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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

06-27-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
Mike. May you please explain why you are a jerk to dealers as well as other players at the table? Thank you.
Here's a theory: Mike hasn't had sex in 14 years confirmed. #jbl
06-27-2014 , 08:23 PM
Mike is going to do whatever suits him , then pick certain posts in the thread that agree with his chain of thought and go with that..

This thread wont make the slightest bit of difference to what mike wants to do.

The man obviously has a problem with gambling and until he seek's help there is no-one on this forum qualified to make decisions in his life, although there has beeen a lot of good advice given to mike here..

you can only get help once you admit you have a problem, i dont mean a post in a forum saying you need help, mike needs to take the bull by the horns and seek professional help, until that day happens we are just wasting our time offering good advice that he wont accept or unable to accept due to his problem

i hope you get your **** in order mike as living the life you are at the moment can only have one ending
06-27-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by beaverslayer
I'd like to pass a motion to turn this into a PSUmike Borowetz "well". No questions off-limits. Hoping mike includes some day-by-day, week-by-week, pai gow session-by-pai gow session chronicles. Pics would be great too. Mike, would you be up for this?
Terrible idea. The last thing we should be doing is facilitating or encouraging his degenerate lifestyle.
06-27-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
They are POSs? More like bad investors, IMO.
For the record not true. Little Man made a decent amount of money off me. He put me in tournaments, and we had a 65/35 deal no makeup. He told me he was happy with the arrangement because he made money and I made money and he was holding my money to help me.
06-27-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by 82off
Mike is going to do whatever suits him , then pick certain posts in the thread that agree with his chain of thought and go with that..

This thread wont make the slightest bit of difference to what mike wants to do.
06-27-2014 , 08:28 PM
can someone cliff the results of this thread please?
06-27-2014 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
For the record not true. Little Man made a decent amount of money off me. He put me in tournaments, and we had a 65/35 deal no makeup. He told me he was happy with the arrangement because he made money and I made money and he was holding my money to help me.
Do you have any good prospects for someone to play little man's role now?
06-27-2014 , 08:32 PM
Don't want to feed psumikes gamble but I truly think this would make an awesome documentary. Someone has to know some film makers in LA. Send this link to them.

Could easily be aired on the history channel, discovery channel or mtv.

Win Win for MIke...he can stay in vegas and do what he does and get fed.
06-27-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Don't want to feed psumikes gamble but I truly think this would make an awesome documentary. Someone has to know some film makers in LA. Send this link to them.

Could easily be aired on the history channel, discovery channel or mtv.

Win Win for MIke...he can stay in vegas and do what he does and get fed.
Tbh I don't think Mikes story is that special. Plenty of sick degens out there.
06-27-2014 , 08:36 PM
A book is a disastrous idea if you are simply going to recount your "bottom of the barrel" stories without getting into what you will do to rehabilitate yourself and even giving it some time before you release it to show that you have recovered and you are no longer a degenerate.
06-27-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
For the record not true. Little Man made a decent amount of money off me. He put me in tournaments, and we had a 65/35 deal no makeup. He told me he was happy with the arrangement because he made money and I made money and he was holding my money to help me.
Mike, I may be crazy here, but it still sounds more like you're applying for a job (staking) than getting serious about quitting. Oh well, it's your life.
06-27-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by HelloFriends
Tbh I don't think Mikes story is that special. Plenty of sick degens out there.
Maybe but there is nothing on reality tv right now like this.

Special opportunity imo.
06-27-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by HelloFriends
Tbh I don't think Mikes story is that special. Plenty of sick degens out there.
It doesn't have to be special imo it has to be interesting and I think all the things that have happened to me in my life would meet that criteria. I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies. Just 1 example but 1 of many.
06-27-2014 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Maybe but there is nothing on reality tv right now like this.

Special opportunity imo.
A reality show could actually work.
06-27-2014 , 08:45 PM
Yep, 30 days without a shower was special. Few have accomplished what you have PSUMike.
06-27-2014 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Yes I am going to leave tomorrow but I really do not know yet where I am going to go, do etc...

This lifestyle really IS all that I have known for the past 14 years and just like a lot of you guys have posted, it is really going to be difficult for me to change. How can I reprogram my brain to work 50 hours a week for very little when I can potentially bink a tournament for 5 or 6 figures and get that "gambling action rush" at a casino. I really have been homeless since getting evicted in 2000 in Irvine. I have been living in hotels/motels ever since(except for when I was mandated by the courts to go to programs). Contrary to what that guy Monterey says, I think writing a book about my life would make a very interesting read and might be able to allow me to earn a legitimate income from it. Little Man thought so and talked about doing something but it just never got on the ground.

That airport thing I do is definitely wrong and I wish I had never even thought of that. Like some people again said in this thread, I guess in a way that is like a rush also - giving some made up story and watching the guy go to the atm and hand me $300 or $200 and then hitting the next guy up.

1 more thing I will add. Yes I know I am no Phil Ivey at the poker table but I know I can hold my own in a NL tournament. The reason Little Man was so great for me was that he DIDN'T ALLOW me to degen in the pit playing paigow. For example in AC he bought me into the tournaments and gave me $60-$80 to hold at the max to eat. My hotel was paid 1 week in advance so I had basically no money on me and was able to focus on the current tournament I was playing. If you look at my results in 2012 - 2013 I was thriving with him and I was a card away literally or a flip going my way from winning $200,000 or $300,000 a couple of times.

Some key 2012-2013 results: 8th out of 3871 players in the Borgata $560 2 million guarantee winter open where I lost a flip 8 handed to give me the chip lead with 7 left and 50k locked up

9th in the Borgata Spring Open $2700 main event for 25k
17th in a WSOP $1500 bracelet event for almost 20k
2nd in a $1090 Borgata tournament for $60,000
24th in another WSOP $1500 bracelet event

This was all because I had a guy like Little Man helping me. With him gone I haven't had really any results in 10 months - I have no one to help me and I started going to the airport all the time because I was flat broke.

Again, I hope I am able to change my life but I damn well know it will be hard and I wouldn't bet on myself to do it either. Here's hoping though
Mike we played together earlier this summer, maybe it was the Millionaire Maker, and I thought you played really well actually until you took a bad beat and then went for a long walk and came back and explained to me w/ a straight face that you "never win with that dealer." You seem to have some deeply rooted and very unrealistic ways of thinking about gambling and poker luck.

Similarly unrealistic is your goal to write a book unless you, ya know, sit down to write a book. Sure, your tale would make a great read, but no one is going to come clamoring for the privilege of ghostwriting Mike Borovetz: Portrait of a Degen unless you work on it yourself.

I would suggest taking your determination towards gambling and try the book instead, but you'd have to put in as many hours into writing the thing as you do into getting together MTT/Pai gow buyins, and you'd have to eliminate the "score" mentality and all the other results/bad beat/bad luck oriented aspects of your thinking, all of which leave you pretty much drawing dead in the gambling world despite your fairly high skill level.

If you want to "rewire your brain," try considering that everything about the way you currently think is incorrect and instead think outside the box, throw away the narrative that you have been relying on.

Seems like you have some pretty good survival skills, so why not use whatever laptop you are working on right now and find some cheap lodging and grind out the memoir? It's unlikely you will sell it for $150k anytime soon, but if you actually put in the hours writing, you could then pitch the book to publishers, find an editor and get a big book deal and sell the movie option and make $!

It would be chasing a score at a much different pace and who knows, if you actually got paid (scored) for doing something you enjoyed and had to work long and hard on, maybe the temptation to go back to Pai Gow, which destroys you every time, would diminish.

Last edited by shaniac; 06-27-2014 at 08:52 PM.
06-27-2014 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies.
Have you sent it in to the alumni magazine?

Last edited by VP$IP; 06-27-2014 at 08:51 PM.
06-27-2014 , 08:46 PM
whats the point of posting your life story here mike and so on if u are neglecting to get help?
06-27-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It doesn't have to be special imo it has to be interesting and I think all the things that have happened to me in my life would meet that criteria. I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies. Just 1 example but 1 of many.
You're full of ****.

Your story isn't all that interesting either even though large swaths of it are made up, kinda like your airport story that you tell to potential victims. You're nothing but a common conman still playing the con on everybody on this board.
06-27-2014 , 08:50 PM
Shaniac in da house!

06-27-2014 , 08:50 PM
NVG is the new airport.

readers ITT are the new guys with suits.

buyer beware.

06-27-2014 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It doesn't have to be special imo it has to be interesting and I think all the things that have happened to me in my life would meet that criteria. I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies. Just 1 example but 1 of many.
My sponsor in AA ran an electric power plant for 20+ years in Denver and made 6 figures in the 70's and 80's. Had a wife and lavish life style. had it all until he drank it all away. Lost his job, wife, house. Went bankrupt, lived in his parent's basement for 8 years working part of the time at a gas station as a cashier. Had to quit due to disability. Got sober. Suffered a massive heart attack and nearly died in his 4th year of sobriety. Married a woman from AA who in turn cheated on him with his best friend and they both lost their sobriety but my sponsor kept his. For the last 31 years he has been sober. Plenty of great stories out there. The difference in this one is I respect the person in my story for doing something with his life even when bad **** was going on around him.

I see you decided not to hit a GA meeting tonight.
06-27-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It doesn't have to be special imo it has to be interesting and I think all the things that have happened to me in my life would meet that criteria. I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies. Just 1 example but 1 of many.
You sir, are delusional.

Its one thing, if you were a successful, intelligent con man, but you clearly aren't. Everyday walking through the Port Authority in NYC, a random homeless guy will use some version of your story. Also, it sounds like you got arrested every other week. Scamming $20 buck from ignorant tourists, who still naïvely have faith in others, is not book worthy.

Your only chance is to bink a huge tourney so your story has a happy ending. I'm sure after your next big score, you will change and be able to hold onto it. So, you're welcome, I assume that's a good enough excuse for you to go gamble.
06-27-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It doesn't have to be special imo it has to be interesting and I think all the things that have happened to me in my life would meet that criteria. I mean I don't think there are many chemical engineering honors graduates from Penn State that ended up walking the whole Las Vegas Strip for 30 days without changing clothes sleeping in hotel lobbies. Just 1 example but 1 of many.
Surely you can't be serious about not taking a shower in 30 days I don't believe it. You would have been tossed out like other people who don't take care of their hygiene were. Disgusting sitting next to a 30 day old unwashed smelly ****.
06-27-2014 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
NVG is the new airport.

readers ITT are the new guys with suits.

buyer beware.

This statement could not be truer. He's playing everybody.
