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"Busto" "Brad Booth" asks me transfer money to his "friends" on AIM "Busto" "Brad Booth" asks me transfer money to his "friends" on AIM

08-23-2009 , 11:43 AM
wow limp biscuit you really are mentally challenged
08-23-2009 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by gopherhoky
So many holes in this story right from the start. He says he goes to a University but needs his parents permission to send a Western Union? House hit by lightning and getting food poisining?
Yeah you can't get food poisoning during a lightning strike.
08-23-2009 , 11:56 AM
My dad called the FBI after I told them the story.
08-23-2009 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by gopherhoky
Heres what I don't get. How does a thread like this exist? Why was it not locked? Where is the evidence?

So many holes in this story right from the start. He says he goes to a University but needs his parents permission to send a Western Union? House hit by lightning and getting food poisining?
Andy bloch calls BS ITT.
CMON 2 plus 2. At least be consistent with patrolling of these useless, slandering threads.
Lock the thread ? wtf ? This is the best new thread on NVG.

You really think OP could make-up a lighting strike and food poisoning and in a later post admit that the lighting strike actually didn't knock out his internet ?

We've got a genuine ftard on our hands folks and that's what NVG excels at. Plus, don't forget DaddyFBI.
08-23-2009 , 01:42 PM
OP's gonna be down a Ferrari if he doesn't watch his back.
08-23-2009 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Which Facebook page did you allegedly get his AIM name?

Maybe it was Steve Da Pimp in action yet again, time to call in TJ Cookier.
This is exactly who it is. Steve Da Pimp Coleman. He's back.
08-23-2009 , 02:31 PM

Yet another example of someone's AIM being hacked.
08-23-2009 , 02:44 PM
Sheet I used to use yahoo all the time but everyone convinced me to switch to aim (everyone's doing it man). I'll have to re-evaluate this.
08-23-2009 , 02:46 PM
how do people end up believing theyre actually talking to brad booth on aim, or on facebook. it's not like it's difficult to create an account under someone elses name. even if brad booth was busto, there are many people who he knows who would gladly give him money to get back in the game because that's just how the poker community is. he would never ask some random kid on aim to help him out for 500 bucks. the fact that so many people respond by actually agreeing to send the money is even more baffling. as if to prove to brad booth that youre so baller that youll just hand over 500 dollars without even knowing the person.

dont transfer money to people unless you know them. and i mean, really know them, not just have an aim address that may or may not even be them
08-23-2009 , 03:49 PM
this is simple "Call me"

petty crook:"I lost your phone number"

me: "do you have the interweb?"

petty crook: "why yes, I am on it as we speak person I am not looking to scam"

me: "the interweb holds all the secrets to unlocking my virtual wallet, not to mention the many friends you and I have in common"

conversation normally ends right there, though sometimes it continues on like this

petty crook: "when did you become a richard, it's not like I haven't done you favors in the past"

me: "you are correct, I am sorry what was I thinking, like that one time where you really hooked me up. What was the story with that again?"

petty crook "it's obvious something about our relationship has gone afoul, not sure what I could have ever done to have wronged you"

me: "there has to be easier people to scam since I am on the phone with xxxxx xxxxx right now. Would you like to say "hi"?"

I would say virtually any amount over say $50 is worth a phone call.

Last edited by beanie; 08-23-2009 at 03:51 PM. Reason: called the guy a "petty cook" which is probably pretty close to accurate.
08-23-2009 , 03:55 PM
Glad everyone has worked this out, Booth has been hacked hard a few times, Yes he does talk on FaceBook but I am sure he would just phone someone if he needed coin.

And what poker player doesn't need a stake here and there.

I work for Booth's company, they pay may me promptly, Brad is a great guy and he doesn't need $500 transfers via begging on the web.

He needs a hook up, there are plenty of friends with money who know he is honourable guy and would give him their bankcard if he asked.

08-23-2009 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jharnish
I work for Booth's company
What kinda company does he own ?
08-23-2009 , 04:39 PM
A poker company, he is a partner. Big Slick Custom and the Big Slick Poker Tour. Most are familiar with the logo, Huck wore it at the NBC invitational, Booth wears it often, alot of players sport Big Slick swag. I direct tourneys for the "beer leagues" which we are approaching 50 locations in just over one year in Western Canada.

Anyhow, don't want to plug anything here, just wanted to give you a thourough answer.
08-23-2009 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
how do people end up believing theyre actually talking to brad booth on aim, or on facebook. it's not like it's difficult to create an account under someone elses name. even if brad booth was busto, there are many people who he knows who would gladly give him money to get back in the game because that's just how the poker community is. he would never ask some random kid on aim to help him out for 500 bucks. the fact that so many people respond by actually agreeing to send the money is even more baffling. as if to prove to brad booth that youre so baller that youll just hand over 500 dollars without even knowing the person.

dont transfer money to people unless you know them. and i mean, really know them, not just have an aim address that may or may not even be them
The reason why there are, and always will be, swindlers is because a fool and his money are soon to part.
08-23-2009 , 06:50 PM
OP, don't believe all the people in this thread telling you it is probably a scam. Esp don't believe anything Andy Bloch might say as he is crazy from the calculus.

I think you are dealing with the real Brad Booth, and an angry Brad Booth is not something you want to deal with son. He is much larger then he appears on TV, he is the closest thing we have in Canada to a King Kong or a Godzilla and he will knock down buildings to get to your ass.
I don't know how tall he is, but some say close to 50ft, his goatee alone is larger then an average man, and if he has it in for you , you are fu**ed, he will eat you alive.

Imagine a 50ft foot tall angry white Canadian rampaging a city, coming for you. Your in some serious trouble and you need to hide now!
Your best bet is to find an abandoned bomb shelter, gather a years worth of supplies and hunker down. I would hold on to a whale caliber harpoon gun, and just in case he does find you, you should have a truck load of bacon to feed him. And it better be Canadian Bacon dammit!
08-23-2009 , 08:14 PM
I'm serious dude, I'd get the hell out of dodge, I just saw a Giant Brad walking among the buildings and I think hes coming for you! He picked up a ferrari like it was a toy, and later dropped it back down. I hope you have a cool million worth of house insurance cause he looks like hes ready to tear the roof off!

I would photoshop this scenario but I don't know how srry
08-23-2009 , 08:46 PM
You left out the giant moose. There has to be a giant moose involved.
08-23-2009 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by LimpBiscuit
I wanted to know if he could come to my school next year and speak about poker.
This is my favorite part.
08-24-2009 , 12:00 AM
brads fb is hacked right now he keeps sending msgs to people to send money looks like u were stupid enough to fall for it
08-24-2009 , 12:40 AM
This thread has me in TEARS. Thank you NVG.
08-24-2009 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by YB2009
Anyone else feel sorry for OP? There is just level of innocence to his demeanor. It's kinda like he just found out there no Santa, or hit the big city all starry-eyed, with suitcase in tow to get promptly mugged.
I second this. He's just a young kid growing up in this harsh world. Give him a break you guys.
08-24-2009 , 01:10 AM
OP is obvi lying, what a dumb thread, wasted time. Close [X]
08-24-2009 , 01:16 AM
Brad Booth's friend in WV = Darvin Moon
08-24-2009 , 01:30 AM
[x] close plz

08-24-2009 , 02:26 AM
Don't close this thread until we get a picture of a Giant Brad Booth knocking down buildings and turning over cars, along side his trusty companion Giant Moose( courtesy of broastedromo) .
If your worried about Booths rep, you can request they change the thread title to,

"Scammer hacks Brad Booth's FB and AIM accounts, almost convinces naive youngster to send money."

This a serious situation and deserves a thread.
We either have the supposed return of a notorious West Virgina Hacker, or a very angry, threatening, and possibly giant Brad Booth.
I for one personally believe we're most likely dealing with the menacing giant Brad, but hey that's just one man's opinion.

Both things don't bode well for young up and coming poker phenom ,"LimpBiscuit" who is navigating his first encounter into the world of uber hackers and high stake pros.
