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twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment

10-09-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by freedom 35
You think your doing gods work by linking wiki links to bullying? Everyone understands the role that may have played.
I wished you were right, OP seems to see no connection between the bullying and the results.

All I know the guy snapped, he didnt snap for the 33 years,
he snapped right after a bunch of idiots trolled him on the internet. So much is certain.

But maybe you are right. I leave it here.

Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
the guy was actually banned from the forum since he wished everyone cancer, aids and accidents there. The thread about his stream stayed open in bbv. Nothing wrong with that imo since he was not the op. As he continued to insult people on stream the trolling never stopped. But trust me: this guy would have gone lunatics anyway it was only a matter of time. the trolling had next to nothing to do with it. Also people in said thread reported him multiple times to austrian authorities but they did nothing as they "not saw any danger"
If someone is to blame here its them and not the forum.
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
I don't see thousands of people trolling him.

I also don't see how this would be related to him most likely butchering a woman with a hammer and then killing himself...

Last edited by washoe; 10-09-2020 at 02:21 PM.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 02:20 PM
'Next to nothing' to do with it may not be wrong tho. To insinuate bullying caused this is likely a massive reach. Im sure it contributed to his mental state and yes people can be awful.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by freedom 35
'Next to nothing' to do with it may not be wrong tho. To insinuate bullying caused this is likely a massive reach. Im sure it contributed to his mental state and yes people can be awful.
Agreed. People still think the internet is the wild west.
I listed those wiki links to show you what bullying can do to
"normal" people. Imagine what it does to mentally instable ones.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I wished you were right, OP seems to see no connection between the bullying and the results.

All I know the guy snapped, he didnt snap for the 33 years,
he snapped right after a bunch of idiots trolled him on the internet. So much is certain.

But maybe you are right. I leave it here.
Wtf are you talking about? He had already a high criminal record, allegedly raped an old woman and shot with a softgun in front of a club. He was gonna snap one day no matter what. You already confirmed you never saw one minute of his streams so how do you know the situation? Please do me a favour and stop tarding up the thread with your sjw-bs. Just go away. Thanks.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Yeah, waddaya know.
I dont blame anyone for watching him and not knowing, but as soon as you found out
you should have stopped.

He most likely just came out from jail. And when his viewers found out about it
= shitstorm and trolling

the thing with delusional people is, they dont have a clue they are delusional.
they might get offended and agressive. (you can see that in all the casting shows) His plan was to get regonized and appreciated on social media, the results were the complete opposite. And I can see how that contributed to him flipping out.

It is not a normal situation to be stalked or bullied or attacked constantly by more than one person.

Looks like he had quite a bit of following from the german forums, but rather a cruel and harmful one.

If you are interested in what bullying is doing:
plublic concerns:

When should you stop following a player on twitch?
[ ] when he wishes his viewers cancer and accidents
[ ] when he is a racsist
[ ] when you find out he tried to rape a 86y old
[ ] when he says stars is rigged but continues to play
[ ] when you notice all his followers are bullying him and secretely rooting against him on stream
[x] all of the above
[ ] none of the above, continue watching (schadenfreunde) and feeling superior
yeah for sure, it is my fault, that he raged quit his and the life of an innocent women. kkthxbye ...
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
You said it yourself.
I've said "thousands" although it wasn't literally thousands but in reality probably just a few dozens.
Anyway you get the idea. In the forums he seemed to have 99% of the people against him. Because of the said stuff.
People like him with mental problems should not be made fun of. Same happened to Matt marafioti and hashtagking.

What happened to hashtagking?
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 08:11 PM
There are now new details out: the face of the woman was smashed beyond recognition and he was with the dead body for hours maybe days before he decided to cut his throat.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 09:51 PM
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-09-2020 , 10:19 PM
It’s always funny when people who have no clue about the situation try to judge other people’s actions.

A lot of German poker players who are not active in the PS forum knew him. He was kind of a running joke in Twitch Poker in all cash streamers like DrUpswing, Jektiss, KakiTee and many more. But the most important part is that these guys and most of the German viewers didn’t act toxic at all to him in his channel and were trying to have fun with him. Ofc most of them including me did that because he went to super tilt very quickly but it would be a blatant lie to say that he wasn’t funny.
I remember watching him play CS:GO once and while losing he kicked his drawer until it broke. It was insanely funny and I even searched how to do a clip on twitch to capture that. I send him that clip and he laughed about it like 20mins later.

I didn’t know and have never heard of that disgusting thing about the older woman and I don’t think most of the people knew that. Regarding that SJW, why have I never read any post of you in the Pastings post?

Everyone knew that he was a degenerate, but this news really makes me sick. You can’t expect people to smell that he is such a sick human being.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
Wtf are you talking about? He had already a high criminal record, allegedly raped an old woman and shot with a softgun in front of a club. He was gonna snap one day no matter what. You already confirmed you never saw one minute of his streams so how do you know the situation? Please do me a favour and stop tarding up the thread with your sjw-bs. Just go away. Thanks.
That's not how it works pal.

You are right that I never watched his stream, how was it? Please enlighten us. Why did you rail him?
Did you stop railing him when you had knowledge of his past?

It looks like he had problems with a few certain people that kept harassing and stalking him. (Making fake accounts after he banned them etc)
I am sure authorities will look into this. And I hope you are not one of them.

This is a new phenomenon on the internet and there are new cyber bullying laws and agencies working their best to stop this.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by BobiBoban1
yeah for sure, it is my fault, that he raged quit his and the life of an innocent women. kkthxbye ...
Nothing of what you do on the internet has any consequences. You can stalk a mentally challenged all you want. /s
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by turteltaube
It’s always funny when people who have no clue about the situation try to judge other people’s actions.

A lot of German poker players who are not active in the PS forum knew him. He was kind of a running joke in Twitch Poker in all cash streamers like DrUpswing, Jektiss, KakiTee and many more. But the most important part is that these guys and most of the German viewers didn’t act toxic at all to him in his channel and were trying to have fun with him. Ofc most of them including me did that because he went to super tilt very quickly but it would be a blatant lie to say that he wasn’t funny.
I remember watching him play CS:GO once and while losing he kicked his drawer until it broke. It was insanely funny and I even searched how to do a clip on twitch to capture that. I send him that clip and he laughed about it like 20mins later.

I didn’t know and have never heard of that disgusting thing about the older woman and I don’t think most of the people knew that. Regarding that SJW, why have I never read any post of you in the Pastings post?

Everyone knew that he was a degenerate, but this news really makes me sick. You can’t expect people to smell that he is such a sick human being.
Oh yeah people saw it coming. But it was so "insanely funny" wtf.
Almost losing faith in humanity after so much much ignorance and cruelty.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 11:55 AM
Lol washoe you are probably the worst troll this site ever saw. Please go and dig a hole for yourself. Shows a lot about your personality that you try to make a thread like this about you.

Last edited by Becherwerfer; 10-10-2020 at 12:22 PM.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
Lol washoe you are probably the biggest piece of chit troll this site ever saw. Please go and dig a hole for yourself. Shows a lot about your personality that you try to make a thread like this about you. anyway im done here good luck getting new details on your italian/spanish/whatever news site u pos
This is the first response of him. (Including rascist stuff I don't know wtf he is talking about (Spanish italian?) So I respond to that.

It rather shows your personality. After I ask you specific questions, asking you why you railed him you attack.

That in itself shows your character. So thank you for exposing yourself. And no. Nobody needs you here.

You solely created and account to inform us of the tragic death of a poker player, that you followed and ridiculed and expected to get celebrated here.

The thing is you lack empathy, even worse you try to justify your actions. Then even have the nerve to attack when questions about your motives arise.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Becherwerfer
Lol washoe you are probably the worst troll this site ever saw. Please go and dig a hole for yourself. Shows a lot about your personality that you try to make a thread like this about you.
he's not trolling.

every single one of his comments is a reminder that bullying should be done early, and often.

twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 01:13 PM
Yeah he was obv a victim of bullying in school or somewhere earlier in live. Thats why he has to be sjw everywhere now. Makes sense.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Agreed. People still think the internet is the wild west.
I listed those wiki links to show you what bullying can do to
"normal" people. Imagine what it does to mentally instable ones.
Then maybe you should stop bullying people on this forum?
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 02:39 PM
Washoe points with the cyberbulling are in general absolute legit and reasonable. @washoe u quoted some of the stuff I wrote, but I have the feeling u misunderstood my message. I only read a few times in the bbv thread about the guy, and I personally absolutely discusted by the guy, what he wrote etc, AND how all the bbv needs there were talking with him, about him, hyping him etc.

Any grown up person, who is not mentally challenged should be worried and disgusted when he/she sees. Person like the guy. But in the bbv forum he got like hyped and got attention, which is really sad.

The bbv forum and especially his thread are poorly moderated imo. I actually read a bit in it today, and there are still soooo many people making "hammer" jokes and what not. That forum has always been way over the line imo.

But in this case of the Mario killer dude, iam 100% sure that the attention/bullying, wasn't the key factor for the murder.

Look at his past, the guy was a convicted fellow, rape, weapons, a lot of cocain, the full package.

It's absolutely baffling to me, that after the rape case there was no mental help offered/forces. I don't know much abt the Austrian legal system, but eg in Germany when u come out of jail, there are social workers etc helping u with your live etc.

The guy clearly needed more then jail, caus he was a threat to society and himself. I think authorities failed here tremendously.

The guy was a ticking time bomb. I 100% agree that the whole bbv/twitch trolling etc wasn't helpful for his mental stability... But I think from all I know that smt like what happened would have also happened without the internet stuff.

It's just sad, that an innocent woman had to die because of this.

Every government should invest more money into mental health, social workers / Programms, etc. I really don't wanne derail the discussion, but when I see that in the US the police gets a lot of funding and the social system doesn't, it's just plain stupid. Obviously too much lobbying of the big privat prison companies and stuff like that.

The whole story is just extremely sad imo. I wouldn't wonder if the police further investigates the case, which I don't think they do caus the guy and the victim are both dead so no one to prosecute, that they also might look into the bbv stuff.

Anyways peace
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Then maybe you should stop bullying people on this forum?
Eskanorr I didn't expect that from you.
Please give me an example where I have ever bullied someone.

First I thought you made a joke. But I don't take this issue lightly.

I would never bully anyone and here is why:

I believe in karma, what goes around comes around. I believe that every action has a reaction.
Sort of like the butterfly effect. (We know from psychology that when people get treated badly they will treat others badly, even with violence)
And that is why this case bothers me so much.

We had on one side a trainwreck in the making.
On the other side we had a blood thirsty internet mob only looking for him to tilt and freak out. This is what happened here.

I only looked into this guy for 5 minutes! And knew there was something wrong with him. And thats why I would have never watched him. What was the point?
The only reason for some people to follow him was to anger him because they knew he would freak out.
Ill intentions and the thrill of seeing someone fail or acting out of line. Sad, that's all there is to say to it.

Last edited by washoe; 10-10-2020 at 02:51 PM.
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Washoe points with the cyberbulling are in general absolute legit and reasonable. @washoe u quoted some of the stuff I wrote, but I have the feeling u misunderstood my message. I only read a few times in the bbv thread about the guy, and I personally absolutely discusted by the guy, what he wrote etc, AND how all the bbv needs there were talking with him, about him, hyping him etc.

Any grown up person, who is not mentally challenged should be worried and disgusted when he/she sees. Person like the guy. But in the bbv forum he got like hyped and got attention, which is really sad.

The bbv forum and especially his thread are poorly moderated imo. I actually read a bit in it today, and there are still soooo many people making "hammer" jokes and what not. That forum has always been way over the line imo.

But in this case of the Mario killer dude, iam 100% sure that the attention/bullying, wasn't the key factor for the murder.

Look at his past, the guy was a convicted fellow, rape, weapons, a lot of cocain, the full package.

It's absolutely baffling to me, that after the rape case there was no mental help offered/forces. I don't know much abt the Austrian legal system, but eg in Germany when u come out of jail, there are social workers etc helping u with your live etc.

The guy clearly needed more then jail, caus he was a threat to society and himself. I think authorities failed here tremendously.

The guy was a ticking time bomb. I 100% agree that the whole bbv/twitch trolling etc wasn't helpful for his mental stability... But I think from all I know that smt like what happened would have also happened without the internet stuff.

It's just sad, that an innocent woman had to die because of this.

Every government should invest more money into mental health, social workers / Programms, etc. I really don't wanne derail the discussion, but when I see that in the US the police gets a lot of funding and the social system doesn't, it's just plain stupid. Obviously too much lobbying of the big privat prison companies and stuff like that.

The whole story is just extremely sad imo. I wouldn't wonder if the police further investigates the case, which I don't think they do caus the guy and the victim are both dead so no one to prosecute, that they also might look into the bbv stuff.

Anyways peace
Totally agree with you here. What sticks out the most yes. It was a ticking time bomb, so why on earth would you feed it with hate? And what was that ps sites role in all that. I felt the same way as you mentioned. To a normal person this would be nobody to rail. Like you said I also felt repulsed by watching him.

And yes twitch should have never let him stream.

Peace u2
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Then maybe you should stop bullying people on this forum?
Cliffs please? So this guy us not only a sjw and bad troll but also a big time hypocrite? Ohhh no surprise here
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 02:55 PM
Yeah u have to understand psde used to be a good community, long long time ago, now, especially the bbv, is full of loosing players/internet nerds, who let out all their anger and hate. It feels like 4chan (even though I never ever browsed on that site, but obv know it from its roll in mass murder attacks like Christchurch)

So yeah, no one can say if all the internet stuff played a roll in this. The guy should have never started playing poker. He needed long time therapy after the conviction, but yeah as we know didn't happen.

I also find twitch extremely destructive, in many ways. Yeah there is a lot of entertaining and nice content out there, but there is also a lot of awful stuff on that platform, and they don't regulate it enough.

Have a good evening/day
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
That's not how it works pal.

I am sure authorities will look into this. And I hope you are not one of them.
If you really think that something like this is happening I have bad news for you. If evidence is crystal clear that he first killed the woman and himself afterwards, then there is basically no "case" and also no investigation after that at all.

You take this all very personal for some reason.
We appreciate your opinion about bullying and its somewhat understandable but I think its finally about time for you to stfu. thank you
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Yeah u have to understand psde used to be a good community, long long time ago, now, especially the bbv, is full of loosing players/internet nerds, who let out all their anger and hate. It feels like 4chan (even though I never ever browsed on that site, but obv know it from its roll in mass murder attacks like Christchurch)

So yeah, no one can say if all the internet stuff played a roll in this. The guy should have never started playing poker. He needed long time therapy after the conviction, but yeah as we know didn't happen.

I also find twitch extremely destructive, in many ways. Yeah there is a lot of entertaining and nice content out there, but there is also a lot of awful stuff on that platform, and they don't regulate it enough.

Have a good evening/day
I got the exact same impression of the ps site when I saw all the comments. Extremely harmful and disturbing comments. And I could only read the free pages i guess. I would personally like see ps closed for that mismanagement.
"Oh the captain is online!" Let's all rail him! That's what I read along many beefs and attacks.
How could he have sold pieces there?
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
10-10-2020 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by travisohc
If you really think that something like this is happening I have bad news for you. If evidence is crystal clear that he first killed the woman and himself afterwards, then there is basically no "case" and also no investigation after that at all.

You take this all very personal for some reason.
We appreciate your opinion about bullying and its somewhat understandable but I think its finally about time for you to stfu. thank you
Bullying is a crime so is stalking. And they should and will look into this. That's what you are incapable to understand.
So you STFU
twitch streamer "youpaymyf458" & a woman found dead in his apartment Quote
