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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

06-26-2014 , 10:09 AM
He has done a ton of small crimes to a lot of people, and continues to do that. You are being naive on that, and people like him will continue to take advantage of your emotions if you feel sorry for them, since that is the foundation of their con. The way he is posting his sad life story in this thread is the internet version of his routine, nothing more. I do appreciate your honesty in expressing no interest to actually help him.

Originally Posted by sflnit
42 is making you an offer to change your life. Take advantage of it and start over. You have the rest of your life to consider, not just a MonsterStack tourney at the RIO. As you scammed anonymous people for years, an anonymous person is willing to get you back on the right course. No excuses. Take your 5K, get on a plane and start living again. Best of Luck.
Much respect to 42 for his offer.

A very nice offer indeed, nice to see someone trying to do something, even if I do not agree with the choice.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the main character in this story ends up doing in that 5K tournament.
06-26-2014 , 10:10 AM
42-2KM - awesome offer.

I honestly don't think he will take you up on your offer but I just txt msg him the link to your post.

Originally Posted by 42-2KM

You're only 39 years old, you've made some mistakes but you have your whole life ahead of you. You're smart enough to consistently go deep in tournaments, intelligent enough to get a degree and have the ability to convince strangers to give you money for nothing.

That Monster Stack event at WSOP that starts today is an absolute must for any decent poker player, probably will be the easiest cash a grinder will ever make. A perfect structure for your style of play.

Don't enter.

Instead, I'll give you one way airline ticket out of LV to anywhere in the Continental USA if you agree to get help from your family.

Just call someone in your family, point them to this thread and tell them you want to start over.

PM me with your contact info and the contact information of whoever is going to meet you on the other end and I'll make this happen today.

I'm heading off to Europe Friday am. so this has to be today. My offer in not negotiable.

If you can't trust yourself to get to the airport, I'll have someone meet you in LV and get you to the gate.

I'm also going to PM you with this thread response with the hope you that get it before you head down to RIO for the Monster Stack.
06-26-2014 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
That makes no logical sense. Why wouldn't you use the last $4700 to grind 1/2 where your risk of ruin is substantially lower? (this is a rhetorical question obv)
Your winrate at 1-2 will not be enough to live on in the long-run. The rake and having to tip eats too much into the small pots.

If he runs decently at 2-5 in the beginning and puts together a good 1st month he will at least be heading in the right direction.

2-5 is the smallest game you can make a living on imo. Of course 5k is not anywhere near the bankroll you should have but that's all he has so....what can he do?

06-26-2014 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by exit82
You should have told them you were inside for Littering.
yep, because as Arlo told us in Alice's Restaurant, that would get EVERYONE to move away
06-26-2014 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Big Larry
Your winrate at 1-2 will not be enough to live on in the long-run. The rake and having to tip eats too much into the small pots.

If he runs decently at 2-5 in the beginning and puts together a good 1st month he will at least be heading in the right direction.

2-5 is the smallest game you can make a living on imo. Of course 5k is not anywhere near the bankroll you should have but that's all he has so....what can he do?

Playing 1/2 wouldn't be the best way to make a living but it would likely still be a better living than he has made through poker over the past 10+ years.
06-26-2014 , 10:34 AM
I had some sympathy....

Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I do realize thought that if I want to completely turn my life around and live a different more meaningful 2nd half of my life, I have to say goodbye to ALL forms of gambling, including poker. Right now I am not doing that - maybe down the road, who knows???

I no longer do...
06-26-2014 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
PSA to everyone reading this:

As someone who works in law enforcement, in New York state, there is a lot of bull**** coming from PSUmike. First of all, in his earlier post about his charges in California, he's leaving something out, there's no way he caught a burglary chharge off of passing forged checks. Burglary is defined differently in every state of course, but I don't see how you can possibly be charged with a burglary for passing bad checks...

There is also no such charge in New York State as "Defrauding an inkeeper."
Cannot speak to what charges do or do not exist, and didn't remember the bit about burglary from the Cali stuff (and too lazy to go re-read it). HOWEVER...I have seen multiple cases here in Texas where a burglary preceded the passing of a bad check stolen IN the course of the burglary. On rare occasions, the dollar amount in aggregate makes the checks a greater felony so the plea is to the included burglary.

Remember that many pleas around the Country incorporate some measure of a legal fiction where the offense title may not comport exactly with the primary facts of a case.
06-26-2014 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
FYI, "the kid" is 39 years old.
To some around here, that IS a kid...granted, one that should know better but a kid nonetheless...not every 2P2 poster is some 20-something wunderkind.
06-26-2014 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I had some sympathy....

I no longer do...
Yep I found that disappointing too. Kind of reminded me of myself just before I quit online poker.
06-26-2014 , 11:07 AM
Michael has made some bad choices. The obvious solution is Choice Center.
06-26-2014 , 11:16 AM
After reading the brutally frank back story and the refreshing "coming clean" and Mike's admission that he has a serious problem I was hopeful that this could be a story with a happy ending. Then I read the following and my heart sank:
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Right now for the next week or two I will not quit gambling but maybe after the WSOP is over I will take a long hard look at everything and try and decide on a next step.
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I do realize thought that if I want to completely turn my life around and live a different more meaningful 2nd half of my life, I have to say goodbye to ALL forms of gambling, including poker. Right now I am not doing that - maybe down the road, who knows???
"Maybe I'll quit tomorrow, but not today."
06-26-2014 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by nowitsover
42-2KM - awesome offer.

I honestly don't think he will take you up on your offer but I just txt msg him the link to your post.

Thanks. Anyone who knows me knows that my offer is serious. For anyone here that is friends with Mike, help him out on this one.

Mike did send a PM about the offer. This was my last message to him:

Mike, it seems that you're indecisive on this offer. Take some time to think about it, I'm just heading into a conference and will be free after 3 pm NY time.

You can begin right now with some very little steps Mike. You already know what to do, but put down whatever you're doing and start right this minute.

1. Get some exercise to clear your mind. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout, just anything that will make you sweat for 60 minutes.

2. Stay well hydrated with water. Eat a small meal that is nutritious.

3. Take care of your personal hygiene. Find a space that is quiet and give some serious thought about the things you wrote about yourself, some of the responses and my offer.

I'm not giving up on you, just let me know when you're ready to go to the airport. I've contacted a friend who lives in LV; he can pick you up today and get you on a plane.

You can do this Mike.

Last edited by 42-2KM; 06-26-2014 at 11:42 AM.
06-26-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by 42-2KM

You're only 39 years old, you've made some mistakes but you have your whole life ahead of you. You're smart enough to consistently go deep in tournaments, intelligent enough to get a degree and have the ability to convince strangers to give you money for nothing.

That Monster Stack event at WSOP that starts today is an absolute must for any decent poker player, probably will be the easiest cash a grinder will ever make. A perfect structure for your style of play.

Don't enter.

Instead, I'll give you one way airline ticket out of LV to anywhere in the Continental USA if you agree to get help from your family.

Just call someone in your family, point them to this thread and tell them you want to start over.

PM me with your contact info and the contact information of whoever is going to meet you on the other end and I'll make this happen today.

I'm heading off to Europe Friday am. so this has to be today. My offer in not negotiable.

If you can't trust yourself to get to the airport, I'll have someone meet you in LV and get you to the gate.

I'm also going to PM you with this thread response with the hope you that get it before you head down to RIO for the Monster Stack.

Thats very kind of you 42. I really hope he takes you up on this offer.
06-26-2014 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
A common theme in most of these threads is a lack of awareness of the real victims, and sympathy for a person who deserves none based on his behavior.

To offer further perspective - using your logic - aside from the single thing that is considered "the worst" then one can always say that there are worse things in the world.

Flawed logic. Whether genocide is happening in a different place in the world has no relation to the behavior of this person, and your line of reasoning has been dismissed for a long time when small time criminals yell at police to spend their time hunting killers (as if that is what the entire police force should do 24/7).

Link us to your blog detailing how you are helping him become a productive member of society again. As I said prior, if any of the people falling for his attention con actually made the effort to work with him and update us on the progress I would give credit to that person for taking actions that back their beliefs. Nobody is going to do that.

Your heart is in the right place, but when he continues to do what he does for years when will a decent person like you realize your time could be spent better.

Here is a different perspective. My posts have zero impact on him, and I know that. Your posts will have the same impact. Stop rationalizing his behavior just because it was non violent. He intruded on people and stole from them. He is a criminal who is aware of his behavior and continues to do it. If you and others here want to consume time trying to help him that is your choice, and I support your right to do that.

All the best.
Fair enough. I did rationalize his behavior, but I felt it was somewhat needed. And I respect your opinion, however I still stick to my opinion/views... but there's nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree.

All of the best to you too.
06-26-2014 , 11:46 AM
"has made mistakes"

"has issues"

"has made poor choices"

Comedy Gold.

and no offer of recovery should exclude the requirement of paying back the victims of his scumbag actions.
06-26-2014 , 11:54 AM
mike give up gambling for maybe even just a month. I've done this with things like alcohol and it just makes you feel really good about yourself.
06-26-2014 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by 42-2KM

1. Get some exercise to clear your mind. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout, just anything that will make you sweat for 60 minutes.

2. Stay well hydrated with water. Eat a small meal that is nutritious.

3. Take care of your personal hygiene. Find a space that is quiet and give some serious thought about the things you wrote about yourself, some of the responses and my offer.

You can do this Mike.
Even if he doesn't take you up on the plane ticket, the advice above is solid and doable. Glad to know there are people out there like 42-2KM focused on helping Michael and others who might be reading this in a similar situation.
06-26-2014 , 12:03 PM
1.Michael got outed here and came in and told his wretched story, he deserves credit for that. telling us the sordid details will make it a lot harder to do his $200 scam. If anybody who knows his story gives him money, you might as well give him a lit stick of dynamite. He has narrowed the field of suckers. He's taking away "outs". Good for you Michael.

2.The Internet is a place for *******s to read a post and then rip the the OP. I could go on a food blog and write about my love for the Rib Eye steak at the Bellagio Steak House, and SalmonLuvr would tell me to "eat a dick" or "you're gonne die of colon cancer you POS. So all you *******s who pile-on and humiliate him are miserable human beings. Go home and rip the wings off butterflies. Karma will rear it's ugly head. Enjoy.

3. I was a happy grateful card carrying member of AA for 20 years, I stopped going to meetings, stayed clean and sober for 5 years, and went out on a bottle of vicotin. I stopped working the program. I am an addict. I was "out there" for about a year lying cheating stealing to get those little ****ing yellow oval pills. I flew to San Diego, walked across the border, bought some ****ty opiate based pills at a pharmaceria in TJ and walked back across ****ing loaded. Told my wife I was at a business trip in SD. All kinds of sick **** like that. I AM AN ADDICT. I accept that today. I keep the tiger in the cage a day at a time.

I have a year and a half right now, go to 4 meetings a week, and help others through sharing about my relapse. I'm grateful I got a 2nd chance. I would love to meet you Michael at a Starbucks and shoot the **** about college football, recovery, degen stories, dysfunctional family stuff, etc. but I sure as **** wouldn't lend you or give you a dime. I would just be a fellow recovering person you could talk to.

You are gambling addict who is currently gambling. You are in the toilet. For whatever reason you are not willing today to get clean. My heart goes out to you. If you think it can't get any worse, you are sadly mistaken, the finish line is blowing your head off. The bottom will keep going down. I'm not calling you a piece of ****, I'm just being honest about where you are today.

4. I know a lot about addiction, and some about gambling addiction. Losing that $150k in 45 minutes, THAT'S the rush, not winning the $$$. At the core of your being is a need to self-destruct. I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh, but either you got molested as a boy, or you had an angry father who told you you are a loser and your addiction is subconsiously going out and proving it. There are deep rooted problems here and you need to unpeel the layers of the onion. It takes time. It will take 90 NA meetings in 90 days, an NA sponsor you call on the phone every day, once a week psychotherapy, and YES that drug naltrexone. Your physical brain chemistry is broken, your wires are crossed.

I respectfully disagree with the poster who said "There's no chemical solution to a spiritual problem". In my opinion, you truly do not understand the level of Michael's addiction. But, the spiritual solution ( NA meetings, NA sponsor, the 12 steps) are definitely part of the recovery process.

5. When you were in your hotel room arranging all those $100 bills, that's the ADHD part of your addiction. That is a very powerful signal about the type of gambling addict you are. There are slot addicts, who are "dreamers" ( it's an escape ), and you, the ACTION junkies. Table game addict. Double down on 8 with 5 showing ..... LOSE !!!. ACTION. RUSH. And that tells me, you def need to go on Naltrexone.

6. I have a buddy in AA who went in the "black book" at the local card clubs, a self exclude thing. I asked him "does it work ?" He said "No, it just means you can't cash a check or collect a jackpot", the dealers openly let us play if we have cash". So the sad reality is, you have to be able to walk past a casino. They are EVERYWHERE.

7. Michael, I wish I had a magic wand and tapped you on the shoulder and you woke up and came to your senses. I can't make you want recovery, it has to come from within YOU. Jail, prison, rehab, sleeping in hotel lobbies, NONE of the things convinced you you are 100% powerless over gambling. Poker is not an option. That's like giving a 4 oz glass of Coors Lite to an alcoholic. Poker just lights the fuse. DM me and we'll talk on the phone if you want. The NA meetings in Las Vegas are the best in the World ( go figure ). You can get off the hamster wheel RIGHT NOW if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired.

06-26-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by raidalot
After reading the brutally frank back story and the refreshing "coming clean" and Mike's admission that he has a serious problem I was hopeful that this could be a story with a happy ending. Then I read the following and my heart sank:
Mine didn't as I love a good trainwreck story. Also, lol to any schmuck that loaned this charming guy $$$. PSUmike wtf? Please answer questions regarding your pai gow runs FFS.
06-26-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
I am an severe alcoholic and a drug addict but I quit all that 25 years ago. I was deep in it. Lost everything, spent time in jail, all that ****.

There all all kinds of addicts: food, booze, drugs, sex and on and on. For most addicts being around those things they are addicted to will trigger cravings but it is almost impossible to avoid triggers in your life and when you come across them you deal with it. I don't hang out in bars but I don't go out of my way to avoid them. I was in a band for years and we played in hundreds of bars, I didn't drink. Casinos give out practically free booze which is about the biggest trigger I can think of for me. I just don't drink.

You guys are right that it is prob best for Mike to GTFO of the casinos being such a sick person. Everyone is different. Peace.
All good man. I actually just got my education on addiction as someone very close to me had to go to rehab several times for a sever alcohol addiction. Going through the relapses, watching them try to pick themselves up and then falling again was gut wrenching but the only real solution was for me to turn my back on them and for them to get the help they need for the right reasons. Not because I wanted to help them.
But I learned what a nasty disease addiction is. It's not a sickness or a weakness. It's a DISEASE. Not unlike cancer. Those afflicted can't just make it stop or go away.
But with addiction, like cancer, there are things you can do to increase your chances of survival. Going to meetings/support groups and staying away from all forms of your vices is probably the first and best steps you can take.
Good for though man! Some are strong enough to gain control over their addiction. Glad you are one of them!
06-26-2014 , 12:29 PM
Love this thread and all of mikes posts. I agree with another poster - he has no self respect, no self worth and has deserved all his jail time. This is even though most of his victims are complete idiots and fools.

Mike -

I wonder though how was your childhood? Your early life must have paved the way for this destruction.

It is clear there is some chemical imbalance in your brain triggering a nice high from gambling - but there is more to this. Might I suggest some drugs or alcohol to mellow you the hell out.

Great great stuff. Thanks for the read.
06-26-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by sflnit
42 is making you an offer to change your life. Take advantage of it and start over. You have the rest of your life to consider, not just a MonsterStack tourney at the RIO. As you scammed anonymous people for years, an anonymous person is willing to get you back on the right course. No excuses. Take your 5K, get on a plane and start living again. Best of Luck.
Much respect to 42 for his offer.
This guy is living just the way he likes to live, on the edge. He will never come back. His tale of woe is only an angle for a WSOP stake that he will almost certainly get. The dude has been conning since 1999, he is a pro.
06-26-2014 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
1 last thing - maybe it is stupid to dream of playing the deep stack tomorrow and hitting a big score but at least I have some kind of shot compared to taking that 5k and playing paigow and losing it all in 10 minutes. There is a little more skill involved playing a poker tournament than playing paigow obviously. I do realize thought that if I want to completely turn my life around and live a different more meaningful 2nd half of my life, I have to say goodbye to ALL forms of gambling, including poker. Right now I am not doing that - maybe down the road, who knows???
This paragraph is proof that you haven't hit rock bottom yet. You've realized what you're doing wrong, but you haven't decided to stop doing it yet. When you decide that you really do want to turn your life around and stop the destruction, you'll stop talking about making that one big score.
06-26-2014 , 12:43 PM
Need an update of his sng grind etc.
06-26-2014 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Big Larry
It seems like his best option. If I found myself homeless with 5k in my pocket in Vegas I would check into Budget suites for 1 week and take the remaining $4700 and try to find a good 2-5 game. That's almost 5 bullets in a $1000 cap game. Then again 2-5 is what I play and I am beating it for a decent winrate over a large sample.

I don't know what other advice to give him.

Nice way to turn this into a hidden brag.
