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Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy

01-22-2010 , 01:26 AM
Wilt i really like your idea about the "add another table" button
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-22-2010 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by SuperRu
Wilt i really like your idea about the "add another table" button
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-22-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rant
Why does HU have empty or 1-player tables anyway?

Why not just have a list of players waiting to play HU?

You can select someone to play from the wait list, click 'play HU', add yourself to the end of the wait list, or wait list an already active table like normal.

If you click 'play HU' you sit with the first person on the wait list. If player A sits out then player B has the option of booting player A to the end of the wait list and player B maintains their wait list position.

This gets rid of all of the lobby clutter.
Fish can quickly get a game without messing with a cluttered lobby.
Players that don't refuse action will stay at the head of the list.

I haven't thought through this thoroughly but the way HU works needs a complete overhaul, not just minor tweaks. Dozens of 1-player tables is not a good thing. It looks bad to the fish.
i kinda like this idea, maybe with some tweaks that im not sure of yet. because even if the tables are randomized, its still ridiculous to see 20+ tables with 1 person waiting.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-22-2010 , 10:48 AM
actually, i really wish ftp would just go back to the way it was. who cares if bumhunters dont get to stay at a table they wont play any1 on? i think it would be best if there was no more of that "leave my table or ill report u" bs to be allowed by ftp's ridiculous rules. its pretty rare that some1 will actually follow a player that wont give them action to every new table they open. and honestly no one cares about those bumhunters besides themselves. we need to see more tables with 2 players playing, instead of all the tables with just 1 waiting. 5 or so maybe ok, 20+? i mean cmon.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-22-2010 , 11:25 AM
I still think Party's solution is the best to increase action. Limited number of table spawns will force ppl to play each other if they want ANY sort of action, including action from fish.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-22-2010 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by SuperRu
Wilt i really like your idea about the "add another table" button
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 02:24 AM
Soo easy to solve this.

The only reason why there is a problem is because ppl getting "A" tables.

Solution: make all tables good. Randomize tables every 15min so there will be no "good" tables.

This way its fair and square.

Everything should be equal for everyone.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by ac on
ABC poker is all that either one will play versus fish, obviously. It's not as if the best regs have the gift of being able to bluff calling stations. GTO will not be needed against a fish - it could actually make the fish last longer. ducy?
Sounds like a +2ptBB/100 player talking
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by Stake Monster
I still think Party's solution is the best to increase action. Limited number of table spawns will force ppl to play each other if they want ANY sort of action, including action from fish.
I play on multiple networks and when there are no empty tables on Party I simply give my action to other networks and later check back to see if I can sit in. Hardly a solution.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Adreno
I play on multiple networks and when there are no empty tables on Party I simply give my action to other networks and later check back to see if I can sit in. Hardly a solution.
ohhh a true bumhunter
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Hklm8383
ohhh a true bumhunter
yes and proud of it
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Adreno
I play on multiple networks and when there are no empty tables on Party I simply give my action to other networks and later check back to see if I can sit in. Hardly a solution.
Well some people will always be afraid of playing decent players so in the end, for them, there is no solution. It's not like there's one single magical answer to all of this.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
02-23-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by WiltOnTilt
with my system, this wouldn't happen because players are only allowed 1 empty table per stake level. so if they have an empty, and sit with someone who doesn't want to play, the original person sitting keeps the table. The only way the original person gets kicked off is the person who wants action doesn't have an empty table (at that stake level).

I'm reposting my system here because it's by far the best grouping of suggestions made so far:

i wonder if you´d say the same if the caliber of the average player was durrr, CTS etc...

I got some good self esteem, too, but this stuff here is pretty laughable.

So funny if you and your chearleaders really believe that its the "best system"

oh fwiw, i´m not waht ppl would call a "bumhunter" . Nevertheless this (suggestion) is way to cheap
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-07-2010 , 04:27 PM
bump this needs to be addressed by FTP
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-07-2010 , 04:56 PM
Hello Jon,

Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support.

We are working on a solution for the problem with A-tables. When it goes into effect, everyone will see tables at random order and no table will be "better" than any other. Unfortunately this will take some time to implement.

Anyway, we can't ban people just for sitting in the tables when they aren't breaking any of the rules.

If there's anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We're always here to help.


Poker Specialist
Full Tilt Poker Support
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 11:00 AM
What I want to see introduced is HU 1c/2c-2c/5c tables then i can go from zero 2+2 hero!!!!
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by jonrubs
Unfortunately this will take some time to implement.
Adding a couple of lines of code is terribly hard for FTP.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Stake Monster
Adding a couple of lines of code is terribly hard for FTP.
Yeah if they start writing the code today, it may be done before the Mayan Calendar ends.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 01:16 PM
They should just have a auto bump, if a player sits at the table clicks ready if the first player doesn't click ready in 60 seconds he gets bumped of the table. loses his right to the table. that would stop the table hording
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 01:38 PM
lol, don't worry guys, ftp is on the case. another 6 months or so and this is gonna be fixed.

Last edited by you won, don't sho; 06-08-2010 at 01:39 PM. Reason: I don't even play hu but this is ridiculous
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by ICMoney View Post
HU Policy about squatters owning the tables and making the second person leave is really lame.

If he doesn't want to play why should he be entitled to the table?

Randomize tables would be okay, but keeping the lettering and having PS' play or leave policy would generate more reg-reg action.

Please do something. Storco pays people to hold tables who have no intention of playing. How abusive is that?

Major problem on the heads up limit tables also! Butt buddies: "SallyWoo"RobLP" "uglystyles" "EBC123" camp out on the top and bottom (they love the bottom! I wonder why? ) of every limit and play only the worst of the fish and ask everyone else to leave. Then when one of them has to leave the "glory hole" they switch off to one of the other rump rangers! Sick how they have ruined heads up limit holdem already now they have to this to make it even worse!
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-08-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gambit2300
They should just have a auto bump, if a player sits at the table clicks ready if the first player doesn't click ready in 60 seconds he gets bumped of the table. loses his right to the table. that would stop the table hording
how would you like sitting deep and then some donkey buys in for 20 bbs and kicks you off ?
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
06-09-2010 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
how would you like sitting deep and then some donkey buys in for 20 bbs and kicks you off ?

Play the donkey for his 20bb's imo
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
09-24-2010 , 09:29 AM

Just another one of FT brillant way of handling their players. The rule is a big joke.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
09-24-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by boobies4me
Yeah, basically this. This is pretty much what I was referring to when I said that people thinking that when this thing goes live that they are now going to show up and beat up on those 2/4nl regs they have an edge on will just be in for a surprise when realizing their table slots are filled by a bunch of players who play anything from 2/4-5/10 whom the previous 2/4nl winner now can't beat. So now they become a 1/2nl reg or lower. It pretty much would force down the action by groupings of stakes since top MSNL regs would be willing to play 2/4-5/10nl. So someone who might be good enough to beat 2/4nl can't even play there and has to go to 1/2nl, which forces down the previous 1/2nl players which forces down others as well. Basically it creates a system where in order to have access to the fish of 2/4 and 3/6 you have to be able to beat 5/10nl regs. A player that's good enough to beat other 2/4nl regs but not 5/10nl regs won't even be able to play the non BH'ing 2/4 regs as often because they won't even be sitting now because they are driven off the tables.

Yeah. I'm not even arguing for/against bumhunting with regards to whats fair -- that's too subjective and better left for a different discussion. It's clear why the top players want it, even though I think a lot of naive cheerleaders would be in for a reality check if it were implemented. Case and point the $20 sng player below:

You've been brain washed or are just blinded by your ego driven delusion. Just because someone bumhunts doesn't mean they can't win at 6m. There's winning 1/2nl and 2/4nl 6m regs that realized they could make more money bumhunting who switched not because they couldn't win anymore, but because they play for a living and it made the most financial sense. The games essentially would get tougher for everyone if this got implemented since players who are good enough to beat 25/50nl HU right now wouldn't even be able to play it once the higher stake regs who can't get fish or action at nosebleeds just move down and start wreaking havoc on regs who then move down along with everyone else. Not like CTS and Durrrr are gonna start battling over a table that a fish is unlikely to ever sit at anyway at those stakes so they'd just grind 25/50nl regs. As others have said, the only beneficiaries of this are the elite players. No other regs should be cheerleading this really -- as you'll be taking a paycut.

The only thing really worth debating is whether it's in the sites best interest, as what's in the regs best interest here is pretty much irrelevant. Sure you can try to make a case for it morally but if it's not profitable for the site to do then it's just a waste of breath. There has been no proof this is in the sites best interest and the one site that did do it got rid of it and I imagine if they felt the prior method was more profitable they would have reverted back to it.
Most sensible post so far, imo.
And seriously, lol @ those joining the "I want a system that benefits the absolute best" bandwagon.

It's pretty clear unless you're completely ******ed, that the KOTH system called for by the elite would benefit no one but the truly best players at each stakes.

Some posters whose sole achievement is to have recorded a couple of CR vids and whose PTR is in the negatives for hundreds of thousands of dollars, are going to have a bad surprise when it turns out, oddly enough, that there can only be one single best player per stake level.

You 20 yo kids out there with tons of time, no responsibilities nor financial pressure, can go around and try to emulate Jungleman12.
There's nothing wrong with that, good for you if you have what it takes, and good for you for at least trying even if you don't make it.
Just understand that some people play poker for a living who have families to feed, mortgages to pay, etc...
Do you seriously expect these people to challenge the best players around constantly until they go broke?
Do you understand that some people play poker solely to make money and can't afford to play for the thrill of taking on the best for 1/2 their BR in a single session?
Failing to understand the contextual pressures surrounding different people is being pretty short-sigthed.

Fees and cie, you guys are great players and were lucky enough to be granted a talent (I include motivation, determination luck, obviously, since there is no such thing as free will) that allows you to semi-bumhunt while seemingly not doing so.

Don't you have better things to do than stand on your pedestal and berate those less dedicated or talented than you are?
If you want to play for ego, then go for it. Trust me, there'll always be people to play you, more dedicated and more talented than you.
And guess what, these people se you as bumhunters.
Ivey, if he even bothered to glance in your direction, would see you just as you see those beneath you.

The difference? He wouldn't waste his energy talking about it.

Fwiw, i think randomizing tables is a good option and I'm totally for it, but give it a rest with your KOTH rant, lest you start looking a little insecure...

Last edited by Foldemlow; 09-24-2010 at 10:44 AM.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
