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Poker sayings you hate Poker sayings you hate

07-11-2008 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by tHeYuCK
myth imo
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07-11-2008 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by denks

Which of course brings us to...
"sorry" after a big win - nobody is "sorry" that they won.
I disagree, unless it is someone you dislike. Winning is sweet but if it causes another man pain, then it's ok for you to feel empathetic and wish them a small condolence, especially if you donked your way into heads up and won in spite of your horrible play
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 03:20 AM
"thats soo sick" Ugh stop saying it!!! By far the most overused phrase in poker.
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07-11-2008 , 05:27 AM
"You've got a hot seat!"

or when people play awful, get unlucky and whine

last night 2/4 game at the casino:

old guy limps EP with 10-6s, flop 10 6 A, bet, 2 callers, turn 4, bet, raised, 1 fold, call. river brick, bet, raise, 3 bet, call. flatcaller shows A4.


or when people limp utg or EP with AA and lose to funky hands "how can you play that? i had AA!"

or head shakes after bad playing doesn't get rewarded.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 05:37 AM
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 05:50 AM
"I go all in.."

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by JennFox
"I go all in.."

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i felt the same way until i noticed allen cunningham does it, now i think its awesome.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:12 AM
ty son.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by BruhKGB
"All you can eat..."
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:22 AM
John Duthie's commentary on EPT live.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:33 AM
Well, probably a german thing, but everytime i play live. some idiot has to say "Anna Kournikova......looks good, but never wins!" when AK is involved in a hand.

They even say it, when AK just took down a huge pot. I can't help it, but that puts me on INSTATA TILT :-)
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:37 AM
Reraised pot, checked flop showing 8 4 2
Turn: 8 - action to to the original raiser:

"i bet 8 for the 8".

tilt. 50% of time i reraise all in any two.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:10 AM
"I put you all in"

"I felt it"

"I never win with aces"

"I hate AK"

"Will you show me if i fold?"
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:10 AM
"Can I borrow $5", or w/e the going rate for railbirds' SNG of choice. Random unsolicited criticism from some moran is pretty annoying...its all I can do not to educate them at the table. Similarly any player who lectures a fish after the fish sucks out should STFU.
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07-11-2008 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Balbomb
I still say that I was the first one to say: "that's sick" or especially "That's so sick"
i'm sure you were

Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:31 AM
"I put you on Aces"

After they call their stack off with TP as a big dog and suck out.

And I agree telling people "I knew you had..." after their opponent turns their hand over is pretty tilting LOL It's a gift. I can read people better than anyone else!... So long as they show me their cards.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:38 AM
About to call an allin on a semi-draw board with a set:

"You better fold, kid, I got the draw"

Of course insta-call, then the draw hits.

"Told you to fold. Internet players..."

Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:47 AM
Only one that really irritates me.

"Do you want me to call"

Oh one more. Men the Master did this when I sucked out on him. "Nigh Han, sir" as sarcastically as possible and when I didn't answer kept repeating it louder and louder.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 07:54 AM
"Ship it" has to rank highly for me. There is an arrogance in this statement that just gets my back up. Even more so when the person saying it caught a one outer on the river.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:11 AM
When a player who is first to act on the flop says "raise" when they are actually betting. Similarly the next player to act says "reraise" when they are raising!
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:15 AM
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:20 AM
I hate when someone has won a big pot without a showdown and they're stacking their chips and they haven't given the cards back to the dealer... The dealer asks for the cards to shuffle and the schmuck says "but I want to keep these ha ha ha".. ya, real funny.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:21 AM
I hate every single poker saying ever.
Poker sayings you hate Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:22 AM
it was suited!!!
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