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The Real Truth About Brandi Hawbaker The Real Truth About Brandi Hawbaker

01-14-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by pimprexel
No, it wasnt about sex. I met someone who had abused herself and been abused for many many many years.


When two people spend countless days consisting of just themselves alone together, intimacy in some form is a natural by product.
maybe you will see it a little clearer if you think about the situation with the idea that you are your current age, but change her age to 13.

now, it seems like you might have been using the situation a little.

01-14-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by pimprexel
I hated how she always thought she was an important celebrity. Many times whether it be a sold out restaurant, hotel or show...she would state to a person of authority " I am a celebrity. You can google me if you'd like "
I assume by "google," she means bang. Correct? What a hooker.
01-14-2008 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Newsflash from little birdie: Jamie Gold staked Brandi in WSOP while David was "coaching" her.
Is this a joke or not?

(yes i'm gullible)

pimprexel?? chime in?
01-14-2008 , 03:23 PM
It is possible that Jamie Gold has actually found a way to lose money faster than by playing poker.
01-14-2008 , 03:25 PM

I'm not saying sex was the only reason you did all this stuff. It's just highly unlikely that your motives were purely altruistic and the only time you ended up putting yourself out there like that coincidentally happened to be with a hot chick. There are tons of messed up young guys in the poker community who could use a lot of help. How many of those guys have you taken under your wing for a year and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on?
01-14-2008 , 03:27 PM
IMO, unless pimpr starts revealing some more crazy stories about brandi, or brandi herself starts posting here, we should just leave it as some guy getting screwed over by an evil b*tch.

Theres not much more to discuss. We all know that life can be cruel at times and this episode is a perfect example.

On one level I think it'd be hard to feel sorry for Brandon, but at the end of the day what happened to him was very cruel and harsh.


Last edited by Rolo69r; 01-14-2008 at 03:34 PM.
01-14-2008 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
If you came across gobboboy in this exact same situation, would you try to help him? If so, to the tune of high six figures?
of course not, but to view such a thing as a wholly codependent exchange seems wrong too (i.e. she gets comfort and care, he gets sex). it's hard for me to doubt that he thought he had this white knight mentality - he thought he was helping her and doing a good thing, while also, incidentally, banging her.

although it also seems like a pod person has taken over his posts, since his first ones were laced with obscenities and written like a 6th grader.

Originally Posted by Chump Change
Yeah, I tried and failed to get that point across in some other brandi thread.
yeah it's pretty much worthless to try to be sensible in these. a woman like brandi brings out all the misogynists who think brandi is some devious soulless witch. she is, but not by choice, and her problems go well beyond amorality and lying.
01-14-2008 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
okay, I skimmed this whole thread and the following things are missing from it:

[x]the full details of Brandi's criminal record
[x]the full details of Brandi's stripping history (and hooking history but that ties into #1)
[]the name of the "well known pro"
[x]399349 other pieces of juicy gossip you no doubt have
[x]more naked pics (we all know you have those)
[x]neverwin/newhizzle posts

let me know when these get here, TIA
thread still failing, he;lp
01-14-2008 , 03:31 PM

BTW, I've had my fair share of experiences w/ messed up chicks I wanted to help. That was a big theme for girls I dated from high school through my early 20s. I legitimately wanted to help/save/improve/whatever them. But the reason I was with them in the first place was because I wanted to sleep with them. It's hard to believe that wasn't the case w/ you and Brandi.
01-14-2008 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
I can't wait until this paragraph is translated to English.
it makes sense??

She overheard him talking finances, she thought she would sound smart, she had no idea how CDs worked (you usually lock them in for 6 months and a set interest rate - and we all know she didnt run 1k up to 200k LOL!!!), she ended up looking like a total idiot, she begged him not to tell people she had no clue what she was talking about

01-14-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
of course not, but to view such a thing as a wholly codependent exchange seems wrong too (i.e. she gets comfort and care, he gets sex). it's hard for me to doubt that he thought he had this white knight mentality - he thought he was helping her and doing a good thing, while also, incidentally, banging her.

although it also seems like a pod person has taken over his posts, since his first ones were laced with obscenities and written like a 6th grader.

yeah it's pretty much worthless to try to be sensible in these. a woman like brandi brings out all the misogynists who think brandi is some devious soulless witch. she is, but not by choice, and her problems go well beyond amorality and lying.
Originally Posted by adanthar
thread still failing, he;lp
i just skimmed this thread as well, but it looked like peachy suggested the 'well known pro" was Jamie Gold!
01-14-2008 , 03:38 PM
Where is the post about Brandi screwing Jamie Gold, I can't find it?
01-14-2008 , 03:40 PM

Update from little birdie: If you guys think Brandi banging Jamie Gold is big news, then all the other **** I know about her would blow your mind
01-14-2008 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I'm not saying sex was the only reason you did all this stuff. It's just highly unlikely that your motives were purely altruistic and the only time you ended up putting yourself out there like that coincidentally happened to be with a hot chick. There are tons of messed up young guys in the poker community who could use a lot of help. How many of those guys have you taken under your wing for a year and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on?

Your point is well taken. I am not claiming to be a white knight or a heroic figure. Believe me, for all the mistakes I have made in my life, I am not.

If Brandi was an unattractive male, yes obviously I would not have involved myself. Thats not the point.

The intent was obviously to be in a romantic relationship. Feelings weren't plutonic.

Every relationship she has ever been in with a male has never lasted more than a few weeks to a month. Its a cycle that she has repeated all through her life.

I met her family, a few friends and became involved in her life in a way I never anticipated.

There is no doubt in my mind that nothing Brandi does is premeditated. Every symptom of borderline personality disorder is apparent in her everyday behavior. She isn't sitting around planning her next move. She cant control nor can she grasp her outbursts, behavior, and her own actions.
01-14-2008 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by pimprexel
No, it wasnt about sex. I met someone who had abused herself and been abused for many many many years. Maybe its hard for an outsider that does not personally know me to understand my mindset.
You didn't answer his question.

How many homely chicks who abused themselves and been abused did you try to 'save'?
How many men who abused themselves and been abused did you try to 'save'?
01-14-2008 , 03:42 PM

A close friend dated a girl finally diagnosed w/ BPD. It is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu**ed up.
01-14-2008 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I'm not saying sex was the only reason you did all this stuff. It's just highly unlikely that your motives were purely altruistic and the only time you ended up putting yourself out there like that coincidentally happened to be with a hot chick. There are tons of messed up young guys in the poker community who could use a lot of help. How many of those guys have you taken under your wing for a year and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on?

u should know better than to use words like alturistic here!! have the people r gonna look it up!!
01-14-2008 , 03:42 PM
the jamie gold thing makes perfect sense...she was looking for someone who could teach her Judaism, looking for someone that could stake her, looking for someone that could increase her fame...he probably bit at first but put an end to it when he realized no outlets other then 2+2 gave a damn about her
01-14-2008 , 03:43 PM

He just answered the question, pretty directly.
01-14-2008 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by EWS87
ive never had less sympathy for someone who has been robbed/scammed/hustled/conned

you really seem like more and more of a scumbag with each post...i dont think anyone here really cares if you get your money back
I don't think he is a scumbag. I think he is in serious denial. He keeps painting himself as some kind of do-gooder Mother Therersa, while all of us guys know he is full of it.

I have seen some of his older posts as they releate to brandy now, and I can tell you they don't indicate any of this. They talk about her being HOT and that is what attracted him to her and the rest.

Now he is trying to act like he was just not another sucker. Regardless, it does not matter if he was doing it because he wanted sex or because he wanted to help her. He still got played. The net result was exactly the same. You don't get any more credit from me pretending like you are a good samaratin. It is not like you would be the first guy to get taken by a girl for sex, nor the last. Nor would most people here look down on you for that except to feel a little sorry for your circumstance.

I just think the return to the same point where it was not about trying to bang a girl he find attractive but instead some kind of rescue mission. People who want to rescue others is not unusual. It happens all the time and people who do it tend to do it over and over. HOWEVER, the rescue is done to fix the person and make them better for the rescuer. It is not with totally selfless motivation.

The mindset is, I can take this supposedly hot crazy girl who will hook up with me now, fix her up and make her better and I will have a fully working hot girl who is totally beholden to me because I fixed her.

That is not how it ever ends up though.
01-14-2008 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by pimprexel
Every relationship she has ever been in with a male has never lasted more than a few weeks to a month. Its a cycle that she has repeated all through her life.
She should hook up with Bill Gates then. It would probably take upwards of a year to suck him dry and then she'll have something stable on her resume.

EDIT: or El Diablo.
01-14-2008 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rusty Trombone
i just skimmed this thread as well, but it looked like peachy suggested the 'well known pro" was Jamie Gold!

suggested is the wrong word!
01-14-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
thread still failing, he;lp

This thread is like playing 100k hands of break even poker without rakeback.
01-14-2008 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Update from little birdie: If you guys think Brandi banging Jamie Gold is big news, then all the other **** I know about her would blow your mind
el d you are such a tease

if you were a vulnerable woman i'd want to have sex with you and then hug you a lot when you cried afterwards
01-14-2008 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Chump Change
Possibly, but more likely you're just a sheltered self-righteous prick.
Nah... Being a stripper is a horribly damaging environment. Only a tiny fraction of strippers who do it for any period of time come out unscathed. Anyone who allows their significant other to put themselves in that situation to be destroyed like that does likely have something wrong with them.

You can quote all the friends you want who have stripper girl friends, or all the cool strippers you know. It doesn't matter. The reality is stripping is a tough and damaging business for most woman who do it. Anyone knowing that, and allowing their girlfriend/wife to do it, simply has to have issues.

It would be the same if you sat by and let your girlfriend have a major life-damaging heroin problem. If you sat by and did nothing you would be irresponsible.
