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Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer

07-09-2010 , 11:15 AM
I was at Caesar's for dinner at Mesa Grille and had an hour or so to kill before my reservation. Went to play some blackjack to kill the time in that first pit in the kind of sunken area. It was very crowded and took a while to find a seat. There was one empty table, but it had a "Reserved" plaque on it. I finally ended up getting a seat right next to that table. I asked what the deal was with it and the dealer said that there is a high roller that has the table reserved 24/7, with dealers rotating on it at all times, in case he wants to come in and play. Apparently he owns the main company that makes all the Vegas souvenirs that are sold in the shops around Vegas.

After dinner I came back to that area to play a bit more and he was there, with a huge stack of chips. Didn't really notice the denomination or how much he was playing per hand, but got to imagine they aren't holding a table 24/7, with a dealer at all times if he plays much less than $25k+ hands. I thought that was pretty baller.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
lasted about 3 secs
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
It was free to get in to the Ferrari dealership when they first opened. They started charging cause the lines to get in became to long.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 02:11 PM
Prob Matusow buying 2 randoms into the ME , that's pretty baller imo
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
And who gets paid a huge jackpot with cash IN a briefcase?
Probably no one gets paid that way, but when you get a lot of cash paid to you what do you do with it, carry it in your hat on the way to the dealership?
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
Prob Matusow buying 2 randoms into the ME , that's pretty baller imo

y does moneymaker get cred for the the wsop sucesss.
so obv that players like mm, durrr and ivy r the reason.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-09-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by ToTheFelt
Oh ****, that was LOL... all future videos need govner guy.
Well Said this guy is the man this summer,
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by MrJenka82
ill bet $22,639.88 is how much i have in my fulltilt account that this story is 100% bullsh*t. maybe the back and forth raise and call etc.. but he came back and dropped 4 chips on your stack? ive been playing poker for MANY years both 1-2,2-5, all the way up to 20/40 all over AC and sometimes in Vegas, I have never seen someone just hand chips over etc..or whatever you said. Your full of sh*t.
And you conveniently found pocket kings and flopped top set? than you again conveniently find aces?? your so full of it. he folds for another 200 bucks when there is atleast 2k,2500 in the pot? he tips the dealer 2k over the span of an hour or so?

get a girlfriend, maybe some real life friends. your prob not even old enough to gamble, your a joke and so is your story
you need attention or something? just silly stupid story..

You take the time and effort in a fun story telling thread to hassle some guy you've never met because you think his story isn't factual, and somehow _he_ is the one who needs to get a girlfriend? I mean, I know it's hard to find ways to fit "I have over $20,000 on Tilt" into a conversation, but surely there are more creative ways than this?

Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 04:01 PM
Saw a guy at XS nightclub playing two hands of $5k blackjack at a time, with about....200k stacked up as well. He was drinking Cristal and had 5 smoking hot stripper looking girls with him. Pretty sure he was going to bang them all that night as well.

I remember watching for like 5 min and thinking to myself..."MBFN"
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by WhatsEV?
Ok this happened to me, Kinda long so bear with me, feel free to skip of you like.

This happened 8 years ago, I don’t know if you’d call it Baller or idiotic, but because I profited from it I’ll call it Baller.

I had just finished up a disappointing 30-60 LHE session at the Bellagio, and was walking toward the Bellagio Café, near the lobby , at 3 am to drown my Sorrows in some Breakfast. I pass a blackjack pit, and decide to sit down at a table with one lone gentleman playing. The dealer had just finished shuffling and I thought id see if I could get a bit of a count to bet on and hopefully get some money back. ( I know basic hi-lo op) As the dealer deals the first hand, I wave her off and say Ill wait a bit and see how it goes. The gentleman at the table turns towards me, he’s a middle aged man in a nice suit, he looks Middle Eastern. .He says,

“get in here kid, we need you .”

I decide to oblige, screw a count, Im stuck and slightly on tilt, ill start playing now and I put down a quarter( 25$) The guy beside me is betting 4 hundred dollar chips on one spot. He wins his first hand and I lose mine, he flips me a Quarter and says,

“here I talked you into playing that one.”

A minute later he nudges me and nods towards two young Blondes that are walking by, both fairly well endowed.

“ look at those ladies, am I right or am I right.”

“ you are defiantly right,” I say,

he turns toward the female dealer who looks to be in her 50’s and says

“I like this kids style,” and he flips me another quarter.

The dealer looks thoroughly unamused.

We play for another twenty minutes, he’s betting between two and six hundred, I’m always betting quarters. I’m exactly even for the table so far, but he’s flipped me a total of 6 quarters by now for various reasons. Mostly cause he won a big hand, but a few times cause he likes my style etc. So im up the 150$ he’s given me. He goes on a losing streak and loses five hands in a row. He squints at the dealers name tag on her shirt and then says,

“Come on Debra your killing me here,”

I hadn’t noticed but apparently he hasn’t tipped her anything yet, Debra had noticed and she replies,

“Maybe if you had given some of that money to me instead of your new buddy over there you’d have had better luck.”

Well this Pissed the guy off, he looked at her Stone faced and said

“ I like to know how much I’ve won before I tip, I always tip very generous at the end, but you just cost yourself that. But just to let you know how much your missing Im going to give everything I would have given to you to my new friend here.”

I like the sound of that!

He then calls over the pit boss and signs a piece of paper, they bring him more chips and he throws down a 1k Chip. He wins the hand and tosses me a 100$. We play together for another couple hours and he bets 1000$ on one square for most of it, getting change periodically for hundred dollar chips and tossing me a 100$ every couple hands. He goes on a hot streak and by the end he’s got 42K, and ive received about 2400$( on top of the first 150$). He colors up to 4 10k chips and he takes the two extra 1000$ chips and says to the dealer, these are for yoooo...., and breaks his speech and then looks at me and says, I mean you , making it painfully obvious he’s really rubbing it in her face now, and he tosses the two 1K chips to me. So all in all this guy gave me a total of 4550$.

That was one of the most Baller things I ever saw in Vegas.

Dayum!!!! Fight the machine!!!!!
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 04:47 PM
well, since at least the nevada gaming commission requires that any jackpot be paid in cash on request, i guess the answer is anyone who wants it in cash.

Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
It was free to get in to the Ferrari dealership when they first opened. They started charging cause the lines to get in became to long. And who gets paid a huge jackpot with cash IN a briefcase?
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by gobbo
But him coloring up to 10k's is obviously just a lie, ).
in b4 " there is no dealer named Debra at Bellagio"
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder
You take the time and effort in a fun story telling thread to hassle some guy you've never met because you think his story isn't factual, and somehow _he_ is the one who needs to get a girlfriend? I mean, I know it's hard to find ways to fit "I have over $20,000 on Tilt" into a conversation, but surely there are more creative ways than this?

+1. That was a quite pathetic to flame someone else. Especially the part about the $ in the account, I was cracking up at that. Wtf does that have to do with anything? Just dying to blurt it out, lol, and its not even as if its some baller amount.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by jkeats
I was at Caesar's for dinner at Mesa Grille and had an hour or so to kill before my reservation. Went to play some blackjack to kill the time in that first pit in the kind of sunken area. It was very crowded and took a while to find a seat. There was one empty table, but it had a "Reserved" plaque on it. I finally ended up getting a seat right next to that table. I asked what the deal was with it and the dealer said that there is a high roller that has the table reserved 24/7, with dealers rotating on it at all times, in case he wants to come in and play. Apparently he owns the main company that makes all the Vegas souvenirs that are sold in the shops around Vegas.

After dinner I came back to that area to play a bit more and he was there, with a huge stack of chips. Didn't really notice the denomination or how much he was playing per hand, but got to imagine they aren't holding a table 24/7, with a dealer at all times if he plays much less than $25k+ hands. I thought that was pretty baller.
Was that this summer or previously?

I'm pretty sure Terrence Watanabe (The guy who lost $130 million in one year in Vegas and is now being sued by Harrah's) made his family fortune making souvenirs and stuff. He played at Caesars too.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-10-2010 , 08:03 PM
At the Stratosphere Bikini blackjack late night / early morning, a guy who was apparently down on his luck bet his entire remaining stack on one hand, which included at least three black chips and about 20 green, and he bet for the dealer about 30 orange. He had something like 13 against the dealer's ten. He took one hit, had something like 15 and didn't take another hit. I don't remember what the dealer had, but she won the hand. She said he had been tipping / betting for the other girls and that they had all made $200, except for her (she only made $5).
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 12:05 AM
Not really baller story, but still good to me. Went to Tabu in the MGM one night alone. Cause my friend brought some busted 40+ fat lady back to the room to bang, wtf? Seen a lady jack this dude with her high heel, gashed his head nasty. After I left Tabu at 3am, walking back to Circus Circus, I found 60$ on the ground. But a hooker approaches me by the Wynn wanting 300$. Somehow I drunkly manage to convince her I will take her shopping afterwards. End up doing her on the astro turf outside Encore, giving her 40$ and running.

#2 walking back from the Sahara/Stratoshphere. My friend trades a bum his cold beer for a cigarette. Three dudes come walking up, one takes the bums beer. The bum from behind, smashes the dude. Mount him and lands 15-20 punches, even with the guy out cold after the 10th or so punch. His friends just stood there, but the dude got what he deserved.

And got a few more good stories, especially with the shirt from Mexican guys passing out the cards.

Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by coolnout
and some of this
sent to the felt a PM asking who the chick in video is but no response..
looks to be kelly divine but wanted to be sure.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 07:50 AM
I saw jenna haze and teagan inside the rio at the crown nightclub.

that was pretty baller of me to see them standing somewhere.

bow to my ballerness.

no but sariously there was wood.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Actionjunkie

I appreciate your first post. So when the strike hit 1200 he was alone means he was alone in vegas for the entire trip? Who said he was a nobody back then? If he was a nobody I would have never recognized him. He hung out with a dozen girls in cities all the time while he was married and no one reported it until he had his blow up with his wife at home.
Of course I can not prove tigers whereabouts 15 years ago.
My casino host that was there is now a casino host at Aria. He has been a respected host in town for decades and would confirm story. He was the head of marketing at Red Rock Casino when it opened before moving to aria. Make me a side bet and I will get him to confirm LOL

I understand people make stories up on the internet but I don't see how seeing a golfer would be a brag in anyway. Dont see the point in making a story about some celebrity.

If I wanted to brag I would have posted this instead.

I was at the wynn last football season ( week 5) AZ is playing houston I was at the bar at encore and had about 50k on AZ -5.5 to -6. At half time they are DOMINATING it is 21-0 and would be worse if AZ had not fumbled on first down at houston 1 on another possession. Half time we have 19 first downs they have 3. Despite the score the linemakers can not make houston a favorite in this spot, which is normally the case, because they are getting so so crushed. The HT line is pick.

I have a HUGE midde but do not feel I can justify betting houston after the first half I just watched. Despite my huge position on AZ. So I sit out the 2nd half. You know whats coming, but brace yourself for the ending
21-21 two minutes left HOUSTON ball on about there 20

I am pretty dead here because as we all know if we get the ball we are going for 3 and I still dont cover the spread.
UNTIL a pick 6 by rodgers-cromartie gives me a TD and 7 point lead under 2 minutes to go. Now it is 28-21 AZ
That is when it gets interesting, Houston needs 7 they get a big return, and one play later are on my 40. One or two plays later 1st and goal on my 8 yard line. This happened so fast clock is no longer a factor.
First down they run the ball to the goal line They need a replay to see if they were in the endzone. Nope 2nd and goal on the 1
They run again so close they again go to replay. nope again. 3rd and goal on the 1 But it is more like the 6 inch line then the one yard line
They run again and sure enough so close they go to replay AGAIN. Nope 4th and goal on the 1
4th down they run If i remember right outside and he is stuffed but so damn close they REPLAY AGAIN. NO TOUCHDOWN AZ Ball

Now my friends are going crazy but they dont realize we are still in danger. We are on the 4 inch line and we need to get out of the endzone on first down. If they dont get out of endzone and give up a safety AZ wins by 5 and I take as bad a beat as humanely possible.
Thankfully on first down they get to like the 7 or 8 yardline take a knee on second down and win 28-21. I had a 100k swing on this game.

The first downs in the second half went 22-3 houston, after a 19-3 AZ edge in first half.
your fake stories suck. At least write them well. Or include something interesting or amusing.

"This one time! I made a bet on a football game! and I was winning and I was like shipitshipitshipit! and then the other team! they made a comeback! and then I wasn't winning anymore. BUT ITS OK! cuz my team! they came back and they won the game! Oh. And the bet was for like a million dollars!"
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by boobies4me
sent to the felt a PM asking who the chick in video is but no response..
looks to be kelly divine but wanted to be sure.
nope. rachel starr. from an assparade ep i think
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
your fake stories suck. At least write them well. Or include something interesting or amusing.

"This one time! I made a bet on a football game! and I was winning and I was like shipitshipitshipit! and then the other team! they made a comeback! and then I wasn't winning anymore. BUT ITS OK! cuz my team! they came back and they won the game! Oh. And the bet was for like a million dollars!"

I defy you to find ANY game last year that was a more wild ending in respect to the point spread.

Bet me 2k or higher I produce cashed tixx from Wynn, Golden Nugget, Fremont & Binions sports books totalling over 43k.

Take me up on the prop bet man, PROVE I am a liar. Your wallet will be at least 2k lighter
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 01:52 PM
Banging strippers on the ground outside the casino/ripping em off is just dirty as ****/degen.

Donks betting multiple black chips on blackjack is standard. Walk into any high limit area and there will be some idiot who doesn't know wtf he is doing standing on 15 or 16 with a couple thousand out there. 80% of the time bitching about how much he's lost.

I enjoyed the sports betting story.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by gobbo
5k's are flags, 25k's are cranberries. I've never heard of a 10k chip and I know the 100k's are never used for poker but do exist for the megawhales every once in a while. But him coloring up to 10k's is obviously just a lie, they just don't exist on the main floor of blackjack (even if they do exist in the casino which I doubt they do).
Gobbo, when recalling a story, it's quite possible that people can get their facts confused, so no need to be a d*ck.

Ironically, you initially stated that the Bellagio do not have 10k chips - which they do - so in fact your statement was a lie.

Also, it's such an insignificant part of the story no-one cares. So unless proving this part of the story makes you feel better, or indeed makes you think people will be impressed of your knowledge of Bellagio chip values, I really don't know what you gained by bringing it to anybody's attention.
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by lexxy
During a poker tournament at Stratosphere Casino, a Texan oil investor complained about the noise at another table. Someone laughed at him and the Texan said: "I'm worth sixty million dollars!". Kerry Packer (Australian Tycoon) who was sitting at the noisy table pulled out a coin and asked, "heads or tails?" (according to Bob Stupak's biography). Some people say he just said "I'll flip you for it"

Kerry was a big gambler and he would have been 100% serious about the bet had the Texan been brave enough.

[X] Vegas
[ ] This Summer
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Kerry rolled up to the Urundel Hills Country Club in Australia with 3 of his execs in tow. Was politely told the golf course was for members only so purchased 4, which were only used once.

Kerry was playing polo in the UK and wanted dinner for his team at a local pub. Owner said kitchen was closed so went to another pub. Kitchen closed there as well but owner opened it up for Kerry. Kerry leaves 5000 British pound tip on promise that pub owner will show credit card slip to first pub owner.

[X] Vegas
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[ ] Read entire thread
[X] Balla
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
07-11-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by bigfishsmallpond
Gobbo, when recalling a story, it's quite possible that people can get their facts confused, so no need to be a d*ck.

Ironically, you initially stated that the Bellagio do not have 10k chips - which they do - so in fact your statement was a lie.

Also, it's such an insignificant part of the story no-one cares. So unless proving this part of the story makes you feel better, or indeed makes you think people will be impressed of your knowledge of Bellagio chip values, I really don't know what you gained by bringing it to anybody's attention.
Dude, how can you rip a guy this well and only have 53 post? please patrol this forum and put these people in their place...That was awesome...
Most baller things you've seen in Vegas this summer Quote
