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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-17-2014 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Slam254
Do you know what the "P" stands for in "PM" ?

Just checking.
Thx Slam - I think the actual question is does he CARE that the P stands for Private?? Obviously not. Hope you are well.
07-17-2014 , 09:48 AM
I think it's time to listen to SGT RJ(1 of the best mods here) and limit my posts on here again. Bye for now!!!
07-17-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Saul T. Nutz
Mike, as many others have stated, I think you have a bright future in sales.

Sorry your first day at Comcast went so bad. **** that guy for trying to leave the #1 service provider without explanation...
Haha it did sound like him!
07-17-2014 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I think it's time to listen to SGT RJ(1 of the best mods here) and limit my posts on here again. Bye for now!!!
Not a bad idea. GL moving forward
07-17-2014 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Really??? The PM was hysterical and lashing out and calling you lame?? Hmmmm, I don't think that was the case so I will cut and paste the pm for all to see. I had sent the same one to 1 other person and felt it was applicable to you as well. Enjoy.

I am certainly not perfect by any means, just a guy who has just made some mistakes in life and made bad choices. I didn't wake up 1 day and say to myself "let me scam people at airports". I just became desperate over the years and the crap just evolved. Really easy for you to judge someone when they poured their whole life story on a message board. I can only imagine that you are a perfect person who has never done anything bad in your life.

Please tell me how your passage into sainthood goes. I would love to hear about it.
Boo ****ing hoo. You still only posted all that because you were publicly outed. Get off your high horse and quit posting if you can't refrain from being a defensive dick to all the 'haters.' You aren't the only person suffering from addiction and you certainly aren't entitled to anything just because you admitted it.
07-17-2014 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I think it's time to listen to SGT RJ(1 of the best mods here) and limit my posts on here again. Bye for now!!!

I asked you directly whether you have stopped scamming strangers for money.

You've proudly posted that scamming has been how you afford living expenses and flying around the country, and have for many years. You never bothered to answer whether you have stopped supporting yourself by criminal activity.
Instead, it's "Mike, exit stage left".

So, I'll take your silence for a resounding, "No". You apparently are still "doing the crime" as your means of getting money, regardless of whether you've plugged the leak that is gambling.

That's enough for me.

(FWIW, your transparent sucking up to mods, and attempt to cast jman as the "anti-mod', is a really lame new effort to scam yet another class of folks. You'll just never stop.)
07-17-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh

I asked you directly whether you have stopped scamming strangers for money.

You've proudly posted that scamming has been how you afford living expenses and flying around the country, and have for many years. You never bothered to answer whether you have stopped supporting yourself by criminal activity.
Instead, it's "Mike, exit stage left".

So, I'll take your silence for a resounding, "No". You apparently are still "doing the crime" as your means of getting money, regardless of whether you've plugged the leak that is gambling.

That's enough for me.

(FWIW, your transparent sucking up to mods, and attempt to cast jman as the "anti-mod', is a really lame new effort to scam yet another class of folks. You'll just never stop.)
Sorry, last response

1) Just because you started this thread doesn't mean I have to answer anything you ask me(In fact I believe I have responded plenty to you) as you are fighting crime at McCarran as others have pointed out.

2)Your comments about "sucking up to mods" and such is exactly why I have no interest in answering anything you specifically ask me. I am not sucking up to anybody - I have had numerous back and forths with SGT and I think she is a great mod. She has given me good advice(that I don't always listen to) but nonetheless I appreciate it immensely.

3)I never mentioned anything about "proudly" posting that scamming has afforded me to stay in hotels and fly and stuff. I was asked IF scamming at airports enabled me to travel and stay at hotels by someone(whom I wanted to actually answer his questions unlike yours) and I answered yes. I didn't know the word "yes" meant proud. I guess that is Gzesh's definition.

Please don't waste your time Gzesh asking me anymore questions about anything because they will never be answered.
07-17-2014 , 10:32 AM
Gzesh 1 PSU 2 game over

scoring summary
Gzesh hit the board first starting this thread

Mike scored a point when Gzesh revealed himself to be a POS on the "freerollong lols" comment...
yeah... misery is fun....
Gzesh is the GOAT POS in this thread, point mike

by never posting in this thread again mike gets the second point
the win
07-17-2014 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Sorry, last response

1) Just because you started this thread doesn't mean I have to answer anything you ask me(In fact I believe I have responded plenty to you) as you are fighting crime at McCarran as others have pointed out.

2)Your comments about "sucking up to mods" and such is exactly why I have no interest in answering anything you specifically ask me. I am not sucking up to anybody - I have had numerous back and forths with SGT and I think she is a great mod. She has given me good advice(that I don't always listen to) but nonetheless I appreciate it immensely.

3)I never mentioned anything about "proudly" posting that scamming has afforded me to stay in hotels and fly and stuff. I was asked IF scamming at airports enabled me to travel and stay at hotels by someone(whom I wanted to actually answer his questions unlike yours) and I answered yes. I didn't know the word "yes" meant proud. I guess that is Gzesh's definition.

Please don't waste your time Gzesh asking me anymore questions about anything because they will never be answered.
astounding that seemingly your greatest energies are being used to fight the "haters", if you were even half serious about reforming you would not have one millisecond to do so. if this is indeed your last response it is a perfect one...lashing out at the guy who exposed your criminal, degenerate life
07-17-2014 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Sorry, last response

1) Just because you started this thread doesn't mean I have to answer anything you ask me(In fact I believe I have responded plenty to you) as you are fighting crime at McCarran as others have pointed out.

2)Your comments about "sucking up to mods" and such is exactly why I have no interest in answering anything you specifically ask me. I am not sucking up to anybody - I have had numerous back and forths with SGT and I think she is a great mod. She has given me good advice(that I don't always listen to) but nonetheless I appreciate it immensely.

3)I never mentioned anything about "proudly" posting that scamming has afforded me to stay in hotels and fly and stuff. I was asked IF scamming at airports enabled me to travel and stay at hotels by someone(whom I wanted to actually answer his questions unlike yours) and I answered yes. I didn't know the word "yes" meant proud. I guess that is Gzesh's definition.

Please don't waste your time Gzesh asking me anymore questions about anything because they will never be answered.
Are you still scamming?
When is the last time you did?
07-17-2014 , 10:37 AM
What an intrusive question. Who a person scams should be their own business as long as they're not hurting anyone else. The nerve!
07-17-2014 , 10:39 AM
Mike, At this point you might as well just keep doing what you are doing. Realistically, the odds of you quitting and staying away from gambling are 1000-1, if not higher. The withdrawals you will face will be the worst feeling you have ever felt in your life. It will be like the night you lost 100k, every night. Even if you do manage to quit for good, your life will still be pretty miserable. That is why you became addicted in the first place- because your life was miserable. Why would you want to quit what you are doing to go work some dead end job making less than you do now? I see no reason for you to quit playing pai gow and deny yourself one of the only enjoyments you have in life.
07-17-2014 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by harrythepro
Gzesh 1 PSU 2 game over

scoring summary
Gzesh hit the board first starting this thread

Mike scored a point when Gzesh revealed himself to be a POS on the "freerollong lols" comment...
yeah... misery is fun....
Gzesh is the GOAT POS in this thread, point mike

by never posting in this thread again mike gets the second point
the win
PSU Mike doesn't strike me as experiencing misery right now, that would be refreshing and a genuine impetus to deal with his predicament. if the anger and the self-pity are pushed aside by misery then the people who think Mike can make some radical life changes should be encouraged. it would be a welcome sign.
07-17-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by harrythepro
Gzesh 1 PSU 2 game over

scoring summary
Gzesh hit the board first starting this thread

Mike scored a point when Gzesh revealed himself to be a POS on the "freerollong lols" comment...
yeah... misery is fun....
Gzesh is the GOAT POS in this thread, point mike

by never posting in this thread again mike gets the second point
the win
It's interesting that in trying to expose Mike, Gzesh actually exposed himself. His continued attacks on Mike are mostly falling on deaf ears now as hundreds have rallied behind Mike in support of his recovery.
07-17-2014 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Really??? The PM was hysterical and lashing out and calling you lame?? Hmmmm, I don't think that was the case so I will cut and paste the pm for all to see. I had sent the same one to 1 other person and felt it was applicable to you as well. Enjoy.

I am certainly not perfect by any means, just a guy who has just made some mistakes in life and made bad choices. I didn't wake up 1 day and say to myself "let me scam people at airports". I just became desperate over the years and the crap just evolved. Really easy for you to judge someone when they poured their whole life story on a message board. I can only imagine that you are a perfect person who has never done anything bad in your life.

Please tell me how your passage into sainthood goes. I would love to hear about it.
Wow this is a pathetic pm. You have done a lot more than "make some mistakes in life", you have stolen money from hundreds of people by taking advantage of their kindness. That is not a mistake, that was a very selfish act because you have no self control and you are too lazy to get a real job. Don't make it sound like everyone makes mistake and that u r just like everyone else. Yes nobody is perfect, but most people don't make a conscious decision to lie and steal over and over again. You have lived a pathetic life, there is no way around that.

But you are still young and there is nothing stopping you from turning your life around and start being an overall positive in this world. Sure the felony record makes things more difficult, but many people have been able to turn their lives around with much worse records and much more time spent in prison. You are not ruined as a person, you have the capability to completely change. The first step is to be completely honest with yourself, which is going to be difficult because what you have been doing is not just a mistake, you have consciously taken advantage of people who are so nice and caring that they gave hundreds of dollars to a stranger. Wake up man, the world would have been a better place if you weren't around the last 10 years, change that starting now!
07-17-2014 , 10:52 AM
from W.S.

Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile.
Filths savor but themselves
07-17-2014 , 10:58 AM
Mike was on Killowatt's PFA podcast last night. Nothing really new was revealed except the relapse part that he also revealed here.

It's pretty obvious that he's not ready to change. I cringe when I hear Mike say his goals are this book or that job. They should be reconnecting with his family & getting them back in his life in a meaningful way. If that's not motivation to make the effort, something he really hasn't done yet, then nothing is.
07-17-2014 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Sorry, last response

1) Just because you started this thread doesn't mean I have to answer anything you ask me(In fact I believe I have responded plenty to you) as you are fighting crime at McCarran as others have pointed out.

2)Your comments about "sucking up to mods" and such is exactly why I have no interest in answering anything you specifically ask me. I am not sucking up to anybody - I have had numerous back and forths with SGT and I think she is a great mod. She has given me good advice(that I don't always listen to) but nonetheless I appreciate it immensely.

3)I never mentioned anything about "proudly" posting that scamming has afforded me to stay in hotels and fly and stuff. I was asked IF scamming at airports enabled me to travel and stay at hotels by someone(whom I wanted to actually answer his questions unlike yours) and I answered yes. I didn't know the word "yes" meant proud. I guess that is Gzesh's definition.

Please don't waste your time Gzesh asking me anymore questions about anything because they will never be answered.
Fair enough response.

(I think it is clear you are still scamming to support your living expenses and travel ventures.)

I won't be asking you any more questions.

(The arrogance of your two recent posts on the "scamming lifestyle" topics, especially the second one dancing around on the explanation of your "yes" response, is pretty transparent. "Proudly" is an adverb that captured your posturing pretty accurately.)
07-17-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Not Hockey Guy
They should be reconnecting with his family & getting them back in his life in a meaningful way. If that's not motivation to make the effort, something he really hasn't done yet, then nothing is.
Why in the hell should connecting with his family be his primary goal/motivation. Dude is a grown ass man nearly 40 years old, not a little kid. He has no wife/kids.
07-17-2014 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
It's interesting that in trying to expose Mike, Gzesh actually exposed himself. His continued attacks on Mike are mostly falling on deaf ears now as hundreds have rallied behind Mike in support of his recovery.
Feel free to WU Mike a couple of hundred $ anytime you feel like it. You do not need to even know where he is located.

I wish him well in his efforts to stop gambling. He still needs to make money to live on.

You CAN help him stay off the scam, feel free to offer him financial support all you want.

Last edited by Gzesh; 07-17-2014 at 11:09 AM.
07-17-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Why in the hell should connecting with his family be his primary goal/motivation. Dude is a grown ass man nearly 40 years old, not a little kid. He has no wife/kids.
Are you ****ing serious? This may be the dumbest thing written in this thread.
07-17-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by pninwin
astounding that seemingly your greatest energies are being used to fight the "haters", if you were even half serious about reforming you would not have one millisecond to do so.
I suspect Mike actually has a ton of free time right now, and filling it with anything but gambling and scamming is at least a better idea than Pai Gow. Posting in this thread is obviously well below optimal, though.

Mike, one thing that's always worked well for me in getting my mind to stop obsessing on counterproductive things, that doesn't require much beyond the time you've got too much of right now, is learning a musical instrument. Might be something to think about.
07-17-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Not Hockey Guy
Are you ****ing serious? This may be the dumbest thing written in this thread.
Are you 12 years old? Seriously. Mike has already connected back with his family but he is grown now and doesn't need mommy and daddy to coddle him.
07-17-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Feel free to WU Mike a couple of hundred $ anytime you feel like it.

I wish him well in his efforts to stop gambling. He still needs to make money to live on.

You CAN help him stay off the scam, feel free to offer him financial support all you want.
He's in a transitional phase right now. He may scam some to make ends meet for the time being. This should come as no surprise. Surely you didn't expect that he would immediately have a 9 to 5.
07-17-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Not Hockey Guy
They should be reconnecting with his family & getting them back in his life in a meaningful way. If that's not motivation to make the effort, something he really hasn't done yet, then nothing is.
I know Hollywood has told us for years that family is the most important thing in your life and nothing can be good if you're not close to them, but that is not really true and it is a pretty naive viewpoint to bring out into the real world. Reconnecting with your family is not necessarily the first step to solving every conceivable personal problem in this world.

Whether or not he should reconnect with his family is a highly individual decision and not something that a stranger should throw out as a self evident truth.

Unfortunately, for a lot of people, the best thing they can do for themselves is staying the hell away from their family.

Last edited by MinusEV; 07-17-2014 at 11:18 AM.
