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Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit?
View Poll Results: How much of the reward you think Provotrout should get?
100% He deserves it all cause he was the reason Carleo got caught.
201 40.61%
75% He was the main reason Carleo got caught
64 12.93%
50% he helped catch him, but they would have got him eventually.
130 26.26%
Less than 50% he didn't really help catch Carleo
45 9.09%
0% GTFO he deserves nothing, they would have got Carleo anyway.
55 11.11%

02-09-2011 , 08:32 PM
Oh thank yee seemingly infinite amount of internet nerds for informing us what snitching is and why it is bad...perhaps we can make a seperate internet nerd NVG thread on that very important topic that needs to be endlessly discussed on the internet, lest people who use the internet are uninformed about snitching!
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:36 PM
Lol I said it twice in that thread..but 246 was a close guess...

How were my posts worthless trolling?

This thread is stupid. I made very valid points but u and provo dare not quote those.

Let me know when u come to tampa - ill buy u a drink and u can tell me to my face that im a worthless troll and back it up with whatever u want.

I guess disagreeing with the majority is a troll in your eyes. I never calles him a snitch or anything trollworthy

Nice try though.

Plz, read my post and tell me why you feel he still deserves half?

At least I backed up why I think what I think...much better then u strtng a thread saying "i think he deserves half" with no reasoning as to why.

Thats more trolly then anything

I mean jesus christ provo sd it himself - did he speed up the case?

If u read the report, anybody that is not biased would say no, he did not.

End thread.

Last edited by BakedGoods; 02-09-2011 at 08:43 PM.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by BakedGoods
Lol I said it twice in that thread..but 246 was a close guess...

How were my posts worthless trolling?

This thread is stupid.
Yet you are still posting in it after saying you were done posting in it.

Originally Posted by BakedGoods
Let me know when u come to tampa - ill buy u a drink and u can tell me to my face that im a worthless troll and back it up with whatever u want.
Why would I ever come to tampa?? SoBe yes, many times but haven't been for 3 years. I live in Vegas, I can honestly say that I don't see myself visiting the wonderful area of Tampa anytime soon tough guy behind a keyboard.

Originally Posted by BakedGoods
Plz, read my post and tell me why you feel he still deserves half?
I do not have to explain why I feel Provo deserves half, 75% or even 100%. I especially don't have to explain it to you internet tough guy.

You don't like the conversation that is going on ITT then just GTFO and go back to your WOW messageboard.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by BakedGoods
The c/i wired up and tried to buy a chip..he ended up being sold one later on. C/i guaranteed that this was the guy. C/i and undercover met up with the robber amd bought chips. Undercover bought more chips later on.

U say u dont want to hear from me but its pretty obv this thread was made becauase of my comments

This thread would not even exist if I never posted in the other thread..

But I wont post anymore...ill just lurk and read ppls uneducated cmnts abt how his info led them to arrest him which is obv far from the truth

And lets not even bring the dealer into this.

Does he deserve a piece? Yes.

Does he deserve a piece after threatening to pull the lawyer card "if things get shady" aka if he doesnt get any?

Hell no.

And as far as provos first paragraph..did he speed up the case?

We can answer this by asking...if provo never sent info, would the c/i still have provided enough evidence (buying chips with an undercover by his side) to get him arrested at the same time that he was?

The answer is obv yes which means no, provo did not speed up the case, not to mention he did it all for the $, even tho it didnt speed up anything

Also, provos first cmnt that got the robbers attentiom was provo saying if his roll was big enough, he would chance a few k on some stolen crans.

Yet he deserves a reward?

If he gets the whole 50k..would he still chance a few k on some stolen crans if the opp arises in the future, he pretty much has already said he would since his roll would be bigger.

And it seems this thread was only made to make me look foolish, when im reality, we have many more ppl wondering what he thinks he did to get even close to half.

Go back and read the last 10 pages of the other thread or 2 pages for u 100ppp nerds who constantly get lost trying to find ur place.

And read the police report.
You're going to use up all the internets grey space if you keep typing like this.

Please stop it.


It's tilting.

I doubt anyone actually reads your post.

You're going to break your Enter key.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:51 PM
Just give Provo a cranberry and call it a day
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Penologified
did he send you pics?
Said he would but didn't get any. Probably another botch at the. Hands of his PR guy
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:17 PM
Im on my phone and my enter key is on my touch screen which can be in 3 different positions depending on how im holding my phone. If part of my touchscreen somehow happens to "break" then im good.

Never played wow in my life

Not trying to be a tough guy, just wondering what it takes for you to actually respond to anything that has to do with my opinions instead of trolling the parts that have nothing to do with the title of your thread

So, will you quote each one of my points and show me and the rest of us how im trolling and/or they dont make sense?

Or just talk crap?

I did not mean to imply anything when I said come to tampa except to try and see what it takes to have an actual meaningful discussion on why u feel the way you do abour the way I feel hence the "ill buy you a drink"

And ur right, u dnt have to explain why u feel he deserves half, but if this thread was filled with one word answers (no/yea/half) then this thread would be closed if everyone thought like you did. But educated ppl can back up why they feel the way they do, and it makes this thread worthwhile.

U sir, obv cant rip my post apart, only the part about me saying I wont post anymore, while telling me go back to wow.

Pretty lame.

Last edited by BakedGoods; 02-09-2011 at 09:43 PM.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Oh thank yee seemingly infinite amount of internet nerds for informing us what snitching is and why it is bad...perhaps we can make a seperate internet nerd NVG thread on that very important topic that needs to be endlessly discussed on the internet, lest people who use the internet are uninformed about snitching!
Can't stop laughing at everyone talking about snitching. Everyone on 2+2 is so hardcore they would never even think about snitching especially when a reward is involved. Yet every single day they all get butthurt when someone buys HH from PTR or multiaccounts.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by two2brains
a snitch is anyone who gives information to police regarding criminal activity. AKA an informant

and yes in "real life" people get killed for this

IMO mind your own business. Dude didn't rob me so I don't care anything about it.
you're a ****** who needs to grow up.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:47 PM
This is a little premature, don't ya think? Are we even 100% sure they caught the right guy? I prefer innocent until proven guilty, myself.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:50 PM

I heard you on the Junkies podcast yesterday. Good job man.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:57 PM
Not premature...robinhood said info leading to the arrest...not the conviction
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:59 PM
Thanks man
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:03 PM
Provo, I hope u get at least 5k. U deserve at least that for getting ur name outed, sorry for being so intense

I know I brung some good points to the discussion that refuse to get analyzed so im oott.

Gl provo and gl op
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:05 PM
BakedGoods you're a mess.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:07 PM
I really can't tell who is trolling who anymore ITT but here's a handy 2+2 feature more people should take advantage of all around.

(dictated but not read)
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:08 PM
Good one bro. Care to quote anything I said related to the subject at hand to back up ur opinion?


Okay then, good day sir.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:12 PM
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Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tryst_
This message is hidden because BakedGoods is on your ignore list.
= advil
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by BakedGoods
Im flattered. I really am. I wonder what the avg education level is itt.

Originally Posted by BakedGoods
I know I brung some good points to the discussion
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:23 PM
Brought. Happy?

Comp. Eng. Degree. And it doesnt stand for composition english.

And english isnt my first language.

But im sure u feel like a smart guy now
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:31 PM
When you find someone elses ipod and return it you don't expect a reward, but it would be nice. In this case I would hope to get a lil' something but he by no means deserves it.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:42 PM
Lets see here...

# of days btwn robbery and above pic sent to provo = 43
# of days btwn above pic and next pic = 7

Now I'm not a detective, but ship it to provo.

It doesn't say anywhere that the tip had to be the one and only lead or source used in his arrest. The lead that provo gave the cops was HUGE! FFS his name was outed to the world. If anything, this would dissuade me from coming forward just for the fear of my families safety. No amount of money can rectify that, but 50k is pretty good try.

If this super secret robinhood character doesn't cough it up, lets start our own investigation and go get it. One time for the good guy dealer!
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:49 PM
Name outed = someone should get sack IMO.

Provo you did good. But that stupid police report should see someones head roll IMO. I think its a disgrace that they couldnt keep your name supressed until after the trial at the very least.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:50 PM
He's a 2P2 member and helped create a great thread. So yeah 100%.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
