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Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014)

11-17-2014 , 12:29 PM
She came off like an immature spoiled rotten actress.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 12:58 PM
took everything way to personal. same with tilly. but i like tilly, shes awesome, an attention whore but i still like here.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 01:19 PM
So there is a show thats purpose is to draw in random people by more drama with the sharkcage.

And you have an actress that "acts" totally "bitchy" and hurt about going into the cage....

Interesting and totally unexpected!
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 01:23 PM
No one tell Mubsy Bogues, but there are entire languages where words are classified as masculine, feminine, or neutral. SEXIST TONGUES!
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by vektor
holy crap she is not aging well, lay off the botox lady.
you are crazy, dude. shes 41 and looks great.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by jmill
I don't think people need to be referring to her as bitchy, but I'm not sure you're all that familiar with the NVG forum..
Well, she was definitely whiney in that final interview, implying that the guys would only bluff her and not each other. Boo hoo.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 02:36 PM
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 03:11 PM
Seriously? If anyone was the toolbox it was Bill Perkins, do you blame her for ignoring that creepy old dude?
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 03:23 PM
She is so hot.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Seriously? If anyone was the toolbox it was Bill Perkins, do you blame her for ignoring that creepy old dude?
Bill Perkins is 4 years older than Shannon Elizabeth. Hardly a creepy old dude, he's right in her wheelhouse.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Bill Perkins is 4 years older than Shannon Elizabeth. Hardly a creepy old dude, he's right in her wheelhouse.
Really hot girls sometimes are not well equipped at handling things when they are not going well or not being pandered to. They don't hear "no" or "you can't" very often. It's not their fault, it's ours, because we are always kissing their butts. If you really want to see them go into complete meltdown, try turning them down for sex once they decide they want it. It's like a combination of ISIS on a rampage and a tropical storm. Not that I have very much personal experience with turning them down

Can you imagine since you were like 13 having everyone go out of their way to be nice and help you, like a Tom Brady, Leo Decaprio, or your average hot B list celeb?
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
Really hot girls sometimes are not well equipped at handling things when they are not going well or not being pandered to. They don't hear "no" or "you can't" very often. It's not their fault, it's ours, because we are always kissing their butts. If you really want to see them go into complete meltdown, try turning them down for sex once they decide they want it. It's like a combination of ISIS on a rampage and a tropical storm. Not that I have very much personal experience with turning them down

Can you imagine since you were like 13 having everyone go out of their way to be nice and help you, like a Tom Brady, Leo Decaprio, or your average hot B list celeb?
good job going out of your way to remove any responsibility from the pretty little princess for acting immature!

it seems the cycle is never-ending!
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by DirkkDiggler
cant believe shannon elizabeth and jennifer harman are in the same group of age lol

dont know if harman looks 60 or elizabeth looks 28
Ok, so the very next post disproves my point.

What I wanted to say though is that all three are in a similar age group, if not the same age group in that they are beyond the stage where they might credibly be invited onto TV shows purely as decoration for male viewers - in which case why is SE there at all? Coren and Harman have other reasons to be there so their appearance wasn't discussed at the time those episodes went out. As for the botox there is pretty direct parallel on NVG with bizarre discussion of Negreanu's alleged hair implants.

The "Law of Attraction" thing someone posted was pretty interesting. It's a good example of why there are worse success outcomes for women in many areas of life. If a guy got caught in by that or some other superstition, his friends would talk him round. If a girl believes in it we say "Aww, isn't it cute how she is illogical and superstitious."

Season two definitely needs more positive female players. I would be happy to see one female and one male qualifier plus at least one female pro with actual achievements every time.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
good job going out of your way to remove any responsibility from the pretty little princess for acting immature!

it seems the cycle is never-ending!
Quite the contrary, I think successful people who don't have the self/world awareness to think outside of their own emotions/self interest are pathetic. I also think it is the star/beauty/wealth/power gazers who let them get away with it.

I remember years ago guys playing golf with Jordan and letting him slow/no pay just to hang out with him. It's disgusting.

She was a perfect example of a spoiled, self absorbed MINOR celeb. It's super annoying because unlike say Jordan, she really hasn't done anything to deserve it, except looking hot (genetic accident), and playing with herself on film. If she cared anything about how women are treated, she would have been happy to take the ball busting that goes with this kind of setup. My friends would have been much worse to each other, and we all would have had fun. Look at the way Antonio road Perkins for playing bad and being a fish, all in good fun and well meant.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
good job going out of your way to remove any responsibility from the pretty little princess for acting immature!

it seems the cycle is never-ending!
Quite the contrary, I think successful people who don't have the self/world awareness to think outside of their own emotions/self interest are pathetic. I also think it is the star/beauty/wealth/power gazers who let them get away with it.

I remember years ago guys playing golf with Jordan and letting him slow/no pay just to hang out with him. It's disgusting.

She was a perfect example of a spoiled, self absorbed MINOR celeb. It's super annoying because unlike say Jordan, she really hasn't done anything to deserve it, except looking hot (genetic accident), and playing with herself on film. If she cared anything about how women are treated and wished to be treated as an equal, she would have been happy to take the ball busting that goes with this kind of setup. My friends would have been much worse to each other, and we all would have had fun. Look at the way Antonio road Perkins for playing bad and being a fish, all in good fun and well meant.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 04:59 PM

Now please stfu.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by tttkif

Now please stfu.
Yes, I guess that means she can behave any way she wants.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:22 PM
God poker shows are getting so dumb

btw is it me or are we just getting sick of seeing all of the same (rich) poker pros? No wonder the "amateur" was the best player at this table.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kaldplask
I wonder if they edited the episode to make it look worse than it was
[x] Television show.
[x] Edited.

Shows like that require heroes and villains. If someone is clueless enough to unwittingly take the villain role, the editor/director will snap call.
Originally Posted by timfbmx
She came off like an immature spoiled rotten actress.
She was putting the reality into "Reality TV".
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:25 PM
Love Billy Perks. He just loves life.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
Yes, I guess that means she can behave any way she wants.

Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:55 PM
Invited to a televised 1M freeroll and doesn't even bother to learn the rules...
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cooozy
Invited to a televised 1M freeroll and doesn't even bother to learn the rules...
why would she need to learn the rules of the bluff card? she evidently expected people to soft play her for some reason (this includes no bluffing)! otherwise i have no idea why she lost her **** when people weren't doing just that.
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 06:21 PM
IDk but that damn announcer sure is annoying always trying to make witty one liners. STFU!!!
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
11-17-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by El_Padroni
IDk but that damn announcer sure is annoying always trying to make witty one liners. STFU!!!
giraffe facts was pretty funny

...but if i hear domination nation one more time
Shannon Elizabeth coming off as a complete toolbox on new Sharkcage episode. (2014) Quote
