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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

06-28-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Hey Mike,

I read your story and it sounds like you would be a good investment for staking. I'd be happy to do the same 65/35 deal you had before, as long as I held all the money, paid the buy-ins and received the cashouts immediately.

However, I've been doing missionary work in a West African country and can't help you from here. I'm trying to get back to the US but I'm stuck at customs. You just need to wire me $500 cash so I can get out, and then we can meet tomorrow in LV and get started. If you are interested, we can exchange pics by email.
06-28-2014 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by kevko_2000
You are flat out wrong. Any form of gambling whatsoever will cause him to relapse. He's addicted to gambling. Poker isn't going to cut it for him. Any casino he plays in will have a pit and table games.

It's like telling an alcoholic it's ok to smoke pot. They may start off just smoking but 99% of the time they are going to end up right back where they were before. There's a reason they tell drug and alcohol addicts they can no longer do any form of mind altering substances.
Ok. I tired to read whole thread first, but this seems to be a recurring theme.

" ZOMG, you have to quit forever!!!!! Addicts can never, ever,ever,ever,ever,ever, learn to control their addictions, so they must quit for ever,ever,ever,ever!!!!"

What would you tell an obese person whose addiction is food?
06-28-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kalrex
Quit telling him to give it up!

What if Gandhi just gave up? What if Winston Churchill listened to all his BS detractors and up and quit circa 1940-41? Think of the historical ramifications here guys.

"This will end badly". So what? Things ended badly for the 300 Spartans yet we all know who the 300 Spartans are 1,000+ years later. They've provided endless entertainment value ever since those dark days in that pass. Die doing what you love imo.

This isn't a Brandi Hawbaker story either with some wannabe degens trying to score some a$$ with a girl they couldn't handle. AFAIK Mike hasn't mentioned being victimized here. His airport shenanigans asides this is great reading and frankly those shenanigans would provide for great entertainment value as well.

06-28-2014 , 02:19 PM
Why should he quit? He's not starving, he doesn't drink, do drugs, or smoke. He doesn't even Chino the poker community it sounds like to me. He's has survived in this world for 15 years with the same basic morality as your typical old time poker player. Like Michael Corleone said, all part of the same hypocrisy. His cardboard sign just looks a little different than the ones you are used to.

Just another degen well known 2plus2 poster flaming out like we have seen over and over on here with all the same reactions; the hyenas coming in to feed on one of their own, while he is still alive, laughing all the way; the high horses; and the nice guys ( and I mean that genuinely) who actually believe they can help, when all they get out of it is a con man licking his chops at his new opportunities. Very entertaining.

But I've got a new system now at least. Beg, scam,con and lie for a stake on the streets, go gamble it, the one time in a thousand I don't bust it, I run it to 100k then I send it to mom and pop, then get a bus to the airport and do it again. This actually would have worked for him, but that is as realistic as telling him to go to GA or trying to help him in any other way.
06-28-2014 , 02:22 PM
i cant beleive this is even huge thread. Some random guy ive never met comes up to me and says he wants $300 well i tell him to **** off.

why OP started getting his phone out and going on google is beyond me

Simple, end of story
06-28-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by epcfast
Forget the rights and wrongs or Mike's motives for posting in this thread.
Making the decision that he wants to change is fine and pretty easy.
Actually doing it must be a really ****ing scary proposition for him.
There are some good people here offering help and i really hope he takes it up.
I'd say move somewhere with no easy access to gambling,attend as many GA meetings as possible and try to get a physically demanding job.
Stock up on a **** load of box sets.
Come in from a hard days work knackered,eat well,watch some quality TV then pass out.
Rinse and repeat.One day at a time.
I wish him all the best.
How is giving up homelessness and a dependency in scamming people at an airport in order to feed yourself "scary?"
06-28-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Don't want to feed psumikes gamble but I truly think this would make an awesome documentary. Someone has to know some film makers in LA. Send this link to them.

Could easily be aired on the history channel, discovery channel
American Greed episode.
06-28-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Ok. I tired to read whole thread first, but this seems to be a recurring theme.

" ZOMG, you have to quit forever!!!!! Addicts can never, ever,ever,ever,ever,ever, learn to control their addictions, so they must quit for ever,ever,ever,ever!!!!"

What would you tell an obese person whose addiction is food?
Lol I don't want him to quit but that's a horrific analogy.
06-28-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
i cant beleive this is even huge thread. Some random guy ive never met comes up to me and says he wants $300 well i tell him to **** off.

why OP started getting his phone out and going on google is beyond me

Simple, end of story
I thought it appropriate to confirm his identity before doing anything about this, either in the real world or afterward in NVG.

Last edited by Gzesh; 06-28-2014 at 04:09 PM.
06-28-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
I thought it appropriate to confirm his identity before dropping a dime to Metro.
Do you confirm every bum who asks you for money's identity on your phone?
06-28-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by JAAASH
Do you confirm every bum who asks you for money's identity on your phone?
No, it would be a waste of time. Here, because of the peculiar circumstances of his story, the probability he was indeed "Michael Borovetz", a desire to try and end his scamming at McCarran made it worthwhile.

It is rare for "every bum" to identify himself in the course of a scam. Having seen his hole card, I wanted to take a countermeasure, so I can avoid ever having to see him again at McCarran.

The entertainment value of this thread was a freeroll, as it later turned out he was PSUMike.....
06-28-2014 , 04:30 PM
Michael, please go to GA immediately and get some help!
06-28-2014 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
The entertainment value of this thread was a freeroll, as it later turned out he was PSUMike.....
I'm glad the destruction of my life through gambling, scamming, getting arrested and being homeless for 15 years is entertaining for you. I should have had you buy that Ramada for me and have you waste $200. That would have been entertaining for me.
06-28-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
So I know I'm not a mod anymore and I barely post, however:

Mods/Admins you should really consider locking this thread and banning PSUMike.

3. This thread is turning really dark and has the potential to be really really dark
QFT. this is taking me back to the opening of Fools Die. seems like the most plausible ending to this story.
06-28-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I'm glad the destruction of my life through gambling, scamming, getting arrested and being homeless for 15 years is entertaining for you. I should have had you buy that Ramada for me and have you waste $200. That would have been entertaining for me.
Are you seriously complaining about how one of the many people that you tried to steal money from isn't nice to you on an internet forum? Wow, poor guy.
06-28-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I'm glad the destruction of my life through gambling, scamming, getting arrested and being homeless for 15 years is entertaining for you. I should have had you buy that Ramada for me and have you waste $200. That would have been entertaining for me.
Brother if you know all this ask for a random 2+2 poster to take you to a GA meeting this evening in Las Vegas somebody will do it. YOU NEED HELP and KNOW IT! You are just too weak and scared to go.
06-28-2014 , 04:46 PM
Following this thread has been a miserable thing to do for the past couple of days, but I can't turn away.

Unlike others I feel the way Mike has described his descent into depravity is essentially honest, and it is a disturbing story to read. If spending a year in jail isn't a bottom, I have to doubt that he has a bottom. It is like sometimes you can't help rubbernecking a nasty car accident on the other side of the road.

The other aspect that has me tied to this is "but for the grace of G-d go I." I see similarities between myself and Mike, and if I made similar mistakes early on, perhaps I would be in the same position as him today. I know there is no guarantee I won't be there a year from now or 10 years from now.
06-28-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
Seems like you have some pretty good survival skills, so why not use whatever laptop you are working on right now and find some cheap lodging and grind out the memoir? It's unlikely you will sell it for $150k anytime soon, but if you actually put in the hours writing, you could then pitch the book to publishers, find an editor and get a big book deal and sell the movie option and make $!
Very unlikely, unless he's a better writer/storyteller than he's demonstrating on here. Most mainstream US publishers won't look at unrepresented manuscripts.

Check out Amazon's Kindle recovery section. Poorly written, self-published degen-a-thons are ten a penny.
06-28-2014 , 04:58 PM
This guy feels sorry for himself and isn't adult enough to say he is where he is because of his choices. He is addicted and can't help himself so why even try. If 15 years of being homeless, broke, or in jail isn't rock bottom than what is?
06-28-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I'm glad the destruction of my life through gambling, scamming, getting arrested and being homeless for 15 years is entertaining for you. I should have had you buy that Ramada for me and have you waste $200. That would have been entertaining for me.
lol how many stories have you got that start with 'i should have'?

i just imagine that, after 15 years of being a professional loser, you'd have a lot of them. and one of your regrets, that you wanted to share, was not screwing someone over for fun lol

Last edited by ScreaminAsian; 06-28-2014 at 05:05 PM.
06-28-2014 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheRyno
This guy feels sorry for himself and isn't adult enough to say he is where he is because of his choices. He is addicted and can't help himself so why even try. If 15 years of being homeless, broke, or in jail isn't rock bottom than what is?
You are way way off.

I admit 130% I am where I am because of my choices in life. Basically an untreated addiction combined with some mental health issues(which I am sure I have as well) leads to a life that gets destructively worse every year. I went from honors graduate to job firings to arrests to homelessness to scamming to prison all because of me not consistently getting help for my gambling.
06-28-2014 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
You are way way off.

I admit 130% I am where I am because of my choices in life. Basically an untreated addiction combined with some mental health issues(which I am sure I have as well) leads to a life that gets destructively worse every year. I went from honors graduate to job firings to arrests to homelessness to scamming to prison all because of me not consistently getting help for my gambling.
You forgot the part about not getting laid for 14 years(which is most probably the underlying cause for your sickness). Hookers and blow next big pai gow score is a must.
06-28-2014 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
lol how many stories have you got that start with 'i should have'?

i just imagine that, after 15 years of being a professional loser, you'd have a lot of them. and one of your regrets, that you wanted to share, was not screwing someone over for fun lol
You are missing the whole point. Okay the guy felt the need to google me and post about me on here, wonderful I get it. I didn't deny anything and came clean about what has happened in my life. Now he wants to post that the thread is "entertainment value" for him, a nice freeroll???" What is so entertaining about someone messing up their life because of an addiction?? You just don't get it and I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to explain it to you.
06-28-2014 , 05:27 PM
Then stop feeling sorry for yourself and get help. You must have some intelligence if you graduated from penn state with a chemical engineering degree. Unless you don't want help and if that's the case then don't say maybe when the wsop is over.

The only reason you posted is either for damage control once you were outed as a scammer or for pity. I have respect for neither. No regard for how you've affected family members or the people you scammed. But it's ok bc you can't help it.
06-28-2014 , 05:29 PM
You seem like the one who doesn't get it. Others have come on here with similar problems, maybe not to your extent, and have suggested you get help. Your response: nah maybe in a couple weeks. So weak.
