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Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player

08-27-2016 , 04:31 PM
I've written a one-line script that renders bumhunters impotent, and will immediately reduce OP's losses. It's also free.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokerstars\PokerStarsUninstall.exe" /u:PokerStars
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by hornykiss
I don't see a problem what-so-ever with banning seating scripts completely, at the risk of having a select few continue to use them and profit greatly. It shouldn't take rocket science to create an algorithm or use common sense, internal filters to than snipe these accounts, just like it took common sense and a few filters to find PLO bot rings. If the site is employing true "experts", in theory, it shouldn't be that difficult to screen for and find these accounts with a little proactive man power and effort. At this point, it just sounds as if allowing them to continue to fleece the unsuspecting fun player is easier work than banning outright and monitoring continued users. Even if they can't detect the actual program like they couldn't PLO bots, there is data that could obtained through diligent work to highlight suspects
You're asking for a lot of manpower to solve a problem that they believe doesn't really cost them any money. The fact is, weak players are going to play against superior players regardless. And with the current ecosystem, whether the table fills in 0.2 seconds or 10 seconds doesn't really make a difference. Even before seating scripts, tables with very fun players would easily fill within 10 seconds.

As for the PLO bots, I'm not sure that helps your argument. They played for years undetected. If stars has a certain amount of money / manpower to spend on game integrity, I'd say the split should be 100% fighting bots/collusion and 0% fighting seat scripting.

Originally Posted by wopbabalubop
Why is a captcha before registering impossible? Sit here, captcha, seated
I'm honestly not sure if you're serious, but, scripters are people, not bots. They'd still request the seat first, the human solves the captcha, and they still get the seat. Maybe misunderstood the implementation of this, though. Feel free to explain if I have.

Last edited by Two SHAE; 08-27-2016 at 05:49 PM.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Recs dont know about 2p2, recs dont call themselves recs. Im gonna call it. Shenanigans.

This couldn't be farther from the truth

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Recs dont know about 2p2, recs dont call themselves recs. Im gonna call it. Shenanigans.
Bad read, turn your hud/script back on.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 07:47 PM
People have been game selecting since online poker started in some form or another.

Even pre-black friday people were using using software to try to find best games
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by mike1270
People have been game selecting since online poker started in some form or another.
A form of seat-scripting existed even before online poker. If a whale walks into an empty Bobby's Room, it's no accident that a few pro's phones start ringing.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-27-2016 , 09:57 PM
Name changes would give far more advantage to the good refs than the casual players. Most causal players review themselves as such within a dozen hands anyway and regs who name change will almost instantaneously out themselves as regs who have just name changed by sitting at multiple tables. The only place it would really give anyone an advantage is at the super high stakes where playing one or two tables is the norm and good regs actively try to avoid great regs.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-28-2016 , 04:18 PM
Sunday Million is re-entry nowadays? Seems it's dying.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-28-2016 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by raheem
Sunday Million is re-entry nowadays? Seems it's dying.
Maybe it's just because of summer
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 12:24 AM
Is there a thread here to report bots or have someone from the community check? I must of emailed support when that department is closed
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by DC2LV
You must have your very own narrow definition of rec then because I've been on 2+2 for 5+ years and I consider myself to be a recreational player. I play poker 3 or 4 times a week, for no more than 3-4 hours at a time (sometimes as little as 1-2 hours), because it's an enjoyable leisure activity. The money is unimportant to me except as a way to measure how well I'm doing at a given point time. I participate in 2+2 because I am continually trying to better myself at this leisure activity, just as I would watch training videos for tennis or golf.

If I don't meet you definition of a rec, what category would you put me in?
Are you beating the rake? Wouldn't that put you in the top 5%? 10-15 hours a week, making a profit ... sorry but that would make you a pro playing part time.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by FredEx
Are you beating the rake? Wouldn't that put you in the top 5%? 10-15 hours a week, making a profit ... sorry but that would make you a pro playing part time.
idk why every discussion about HUDs and other software is kinda derailed with definitions about who's a reg/rec?

nobody denies, that there's broad spectrum including loosing players, who regularly play, winning players, who only play very non-regularly, and competitive amateurs, with some decent winnings now and then. but for the sake of simplicity, most of the time "regular" means a grinder, who plays successfully for a living, and a "recreational" player belongs to the majority, who deposits money
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 08:37 AM
What are the arguments against not having a lobby?

And same question, for a profile being generated each time a player sits down (so in effect anonymity)?

Feel like pros aren't going anywhere and if changes keeps the recs in the pool, why not?

Pros still have an edge in their poker skills but less of one with their software/programming skills, no?
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by NicestoryiCALL
the worst is seeing a FR table filling up in 2 seconds once a rec join in, cant be more obvious than that. No wonder why FR is dying!
FR started dying long b4 i had my hands on my first script. Other CG variants arent performing much better

Originally Posted by DC2LV

If I don't meet you definition of a rec, what category would you put me in?
You are v likely wat i would classify as a semireg/semifish mix. Those guys in general lose w something of -2 to -10bb/100 and w slightly less rake decent amount of those guys would be (small) winners. While guys like you are certainly nicer to have around than igor from belarus w 11% 3bet 95% of games arent running around you bc teh smarter regs know that after rake we wont make much if any money from you considering most stakes
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
You are v likely wat i would classify as a semireg/semifish mix. Those guys in general lose w something of -2 to -10bb/100 and w slightly less rake decent amount of those guys would be (small) winners. While guys like you are certainly nicer to have around than igor from belarus w 11% 3bet 95% of games arent running around you bc teh smarter regs know that after rake we wont make much if any money from you considering most stakes
Just to clarify, I am not an online player; I play $2/$5NL live at various casinos in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area a few days a week for a few hours at a time. But again, I don't see how that changes anything. It's an enjoyable hobby to me just as if I played golf and/or tennis a few days week. I play poker as a leisure activity for the enjoyment it provides, not for the money that I make. As I noted in my earlier post, the money is only significant to me as a measure of how well I'm doing, similar to a golf score in relation to par.

I think I'm the very definition of a recreational player.

Originally Posted by FredEx
Are you beating the rake? Wouldn't that put you in the top 5%? 10-15 hours a week, making a profit ... sorry but that would make you a pro playing part time.
Calling me a pro simply because I am good at my hobby is patently ridiculous.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 09:29 AM
So, unless your only source of income is poker, youre a rec? Got it.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by WildBillgcp
What are the arguments against not having a lobby?

And same question, for a profile being generated each time a player sits down (so in effect anonymity)?

Feel like pros aren't going anywhere and if changes keeps the recs in the pool, why not?

Pros still have an edge in their poker skills but less of one with their software/programming skills, no?
There are no problems with having a lobby on Bovada (now Ignition).

First come, first serve. The whales are fair game for whomever can click on the table first. It's great.

The anonymity thing is a non-factor. You can use it, or not...the fish are going broke no matter what the site does to help them. No poker website will ever be able to prevent a mentally unstable monkey from being emotional at a poker table.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
So, unless your only source of income is poker, youre a rec? Got it.
Please tell me that you're being intentionally obtuse.

Let me try to help you out here since you seem to have difficulty understanding basic concepts and simple words.

A rec plays poker for the enjoyment it brings him. It is strictly a leisure activity. There are various category of recs; for example, a rec may just play on Friday or Saturday nights for a night on the town and drink it up at the table. He doesn't care at all about whether he wins or loses. A more serious rec may actually study the game or even take lessons in order to improve his game just as someone might who plays tennis or golf. But again, the money won is simply used as a measure of how well he's doing and is not the raison d'etre for playing.

Conversely, a reg plays poker to supplement his income. The money, rather than the enjoyment of the game, is the most important aspect of poker to him.

I trust that even you don't require a definition of a professional poker player.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
So, unless your only source of income is poker, youre a rec? Got it.
pretty much...

and a 'Reg' is someone who will do whatever it takes even while often skirting the rules to gain any advantage. To get ahead, and a true 'Rec' could give two ****s. They likely have real world things more important to tend too, business, family like a man and not a child. which the vast majority of online poker players are, advantage playing, egotistical yet in a funny way, immature little children.

its sorta funny too cause alotta these so called 'Regs' like to use that word as some term of endearment for one another. And in reality its not really a cool word at all. It represents slimey, always need to sleep with one eye open around this one, types of peoples..

'Reg' means they are investing way more than the avg. bears to get even just a marginally better advantage than someone else. They'll spend more, time, money, effort trying to carve out a seemingly thinning edge.

In that sense when someone calls themselves a 'Reg' like its some cool term of endearment I just chuckle to myself every time and wonder if these fools ever really dealt with much in the real world, outside of this little clandestine whirl they like to bottle themselves up into. Maybe just so they feel more meaningful than they really are, and in line with their irrational egos.


lotta so called 'Regs' would get run the the **** over by so called recs except true recs couldnt be bothered wasting so much time and effort into a game, online poker.

Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 10:51 AM
OP, if you actually were a "fun" player, you would play and have fun and be happy when a table fills as soon as you sit. What you want seems to be being terrible at poker and magically only get to play against even worse players and win.
This is not the definition of a fun player, but rather of a deluded idiot scrub.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Griesball
OP, if you actually were a "fun" player, you would play and have fun and be happy when a table fills as soon as you sit. What you want seems to be being terrible at poker and magically only get to play against even worse players and win.
This is not the definition of a fun player, but rather of a deluded idiot scrub.
ahh we have a so called 'Reg' right here ladies and gentleman hiding on one of their dupes..

Griesball (fitting name) I agree with OP.

The game of online poker shouldn't be dictated by ones using advantageous software/tools/scripts and the ones who cant or dont. It should be brains vs brains as much as possible otherwise people with Phd.'s and advanced degrees in Mathematics/Economics/Computer science and the like will clearly have a massive advantage when the game becomes too software oriented and therefore non-human.

If those same people were made to play by brain only they would still have some advantages but not as massive an advantage the truly intricate advantageous software users are starting to approach now. Seating scripts and the likes are also a threat, and thats before we get into artificial intelligence and Robots. I mean do you really want to recreate the same poker ecosystem in the future that was clearly flawwed last time.

Daily Fantasy Sports is dealing with this same game evening phenomena now with too much seating scripts/AI/Bots/Spiders/ and everything else software aided you can imagine given only an elite few a major technical advantage while so many others arent even capable of competing when it comes to that level.

Those advantages are easily negated by banning all that advantageous software using and tools. Play with your brain and Sites and Regulators should be doing whatever humanly possible to enforce the game being brain vs brain as possible. Not surprising the same scumbags from online poker found their way real fast over to the Daily Fantasy Sports space years ago. And are now also spitting this same scummy game there all over again.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I've written a one-line script that renders bumhunters impotent, and will immediately reduce OP's losses. It's also free.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokerstars\PokerStarsUninstall.exe" /u:PokerStars
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 11:20 AM
Recs who don't use software really over estimate the advantages that software gives regs. Almost all software is aimed at reg vs reg. A seating script really has nothing to do with the rec player, even though he's the target. If there were no seating scripts any table with an unknown player is still going to fill almost imediately at any stake higher than 25nl. All scripts do is give the people who have them an advantage against the other regs that don't have them. Similarly a HUD really offers no advantages against who typical rec player that is unlikely to play more than a hundred handsome so in any session.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 11:21 AM
Who hurt you JohnNashJr? Lets talk about it.
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
08-29-2016 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Who hurt you JohnNashJr? Lets talk about it.
No one but I do believe in a very regulated even game ill still win, probably more because tools essentially bridge the gap between ****ty players and actually good ones. Advantageous Software and Tools steal fair playing good players EV by allowing would be losing players to catch up too fast. Like ones who just buy 100k cash game hands vs someone they never sat with 1 hand for 1 penny..

You want to make people play without training wheels, especially if they're only comfortable riding the bike with them. Plus that begins to open the pandoras box which leads ot the data neccesary to build BOTs or robots, its massive amounts of hand histories and tendencies people have when playing certain spots that begins to lead to the artificially intelligent bot, which is the death nail.

Their needs otbe less data being tracked all over, and best case scenario only by legitimate entities, not randos using screen scraping spiders and all so they can import hundreds of thousands of hands of someone they never spent 1 penny to play vs. And yet now can jsut buy all the hand histories and put together patterns of playing style. You should have to PAY to learn all of that,not be able to go to some open scummy market and buy a bunch of hand histories to load into your HUD....

theres lots wrong, and thats a good first example of why its scummy
Pokerstars response regarding Seating Script tool alarms me as a recreational player Quote
