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Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer

07-03-2010 , 05:11 PM
Love this thread.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-03-2010 , 05:14 PM
I took the monorail and met some hot french canadian chick while on it
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-03-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by WhatsEV?
Ok this happened to me, Kinda long so bear with me, feel free to skip of you like.

This happened 8 years ago, I don’t know if you’d call it Baller or idiotic, but because I profited from it I’ll call it Baller.

I had just finished up a disappointing 30-60 LHE session at the Bellagio, and was walking toward the Bellagio Café, near the lobby , at 3 am to drown my Sorrows in some Breakfast. I pass a blackjack pit, and decide to sit down at a table with one lone gentleman playing. The dealer had just finished shuffling and I thought id see if I could get a bit of a count to bet on and hopefully get some money back. ( I know basic hi-lo op) As the dealer deals the first hand, I wave her off and say Ill wait a bit and see how it goes. The gentleman at the table turns towards me, he’s a middle aged man in a nice suit, he looks Middle Eastern. .He says,

“get in here kid, we need you .”

I decide to oblige, screw a count, Im stuck and slightly on tilt, ill start playing now and I put down a quarter( 25$) The guy beside me is betting 4 hundred dollar chips on one spot. He wins his first hand and I lose mine, he flips me a Quarter and says,

“here I talked you into playing that one.”

A minute later he nudges me and nods towards two young Blondes that are walking by, both fairly well endowed.

“ look at those ladies, am I right or am I right.”

“ you are defiantly right,” I say,

he turns toward the female dealer who looks to be in her 50’s and says

“I like this kids style,” and he flips me another quarter.

The dealer looks thoroughly unamused.

We play for another twenty minutes, he’s betting between two and six hundred, I’m always betting quarters. I’m exactly even for the table so far, but he’s flipped me a total of 6 quarters by now for various reasons. Mostly cause he won a big hand, but a few times cause he likes my style etc. So im up the 150$ he’s given me. He goes on a losing streak and loses five hands in a row. He squints at the dealers name tag on her shirt and then says,

“Come on Debra your killing me here,”

I hadn’t noticed but apparently he hasn’t tipped her anything yet, Debra had noticed and she replies,

“Maybe if you had given some of that money to me instead of your new buddy over there you’d have had better luck.”

Well this Pissed the guy off, he looked at her Stone faced and said

“ I like to know how much I’ve won before I tip, I always tip very generous at the end, but you just cost yourself that. But just to let you know how much your missing Im going to give everything I would have given to you to my new friend here.”

I like the sound of that!

He then calls over the pit boss and signs a piece of paper, they bring him more chips and he throws down a 1k Chip. He wins the hand and tosses me a 100$. We play together for another couple hours and he bets 1000$ on one square for most of it, getting change periodically for hundred dollar chips and tossing me a 100$ every couple hands. He goes on a hot streak and by the end he’s got 42K, and ive received about 2400$( on top of the first 150$). He colors up to 4 10k chips and he takes the two extra 1000$ chips and says to the dealer, these are for yoooo...., and breaks his speech and then looks at me and says, I mean you , making it painfully obvious he’s really rubbing it in her face now, and he tosses the two 1K chips to me. So all in all this guy gave me a total of 4550$.

That was one of the most Baller things I ever saw in Vegas.
I call bull****. I have never seen a 10k chip in Bellagio or any casino in all of Las Vegas. $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, $25,000 are the standard. In high limit salons at Bellagio, V/P, Wynn and Hard Rock they have $100,000 and $250,000 Cheques.

I also can not see a dealer that works at the Bellagio tip hustling in such a rude manner.

And after a few hours you still had the same dealer?
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-03-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by EightFoldPath
I saw this baller downtown:

I saw this guy too lol
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-03-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by No Fortune
Be my guest.
I think he was asking for it sized.

Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-03-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV

I also can not see a dealer that works at the Bellagio tip hustling in such a rude manner.
lol. not to say i've been hustled a lot at bellagio, but certainly way more than any other place in town.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by DRybes
I think he was asking for it sized.
Oh, my bad. Well there it is, thanks to you.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
I call bull****. I have never seen a 10k chip in Bellagio or any casino in all of Las Vegas. $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, $25,000 are the standard. In high limit salons at Bellagio, V/P, Wynn and Hard Rock they have $100,000 and $250,000 Cheques.

I also can not see a dealer that works at the Bellagio tip hustling in such a rude manner.

And after a few hours you still had the same dealer?
I can't believe not one person in this thread pointed this out before.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:30 AM
Guy at rio buying in for 150k in what I think was a 5/10 nl holdem game. He keeps his monies in a violin case.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:46 AM
If you're not driving a solid gold rocket car then you're not baller.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:45 AM
Theres that story about Farha walking out of Bobby's room and seeing some kid on a table out there with a **** load, 30 thousand or so. So he sits down and busts the guy with 7 2 when he keeps calling to hit a flush against the boys aces
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:48 AM
Lol sounds like a dream...30k deep with Sam gunning for me.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by guitarizt
Guy at rio buying in for 150k in what I think was a 5/10 nl holdem game. He keeps his monies in a violin case.
Thats "The Duke of Freemont".
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by savatage View Post
Not in vegas but was playing 2-5 like 3 weeks ago and a guy is calling every raise and throwing money away. He speaks bad english but says hes been living in states for past 30 years and just sold multi million dollars gas stations and came here.
Originally Posted by trojanmana
i hope this hotel isnt in vegas. 40 million hotel sounds like a pos.
hmmm....theres something here.....but what
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
I call bull****. I have never seen a 10k chip in Bellagio or any casino in all of Las Vegas. $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, $25,000 are the standard. In high limit salons at Bellagio, V/P, Wynn and Hard Rock they have $100,000 and $250,000 Cheques.

I also can not see a dealer that works at the Bellagio tip hustling in such a rude manner.

And after a few hours you still had the same dealer?
thought the exact same thing
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by gobbo
5k's are flags, 25k's are cranberries. I've never heard of a 10k chip and I know the 100k's are never used for poker but do exist for the megawhales every once in a while. But him coloring up to 10k's is obviously just a lie, they just don't exist on the main floor of blackjack (even if they do exist in the casino which I doubt they do).
gobbo i bet one of the lakers/celtic games this year and did one of the gasol will score more than X amount of points. i won the bet, but it was not in the system for about 20 minutes for some reason. While I was waiting a guy brought in a ticket and was paid out 44,000 and some change. The cage gave him 4 10k chips and the rest of it in cash. This was this summer. They were like a light blueish color
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 06:12 PM
i already pointed out in this thread that the baccarat lounge and the sportsbook have their own chip (oversized) chip sets.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 08:21 PM
Not in Vegas, not even in USA but pretty baller I think.
(Things said in story are translated)

So I'm playing a 1-2$ (actually it was euros but i'm drunk and can't find the euro sign) NL table. In the casino I'm playing there are only a handfull of pokertables so there is a pretty long waiting list. After about 2 hours of play someone busts and decides to leave. Baller guy sits in and buys in for 500$. After about 15 minutes someone else busts at out table. Baller guy decides to rebuy for the busted kid for 200$. Busted kid keeps playing obv. Some time later woman gets her top 2 outdrawn by baller guy's flush draw all in on flop. Baller guy gives woman 200$ to rebuy. Next busted kid bust again. Baller guy rebuys for him again. Another 30 minutes later i bust this (I think it was) online player. Online player looks at baller guy hoping for a rebuy. Baller guy does not reply and online player leaves and new guy joins the table. Baller guy says " I paid the people in front of me on the waiting list 100$ to cut in front so I decided to rebuy for for you all untill they all have a seat because it's no fun winning the money you give away back."
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 08:48 PM
I was playing 10/20 NL euros in dublin a few years ago, some older french guy sits down with a posse of about 5 or 6 peeps behind him, he throws down 4k euro, the max-buyin. Open shoves his entire stack on the first hand, this kid next to me insta calls with AA, the frenchman rolls over KQo and he proceeds to spike a K on the flop and river a queen to win the pot, scoops up the pot and leaves the table. His donkey posse was cheering the whole time.

I'm not sure how baller it was, but pretty funny
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by MauiPunter
Thats "The Duke of Freemont".
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by DEEZZZ_NUTS
I was playing 10/20 NL euros in dublin a few years ago, some older french guy sits down with a posse of about 5 or 6 peeps behind him, he throws down 4k euro, the max-buyin. Open shoves his entire stack on the first hand, this kid next to me insta calls with AA, the frenchman rolls over KQo and he proceeds to spike a K on the flop and river a queen to win the pot, scoops up the pot and leaves the table. His donkey posse was cheering the whole time.

I'm not sure how baller it was, but pretty funny
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by inkognegro
Old school baller, all the way...
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-05-2010 , 02:54 AM
Last night, at the 2p2 party, I bought into a $1/1 PLO game for around $1500 in $1 chips, was down to $300 at one point, probably won around $3k on the night, maintaining 100% vpip. This morning I woke up with quite a few missed calls and texts from a stripper and her panties in my pocket. Thought that was kinda balla
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-05-2010 , 03:52 AM
happy birthday becker
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-05-2010 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
I call bull****. I have never seen a 10k chip in Bellagio or any casino in all of Las Vegas. $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, $25,000 are the standard. In high limit salons at Bellagio, V/P, Wynn and Hard Rock they have $100,000 and $250,000 Cheques.

I also can not see a dealer that works at the Bellagio tip hustling in such a rude manner.

And after a few hours you still had the same dealer?
who cares? it's a good read. gtfo
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
