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"Busto" "Brad Booth" asks me transfer money to his "friends" on AIM "Busto" "Brad Booth" asks me transfer money to his "friends" on AIM

08-22-2009 , 06:48 PM
So a couple days ago, I believe Thursday I IMed Brad Booth under his SN: YukonBradBooth. I wanted to know if he could come to my school next year and speak about poker. By school I mean university and I won't disclose it at the moment OBV. So then he tells me he will be super busy this year so he won't have time to come speak. And I got his AIM SN from his facebook page.

So anyways then he asks me if can transfer him $439 to a Western Union location from a credit card and he will give me $150 on top of the expenses. He needed this money for a friend in WV to catch a plane flight to see him. I was an idiot and obliged, I just wanted to be nice I guess. I have $6k in profit from FTP, and I don't see why I needed this $150 at all. So being the idiot that I am, I made one of those accounts through Western Union and managed to register properly and all that. But I needed parental verification, which I didn't ask either parent to do. P.S. I dont have my own credit card thankfully. Then a lightning strike hit and my house went out of power and I didn't feel like dealing with this matter as I began to realize there was something sketchy about it.

The next day he IMs me again saying "Hey kid, why are you a liar huh" " You let my friend down kid"

He wanted me to transfer this money to a location in West Virginia, which doesn't make sense at all b.c he lives in Vancouver, BC. I'm like first of all how do you have a friend in WV. And the money was for them (2 friends who's names I have written down) to catch a plane flight. Because apparently he can't transfer money through Western Union or www Visa from Canada. This is where I shoulda done some research and realize something is really sketchy with this whole situation.

Next day my mom calls in to WU and they ask her a couple ridiculous questions about loans in 2005, she had no idea what the answers were so they didn't grant us a proper transfer. But my other option in transferring the money to these people was to go to a WU location and there were several near my house. I gave him my address, also another terrible idea. But I had food poisoning the last couple days and didn't really have energy to go to the actual location. I should've asked for money on full tilt first before completing any type of money transfer. And he gave me two names, one the first day and then another the 2nd day to whom to transfer. Same location in West Virginia.

So a couple hours ago TODAY I get a text from his AIM SN to my cell (I gave him my cell) saying this: " hey kid" Me: "what dude" Him: "you know what **** you"
Me: "hahah great, we know **** me, sorry" Him: "don't ever come to Vegas"
Me: "It's hard to believe u have no friends in the states who would transfer you money, and its a Saturday so they aren't working"
Him: "Bad things will happen to you" Me: "Real nice bud real nice, a young kid was your last resort" Him: "I know some mafia kid and I have your address" Me: "hahaha great"

That ended and he didn't text anymore. I got freaked out and I've been talking to a bunch of online pro's and a couple pro's, and everyone's saying he's extremely bust. But even then, is this a scam? or no? I imagine it is a scammer on his AIM account. I said sorry in the txt exchange because I felt a little bad I didn't do it and I was being defensive.

I know he's in deep money problems. His cell number is listed on facebook, I called and left it a message saying is this you on AIM or not. His whole facebook page may be made up. I know I'm an idiot for even talking to this guy and my friend told me he went busto and I still talked to him. For $150 it's ridiculous what I went through. My dad called the FBI after I told them the story. One of my online friends said even if Booth was broke he wouldn't ask me to transfer him $439 for him to some people in WV for a plane flight. This guy's friends with Guy Laliberte, Gavin Smith, right?

What do you guys think about this whole situation and how to proceed with it? Scammer or no?

08-22-2009 , 06:52 PM
08-22-2009 , 06:56 PM
Brad Booth is gonna **** him up.

@OP dont worry. seriously
08-22-2009 , 06:57 PM
Lightning struck your house and knocked out power AND you had food poisoning and couldn't make it to the WU location? Yea, I definitely see something wrong with this story.
08-22-2009 , 06:58 PM
I didn't send any money through WU, I was going to. But it didn't work.
08-22-2009 , 06:59 PM
good joke

Last edited by ZOMG_RIGGED!; 08-22-2009 at 06:59 PM. Reason: I lied. what a wast e of time reading that ****
08-22-2009 , 06:59 PM
Well lightning struck and I had food poisoning. The lightning strike was a true fact but it didn't bust my internet that's just what I told him the next day as an excuse because I realized how Fked up the whole situation was and I didn't want to talk to him on Thursday. But I did have food poisoning.
08-22-2009 , 07:02 PM
ur so fukt op
08-22-2009 , 07:02 PM
this is either a bad level or you're borderline ******ed. Either way quit using up valuable internets on this crap.
08-22-2009 , 07:02 PM
[ ] Brad Booth asked you to do anything
[x] Pls send monies to Nigeria next
08-22-2009 , 07:04 PM
Send him the money now and maybe he'll forgive you.

Oh wait , you told your dad ... oh well , now Yukon Brad will hunt you down for sure.
08-22-2009 , 07:05 PM
LOL Broasted. I said after he made the threats I'll send him the money if he transfers me the money on FTP first. Then he's like no it's ok.
08-22-2009 , 07:06 PM
omg lol...
hopefully someone doesnt knock on ur door!
08-22-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by LimpBiscuit
LOL Broasted. I said after he made the threats I'll send him the money if he transfers me the money on FTP first. Then he's like no it's ok.
You heard about what Booth did to the last internet punk kid who screwed him over ... right ? Do you know what a moose hold is ?
08-22-2009 , 07:15 PM
Which Facebook page did you allegedly get his AIM name?

Maybe it was Steve Da Pimp in action yet again, time to call in TJ Cookier.
08-22-2009 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
this is either a bad level or you're borderline ******ed. Either way quit using up valuable internets on this crap.
his sn is limpbiscuit do you see where this is going
08-22-2009 , 07:18 PM
Kevmath- I got it from the only page that has a picture of Brad Booth and something poker involved. We also have a lot of poker player mutual friends. When you search brad booth on facebook it should be the first person you see holding two cards and it's the first from the top. His AIM and cell # are on his info .
08-22-2009 , 07:21 PM
what lol? I don't understand your question and who the hell is steve da pimp
08-22-2009 , 07:21 PM
you just wait, hes going to ride into town on his moose named malty, come to your house, shapeshift into a bear, and maul you.
08-22-2009 , 07:21 PM
this really will get epic
08-22-2009 , 07:27 PM
wow shoudnt worry!
08-22-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
this is either a bad level or you're borderline ******ed. Either way quit using up valuable internets on this crap.

Considering that the dad is full ****** ...
08-22-2009 , 07:42 PM
*scratching head*
08-22-2009 , 07:45 PM
You just got Booth'ed son.
08-22-2009 , 07:49 PM
im so confused
