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This is my confession This is my confession

09-18-2014 , 07:39 AM
Wow, sick.
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09-18-2014 , 07:41 AM
Avoid any parking structures.
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09-18-2014 , 07:42 AM
Holy smokes that is quite the list. Awesome how he even highlights "my first scam".

According to his delusional post he went full ****** already, I get aids and ebola when reading this bs.

Go(o)d luck everyone getting their money back from this piece of ****.
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09-18-2014 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by thehelper
How do you plan on paying back on the ~$279,000 you stole from these people?
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09-18-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
What precautions can people take to not get scammed by others like this in the future ??
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09-18-2014 , 07:52 AM
"You can't cheat an honest man."

That doesn't really apply in this situation, but I love the quote.

No surprise poker players are easy victims in these scams. One need only read the excuses of the nuthuggers in the "Is Phil Ivey a Cheater" thread for proof of that.

How many one-time "greats" of poker have now been directly or indirectly involved in cheating scandals of one kind or another? Doyle (admitted card-room cheating, securities fraud), JM (Girah scandal, et al), WSOP Main Event winner Hamilton and the "bad read" of Hellmuth (UB super-user scandal), and Ivey (see thread).

Until poker players start looking at cheaters as harshly as the rest of society does you are just going to get more of it.
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09-18-2014 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Justin Archuleta
The arena of confession should be as large as the audience of the original offense.

I, Justin Archuleta, out of sound mind, body, and soul admit to

I quit poker, I quit weed and growing, I turned away from all things bad and want to do right by God's commands and God's principles.

To my victims:

I promise to do my best to repay, I just got a new job and have a side business as well refinishing furniture and airbrushing. I also want to have one of the largest greenhouse clusters in the world (but don't tell anyone shhh)...I hope to expand the ventures and do what is right by law as well. Because I had other plans to repay which was a grey area in the law and realized finally it's not right and very dangerous. I gave that up.
Fill the greenhouse with bud. One crop should settle everything. If you get caught consider it karma.
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09-18-2014 , 08:18 AM
I'm very surprised that people aren't making him post in DETAIL how he scammed each and every one of these players. Before he starts paying back, he can do the community a great service by letting others know how you can actually get scammed.. we need to know his techniques since he's obviously great at what he did..
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09-18-2014 , 08:24 AM
how can you be surprised, this was asked like 5 times already? +1
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09-18-2014 , 08:33 AM
It appears he's trying to turn around his life and make amends. I'm not someone who was scammed so I don't know if that's enough.If he is trying to make restitution, sending him to jail defeats the purpose.

Is there a way to turn this thread into something positive? Either the scammer or his victims come on and tell their story. Tell us how he scammed people and how it can be prevented in the future.

It also my might be good for the OP to hear the stories of all the people he affected.
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09-18-2014 , 08:45 AM
First rule of the con man: Never give up on the con. Don't know what OPs angle is but you can be sure there is one. Patriotism and new found Religion are always give aways. Be careful folks.
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09-18-2014 , 08:46 AM
So......Any chance OP posts again in this thread?
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09-18-2014 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
It appears he's trying to turn around his life and make amends. I'm not someone who was scammed so I don't know if that's enough.If he is trying to make restitution, sending him to jail defeats the purpose.

Is there a way to turn this thread into something positive? .
Yeah, advocate for poker thieves being give prison sentences like any other kind of thief to deter the activity and create leverage to repay amounts they stole.
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09-18-2014 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
It appears he's trying to turn around his life and make amends. I'm not someone who was scammed so I don't know if that's enough.If he is trying to make restitution, sending him to jail defeats the purpose.

Is there a way to turn this thread into something positive? Either the scammer or his victims come on and tell their story. Tell us how he scammed people and how it can be prevented in the future.

It also my might be good for the OP to hear the stories of all the people he affected.
Would rather see him go to jail than set a precedent it's ok to scam $300k as long as you feel sorry and establish repayment plans later.
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09-18-2014 , 09:06 AM
Can't read the title without singing Usher
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09-18-2014 , 09:12 AM
Wow, just wow. I highly doubt he will post again, but GL to all the victims gettin there money back if this is OP is legit. So sickening to read how much money was robbed from honest innocent people.
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09-18-2014 , 09:16 AM
inb4 touring motivational speaker
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09-18-2014 , 09:27 AM
Sell me this pen.
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09-18-2014 , 09:34 AM
Well no wonder god damn lochness monster keeps coming back, you keep giving him tree fiddy
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09-18-2014 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice
Yeah, advocate for poker thieves being give prison sentences like any other kind of thief to deter the activity and create leverage to repay amounts they stole.
This. I work in finance, and the thought of losing money eventually never stopped anyone from running a scam and stealing from others.

The thought of having yourself locked in a box with other criminals is probably the only real deterrent we have. The people who were the victims of this thief will probably never get their money back regardless of what happens to this vermin.

I'm thinking about the next guy down the road who has the inclination to steal.
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09-18-2014 , 09:54 AM
If I was a victim this confession would already be in the hands of law enforcement.

As for OP, it seems you are now on the right path. Stay on it. You have the rest of your life to do good for this world.
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09-18-2014 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by nba_guru
You ruined my life for many many months. Lefort showed to be a true POS to me to...
This is the third time I've caught you slandering me like this and it is completely uncalled for. The issue was settled and every single reputable respected poster from 2p2 (of which there were many) that replied to the thread all claimed that I would be insane to give you a cent. In fact, I think I was incredibly cordial and compassionate just to even consider the idea of whether I should give any money back.

The original thread can be seen here for those interested in the full story:

nba_guru, I'm really sorry if you're going through some hard financial times and the money meant a lot to you. But it's very clear that I did the right thing and I would really appreciate it if you get over the ordeal and stop trying to drag my name through the mud when I'm not the one who stole money from you.
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09-18-2014 , 10:03 AM
Also.. this was nba_guru's last post in the thread on the issue:
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09-18-2014 , 10:21 AM
if some of the scam is thru staking a player (buying percentage) here in 2p2... and the actual player does not know he is selling percentage (his 2p2 account hacked)... enabling the scammer to collect the stakes (layered, fake, or temp paypal..or cash)...

then... thats just ****** dumb.
especially if you are willing to pay (buy %) 50dollars and up... (my limit is 10bux.. and i have to know the player personally.. but yea).

yes its somewhat of a clever scam... similar to what they do in the stock market world... (watch wolf of wall street, boiler room).

but im sorry, investing your money through someones' hard work is just straight up lazy, careless, degenerate gambling.. actually worst. (at least if you invest on black or red, you have a chance of winning/losing/break even)...

..because that someone, can easily be just selling saliva.... or maybe a well trained jedi. point is, you dont ever trust someone when they blatantly tell you... "trust me, give me x amount of money, and ill double, triple it. and hurry, spots are filling up quick".

scammed for 100k+... if this was true... and if the 100k was not stolen from your account (poker/paypal/bank)... sorry sir, you deserved that one. be careful next time.
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09-18-2014 , 10:29 AM
I was scammed for $3k on Lock. This was back when Lock was selling for .8 so it was a pretty big deal for me at the time. I was/am new to the marketplace and was only using it because Lock was so ****ty about payouts and i needed that money badly. He had hacked the account of a person with a good history and offered to buy my funds but I had to send first because of my lack of a rep and because person I thought i was dealing with had a flawless record.
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