Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread)
, 10:07 AM
Some quick thoughts from somebody who's been playing at these legal cardrooms since the first one opened in 2015 or 2016:
Lodge owner(s) has been looking to sell either a piece or majority of his business for a long time now to investors that can bring "value" to the business. Lodge used to have several owners but it was reduced to one man/wife who's objective is/was to give the business to their son. They kind of stumbled into having the best room in Austin/Round Rock from an ownership perspective in my opinion. They had good MTS 1/3 games that were driving action to the room, had a great location in Round Rock (just outside of Austin), and kept their hourly at $10/hr. The livestream was also quite good, couldn't have hurt. They also came up when they really only had one competitor (TCH) who's room was/is quite small and charged more per hour - not to mention has repeatedly changed ownership hands.
In my opinion, Austin/Round Rock is probably the worst location in Texas to own a poker room right now. First, Austin/RR is quite smaller than Dallas/Houston/San Antonio. 52 Social is opening literally across the street from The Lodge this month (officially), and they've got a *really* nice room. The Lodge made a decision to not open a bar/restaurant, because they decided that BYOB and being 18+ instead of 21+ was preferable to having the bar/restaurant in there. I think it was a bad decision quite frankly. 52 will have a full bar/restaurant at start, and I've heard it's on the high end of quality. Not only is 52 there now... there's another room starting up in Austin or RR soon with 30+ tables and a full bar/restaurant that is being kept under wraps. Frankly... I think the Lodge owner(s) got out at a great time. With all due respect to Andrew/Brad/Doug... none of these guys have really put in any meaningful hours into these clubs in Texas and don't really know the players or why these things have been successful. To choose Austin/RR of all these cities in Texas to start this new venture seems like an early mistake. Houston/Dallas/San Antonio all have big opportunities for new owners to come in and really have huge growth opportunity... and Austin was the city chosen when it's the smallest one, has the most competition, and widely is regarded as having the worst action in Texas? Additionally, have you ever met people from Texas? Generally they really don't like "out-of-towners". Wait until the first "mistake" is made that these "Vegas vlogging Democrats" make that they don't like. Or the rumblings that inevitably happen when Upswing is being promoted around the room and all the regs get pissy about the Texas fish getting training... and hooooly ****, imagine if they ever raise the rate from $10/hr to $12/hr like every other room. People will **** on Doug Polk for eternity.
All that being said... I play in San Antonio and actually love the Lodge. These are all just my opinions, and generally I think competition is good for the players. It's a very nice room, and I'm sure these guys will do ok. I think bringing in Andrew/Brad was an incredibly savvy move by Doug. The Lodge livestream does great. The people who work/run the Lodge currently are fantastic. But yea... we will see. I wish these guys nothing but the best.
Lodge owner(s) has been looking to sell either a piece or majority of his business for a long time now to investors that can bring "value" to the business. Lodge used to have several owners but it was reduced to one man/wife who's objective is/was to give the business to their son. They kind of stumbled into having the best room in Austin/Round Rock from an ownership perspective in my opinion. They had good MTS 1/3 games that were driving action to the room, had a great location in Round Rock (just outside of Austin), and kept their hourly at $10/hr. The livestream was also quite good, couldn't have hurt. They also came up when they really only had one competitor (TCH) who's room was/is quite small and charged more per hour - not to mention has repeatedly changed ownership hands.
In my opinion, Austin/Round Rock is probably the worst location in Texas to own a poker room right now. First, Austin/RR is quite smaller than Dallas/Houston/San Antonio. 52 Social is opening literally across the street from The Lodge this month (officially), and they've got a *really* nice room. The Lodge made a decision to not open a bar/restaurant, because they decided that BYOB and being 18+ instead of 21+ was preferable to having the bar/restaurant in there. I think it was a bad decision quite frankly. 52 will have a full bar/restaurant at start, and I've heard it's on the high end of quality. Not only is 52 there now... there's another room starting up in Austin or RR soon with 30+ tables and a full bar/restaurant that is being kept under wraps. Frankly... I think the Lodge owner(s) got out at a great time. With all due respect to Andrew/Brad/Doug... none of these guys have really put in any meaningful hours into these clubs in Texas and don't really know the players or why these things have been successful. To choose Austin/RR of all these cities in Texas to start this new venture seems like an early mistake. Houston/Dallas/San Antonio all have big opportunities for new owners to come in and really have huge growth opportunity... and Austin was the city chosen when it's the smallest one, has the most competition, and widely is regarded as having the worst action in Texas? Additionally, have you ever met people from Texas? Generally they really don't like "out-of-towners". Wait until the first "mistake" is made that these "Vegas vlogging Democrats" make that they don't like. Or the rumblings that inevitably happen when Upswing is being promoted around the room and all the regs get pissy about the Texas fish getting training... and hooooly ****, imagine if they ever raise the rate from $10/hr to $12/hr like every other room. People will **** on Doug Polk for eternity.
All that being said... I play in San Antonio and actually love the Lodge. These are all just my opinions, and generally I think competition is good for the players. It's a very nice room, and I'm sure these guys will do ok. I think bringing in Andrew/Brad was an incredibly savvy move by Doug. The Lodge livestream does great. The people who work/run the Lodge currently are fantastic. But yea... we will see. I wish these guys nothing but the best.
, 11:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 18,786
In Dallas, home games seem to be going pretty strong with very high rake while a couple large legal rooms sit nearly completely empty. One of those legal rooms has even offered $5/hr time charge for 2/5+ as well as $0/hr on PLO/PLO5 and it's hardly moved the needle.
I'm don't necessarily disagree with banning euros. Doing so could really set a club apart in a highly competitive market. That being said, I doubt most club owners even realize it's a problem. I've literally heard TCH Dallas advertise itself as a place where players from all over the world come to play, as if that is a positive lol.
, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 18,786
You would think Dallas would be a great place to open a room but that hasn't really proven to be the case. Let's consider the big rooms that have tried to come to Dallas:
52 Social - Lost their ass
Champions - Lost their ass
Shuffle - Losing their ass
Poker House - Losing their ass
TCH Dallas - absolutely killing it.
Big players batting only 20% isn't exactly promising for the market and that's ignoring some of the smaller rooms which have shut down in tertiary markets as well as all the clubs that were shut down a few years ago (in Plano/Mckinney/Dallas). Many Dallas players are still choosing casinos or home games over legal rooms. I checked Bravo yesterday afternoon and Winstar and Choctaw each had 20+ cash tables running (albeit Choctaw is running a tournament series at the moment).
I don't know the San Antonio market but I question whether it is actually bigger than Austin. The metro populations are fairly close but Austin has much higher incomes.
BTW, it seems The Lodge's plan is to open locations in other markets but this sort of thing takes time.
, 01:26 PM
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 168
The comment that I made on Doug’s podcast was directed at club owners floating the idea to require a US driver’s license for membership. It stems from the fact that I think that there is a strong chance that an influx of traveling foreigner players will hurt the bottom line of such a business long term, based on my observation of trends in other areas forcing much of the action to go truly private. The fact of the matter is poker players in rooms with foreign passports are going to be disproportionality professional for profit players, whereas players with US driver's licenses are not. Surely, no one here would disagree that it is the right of a business to do what they want (especially in Texas) in running their establishment?
And assume for a moment that I am correct and foreign players are a detriment to the overall long term goals of a specific room. Should they allow them in anyway because it hurts the “purity of the game”? Thats most of the arguments that I see from the Euro side. It should be purely a business consideration.
The part where many could be dishonest to entry immigration about the primary purpose of their trip to the US (tourism, sham student visas, etc) is most likely not relevant to this discussion.
And assume for a moment that I am correct and foreign players are a detriment to the overall long term goals of a specific room. Should they allow them in anyway because it hurts the “purity of the game”? Thats most of the arguments that I see from the Euro side. It should be purely a business consideration.
The part where many could be dishonest to entry immigration about the primary purpose of their trip to the US (tourism, sham student visas, etc) is most likely not relevant to this discussion.
, 03:29 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 820
To be honest Bart the way it sounded to any euro player was that you were just another **** reg who was trying to protect his own profits. Its silly to come across like your being the white knight for the casino/cardroom. It sounds like the reason you want the cardroom to think about this ''situation'' is so that your games stay good and the game doesn't go private cause you might not get an invite.
Your comments were obviously to protect your own profits because one of your main arguments was that these ''Euro'' players come over cant speak English at the table and take money from the game. When asked about Asian players you were very quick to keep them in the game when in reality most Europeans speak perfect English whilst most Asians don't the only difference there then is that one continent is seen as good at poker and one is seen as bad and you wanted to keep the bad players in the game. So it wasn't really about table etiquette, it was just about wanting to be sat with more bad players than good.
No you're right lets not worry about the purity of the game, lets also ban US players from coming to Europe for events like the WSOP-E or EPT or any other European poker tour, after all, all the Americans that come over are largely pros who are bad for the game and in a lot of cases i would argue way worse at the tables than a European pro. I think your on to something here, let the Americans ban the Europeans and the Europeans ban the Americans and then there would be more Asians for us all. (I hope you see how ridiculous and borderline xenophobic my comments are because whilst i am just being sarcastic this is exactly how you sounded on the pod)
Im not going to keep on posting about this as i think it was clear for anyone to see your comments were stupid and to protect your own pockets, thats why even the host of the podcast started poking fun at them. Whilst i agree it is up to the owners to decide who they let in the business what you are essentially advocating for is turning these cardrooms into some sort of home game where people who are considered ''good'' or in your words ''Europeans'' arent allowed in and people who are considered bad or in your words Americans or ''Asians'' are allowed in.
Your comments were obviously to protect your own profits because one of your main arguments was that these ''Euro'' players come over cant speak English at the table and take money from the game. When asked about Asian players you were very quick to keep them in the game when in reality most Europeans speak perfect English whilst most Asians don't the only difference there then is that one continent is seen as good at poker and one is seen as bad and you wanted to keep the bad players in the game. So it wasn't really about table etiquette, it was just about wanting to be sat with more bad players than good.
No you're right lets not worry about the purity of the game, lets also ban US players from coming to Europe for events like the WSOP-E or EPT or any other European poker tour, after all, all the Americans that come over are largely pros who are bad for the game and in a lot of cases i would argue way worse at the tables than a European pro. I think your on to something here, let the Americans ban the Europeans and the Europeans ban the Americans and then there would be more Asians for us all. (I hope you see how ridiculous and borderline xenophobic my comments are because whilst i am just being sarcastic this is exactly how you sounded on the pod)
Im not going to keep on posting about this as i think it was clear for anyone to see your comments were stupid and to protect your own pockets, thats why even the host of the podcast started poking fun at them. Whilst i agree it is up to the owners to decide who they let in the business what you are essentially advocating for is turning these cardrooms into some sort of home game where people who are considered ''good'' or in your words ''Europeans'' arent allowed in and people who are considered bad or in your words Americans or ''Asians'' are allowed in.
White Knighting casinos/cardrooms has nothing to do with it. If a perspective cardroom owner asked me for my informed opinion on any operational changes I think that could be put in place to help run the business the ID suggestion would be on the top of the list. If you listen back to the segment, the reason why most asians wouldnt be affected by such rules is because most asians live in the US and have US driver's licenses. Most Euros do not and are traveling. It has nothing to do with ethnicity. There is a guy who plays on a lot of the Austin live streams from Italy that has lived in the US for many years and has a drivers license. And of course he would be unaffected by such a rule and vice versa to asians who don't.
, 08:59 PM
This isn't true.
Home games are either professional games (huge rake>casino) OR games amongst friends who get together because they enjoy it, not because they are trying to save a few dollars on rake.
I mean they could exist, but I haven't heard of any "rake saver" home games centered reducing reducing the amount of rake paid to play. If there were such games , they sound like the most miserable poker playing experience one could organize.
p.s. fewer
Home games are either professional games (huge rake>casino) OR games amongst friends who get together because they enjoy it, not because they are trying to save a few dollars on rake.
I mean they could exist, but I haven't heard of any "rake saver" home games centered reducing reducing the amount of rake paid to play. If there were such games , they sound like the most miserable poker playing experience one could organize.
p.s. fewer
Just because a home game isn't a rake saver, it doesn't mean that casino / poker room high rake haven't driven players to it.
, 12:22 PM
Thanks the details Doug. Texas is definitely pro business but as you probably learned during your due diligence, the determination of whether the state is "pro" any specific business entity vs its competitors is a function of that business's political contributions and connections. I provided an example of this earlier in the thread about Tesla vs Texas dealerships. To that end I think you'll be up against it when/if larger gambling businesses decide the market is worth their trouble and start throwing their influence and money around. Not sure if your consultants have provided a guesstimate of how much political vig you'll have to pay to give you a fighting chance when the time comes for legalization there. Until that happens there's also event risk PTLou correctly identified which may precipitate unanticipated enforcement action.
All that said, the business looks insanely profitable and that can only improve with your and your partners' draw to bring more players in. I hope you and everyone involved make a fortune.
All that said, the business looks insanely profitable and that can only improve with your and your partners' draw to bring more players in. I hope you and everyone involved make a fortune.
We have a bit of runway here. About a year and a half till the legislature meets again. They have not changed this law over many decades, and the politicians are aware of these rooms. It isnt a sure bet, I am aware that governments can take things away from you. However I also think the risk here is minimal, especially given we have 1.5 years to get things together, expand out of state, network, etc.
Sometimes you have to take calculated risk. Much like some other game we all know.
Doug do you worry about cannibalizing your business by opening multiple rooms?
Or is your strategy to take market share ?
Have you considered announcing?
Skull mike is tolerable but slick rick needs to go.. it would be nice to hear unedited real times thoughts from the supreme leader. You and Joey Ingram would probably be the nuts in the booth.
Will you be giving a mic to all the players like hustler live has so that we can actually hear table talk and it becomes watchable?
Or is your strategy to take market share ?
Have you considered announcing?
Skull mike is tolerable but slick rick needs to go.. it would be nice to hear unedited real times thoughts from the supreme leader. You and Joey Ingram would probably be the nuts in the booth.
Will you be giving a mic to all the players like hustler live has so that we can actually hear table talk and it becomes watchable?
I will be in the booth on Wed. I think Mike/Rick have both done a great job of helping build the Lodge stream community. There are a lot of people who like them and tune in for those streams. No plans are in place to replace either, however we will be adding in more commentary from others. I will be in the bunker tomorrow!
Now that you mention it....
, 12:30 PM
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 1,765
We have a bit of runway here. About a year and a half till the legislature meets again. They have not changed this law over many decades, and the politicians are aware of these rooms. It isnt a sure bet, I am aware that governments can take things away from you. However I also think the risk here is minimal, especially given we have 1.5 years to get things together, expand out of state, network, etc.
Sometimes you have to take calculated risk. Much like some other game we all know.
We arent going to ever open multiple locations in the same city, so I dont see much of a cannibalizing effect. Rooms tend to have local player pools and I think we will do our best to spread a wide net nationally... but time will tell. For now we are one location and we are going to do our best to continue to be the best place to play in the Austin market.
I will be in the booth on Wed. I think Mike/Rick have both done a great job of helping build the Lodge stream community. There are a lot of people who like them and tune in for those streams. No plans are in place to replace either, however we will be adding in more commentary from others. I will be in the bunker tomorrow!
I'm not going to go into the deal specifics here, its a private company and this was a private deal. What I can say is that the deal made sense for everyone, based on financial capital/platform/work they will put in. I think everyone involved is happy with the situation and we had good convesations on the subject to make sure this was a project that everyone wanted to be involved in (can be tough with so many people).
Now that you mention it....
Sometimes you have to take calculated risk. Much like some other game we all know.
We arent going to ever open multiple locations in the same city, so I dont see much of a cannibalizing effect. Rooms tend to have local player pools and I think we will do our best to spread a wide net nationally... but time will tell. For now we are one location and we are going to do our best to continue to be the best place to play in the Austin market.
I will be in the booth on Wed. I think Mike/Rick have both done a great job of helping build the Lodge stream community. There are a lot of people who like them and tune in for those streams. No plans are in place to replace either, however we will be adding in more commentary from others. I will be in the bunker tomorrow!
I'm not going to go into the deal specifics here, its a private company and this was a private deal. What I can say is that the deal made sense for everyone, based on financial capital/platform/work they will put in. I think everyone involved is happy with the situation and we had good convesations on the subject to make sure this was a project that everyone wanted to be involved in (can be tough with so many people).
Now that you mention it....
, 12:39 PM
Congratulations Doug, I think you have correctly assembled a good team of guys who all look to have a strong work ethic and seem to lack any life leaks.
As you pointed out the major downside risks are legislatively related. I do think its definitely a non-zero risk.
Also being a cash based business there are some huge risks relating to security at the venues.
If we were to see a glut of incidents it could force the legislature to act.
Do you plan on keeping the name "Lodge" or will you be re-branding so you can franchise the name in other jurisdictions?
As you pointed out the major downside risks are legislatively related. I do think its definitely a non-zero risk.
Also being a cash based business there are some huge risks relating to security at the venues.
If we were to see a glut of incidents it could force the legislature to act.
Do you plan on keeping the name "Lodge" or will you be re-branding so you can franchise the name in other jurisdictions?
As for being a cash business, we have a myriad of strategies that really minimize any potential risk and keep money/finances safe. We have a great system in place, one that I obviously cannot disclose. These risks are minimal imo.
We love the name Lodge. I don't see any reason to change the name. Its a strong recognizable name. We are for sure keeping it.
Hey Doug, long time Lodge member here. Congrats on the purchase. It’s a terrific room, great player culture, and has always had player-friendly management.
Some small suggestions for the future:
Lodge should consider offering discounted Upswing memberships for members. For instance if you come to play in a meet up game and acquire even a single month membership, you get a 50% discount code on Upswing for a specified time period. This will be a net positive for both of your poker businesses, I believe.
Second the Lodge should think long and hard about how to maintain a strong player base for 1/3 and 5/5 so that these games run regularly. Personally, one of the things that brought me to the Lodge circa 2019 is how robust the 1/3 player pool is in comparison to the other clubs. It would be also great to have a regular 5/5 game. There are some challenges there since the 1/3 and 5/5 games have intersecting player pools and when one game runs there might not be enough players to support the other game. The 5/5 regs probably know more about the challenges of running that game — you could consult them for their feedback.
Also, please get rid of the 1/3 $600 cap game. Match the stack is where it’s at IMO.
Best of luck with the new venture!
Some small suggestions for the future:
Lodge should consider offering discounted Upswing memberships for members. For instance if you come to play in a meet up game and acquire even a single month membership, you get a 50% discount code on Upswing for a specified time period. This will be a net positive for both of your poker businesses, I believe.
Second the Lodge should think long and hard about how to maintain a strong player base for 1/3 and 5/5 so that these games run regularly. Personally, one of the things that brought me to the Lodge circa 2019 is how robust the 1/3 player pool is in comparison to the other clubs. It would be also great to have a regular 5/5 game. There are some challenges there since the 1/3 and 5/5 games have intersecting player pools and when one game runs there might not be enough players to support the other game. The 5/5 regs probably know more about the challenges of running that game — you could consult them for their feedback.
Also, please get rid of the 1/3 $600 cap game. Match the stack is where it’s at IMO.
Best of luck with the new venture!
Re Upswing x Lodge: These are two different companies with 2 different ownership groups. Admittedly its a little weird because everyone at Upswing is involved in the Lodge, but the same is not true vice versa. Each entity has to act in their own best interest, but there is absolutely room for collaberation and we will be figuring out good ways to do so. Also at some point we will have an Upswing week or weekend at the Lodge. Either a seminar or a meetup, not sure, still kicking around some ideas.
We have been thinking a lot about the $1/$2, $1/$3, and $2/$5. For now we are going to leave it as is, its tough because it boils down to 2 things. Some players like match the stack, some dont. Also some players like PLO bomb pots, some dont. The game structure has been to accomdate everyone, we will continue to think about things.
, 02:21 PM
Our Secret Plans REVEALED (ft Brad Owen & Andrew Neeme)
, 06:30 PM
We are going to keep the monthly tournament, and have 2 series a year in spring fall. Considering our options outside of that.
, 06:41 PM
Is it purely coincidental that the owners decided to sell a large portion of this business at the same time that 52 Social moved into this market, having just opened a room less than a mile away? Technically, 52 Social's grand opening is this Saturday.
I would expect that Polk & his crew will be able to do big things on the weekends and for special events. However, I wonder how well this room will do day-in and day-out. There appear to be a lot of poker rooms in Austin, and this room is located in the suburbs, so it's not centrally located and a lot of Austinites will have much closer options. Plus, the Lodge will literally have to fight 52 Social just to capture the Northern Austin/Round Rock market.
I would expect that Polk & his crew will be able to do big things on the weekends and for special events. However, I wonder how well this room will do day-in and day-out. There appear to be a lot of poker rooms in Austin, and this room is located in the suburbs, so it's not centrally located and a lot of Austinites will have much closer options. Plus, the Lodge will literally have to fight 52 Social just to capture the Northern Austin/Round Rock market.
There are plenty of other rooms here in Austin, im not too worried about it. At the end of the day you can only focus on your own business, and we are going to do our best to make sure the Lodge is the best place to play poker here.
Also fwiw, the most important thing is to have games. Social 52 doesnt have games running. If you want to come play poker, you need to have games to join in on.
One of the things I look at when I have ever invested in a business is, what is the barrier of entry?
In this case , what is to stop anyone setting up multiple poker rooms in your area?
Even having a competitive advantage of having well known poker players may not be enough to dilute the market to the point
its hard to make any serious money.
But to be fair to Doug and the other investors its clear they have a long term goal much bigger than this one poker room.
If they could build a reputation and a brand, they could take that franchise to other jurisdictions where the barrier of entry may be much greater.
In this case , what is to stop anyone setting up multiple poker rooms in your area?
Even having a competitive advantage of having well known poker players may not be enough to dilute the market to the point
its hard to make any serious money.
But to be fair to Doug and the other investors its clear they have a long term goal much bigger than this one poker room.
If they could build a reputation and a brand, they could take that franchise to other jurisdictions where the barrier of entry may be much greater.
I think we have by far the best club in Austin and have an outstanding team in place to build this business. We have 2 of the absolute best vloggers in the game, we have a phenominal marketing team from Upswing, we have plenty of money and sharp business minds. If as a unit we cant make it in this business, thats ok. +EV spots win in the long run.
, 06:53 PM
Some quick thoughts from somebody who's been playing at these legal cardrooms since the first one opened in 2015 or 2016:
Lodge owner(s) has been looking to sell either a piece or majority of his business for a long time now to investors that can bring "value" to the business. Lodge used to have several owners but it was reduced to one man/wife who's objective is/was to give the business to their son. They kind of stumbled into having the best room in Austin/Round Rock from an ownership perspective in my opinion. They had good MTS 1/3 games that were driving action to the room, had a great location in Round Rock (just outside of Austin), and kept their hourly at $10/hr. The livestream was also quite good, couldn't have hurt. They also came up when they really only had one competitor (TCH) who's room was/is quite small and charged more per hour - not to mention has repeatedly changed ownership hands.
In my opinion, Austin/Round Rock is probably the worst location in Texas to own a poker room right now. First, Austin/RR is quite smaller than Dallas/Houston/San Antonio. 52 Social is opening literally across the street from The Lodge this month (officially), and they've got a *really* nice room. The Lodge made a decision to not open a bar/restaurant, because they decided that BYOB and being 18+ instead of 21+ was preferable to having the bar/restaurant in there. I think it was a bad decision quite frankly. 52 will have a full bar/restaurant at start, and I've heard it's on the high end of quality. Not only is 52 there now... there's another room starting up in Austin or RR soon with 30+ tables and a full bar/restaurant that is being kept under wraps. Frankly... I think the Lodge owner(s) got out at a great time. With all due respect to Andrew/Brad/Doug... none of these guys have really put in any meaningful hours into these clubs in Texas and don't really know the players or why these things have been successful. To choose Austin/RR of all these cities in Texas to start this new venture seems like an early mistake. Houston/Dallas/San Antonio all have big opportunities for new owners to come in and really have huge growth opportunity... and Austin was the city chosen when it's the smallest one, has the most competition, and widely is regarded as having the worst action in Texas? Additionally, have you ever met people from Texas? Generally they really don't like "out-of-towners". Wait until the first "mistake" is made that these "Vegas vlogging Democrats" make that they don't like. Or the rumblings that inevitably happen when Upswing is being promoted around the room and all the regs get pissy about the Texas fish getting training... and hooooly ****, imagine if they ever raise the rate from $10/hr to $12/hr like every other room. People will **** on Doug Polk for eternity.
All that being said... I play in San Antonio and actually love the Lodge. These are all just my opinions, and generally I think competition is good for the players. It's a very nice room, and I'm sure these guys will do ok. I think bringing in Andrew/Brad was an incredibly savvy move by Doug. The Lodge livestream does great. The people who work/run the Lodge currently are fantastic. But yea... we will see. I wish these guys nothing but the best.
Lodge owner(s) has been looking to sell either a piece or majority of his business for a long time now to investors that can bring "value" to the business. Lodge used to have several owners but it was reduced to one man/wife who's objective is/was to give the business to their son. They kind of stumbled into having the best room in Austin/Round Rock from an ownership perspective in my opinion. They had good MTS 1/3 games that were driving action to the room, had a great location in Round Rock (just outside of Austin), and kept their hourly at $10/hr. The livestream was also quite good, couldn't have hurt. They also came up when they really only had one competitor (TCH) who's room was/is quite small and charged more per hour - not to mention has repeatedly changed ownership hands.
In my opinion, Austin/Round Rock is probably the worst location in Texas to own a poker room right now. First, Austin/RR is quite smaller than Dallas/Houston/San Antonio. 52 Social is opening literally across the street from The Lodge this month (officially), and they've got a *really* nice room. The Lodge made a decision to not open a bar/restaurant, because they decided that BYOB and being 18+ instead of 21+ was preferable to having the bar/restaurant in there. I think it was a bad decision quite frankly. 52 will have a full bar/restaurant at start, and I've heard it's on the high end of quality. Not only is 52 there now... there's another room starting up in Austin or RR soon with 30+ tables and a full bar/restaurant that is being kept under wraps. Frankly... I think the Lodge owner(s) got out at a great time. With all due respect to Andrew/Brad/Doug... none of these guys have really put in any meaningful hours into these clubs in Texas and don't really know the players or why these things have been successful. To choose Austin/RR of all these cities in Texas to start this new venture seems like an early mistake. Houston/Dallas/San Antonio all have big opportunities for new owners to come in and really have huge growth opportunity... and Austin was the city chosen when it's the smallest one, has the most competition, and widely is regarded as having the worst action in Texas? Additionally, have you ever met people from Texas? Generally they really don't like "out-of-towners". Wait until the first "mistake" is made that these "Vegas vlogging Democrats" make that they don't like. Or the rumblings that inevitably happen when Upswing is being promoted around the room and all the regs get pissy about the Texas fish getting training... and hooooly ****, imagine if they ever raise the rate from $10/hr to $12/hr like every other room. People will **** on Doug Polk for eternity.
All that being said... I play in San Antonio and actually love the Lodge. These are all just my opinions, and generally I think competition is good for the players. It's a very nice room, and I'm sure these guys will do ok. I think bringing in Andrew/Brad was an incredibly savvy move by Doug. The Lodge livestream does great. The people who work/run the Lodge currently are fantastic. But yea... we will see. I wish these guys nothing but the best.
Appreciate the input here. We will continue to make sure the Lodge is a great place to play.
, 07:24 PM
Feels like there are a lot of people in this thread that are not ok with the idea of taking risk. Starting a business is a risk. Investing your money in the stock market or in crypto is a risk. Buying into a business is a risk. My decision to enter this market is not to alleviate risk, its to maximize my ev.
I think we have by far the best club in Austin and have an outstanding team in place to build this business. We have 2 of the absolute best vloggers in the game, we have a phenominal marketing team from Upswing, we have plenty of money and sharp business minds. If as a unit we cant make it in this business, thats ok. +EV spots win in the long run.
I think we have by far the best club in Austin and have an outstanding team in place to build this business. We have 2 of the absolute best vloggers in the game, we have a phenominal marketing team from Upswing, we have plenty of money and sharp business minds. If as a unit we cant make it in this business, thats ok. +EV spots win in the long run.
General gambling theory tells us that in most cases the price you pay for increased EV is higher risk. So, the key is to balance risk versus expectation, and that looks to me to be exactly what you're doing. So, based on the little that I know, I think you've probably made a good decision from a gambling perspective, which is what most small business is about.
Best wishes,
, 07:30 PM
This I recommend that you reconsider. The following is from page 74 of my book Cardrooms: Everything Bad and How to Make Them Better:
Next, I want to mention what is known as bomb pots which have become popular in some cardrooms. For those who don’t know, a bomb pot is when all players agree to put a predetermined amount of money in the pot when they receive their first two cards. Then, the real betting action begins on the flop.
It should be clear that bomb pots not only change the structure of the game, but that they affect the balance of luck and skill towards luck. But they also have another much bigger problem. Bomb pots allow each player to not only see his starting two cards but the flop as well. In addition, there will be a lot of money in the pot before the real betting starts. This creates an ideal situation for players who want to collude, and because of this fact, no poker room should ever allow bomb pots.
Best wishes,
, 07:41 PM
Jfc still shilling your books, to Doug Polk... Lmfao
, 07:54 PM
Hi Doug:
General gambling theory tells us that in most cases the price you pay for increased EV is higher risk. So, the key is to balance risk versus expectation, and that looks to me to be exactly what you're doing. So, based on the little that I know, I think you've probably made a good decision from a gambling perspective, which is what most small business is about.
Best wishes,
General gambling theory tells us that in most cases the price you pay for increased EV is higher risk. So, the key is to balance risk versus expectation, and that looks to me to be exactly what you're doing. So, based on the little that I know, I think you've probably made a good decision from a gambling perspective, which is what most small business is about.
Best wishes,
Hi Doug:
This I recommend that you reconsider. The following is from page 74 of my book Cardrooms: Everything Bad and How to Make Them Better:
Next, I want to mention what is known as bomb pots which have become popular in some cardrooms. For those who don’t know, a bomb pot is when all players agree to put a predetermined amount of money in the pot when they receive their first two cards. Then, the real betting action begins on the flop.
It should be clear that bomb pots not only change the structure of the game, but that they affect the balance of luck and skill towards luck. But they also have another much bigger problem. Bomb pots allow each player to not only see his starting two cards but the flop as well. In addition, there will be a lot of money in the pot before the real betting starts. This creates an ideal situation for players who want to collude, and because of this fact, no poker room should ever allow bomb pots.
Best wishes,
This I recommend that you reconsider. The following is from page 74 of my book Cardrooms: Everything Bad and How to Make Them Better:
Next, I want to mention what is known as bomb pots which have become popular in some cardrooms. For those who don’t know, a bomb pot is when all players agree to put a predetermined amount of money in the pot when they receive their first two cards. Then, the real betting action begins on the flop.
It should be clear that bomb pots not only change the structure of the game, but that they affect the balance of luck and skill towards luck. But they also have another much bigger problem. Bomb pots allow each player to not only see his starting two cards but the flop as well. In addition, there will be a lot of money in the pot before the real betting starts. This creates an ideal situation for players who want to collude, and because of this fact, no poker room should ever allow bomb pots.
Best wishes,
, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the positive comments. However, keep in mind that what may be good policy for most cardrooms may not be right for yours. Also, I would be interested in knowing what policies/ideas that you and your team derived from the book which you intend to implement.
While that might be true, I would rather go the direction of trying to find people colluding than removing a game type people seem to really enjoy. Bomb pots are very popular here and the average player enjoys them. I dont want to take that away because there is an increased chance of collusion. Maybe I will change my mind if we see instances where this plays out, but for the time being, I think its fair game.
4. Reputation of integrity and honest games. This should be obvious. When a poker room starts to gain the reputation of dishonest games, even if it’s not true, expect business to drop. But this is unlikely to happen if the room is run well and the regular players as well as the recreational players trust the poker room management to do its job well.
I do understand that some people like the bomb pots. Sometimes when waiting to play the game I want in the Bellagio Poker Room I'll sit in a small no-limit game and someone will request a bomb pot. So again, I'm aware that they are well liked. But The Bellagio doesn't allow them and I believe that's the right decision. Also, if colluders do certain subtle things, it can be hard to catch.
So, my recommendation is that this is something you and your team should look at very, very carefully when making your decision as to whether to allow them.
Best wishes,
, 09:01 PM
I assume you're not aware that I gave away a couple hundred copies of the Cardrooms book. So much for the shilling.
Also, the offer is still good. If you work in poker room management (and don't post here as fozzy71) and would like a free copy, contact me directly.
Also, the offer is still good. If you work in poker room management (and don't post here as fozzy71) and would like a free copy, contact me directly.
, 09:04 PM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 18,786
Couldn't that also be the case with PLO/PLO5 in Texas? Huge pots that are generally going to be multiway. Wouldn't that also be an ideal game to cheat in?
, 10:08 PM
You may be right. But there is a difference. The pots which may become large, are not yet large before the betting starts.
But this is one example of something that todays poker room managers need to think a lot about, and it's my opinion, that many of them aren't even aware of this stuff.
The above comment does not include Doug and his team. In fact, I view this as a great opportunity for a soon to be influential poker room to do things right and then to have many of their policies copied by other cardrooms. This would not only be good for the poker rooms but good for the players, both the pros and the recs, as well.
Best wishes,
, 10:34 PM
I heard the video editor is a real dickhead tho
, 03:35 AM
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 1,755
Just listened to Doug's podcast with Andrew and Brad which was a very enjoyable listen. Brad mentioned about entering the monthly tournament which whilst I can see why it would be fun to play I don't think it would be a good look if one of the owners won it! Maybe just punt off chips if getting close to final table.
, 10:23 AM
I assume you're not aware that I gave away a couple hundred copies of the Cardrooms book. So much for the shilling.
Also, the offer is still good. If you work in poker room management (and don't post here as fozzy71) and would like a free copy, contact me directly.
Also, the offer is still good. If you work in poker room management (and don't post here as fozzy71) and would like a free copy, contact me directly.
What if a guy runs a private game in his house, complete with a paid competent dealer, because he has been unfairly banned from his nearest casino? Would that gentleman qualify for a free book? Asking for a friend, of course.
, 12:20 PM
Hi Doug:
Thanks for the positive comments. However, keep in mind that what may be good policy for most cardrooms may not be right for yours. Also, I would be interested in knowing what policies/ideas that you and your team derived from the book which you intend to implement.
I certainly understand this argument, and I do agree that where possible, you want to make the customers happy. However, this is also from page 10 of the "What a Poker Room Needs to Accomplish" chapter in the Cardrooms book:
4. Reputation of integrity and honest games. This should be obvious. When a poker room starts to gain the reputation of dishonest games, even if it’s not true, expect business to drop. But this is unlikely to happen if the room is run well and the regular players as well as the recreational players trust the poker room management to do its job well.
I do understand that some people like the bomb pots. Sometimes when waiting to play the game I want in the Bellagio Poker Room I'll sit in a small no-limit game and someone will request a bomb pot. So again, I'm aware that they are well liked. But The Bellagio doesn't allow them and I believe that's the right decision. Also, if colluders do certain subtle things, it can be hard to catch.
So, my recommendation is that this is something you and your team should look at very, very carefully when making your decision as to whether to allow them.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the positive comments. However, keep in mind that what may be good policy for most cardrooms may not be right for yours. Also, I would be interested in knowing what policies/ideas that you and your team derived from the book which you intend to implement.
I certainly understand this argument, and I do agree that where possible, you want to make the customers happy. However, this is also from page 10 of the "What a Poker Room Needs to Accomplish" chapter in the Cardrooms book:
4. Reputation of integrity and honest games. This should be obvious. When a poker room starts to gain the reputation of dishonest games, even if it’s not true, expect business to drop. But this is unlikely to happen if the room is run well and the regular players as well as the recreational players trust the poker room management to do its job well.
I do understand that some people like the bomb pots. Sometimes when waiting to play the game I want in the Bellagio Poker Room I'll sit in a small no-limit game and someone will request a bomb pot. So again, I'm aware that they are well liked. But The Bellagio doesn't allow them and I believe that's the right decision. Also, if colluders do certain subtle things, it can be hard to catch.
So, my recommendation is that this is something you and your team should look at very, very carefully when making your decision as to whether to allow them.
Best wishes,
One of the most interesting things right now at the lodge is $1/$2 vs $1/$3 vs $2/$5. All have similar players pools but their structures are.
$1/$2 - $300 max buyin, no bomb PLO bomb pots
$1/$3 - $600 max buyin OR match the biggest stack, no PLO bomb pots
$2/$5 - 1k OR match the biggest stack, PLO bomb pots.
Player pools tend to be quite similar and lots of overlap. Interested in your thoughts regarding those games.
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