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Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip

09-19-2014 , 02:35 PM
Just a nutters assumption but, maybe,just allegedly a certain tournament poker player could allegedly have two assistants that troll the twoplustwo and other lesser sites (because twoplustwo is the best) and recruit helpless guy that really loves poker, or just starting out or really trying to make it in poker in a serious way and after a couple of post can recruit someone, allegedly into a sick game of that drug called fame or infamous kind of choice game is worse then a cheater.
Someone start a new thread. Not really fair to phil. Good bye Timmy and others.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 02:52 PM
Timmy, Privateworld and Vegan don't have a single matching IP or even any IPs that geo-locate anywhere near each other.

I do see that you Timmy are a match with a several time previously banned troll so I would suggest that you dial the troll down a notch if you want to keep this account.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
Big Timmy,
Stop sending private messages whining and asking "Why am I doing this." I wil not answer you but, will answer here in public. BTW, Ive known Daniel long enough to know that nutter is a Daniel word. You sound like a Daniel plant and your private little messages sound the same way. Which may explain why you are trying to desperately to shut me down or have no one listen to me. No person knows vegan and thanks for saying it 1,000,000 times.
Your ignorance shows that you actually think Im speaking of 250/500k no limit until someone pointed it out. You sir are a idiot. it your one of Daniels fanboys recruits he should train alittle better. You sure popped up quick being a newbie very concerned about the lies about Daniel.
Heres that answer to why am I doing this?
I never looked at twoplustwo until this summer. We had constantly heard Daniel Joke about how dumb people were on twoplustwo about poker and how he could brainwash them into basically doing free publicity for him with his self-musing plants. We said good for Daniel. GO head.
Until, Daniel unsucessfully tried to use several of us to back him into yet another fake girlfriend plant. That when I read two plus two.
I was shocked and amazed. Daniel was right. Fanboys did not know about real poker games or high stakes world or anything other than broke tournament jokers that are only rich on publicity. Kind of like being a broke reality star. I got interested. i could not believe the lack of knowledge two plus two had.
Real high stakes cash game players that make a living and real money were hardly ever mentioned. Only self promoting tournament players. so I told some stuff. So what. Thought it maybe about time.
As for your Howard question. Not defending Howard. Daniel has brainwashed all of you into thinking that Howard took FT down. Never heard Daniel rant about Chris Ferguson? What about Eric Lindren E_DOG? What about him who stole millions from FT. not even much about Ray Bitar? Why?
Very simple. Daniels problem with Howard was PERSONAL. Daniel turned it into Ft thing with dodging and deny the real issue. The DREADED email that Annie Duke shared. Daniel said some personal personal very personal things in it. this was before text. This is what his beef with Howard is about. Not Full Tilt. I see Daniel Plants all through this site. He was not kidding. This is amazing.
Timmy as for your impossibility of games I mentioned. Stop showing your ignorance.
A game like this goes on every week for 15 years from 1pm to 6pm in Manhattan with billionaires that would make Andy Beal look broke. Andy Beal is not the only billionaire that gambles people...actually hes last on the list. Thats why the real high stakes players live in New York not vegas. 2 Bobbys room players have played in this game for 15 years and they will not let anyone else in.
As for Phil, dont care if he cheats casinos. Dont think he cheats at poker. Hes always paid. I mean I most likely would not let him borrow now but, thats just because of his problems.
Again, cant find the vegan account and dont care who or what you are talking about. If you do not believe thats you doesnt really matter to me although you are getting really annoying with your private messages and obsession with a vegan account. Post the vegan account already and shut up. im not viffer and not vegan ok timmy?
I really enjoy your posts and you definitely seem like you are in the know. But people are going to have a hard time with things like that when you say make Andy Beal look broke. Forbes has him worth $12 billion now and 98th richest person in the world. Ok sorry for the derail, carry on. A lot of us are enjoying your inside info to the high stakes world.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by KillTheCheaters

If you're so familiar with the posting habits of different accounts, why is it that you're posting from an account with a join date from this month and 19 total posts?

You seem incredibly desperate to silence someone who you claim to be posting nonsense. If it is such nonsense why can't you just brush it off and ignore it as someone being annoying on the internet?
It amazes me that people believe anything he is saying, especially when he has already been proven to lie and say things that are literally impossible already, and everything (aside from the IP, which can easily be changed via a 1 minute proxy download ) points to it being Vegan.

The guy is not even remotely sane e.g his bizarre rant regarding me being a math nerd , quitting my supposed 6 figure job and being some kind of mole for Daniel Negreanu. I'm a student who runs a business , barely uses maths, and has never met or spoken to Daniel Negreanu.

Whatever though, if any of you are honestly dumb enough to believe any of this, go ahead. In fact, have him open a separate thread where you can ask him questions about all the 250/500k games and all of the HS pros whom he has such an intimate knowledge of.

Last edited by BigTimmy; 09-19-2014 at 03:10 PM.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Timmy, Privateworld and Vegan don't have a single matching IP or even any IPs that geo-locate anywhere near each other.

I do see that you Timmy are a match with a several time previously banned troll so I would suggest that you dial the troll down a notch if you want to keep this account.
I have never once "trolled" anyone and I am incredulous as to how you can call trying to defend 2P2 members from a lunatic a "trolling" attempt. Furthermore, I suggest you examine whether or not Vegan was given an IP ban and would therefore be using an easily downloadable proxy.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by xosubucknutsx
I really enjoy your posts and you definitely seem like you are in the know. But people are going to have a hard time with things like that when you say make Andy Beal look broke. Forbes has him worth $12 billion now and 98th richest person in the world. Ok sorry for the derail, carry on. A lot of us are enjoying your inside info to the high stakes world.
none of the richest people in the world are on a forbes list

forbes list=broke self promoting tournament jokers in poker
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
none of the richest people in the world are on a forbes list

forbes list=broke self promoting tournament jokers in poker
LOL, sure buzz. . I'm sure that Saudi Princes, 3rd World Heads of State and Columbian Drug lords all meet up every Tuesday at Vladimir Putin's palace to play $5million/$10million blind no limit texas hold them poker.

Your post really was good for a laugh actually, cheers.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
none of the richest people in the world are on a forbes list

forbes list=broke self promoting tournament jokers in poker
Ok so I guess Beal isn't one of the richest people in the world then. Neither is Bill Gates, Warren Buffett etc...Thanks for the info.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by dalaxthedonk
In 4 PrivateWorld well gogogogo
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:44 PM
No xosubucknutsx your right. But, I was referring to How much a billionaire is willing to gamble with. Sorry, I should of clarified. I meant make Beal look broke with the amount Beal is willing to gamble with and lose.

There are two of Andy Beals in Texas one is name Alex. But they are on the same side.

There are 111 billionaires in New York City and another 460 that have homes in the city.

14 of those billionaires are gambling stakes at the present that make Beal look broke. No running anymore redlights to get to the airport to play Beal any more. In fact hes pissed that Toby and Leo , and trincher and Nahmad were fighting over him. AHH hurt Andy' feelings.
Gambling is the new trend for billionaires. and they aint looking to play the Daniels and Phils. Under the radar top cash game pro's only seem to be the trend now. Hollywood is over. They cant stand actors and no pro atheletes who which by the way, have become all slow pays or no pays.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:48 PM
Dont want you to get the wrong impression. Billionaires win also. At the first of the year trincher sent a pro horse to Texas. Beal whipped him for 15 mil. What a blow. I guess the fight was over gunning for ANdy. At least for now that is.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
No xosubucknutsx your right. But, I was referring to How much a billionaire is willing to gamble with. Sorry, I should of clarified. I meant make Beal look broke with the amount Beal is willing to gamble with and lose.

There are two of Andy Beals in Texas one is name Alex. But they are on the same side.

There are 111 billionaires in New York City and another 460 that have homes in the city.

14 of those billionaires are gambling stakes at the present that make Beal look broke. No running anymore redlights to get to the airport to play Beal any more. In fact hes pissed that Toby and Leo , and trincher and Nahmad were fighting over him. AHH hurt Andy' feelings.
Gambling is the new trend for billionaires. and they aint looking to play the Daniels and Phils. Under the radar top cash game pro's only seem to be the trend now. Hollywood is over. They cant stand actors and no pro atheletes who which by the way, have become all slow pays or no pays.
Ah, ok that makes sense now. I misunderstood what you were saying. You just meant the stakes they are willing to play and how much they will gamble, will make Beal look broke as he is not as willing. That I understand as not all people are the same as some have a lot more gamble in them and are willing to risk more. Ok carry on, really enjoy your posts.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:55 PM
PrivateWorld, you mentioned a Daniel Negreanu/Annie Duke email a few times and if I understand correctly this email is the reason he is laying off you and the Lederers at the moment. Is there any more to this email than Daniel calling Annie the c-word?
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 04:13 PM
5mm at 250k/500k limit is 10 big bets, not big blinds. haven't plaed any limit games for a while, but seems likely that the larger pots are around 10 big bets? and anyway, 5mm is arguably huge no matter how many bets or blinds it is.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 04:27 PM
Of course there is scam buster. He called her c word way after the email.
Annie ,Howard and Daniel all you to be big buds. Remember being at a gathering at Howard's house for fantasy league a few years ago. They had just returned from Howard's house in California. All was great until Dnegs shared something very personal about a big announcement he was going to make.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 04:32 PM
If it that he he is gay or bi I don't think the negative reaction over that would be as strong as you assume. Pretty much everyone would accept that as obvious. Although his honesty might be called in question over it.

Not seeing that as career ending. Anything else?
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 04:43 PM
Yeah don't want to go down that road again
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by lkasigh
LOL, sure buzz. . I'm sure that Saudi Princes, 3rd World Heads of State and Columbian Drug lords all meet up every Tuesday at Vladimir Putin's palace to play $5million/$10million blind no limit texas hold them poker.

Your post really was good for a laugh actually, cheers.
Its limit
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by AggroSpewMonkey
While I tend to think that somebody who cheats casinos is more likely to cheat at poker, it is pointless attempting to use simplified logic to 'prove' this.

Essentially the thought experiment you propose uses the assumption that casino cheaters are more likely to cheat at poker to prove that casino cheaters are more likely to cheat at poker.
I was simply saying that when someone moves from the category of "random" to "willing to be a casino advantage player" the probability he would cheat at poker goes up, if you agree that casino advantage players are more likely to cheat poker, than those who wouldn't beat casinos that way. A technical point but not a tautology.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:04 PM
Is there any truth to Howard being a major bookie in NY before the internet boom?

Also any good stories about Chip and Doyle before Chip passed away?
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:26 PM
No I do not believe so on Howard. But, he could not win anymore in cash games. Full tilt was a great break for him.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:27 PM
I know that Phil Ivey was one of the only two people that came up to Doyle and said I we chip and paid.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:24 PM
I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing Phil Ivey posting a "This is my confession" thread any time soon.
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
Ok give me some more questions....I'm online for 18 minutes more before I have to go to work online.
when I was around town I was told a story about Doyle and Chip putting a mechanic is the box in Bobby's Room and taking down a Saudi Prince for low to mid 8 figures-heard of this one?
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:46 PM
You are correct poker hack
Privateworld's High Stakes Gossip Quote
