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Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit?
View Poll Results: How much of the reward you think Provotrout should get?
100% He deserves it all cause he was the reason Carleo got caught.
201 40.61%
75% He was the main reason Carleo got caught
64 12.93%
50% he helped catch him, but they would have got him eventually.
130 26.26%
Less than 50% he didn't really help catch Carleo
45 9.09%
0% GTFO he deserves nothing, they would have got Carleo anyway.
55 11.11%

02-09-2011 , 11:58 AM
I don't see how you could justify not giving him the reward.

Good work by the way.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
So what took them so long to find him? Or just co-incidence that once provotrout had located his IP address he happened to be arrested.
Lol, the robber was living in the fkn Bellagio, getting his rooms paid by comps on his player card, showing HIGHLY suspect cashout patterns. Bellagio knew he he cashed out for 100,000$ more than he should have done. The Police had collected plenty of evidence as well. It´s not like Provo hit them up with some info and they were super surprised in a "OMFG? THIS GUY? REALLY? WE NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT HIM" way. Quite the opposite, actually.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:33 PM
The reward posted was for 'information leading to an arrest'.

The authorities may have gathered initial intel on Corleo, however, it is apparent that the information exposed by Provo provided the necessary catalyst to proceed with an arrest.

While is it easy to look back and say Corleo's arrest was imminent, how many other 'leads' were being explored at the same time. For those that have read Mlodinow's 'The Drunkards Walk' this is the same as the Pearl Harbor issue he discusses. Provo's involvement provided the clear and convincing evidence needed for the authorities to move forward with the case. By definition he has fulfilled the requirements of the reward by 'providing information leading to the arrest'.

What strikes me is that so many on 2p2 are adamantly opposed to Provo receiving the reward. If any of them were to switch places they would be arguing the opposite. Its like criticizing the way the winner of the WSOP plays his last hand. You can argue and berate the play as much as you want but at the end of the day you really want to be him...

Ship him the monies...
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:47 PM
In reality, based on all the information the police already had, it's going to be very hard to justify giving Provo a reward for his efforts.

I personally however do feel he deserves a reward. I'm doubtful that he gets one. The Bellagio at very least could fly him and his family out for a weekend and comp his stay, I mean, they comped Corleo even after he stole $$ from them.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 01:16 PM
50 + bellagio should give him a reward imo even tho the guy is a dirty snitch.

If not they are basically removing any incentive for anyother bullyvictim to snitch in the future. Worse that they released his name!!
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 02:18 PM
Obv he deserves the reward, geez wtf is wrong with so many people.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:09 PM
Pay the man!
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:12 PM
Give him some type of reward... esp since his info was released
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:56 PM
He did come forward with info.

His name was made public.

He went out of his was to gather evidence.

If they use his info as evidence in court the Bellagio should double it

I don't agree with ratting.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:21 PM
Kind of a weird distribution.. OP appreciate the effort, though I think the options should be focused around whether or not I provided evidence that sped up the investigation, solidified the case against the suspect, gave the LVPD a "security blanket" of evidence for them to risk arranging buy busts with the suspect, knowing that if those efforts failed they could still arrest him, display solid evidence linking him to the crime, chips, etc. With that backstop of information they could likely get a conviction or outright confession.

Prior to my involvement their evidence was primarily circumstantial and based on hearsay. I could be wrong on that point (ex. With the confession to the CI).

Anyhow, sorry if this comes across as nitpicking. Pretty much impossible for me to be completely objective as all facts are not known at this point and I'm involved. This is an honest attempt to do so though.

And regarding the platitude "would have caught him anyway.". This discussion should be about facts, not hypotheticals. The legal system uses facts as much as possible and discounts the value of information that is not clearly known or testified to by a witness deemed trustworthy.

The suspect was using large amounts of oxy (allegedly) and was obviously getting desperate (see his drift from getting 40cents on the dollar from the Asian guy in the police report to offering me and subsequently the police 20cents on the dollar. He spoke about "snapping someone off" when he was low on cash prior to the robbery (credit to who I presume to VegasJay). When I spoke with him it seemed he was again becoming desperate.

IMO he was becoming more and more of a publi threat by the day as his gambling losses accrued, and he has been accused of robbing another casino. I think it's irresponsible to sit back and say he was not dangerous, given his mental state.

Sorry for the typos, no wifi now and phone is the only way to post ATM.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:28 PM
The c/i wired up and tried to buy a chip..he ended up being sold one later on. C/i guaranteed that this was the guy. C/i and undercover met up with the robber amd bought chips. Undercover bought more chips later on.

U say u dont want to hear from me but its pretty obv this thread was made becauase of my comments

This thread would not even exist if I never posted in the other thread..

But I wont post anymore...ill just lurk and read ppls uneducated cmnts abt how his info led them to arrest him which is obv far from the truth

And lets not even bring the dealer into this.

Does he deserve a piece? Yes.

Does he deserve a piece after threatening to pull the lawyer card "if things get shady" aka if he doesnt get any?

Hell no.

And as far as provos first paragraph..did he speed up the case?

We can answer this by asking...if provo never sent info, would the c/i still have provided enough evidence (buying chips with an undercover by his side) to get him arrested at the same time that he was?

The answer is obv yes which means no, provo did not speed up the case, not to mention he did it all for the $, even tho it didnt speed up anything

Also, provos first cmnt that got the robbers attentiom was provo saying if his roll was big enough, he would chance a few k on some stolen crans.

Yet he deserves a reward?

If he gets the whole 50k..would he still chance a few k on some stolen crans if the opp arises in the future, he pretty much has already said he would since his roll would be bigger.

And it seems this thread was only made to make me look foolish, when im reality, we have many more ppl wondering what he thinks he did to get even close to half.

Go back and read the last 10 pages of the other thread or 2 pages for u 100ppp nerds who constantly get lost trying to find ur place.

And read the police report.

Last edited by BakedGoods; 02-09-2011 at 05:50 PM.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by wotutalkinabaaat
50 + bellagio should give him a reward imo even tho the guy is a dirty snitch.
LOL posts like this are hilarious, do you realize this isn't the wire? this is real life, he helped bring an armed robber to justice and he deserves to be rewarded for the risk he put himself in

also, I dont think "snitch" is what most of you guys think it is
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
Ballers can afford wives and maids.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:58 PM
No reward! Who in their right mind would want to reward this kind of behavior? Obv if they pay off provotrout they are just encouraging people to turn in all sorts of criminals.

Seriously though, I believe 10% is customary. However due to the illiquidity fo the chips involved, and the possibility they had no actual value at that point in time, probably a discounted rate, say 5%, would be appropriate.

I would be willing to boycott the Bellagio if this is not done.

LOL at "they already found this guy through facebook". So I guess thats why he was emailing pictures of the cranberries from his home instead of sitting in jail.

VWP trout. Hope you get what you deserve here ( 50k min.IMO)
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by speedle
LOL posts like this are hilarious, do you realize this isn't the wire? this is real life, he helped bring an armed robber to justice and he deserves to be rewarded for the risk he put himself in

also, I dont think "snitch" is what most of you guys think it is

a snitch is anyone who gives information to police regarding criminal activity. AKA an informant

and yes in "real life" people get killed for this

IMO mind your own business. Dude didn't rob me so I don't care anything about it.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:04 PM
People saying he should get the entire reward are just as mental as those saying he shouldn't get anything. The fact is he contributed and should absolutely get some reward, but it's pretty obvious to anybody who's read what happened that he was not the key in this case, and suggesting he should get the whole reward is going overboard.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:12 PM
All I know is, next time there is any kind of robbery of chips from a casino... I am going to be scouring the thread for clues.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:13 PM
If you're going to offer a reward then don't be a about it. Pay the man his mannnies.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
whoever really killed JFK can you PM me? I won't turn you in im just curious
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Penologified
whoever really killed JFK can you PM me? I won't turn you in im just curious
No need for PM, it was Dan Snyder.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by BakedGoods
This thread would not even exist if I never posted in the other thread..
You're absolutely right, but because of your constant ****ing trolling the other thread got locked douchebag.

Originally Posted by BakedGoods
But I wont post anymore..
You said that in the last thread about 246 times yet you still kept posting. Try to keep your word this time ok.

Originally Posted by BakedGoods
And it seems this thread was only made to make me look foolish,
I don't need to make you look foolish, you do a great job of that on your own with your worthless trolling posts.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by two2brains
a snitch is anyone who gives information to police regarding criminal activity. AKA an informant

and yes in "real life" people get killed for this

IMO mind your own business. Dude didn't rob me so I don't care anything about it.
please stop breathing.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by provotrout
No need for PM, it was Dan Snyder.
did he send you pics?
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by two2brains
a snitch is anyone who gives information to police regarding criminal activity. AKA an informant

and yes in "real life" people get killed for this

IMO mind your own business. Dude didn't rob me so I don't care anything about it.
Should 2+2er ProvoTrout receive the reward money for helping catch the Bellagio biker bandit? Quote
