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Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy

01-17-2010 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by fees
im not going to bother to sort through this jibber jabber, but to anyone who wants to know what to think when they see this long dreary posts here are the cliffs:

lolol so true, why do these ******s post block after block of ****** garble
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 08:01 AM
There are a lot of anti-bumhunters in this thread. Lots of egos and huge e-penis waving going on.

How about you all play each other until only 1 of you is left with a roll.

May aswell start with rekrul and Fees since they are the last posters.

50k hands of whatever stakes you have 50 buyins for. GOGOGOGOGOGO
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by SuperRu
I think the #1 thing is that if someone is sitting out for a couple minutes he or she needs to be kicked off the table
This + the recent policy in max # of tables/player with maybe a cap on the max number of tables with 1 player should solve most of the problems imo.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 09:29 AM
All they have to do is implement a rule where if you are sat out at a table for more than say 5 minutes without posting you get booted, if someone else is sat at table and willing to post. It's how it works at 6max and 9max games and I think it's pretty ridiculous it isn't the same at HU. I agree that as a semi-fishy player looking for HU, you would see 40 guys sat alone and wonder why aren't they playing each other and assume that therefore they are all predators waiting for a piece of you.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 10:03 AM
If FTP make the change that OP is asking for, will it change the fact that 90% of HU players wont play anyone except a complete fish?
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by _PokerStudent_
If FTP make the change that OP is asking for, will it change the fact that 90% of HU players wont play anyone except a complete fish?
No it probably won't. It will make them more rake because it forces people to accept more marginal hu matches. I think the fact that you have sound logic supporting this morally and increasing rake for the site creates a pretty compelling argument for capping HU tables/KotH.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Digby
Have been doing a few tests on the weekend and cant see what OP is having a problem with to be honest.

Over two days I sat at 13 tables that started with letters between A and D. NOT ONE player denied me action.

Even when I wrote in the chat box "I am a pro" no-one denied me action.
If I were bumhunting, I would play anyone who wrote "I am a pro," in the chat box, honestly.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jamsym1
There are a lot of anti-bumhunters in this thread. Lots of egos and huge e-penis waving going on.
The funny part is they probably don't even play each other at all. From my experience most ppl sitting at HU tables have no interest in playing good players. I'm guessing some players try to pretend they play regs all day all the time but in reality some don't.

Personally it'll depend on my mood that day but more and more you kinda have to play regs to get any sort of action these days. There's not much going on at 2/4+. Honestly I really wonder if the poker sites can do anything to help this issue.. the best solution for the HU regs might just be to play 6-max and stuff on the side.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by cwik
Ok question about king of the hill with a hard or soft cap that is probably pretty relevent to the same people who think they have an edge in the KOTH style format.

Let's say I'm playing a guy for awhile and ask if he wants to play more tables, and he agrees. How would we go about doing this? I mean I can kinda see how with alittle time and work two NVGtards who challenge eachother to HU4ROLZ could eventually get match going, but it seems this would be imposibly difficult if you already had action.

I also don't see why bumhunters who don't like the KOTH format wouldn't just leave the site, and not sure that helps FTP.
I'd like to see this addressed.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by cwik
Ok question about king of the hill with a hard or soft cap that is probably pretty relevent to the same people who think they have an edge in the KOTH style format.

Let's say I'm playing a guy for awhile and ask if he wants to play more tables, and he agrees. How would we go about doing this? I mean I can kinda see how with alittle time and work two NVGtards who challenge eachother to HU4ROLZ could eventually get match going, but it seems this would be imposibly difficult if you already had action.

I also don't see why bumhunters who don't like the KOTH format wouldn't just leave the site, and not sure that helps FTP.
Best way to go about it would be a simple software implementation where there's a check box next to run it twice/post BB/sit out next hand, that says something like "play one more table". If both players have this checked, a new table opens seating both of them automatically.

Secondly, who cares if the bumhunters leave? If, on average, we have 50 people waiting for a game and 3 games running at 5/10, and now there are 10 games running and 5 waiting, obviously it's better for the site now because ultimately more rake is generated. The only difference is that a few hundred thousand dollars is moved to another site. I really hope that Full Tilt isn't concerned about that.

I'm not sure why you guys think small things like this would make the whole system come crashing down, the main principles seem to support everything HU poker needs, and the reason it hasn't been implemented is most likely a poor understanding of how heads up poker works as well as a lack of interest in the HU niche from the poker sites.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Stake Monster
The funny part is they probably don't even play each other at all. From my experience most ppl sitting at HU tables have no interest in playing good players. I'm guessing some players try to pretend they play regs all day all the time but in reality some don't.
It's not like they cant find action. I mean half of this thread seem to be guys that will play anyone. Or at least that's their forum persona!

In reality they only choose to play people worse than them. Otherwise they would be broke. Everyone games selects its just that the better player you are the less people are better than you so the more people you can play.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Stake Monster
The funny part is they probably don't even play each other at all. From my experience most ppl sitting at HU tables have no interest in playing good players. I'm guessing some players try to pretend they play regs all day all the time but in reality some don't.

Personally it'll depend on my mood that day but more and more you kinda have to play regs to get any sort of action these days. There's not much going on at 2/4+. Honestly I really wonder if the poker sites can do anything to help this issue.. the best solution for the HU regs might just be to play 6-max and stuff on the side.
If those who support KOTH don't play other regulars, they are kind of shooting themselves in the foot, don't you think?

I could imagine a bumhunter recognizing how it's logically the best solution for the sites, as well as the most fair solution (based on the principle that winnings should be directly correlated with only skill and luck, excluding time waiting for a game) despite it being bad for his bottom line. Unfortunately it seems that most are just dogmatically disapproving of KOTH with some ill-advised sense of being entitled to sitting alone at their tables.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Scansion
If those who support KOTH don't play other regulars, they are kind of shooting themselves in the foot, don't you think?

I could imagine a bumhunter recognizing how it's logically the best solution for the sites, as well as the most fair solution (based on the principle that winnings should be directly correlated with only skill and luck, excluding time waiting for a game) despite it being bad for his bottom line. Unfortunately it seems that most are just dogmatically disapproving of KOTH with some ill-advised sense of being entitled to sitting alone at their tables.
It wont make any differece to the site. The fish will still want to play. The regs will take about 2 days to determine the pecking order and never play each other still.

The only people it greatly benefits are the very top players at each limit.

For the majority of people supporting it in this thread it will probably crush their hourly rate. If you are supporting this you better be damn sure your truely in the top 0.01% of players at your limit because otherwise you are costing yourselves money!

You do realise people like Durrrr, CTS, Genius28 etc can start to hog all 25/50 tables.

This just means all the best 25/50 regs atm will move to 10/20 and 5/10 forcing all the better regs to lower etc.

1/2 will be as tough as 10/20 etc.

Most people support this because they think it will get them action of weaker regs who refuse them action. In reality it will just mean the better players than them have the power to take all the fish.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 02:15 PM
Im always amazed at how many haters there are in the poker world. the goal here is making money! weather you do it as a "battle it out with anybody reg", "bumhunting", or even "shortstacking" your still all trying to do the same thing but just in a different way.
You all say somebody who's doing it other than the way your doing it is wrong and what not but in reality your prolly just a frustrated hater. No offense. Just try to be empathetic and keep **** in perspective. 90% of you call yourselves "poker players" but in reality your a one game NLH specialist who's been able to make a comfortable living doing your one trick. Dont knock somebody else for doing the same thing a different way!
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jamsym1
It wont make any differece to the site. The fish will still want to play. The regs will take about 2 days to determine the pecking order and never play each other still.

The only people it greatly benefits are the very top players at each limit.

For the majority of people supporting it in this thread it will probably crush their hourly rate. If you are supporting this you better be damn sure your truely in the top 0.01% of players at your limit because otherwise you are costing yourselves money!

You do realise people like Durrrr, CTS, Genius28 etc can start to hog all 25/50 tables.

This just means all the best 25/50 regs atm will move to 10/20 and 5/10 forcing all the better regs to lower etc.

1/2 will be as tough as 10/20 etc.

Most people support this because they think it will get them action of weaker regs who refuse them action. In reality it will just mean the better players than them have the power to take all the fish.
Ok, I've made the same points several times and any further arguments against KOTH that I've already addressed I'm not going to reiterate.

For the last time, as a regular on a site that supported this format a few years back, it does not take two days before everyone knows the "pecking order". Regs fight for tables, period. The system benefits the best poker players, period. Speculation such as 1/2=10/20 is insane. Today's 5/10 will become more difficult, but the average 5/10 HU player in KOTH will make much more than the average 5/10 player today.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Scansion
Today's 5/10 will become more difficult, but the average 5/10 HU player in KOTH will make much more than the average 5/10 player today.
I'm sorry if you've already done this and I've missed it, but can you please explain how this is the case? You can link to another post or just tell me to look for it if you've already written it out.

I can't see how this benefits anyone but the smallest elite group of players. I think a lot of the players that are supporting this are shortsighted and/or are overrating their own ability. That said, I want to be open-minded and understand how this is a good thing for the majority.

Also, to whoever asked earlier about who would care if the bumhunters leave, I believe FTP would care. I think they would care anytime people take a lot of money off their site.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:13 PM
I think they would care anytime people take a lot of money off their site.
This argument is ill-thought because bumhunters are just going to cash out and spend it on life expenses anyway.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
This argument is ill-thought because bumhunters are just going to cash out and spend it on life expenses anyway.
They're not going to play tournaments occasionally or jump into 6m games or anything else that generates income for the site?
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by ac on
This argument is ill-thought because bumhunters are just going to cash out and spend it on life expenses anyway.
Are you serious?

Full tilt cares every time someone leaves their site because Full Tilt doesn't care if people are winning or losing - hey only care as long as they are playing their games and paying rake. A bumhunter still generates the same $$/hand in rake as a reg at the same limit. Maybe they get in fewer hands because they are choosing to play fewer people, but if they leave the site, FTP doesn't get that rake and their bottom line suffers.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by AggroSpewMonkey
This is by far the best, and probably only, solution to the problem.
awesome idea
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by AcidKnight
Are you serious?

Full tilt cares every time someone leaves their site because Full Tilt doesn't care if people are winning or losing - hey only care as long as they are playing their games and paying rake.
Which bumhunters do not do by sitting out waiting for a fish.

A bumhunter still generates the same $$/hand in rake as a reg at the same limit. Maybe they get in fewer hands because they are choosing to play fewer people, but if they leave the site, FTP doesn't get that rake and their bottom line suffers.
Wrong. Fish pay the rake. Bumhunters only get games in if fish are playing. Under KotH, the fish are still there, but now the bumhunters have to hold their own against players with brains if they want to eat fish.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Naismith
They're not going to play tournaments occasionally or jump into 6m games or anything else that generates income for the site?
They're not under KotH? I'm not even convinced that every bumhunter gives up FTP. Some % will move to different games on the same site, or suck it up and move down to stakes they can beat.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Sojufiend
no tables names, no screennames problem solved.
This would be amazing. You'd have to read people based on their play at the table, not on your datamined results.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by gisb0rne
This would be amazing. You'd have to read people based on their play at the table, not on your datamined results.
[x] he folded one of his buttons, raised most of the other ones
[x] sit out, try another table
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
01-17-2010 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Naismith
I'm sorry if you've already done this and I've missed it, but can you please explain how this is the case? You can link to another post or just tell me to look for it if you've already written it out.

I can't see how this benefits anyone but the smallest elite group of players. I think a lot of the players that are supporting this are shortsighted and/or are overrating their own ability. That said, I want to be open-minded and understand how this is a good thing for the majority.

Also, to whoever asked earlier about who would care if the bumhunters leave, I believe FTP would care. I think they would care anytime people take a lot of money off their site.
The notion that this benefits only the elite is a misconception. This is because right now, there are players sitting at tables of stakes they are not good enough to play. However, the way HU poker is set up, they don't have to play anyone they don't want to. If they are forced to either not play, or play people that they don't want to, (because they aren't good enough) they will move down in stakes to games they have the skill to beat. The decent 10/20 players will realize they can't beat everyone at 10/20 and move down to 5/10, the bumhunting 25/50 players will realize they can't beat anybody at 25/50 and move all the way down to 3/6 where they actually have the skill to beat most players there. All the system does is force players to play limits they are skilled for, and stop rewarding poor players for spending 8 hours waiting at a table.

I'll say again: the best and the luckiest should make the most money in poker. Bumhunting and shortstacking, to me, are loopholes in the system where lesser skilled players make more money than what I believe is fair. Even if I am overrating my own abilities, and end up having to move down further than I thought I would, knowing that the system is fairer than what is currently set in place is worth it to me.
Open letter to Full Tilt re: HU Table Hierarchy Quote
