta, that they are invincible.

But that is not true. There were German citizens living in EU countries prosecuted for hate speech on fb etc.
Someone needs to file a claim.

To the victims relatives: my condolences
You might want to file a case.

To the poker community: if we let this happen it will happen again. This now is hatespeach
Unfortunately the lowest scum of poker players over there at ps has pervetedly celebrated the downfall of another poker player and is now joking about it.

I am really surprised so few spoke up here.
These people need to be hold accountable. If we let them get away with It, next It will happen to your spouse, family, son, daughter or yourself.

F this and f these guys.

Ps. I know this might be a difficult concept to grasp for a few. But it is possible to have more than one victim.
Or to be an offender and at the same time be a victim.

Last edited by washoe; 10-11-2020 at 10:19 AM. Reason: Typo
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:15 AM
The internet is a legal black hole. There is no such thing as "hAtEsPeEcH". If you're offended by something, turn off your PC, leave your basement and visit the real world out there, with all the other normies.

Terrible things happen all the time. Get over it. People will never change. You are free to find things disgusting, annoying, shocking, whatever but people are also free to say whatever they want, feel like, find funny in a weird kind of way, express their "hate" and so on. Willing to change that sounds absurd and insane. We have that in the real world. Probably you're better off there. Just stay away from sick people and you will be doing fine.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
BTW what is happening on psde falls under the following law. Very similar law exist in Austria. I wouldn't wonder if someone send Screenshots to the police. If they have time and feel disgusted by the comments in that forum as well, they prob will try to gather ip addresses from psde user.

"Die Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener ist eine Straftat, die in Deutschland in § 189 StGB normiert ist und mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe geahndet wird"

There are multiple post in that forum that violat that law. Someone supposedly revealed the identy of the victim so no people are writing stuff like

"when I see the picture of her, the guy just tried to do a beauty surgery on her with the hammer"

Iam to lazy to read all the bullcrap there again, but it's quite obv violating the mentioned law above.

So why don't u close your mouth, get out of your basement and visit the real world out there,with real people.

Defending that thread in the bbv there is absolutely ridiculous. That psde has not closed it yet is absolutely mind boggling. They must think because they are sitting on Malta, that they are invincible.

But that is not true. There were German citizens living in EU countries prosecuted for hate speech on fb etc.
they guy who wrote that comment is a known troll and he will try hard to trigger people like you. sure his comment is as low as it gets but guess what? welcome to the bbv! if you cant take it its best for you to never visit that part of the forum. comments similar to this have been made there for years and its nothing special. just ignore such people because their only goal is to trigger you. the only thing i said btw is that the trolling there had nothing to do with the fact that the killer is gonnna loose it anyway one day.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Fat_Vicious
The internet is a legal black hole. There is no such thing as "hAtEsPeEcH". If you're offended by something, turn off your PC, leave your basement and visit the real world out there, with all the other normies.

Terrible things happen all the time. Get over it. People will never change. You are free to find things disgusting, annoying, shocking, whatever but people are also free to say whatever they want, feel like, find funny in a weird kind of way, express their "hate" and so on. Willing to change that sounds absurd and insane. We have that in the real world. Probably you're better off there. Just stay away from sick people and you will be doing fine.
You are talking how it was in 2000, now it's 2020 pal.
Wake up! It's not happening anymore the way it used to because of some tragic events like this.
Laws were changed and people saw how ingrained and powerful the internet is.
Do your part and speak up if you don't want this to continue.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Fat_Vicious
The internet is a legal black hole. There is no such thing as "hAtEsPeEcH". If you're offended by something, turn off your PC, leave your basement and visit the real world out there, with all the other normies.

Terrible things happen all the time. Get over it. People will never change. You are free to find things disgusting, annoying, shocking, whatever but people are also free to say whatever they want, feel like, find funny in a weird kind of way, express their "hate" and so on. Willing to change that sounds absurd and insane. We have that in the real world. Probably you're better off there. Just stay away from sick people and you will be doing fine.
Lol bro ure clearly not familiar with German and European law. What ure writing is just plain out false.

Germany has multiple laws against hatespeech. There is literally an open pdf u can find, issued from the German govermant with the title hate speech it.

They tighten these laws tremendously this year.

So the internet, at least in Germany, is not a lawless area. Many many people already got prosecuted for posting bs on fb, like publicly insulting politicians, religions or whatever.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
they guy who wrote that comment is a known troll and he will try hard to trigger people like you. sure his comment is as low as it gets but guess what? welcome to the bbv! if you cant take it its best for you to never visit that part of the forum. comments similar to this have been made there for years and its nothing special. just ignore such people because their only goal is to trigger you. the only thing i said btw is that the trolling there had nothing to do with the fact that the killer is gonnna loose it anyway one day.
Lol dude that comment is illegal and so are many many multiple others there. There were even much sicker ones. U live in your internet bubble thinking the internet is not accessible to authorities these days, but that's not the case.

Screenshots werde made, let's see how the police handles this

Psde has its server in European country, don't think it will be that hard getting the ip addresses.

Also don't think ps de wants any trouble so they just give it up fast if police asks.

Some of the stuff on the forum also clearly is "volksverhetzung". Volksverhetzung gets prosecuted so often in Germany, don't think u can hide behind a forum.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:38 AM
ROFLMAO alright good luck fighting the good fight but you only waste your time. i recommend you to not visit bbv again its not for delicately strunged people.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
ROFLMAO alright good luck fighting the good fight but you only waste your time. i recommend you to not visit bbv again its not for delicately strunged people.
Oh ya?
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Lol bro ure clearly not familiar with German and European law. What ure writing is just plain out false.

Germany has multiple laws against hatespeech. There is literally an open pdf u can find, issued from the German govermant with the title hate speech it.

They tighten these laws tremendously this year.

So the internet, at least in Germany, is not a lawless area. Many many people already got prosecuted for posting bs on fb, like publicly insulting politicians, religions or whatever.
You think that is a good thing!? Wow. Just because there is a law, doesn't mean that something exists. Afaik it is not defined at all what hatespeech means. As long there is no line, that clearly seperates hatespreech from freedom of speech, hatespeech doesn't exist. How don't you understand?

Originally Posted by washoe
You are talking how it was in 2000, now it's 2020 pal.
Wake up! It's not happening anymore the way it used to because of some tragic events like this.
Laws were changed and people saw how ingrained and powerful the internet is.
Do your part and speak up if you don't want this to continue.
Yes, nothing tragic ever happened before teh interwebz. It is not the society that is f ucked up, it is these god damn interwebz. Screw 'em or at least censor and regulate them! Hail!

How do you reach that level of delusion? How is logic so hard to understand for so many? So fascinating. So alarming. Welcome to the abyss.

Last edited by Fat_Vicious; 10-11-2020 at 11:32 AM.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Fat_Vicious
You think that is a good thing!? Wow. Just because there is a law, doesn't mean that something exists. Afaik it is not defined at all what hatespeech means. As long there is no line, that clearly seperates hatespreech from freedom of speech, hatespeech doesn't exist. How don't you understand?

Yes, nothing tragic ever happened before teh interwebz. It is not the society that is f ucked up, it is these god damn interwebz. Screw 'em or at least censor and regulate them! Hail!

How do you reach that level of delusion? How is logic so hard to understand for so many? So fascinating. So alarming. Welcome to the abyss.
The only thing alarming is your level of intelligence.
What do you want to achieve here?

You would not go up to a person in real life and harass them, stalk them, or tell them to kill themselves.
Because you know you get punished. Why would you think you can do it on the internet?
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
When should you stop following a player on twitch?
[ ] when he wishes his viewers cancer and accidents
[ ] when he is a racsist
[ ] when you find out he tried to rape a 86y old
[ ] when he says stars is rigged but continues to play
[] when you notice all his followers are bullying him and secretely rooting against him on stream
[x] all of the above
[ ] none of the above, continue watching (schadenfreunde) and feeling superior
Totally agree with you bro, a line most be drawn somewhere on the edge of normality which beyond deviants simply just could not be tolerated.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 12:21 PM
Why are you answering my question(s) with counterquestion(s)?

Oh yes, I forgot. That doesn't happen in real life. Because people know they get punished, they don't kill, harass or stalk. Genius.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 04:08 PM
Is this forum full of low consciousness beings? or is just this thread.

@Washoe you are losing your mind here, it is not your job to fix these sick guys trying to justify cyber bullying with these ridicilous claims.
Their points can be summed up as :

1) He was a ticking bomb so why not help to detonate it

AMAZING! The Logic that the other's guy EGO went crazy to show how much superior he is at using it. Because that is what you do in every similar situation, yes maybe we should all suicide then, death is coming anyway.
Preaching nihilism and inaction against hard circumstances, what a man.

Boy, my introverted intuition gives me strong signals , why his ego is getting so defensive over something that heshould just agree in a snap. He could just said something like, yeah cyber bullying maybe had a role maybe not but it was not the major factor. But he is projecting way too much insecurity and some kind of guiltiness.

Are these low post dudes coming from the other forum where our case got trolled and bullied?

2) Guys just said, this is internet this is the way it is to again, preach nihilism and inaction. This is the mentality through things always stay the same.
Master of using logic, he only use logic to serve your underlying motives my friend not some form of truth seeking.

@Washoe again, and to anyone else who is interested, you are looking to the wrong place to find your anwers, this forum might have some value in general but not for all purposes, you can see and learn a lot of stuff here.But you keep interacting with low value people to put it kindly. I know you are confused and try to understand how is it even possible that it got against you. The explanations are more deep than you can ever imagine, i saw you talked about karma etc, so i think i know a good place for you to grow, if you want to talk more follow me on my journal at poker challenges or send me a pm.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by M4STICL0X
Is this forum full of low consciousness beings? or is just this thread.

@Washoe you are losing your mind here, it is not your job to fix these sick guys trying to justify cyber bullying with these ridicilous claims.
Their points can be summed up as :

1) He was a ticking bomb so why not help to detonate it

AMAZING! The Logic that the other's guy EGO went crazy to show how much superior he is at using it. Because that is what you do in every similar situation, yes maybe we should all suicide then, death is coming anyway.
Preaching nihilism and inaction against hard circumstances, what a man.

Boy, my introverted intuition gives me strong signals , why his ego is getting so defensive over something that heshould just agree in a snap. He could just said something like, yeah cyber bullying maybe had a role maybe not but it was not the major factor. But he is projecting way too much insecurity and some kind of guiltiness.

Are these low post dudes coming from the other forum where our case got trolled and bullied?

2) Guys just said, this is internet this is the way it is to again, preach nihilism and inaction. This is the mentality through things always stay the same.
Master of using logic, he only use logic to serve your underlying motives my friend not some form of truth seeking.

@Washoe again, and to anyone else who is interested, you are looking to the wrong place to find your anwers, this forum might have some value in general but not for all purposes, you can see and learn a lot of stuff here.But you keep interacting with low value people to put it kindly. I know you are confused and try to understand how is it even possible that it got against you. The explanations are more deep than you can ever imagine, i saw you talked about karma etc, so i think i know a good place for you to grow, if you want to talk more follow me on my journal at poker challenges or send me a pm.
Thanks bro I will follow you. And you can be certain with no bad intentions! I very well know the internet is full of people with low morals. But that needs to be worked on somehow as long as we see certain results. And it is.
You restored some kind of faith in humanity.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-11-2020 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by M4STICL0X
Is this forum full of low consciousness beings? or [...]
Oy vey, where do I start? Buzzwords, strawmen, cognitive dissonance, logical fallacies, man, you really got them all!

I suggest to drop out of the YouTube Academy of Psychology and enroll at a real university again.

Good luck and all the best mate!
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-12-2020 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
The only thing alarming is your level of intelligence.
What do you want to achieve here?

You would not go up to a person in real life and harass them, stalk them, or tell them to kill themselves.
Because you know you get punished. Why would you think you can do it on the internet?
Sir people do not choose their IQ, this is clear hate speech. Please stop NOW.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-13-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Sir people do not choose their IQ, this is clear hate speech. Please stop NOW.
Alright sir. I apologize and stop.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-13-2020 , 05:35 PM
Still amazes me how people who never watched one minute of his stream nor speak german think they can judge the situation from the outside. You guys are a complete joke seriously.

Last edited by Becherwerfer; 10-13-2020 at 05:50 PM.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-13-2020 , 05:55 PM
Pretty amazing how you think you can judge the situation because you watched his stream and speak German.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-13-2020 , 06:04 PM
your name here urinstein speaks for itself so i will leave it like that.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-13-2020 , 06:53 PM
I’m happy to hear you’ve decided to stop posting.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Yeah u have to understand psde used to be a good community, long long time ago, now, especially the bbv, is full of loosing players/internet nerds, who let out all their anger and hate. It feels like 4chan (even though I never ever browsed on that site, but obv know it from its roll in mass murder attacks like Christchurch)

So yeah, no one can say if all the internet stuff played a roll in this. The guy should have never started playing poker. He needed long time therapy after the conviction, but yeah as we know didn't happen.

I also find twitch extremely destructive, in many ways. Yeah there is a lot of entertaining and nice content out there, but there is also a lot of awful stuff on that platform, and they don't regulate it enough.

Have a good evening/day
4chan involved in mass murder attacks?
What ones? Has anyone been arrested? Was it shut down? Is it a forum? I've heard it mentioned, and assumed it was a forum.
I'd google it, but obviously don't want to if it's involved in mass murders!
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-14-2020 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
It feels like 4chan (even though I never ever browsed on that site, but obv know it from its roll in mass murder attacks like Christchurch)
not sure if troll or boomer.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
