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Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids)

07-20-2022 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Says the clown who got so offended Mike B gave you a sob story to ask for a couple hundred but you go and defend Polk for promoting a scam touting 20% returns. Then you got owned in another thread by not wanting to pay someone $10 that you bet until the whole thread called you out on it.

Please just sit out this one.
Okay, Pops. Thanks for the life advice.

(Don't know where you say I was defending Doug as a promoter, I thought I was laughing at Phil Hellmuth for his over-the-top video gushing over, , a jaw-dropping crypto/gambling shill video with zero substance)

Last edited by Gzesh; 07-20-2022 at 01:36 PM.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
in all seriousness, this isn't the first time a male poker pro recognized an attractive female had the chops to study the game and succeed and that being an attractive female would get them into games otherwise too difficult to get into

those la stream games are perhaps the highest ev games to be in on the planet right now, everyone and their mother wants an invite but they are very clear about only wanting people who bring a gimmick that's usually fame or being a splashy player

two years ago she had neither

then she creates her socials, puts on a lululemon outfit and the ears and goes to some meetup games of some vloggers who obviously focus their camera on her and mention her and then suddenly she herself is now a poker influencer, gets invited to those stream games, gets interviewed, has threads discussing her etc etc - those yoga pants and bunny ears were an extremely intelligent decision as they put her on the map, from a marketing perspective she crushed it, took a name that was easy to remember, easy to google, easily identifiable, etc etc and went for it and it worked brilliantly

she clearly rose up incredibly fast in the poker zeitgeist, something extremely notable because she did it without the aid of traditional tv coverage, which were the kingmakers of the past

whether or not that was all a plan or not, (perhaps this is just who she is and wasn't part of a big picture strat) she's sitting down at very soft games for high stake and i have no doubt if given a bigger sample there she'd be a huge winner - you'd be an idiot not stake her in those games if given the opportunity if you could afford 100k swings - dara can presumably afford those swings, even more so now since it's basically a lock he had a huge piece of the newest ME winner
This is precisely my point and agree with all of it except the last paragraph.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:21 PM
Typically people of Dara's wealth make sound business decisions. Therefore, with both his business acumen and poker knowledge, the most logical conclusion is he would stake players who he felt would be profitable as opposed to a fish (PB) who is a losing player. So, if he's not banging her, why is he lighting his money on fire? He doesn't strike me as they type of person to just waste money like that.
Conclusion: he's hitting that.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
Typically people of Dara's wealth make sound business decisions. Therefore, with both his business acumen and poker knowledge, the most logical conclusion is he would stake players who he felt would be profitable as opposed to a fish (PB) who is a losing player. So, if he's not banging her, why is he lighting his money on fire? He doesn't strike me as they type of person to just waste money like that.
Conclusion: he's hitting that.
Shhh don't say that. The holier than now posters on here will attack you for it.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Shhh don't say that. The holier than now posters on here will attack you for it.
Haters gonna hate. Let 'em
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 02:57 PM
Staking people is always a mess and if the gossip is unfounded, it's kinda grimey. Maybe he has some connection to her and is looking out for her. Maybe he just views the $ spent as less annoying than having this person hound him for $. Maybe he feels bad for her and is hoping she gets lucky out there in the world of gamble. Maybe they're freaky. I think the whole debacle needs some structure. She wants to be famous, or a professional gambler. Neither of these things is really in the cards at the current rate, but people are moderately interested. A well-marketed prop bet would give her a chance to prove her chops, satiate the creepers who wanna creep, and give her a chance to talk openly about poker which is something she wants to do. I don't think the streaming/staking route has ever yielded life-changing success, and self-marketing is cringe no matter who is doing it. If she picks a stake to try to beat over a certain # of hands, has Dara take the side action, and talks about her process and her mistakes it'll be good for her career. Good for her self-confidence to have a project to analyze and to see that it's okay to work through those highs and lows in public, it'll be good for her to prove herself to doubters if she wins, and it'll benefit Dara. As it is now she's been a very polarizing figure it seems, so some rebranding would be ideal.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 03:20 PM
interesting reveal today to learn that ecb is also behind snowie's many accounts
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
interesting reveal today to learn that ecb is also behind snowie's many accounts
Just reported you to the mods. Stop lying. I don't know who that is and what you are even talking about.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Don't hate her at all. Just don't believe she is good at poker and it bothers me that we have #me too# all over the place but yet women still use their sexuality and prance around in skimpy outfits trying to find male suckers.
Definitely asking for it, right?

Originally Posted by rickroll
interesting reveal today to learn that ecb is also behind snowie's many accounts
Funny stuff. To ECB's credit, he posts all to one account, in a manner and style that makes it clear it's him each time. Consider him the Anti-JJProdigy.

But seriously, does PokerBunny look to get backing any more or less than many players at roughly her skill/success level (perceived or actual)? I don't get a sense that she does, but I'm also not on Twitter much. For all I know, she's all over that cesspool of a social media platform.

As for her whole image, this is par for the course for many content creators. Just from poker, Joey Ingram likes downshifting into that WWE announcer character (or at least he did at one point), while Doug Polk seems to draw from any number of commentary channels for his overall style. From "leeeetttt's get riiiiiight into the neeeeeews" to "that's just a theory, a GAME theory" to whatever douchebaggery comes from whatever the current Hype House iteration, it's typical branding stategy.

As for Poker Bunny using her image to draw a few people into buying pieces of her action, so be it. Fans subscribe to channels and even gift subscriptions to others left and right on Twitch. On YouTube, people frequently fire a few bucks on SuperChat to show their appreciation. If someone spend their money on stakes, this time getting a small chance of profiting, does it really matter how good PB is? They're not looking at it as an investment, they see it as a way to strengthen the same parasocial relationship that an H3 fan creates by buying Teddy Fresh merch.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Then you got owned in another thread by not wanting to pay someone $10 that you bet until the whole thread called you out on it.

Please just sit out this one.
This is priceless coming from the clown/AKA the self-admitted rec that persistently gets owned itt Keep it up chump!
or don't just gtfo tbh
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 08:35 PM
Funny thing about all this is that Dara backing her made me look twice. I respect Dara. I met him once, we are not best buds. He impressed me. I have a couple of his books that are excellent. I have heard him commentate and he is good at that, too. She could be his granddaughter, as I could be her grandfather. I think more highly of Dara than much younger guys assuming everything is about sex. One thing I learned over the years is I could have female friends where sex wasn't a thing. I stay at their houses at times and my wife is cool with it because she knows me. Maybe that is hard for some guys (and women) to grasp. It seems the younger one is the more insecure and the more one projects nefarious motives on others.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 09:08 PM
PB is a talented player who would be +EV in most public games. She uses sex appeal to get into private games where she is +++EV. Dara recognizes all of this and backs her.

ECB is a hater.

It’s simple really.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-20-2022 , 11:37 PM
PB needs to go to Burning Man and eat Acid and really network.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 01:39 AM
What i wanna know is why does she usa a bootleg copy of PT3
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 02:06 AM
Attractive female and side show are two different things.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
What i wanna know is why does she usa a bootleg copy of PT3
because she uses RTA
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosInEquilibrium
PB is a talented player who would be +EV in most public games. She uses sex appeal to get into private games where she is +++EV. Dara recognizes all of this and backs her.

ECB is a hater.

It’s simple really.

Not quite this simple, actually. Poker Bunny is a unique situation which we haven't really seen before.

Some attractive young poker females are naturally very good players who just need the bankroll to play for meaningful stakes, and use their sex appeal to do it. However, that's not Poker Bunny.

Some attractive young poker females are losing players, who use horny dudes to constantly stay in action. However, that's not Poker Bunny, either.

Poker Bunny is indeed dedicated to becoming a great player. She has studied the solvers, watched training videos, and grinded online in order to improve. She has put as much work into her game in recent years as anyone. I also believe that she has some natural talent for the game, as well.

HOWEVER, she also lacks a lot of the basic fundamentals, and isn't emotionally stable. This causes her to overthink otherwise simple spots (fancy play syndrome), and also causes meltdowns and avoidable major mistakes.

This is why it's very difficult to ascertain Poker Bunny's EV in any particular situation. She has the skills and the deep understanding of advanced concepts, but also often makes incorrect plays in simple spots in an ill-advised attempt to play like the solvers. Sometimes she is cool, calm, and collected, but other times she is an emotional mess. You just don't know what you're going to get with her.

I have defended Poker Bunny many times when people tell me that she "sucks at poker" and is "terrible". I tell them that they're wrong, and she's far better than they believe.

I have also corrected some of her fanboys when they tell me that she's an amazing player who just has run bad in big spots. I've said that she has a lot of work to do on basic fundamentals, and on controlling her emotions.

What will her future be? We will have to see.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 06:16 AM
If she is beating on line without using RTA I would say that she is a very good player, online that is. Live is yet to be proven and I think will take a while for her to demonstrate that she is good live.

Live is a different world. There are lot of good live players who have no clue about solvers, they probably are aware of pre flop charts, but that's all.

Equally there are a lot of good online players who are only average live players, and that isn't always because of "lol, sample size", it's because live play obviously has more and/or differing factors, and skill sets, to it, compared to online.

P.S. I do know the difference between studying with solvers, and using them to calculate solutions during real time play (RTA).
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosInEquilibrium
PB is a talented player who would be +EV in most public games. She uses sex appeal to get into private games where she is +++EV. Dara recognizes all of this and backs her.

ECB is a hater.

It’s simple really.
I’m fairly certain if you check her tweets, she’s acknowledged that she owes him more than she’ll ever be able to repay. Something about being in makeup forever.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 08:59 AM
One thing that hasn't been mentioned ITT so far is that Dara O'Kearney stakes/backs a number of different players at any one time, so in effect he has a portfolio of investments, from which he hopes/expects to make an overall net profit from.

In putting together a portfolio of investments the sensible strategy is usually to have some diversification, so that you are invested in, (in stock market equivalent terminology), some blue chips stocks, some emerging markets stocks, and some start ups. (there are some other categories, but you get the gist.)

Poker Bunny is probably in the start up category.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
One thing that hasn't been mentioned ITT so far is that Dara O'Kearney stakes/backs a number of different players at any one time, so in effect he has a portfolio of investments, from which he hopes/expects to make an overall net profit from.

In putting together a portfolio of investments the sensible strategy is usually to have some diversification, so that you are invested in, (in stock market equivalent terminology), some blue chips stocks, some emerging markets stocks, and some start ups. (there are some other categories, but you get the gist.)

Poker Bunny is probably in the start up category.
I disagree. Poker Bunny would be that investment you lose money on for tax loss harvesting, only that doesn't apply to poker staking. Unless he's claiming it as income, then that'd make sense.
She's not a winning player at tournaments, at cash, or at life. She needs psychiatric help. Trust me, once the glow reaper strikes, and he always strikes, and takes her glow, Dara will be off like her clothing is when they meet up.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Meisner
I’m fairly certain if you check her tweets, she’s acknowledged that she owes him more than she’ll ever be able to repay. Something about being in makeup forever.
You're fairly full of **** and just making this up with your hateful imagination. She definitely has not tweeted this. She's a better NLH player than 98% of you.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by WiseBeyondYears
You're fairly full of **** and just making this up with your hateful imagination. She definitely has not tweeted this. She's a better NLH player than 98% of you.
Bro, and by "bro" I mean never my bro, I have neither the time nor the desire to find the tweet. But yes, she did at one point indicate she was in severe markup. Explains why she sold all of herself for WSOP events (not to mention sold her self in other ways, so I've been told).
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by WiseBeyondYears
You're fairly full of **** and just making this up with your hateful imagination. She definitely has not tweeted this. She's a better NLH player than 98% of you.
Originally Posted by parisron

OOOOOOOOOh, how's it feel to be wrong, baby?

"I'm in so much MU I can't quit poker......."
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
07-21-2022 , 11:43 AM
what does MU stand for?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
