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NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!)

11-29-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
pretty sure the guys crushing nosebleeds for millions have a better idea than you do
Pretty sure that nobody knows whether this whole "crushing for millions" thing is anything but a myth

The two of them have decided to opt out from Highstakesdb for a total of 4 accounts

They only left one account open for the public to see - the one account that happens to be a $1m+ winner

IIRC, both Alexonmoon and Seb86 (FTP) went on big downswings and turned into life time losers just before opting out.

I also don´t understand all the nut hugging in this thread. A lot of the stuff they talked about is stuff you discuss in private and between friends, but not things you should get out to the public.

Just to give you one example, the whole Isildur story is a big joke. It´s true that he started out by losing a bit against Seb86 on Pokerstars (filter the Isildur profile on PS for 27, but he just annihilated 27 on FTP for $3m+ afterwards ( Both Seb86 and Alexonmoon must have been among the victims, so it´s highly unlikely that the two of them actually won big money from him.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-29-2014 , 09:59 PM
Don't remember they said they crushed Isi.
They said that they (or at least Seb) would try to wake up if Isi was on the lobby because he was on a couple losing days "donating" his money.

For people telling that they berated Gus, i guess Seb already "crossed the line" with his trollish avatar picture of Gus.
Doubt that what was said in the movie, would change anything about Gus play habits at nosebleed.

If Gus doesn't have the finances/ or doesn't want to play anymore at nosebleed because he knows he is not good enough (but since he is very far from being stupid he probably knew it months or years ago) it won't be that video that would make him take that decision.
Gus probably wants (or wanted if he stops) to compete vs the best even if he sure knew he was a dog.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-29-2014 , 10:15 PM
Really awesome, great guys and really loved the needles haha
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-29-2014 , 11:32 PM
thx for subtitle!
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 01:41 AM
My fav part...

NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 02:51 AM
sent bout tree fiddy ($3.49 to be exact) to Seb86 on stars. thanks for the doc Victor, great job!
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 03:00 AM
Voted 5 stars fwiw, thanks, once again.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 04:43 AM
About Isildurr, I rember Seb saying that he started playing the limit games at nosebleeds without knowing how to play them. That's the moment where Seb would wake up in the night to play him.
After some times, he considered him as an excellent player and would avoid playing with him. So there are good chances that they are not part of the 3m+ casualities...
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:55 AM
Excellent documentary, loved the small part about Kitai and the Ivey parts. Keep it up.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 08:48 AM
so looool Tapis_volant being part of the industry and joining only now the 2+2 community

That being said I did enjoy the documentary even if we don't learn much in it besides they love Gus.

Would love for example to see these guys on a very bad day, how they tilt, how they handle it, rather than them saying how it feels.

If there's an opportunity for a filmmaker, I'd love to see that.

Seeing Jungle tilting and eating ice cream trying o calm himself would be awesome
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 09:48 AM
Really enjoyed the documentary. I thought I'd struggle to sit through the film with the subtitles but it was extremely easy to follow along.

Great job and thanks again for the English subs.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 09:54 AM
Excellent doc. Please let me know if you add English subs to any more of your projects. Very much liked your style on this one.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 11:30 AM
very nice work.
does anyone know where I can find the .txt version of the subtitle?
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Carlton Banks
Why not? He's often playing like 1k2k 2-7 and high stakes plo.

I'd imagine he also plays the macau games?

Also, from what i remember they talked about 500k / year was sick spew. "Even Rui don't spend that and he spew a lot" or something.
Originally Posted by I'mAFrenchDonkey
They said that even Rui had difficulties spending 500k/year.
So yeah they spend a lot but it's never over 1 million.
Confirmed I was wrong. Rewatched that part and they say Rui maybe spends 500k a year, but most of the "Vegas Regs" spew 1 to 1.5 mill
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 02:03 PM
I can speak french and had trouble understanding so the subtitles really helped. Pretty interesting documentary, definitely enjoyed it. Thanks a lot for the subtitles!
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Carlton Banks
idea for next documentary: follow Rui for a week. Film everything!
Another idea. Follow Jungleman for a week. Film everything!
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 03:09 PM
I think it's kind of messed up they talk openly about the fish, actually mentioning screen-names and talking about Gus and stuff. Kind of scummy imo.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 04:20 PM
i could not understand when they talked in english. Sub that part too next time.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:22 PM
Poor Gus. lol.
But really. They shouldn't have edited in the parts where they talk bad about the fish. I felt bad for Gus and he looked terrible at the 50k players championship.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:33 PM
If Gus was bothered even in the slightest by people's attitudes or comments about him losing or being a mark he wouldn't have observer chat on when he plays FTP. He probably would have opted out of HSDB as well. He's just not bothered imo. I know it's different when it's one of your opponents saying **** but still.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:06 PM
Who are the 5 German guys he is referring too that showed up in the 2-7 games? Ragen is the only one that comes to mind for me.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
****ing excellent video, huge thanks for adding subtitles

best poker film i've seen yet ainec

funny, insightful, inspiring, just great all around
this, merci Victor
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:55 PM
Well obviously kagome kagome and Ragen for sure. Maybe taktloss47?

Also O Fortuna PLS comes to mind, wasn't he atleast a semiboss in limit games?

Last edited by ROFL Slotspoon; 11-30-2014 at 08:16 PM.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Tapis_volant
Yep, it's possible too. Alex and Seb will send me the $ after. Many thanks.
sent 10€, thx again , very cool vid
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
11-30-2014 , 09:00 PM
This was very well done and entertaining to watch. Thank you for making it and Alex and Seb for sharing.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
