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Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today

06-17-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by goobenstein
Rule 71. Showdown: In a non all-in showdown, if cards are not spontaneously tabled, the Floor People may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive player on the final betting round (final street) must table first. If there was no bet on the final street, then the player who would be first to act in a betting round must table first (i.e. first seat left of the button in flop games, high hand showing in stud, low hand showing in razz, etc.) Players not still in possession of their cards at showdown, or who have mucked face down without tabling their cards, lose any rights or privileges they may have to ask to see any hand. The winning hand must be shown to claim the pot. If a participant refuses to show their hand and intentionally mucks his or her hand, the participant in violation will receive a penalty, in accordance with Rules 39, 107 and 108.
Thanks for the clarification. Is that a WSOP ruling or is that universal for all tournaments?
06-17-2014 , 10:59 AM
OP, you can't allow people to bully you at the table like this. At the poker table everyone is a wannabe tough guy, but get in a poker bully's face outside the casino and he'll have piss running down his leg.
06-17-2014 , 11:01 AM
I have played with maurice bunch of times. He is actually funny at the table most of the time but does complain when things do not go his way.

He does think he is superior to other no name players. He only talks to pros and well known players. He brushes off people that he doesn't consider good even if you have played with him before. He is a loud mouth for sure and thinks he is big shot but he is not. Funny but POS sometimes
06-17-2014 , 11:11 AM
The whole thing is super childish on both sides. Grow the **** up and move on.
06-17-2014 , 11:34 AM
Maurice sounds like a loser

and so do you

he apologized, yet you still try to revenge him. you actually look like the bigger tool. its convenient that you 'dont remember' how the 33 hand played out. i'm gonna guess that the decision was probably super trivial and that Maurice might've had a point. i don't like to push the lower players to act faster early on, but maybe he doesn't care
06-17-2014 , 11:41 AM
Thread needs to be a PSA for tournament players to be aware of Maurice's actions. If everyone knows his schtick (angle shooting, hiding his chips so no one can see them, verbally abusing people, etc) it will be better for everyone.

When he made the Millionaire Maker final table earlier this summer, I shared a few personal experiences on twitter. Last week I was at the pineapple tables and he came up to me yelling, trying to intimidate me, asking what I knew about him, etc. I asked him to go on my twitter feed and find one thing I said that wasn't 100% accurate. He kept trying to get me to leave with him because a bunch of well known pros were around and he was humiliating himself. I just kept asking him to find one untrue thing that we could discuss. He scrolled through his phone for a few minutes and then just walked away. Was pathetic.
06-17-2014 , 11:47 AM
Spite calling the clock is fine, calling the floor over the word **** is lame. Maria not mucking or showing is pretty ridic.
06-17-2014 , 12:08 PM
06-17-2014 , 12:11 PM
Fair play dude ... I like your re-call of the clock on that douche!
06-17-2014 , 12:12 PM
Don't understand how any can call OP a douche for calling the clock after 2 minutes. Sounds like these liveaments are slow going as it is which is why they have the rule. There are other people at the table that want to get to the next hand before the blinds go up.

If someone's a douche to me, I'm a douche right back.

If someone punches me, I punch them right back.

If someone smiles at me, I smile back.

If some chick is showing off her tits to me, I'll flash her some nut cleavage.

You reap what you sow.
06-17-2014 , 12:14 PM
Thanks for Blogging OP...
06-17-2014 , 12:29 PM
I never post on here but feel the need to because OP has very inaccurately and incorrectly described what happened at the table in regards to me and my involvement in what happened. I don't take it lightly when someone misrepresents me and my poker etiquette.

I can not corroborate or defend Maurice's actions. We are not friends. We are poker acquaintances and he has never done or said anything mean to me. What OP said Maurice did is more or less accurate from my recollection. OP saying that I was supporting Maurice and his actions because we are a clique or whatever is so untrue and off base. I never through my actions supported Maurice's actions towards OP. Maurice was sitting next to me and we were talking. That's it.

On the other hand, OP severely misrepresented what happened in the interaction between him and I. First off, I pride myself in being extremely nice and friendly both on and off the poker tables. You would be very hard pressed to find anyone who will say otherwise unless they were a complete jerk to me first in which case I always do and always will stand up for myself. I love nothing more than a fun and friendly table atmosphere when I play. I would never without reason do anything to make people at the table feel intimidated or uncomfortable. PERIOD.

In regards to the hand against OP where I triple barreled and then mucked? I did NOT muck right in front of me. I was sitting in seat 7. On the river after I bet and he called, I announced "You're good, you got it." Then I mucked my hand towards the dealer. The actual muck pile was on the left side of the dealer where seats 1,2,3 were. But my cards were basically a hand's length reach away from the dealer and no longer in front of me. The dealer didn't automatically reach for my hand to put along with the rest of the muck. Instead she first started making change for the river bet. I had bet something like 2300 and he called with two 1k chips and one 500 chip and she was in the middle of making change when OP basically starts screaming at her yelling "MUCK HER HAND", "WHY WON"T YOU MUCK HER HAND". At this point the dealer gets VERY flustered and looks like a deer in headlights and the floor comes over. After the floor comes over and the incident is described to him he basically says, "Ok, that's fine, even though her hand wasn't physically pulled into the muck once she concedes the pot and mucks (as in folding towards dealer) her hand is dead, but I understand your point and it should have been pulled into the muck regardless before you showed your hand." After the floor walks away I even chime in and say to OP, yes I totally understand your point and she should have put my hand in the muck but you didn't have to yell at her. I validated his point but was just trying to remind him that he didn't need to be so mean to the dealer about it. At no point was I trying to not muck my hand, let's make that clear. And if we could get everyone from the table on here they would corroborate that. I do not appreciate how OP tried to represent me and that situation as if I was trying to angle shoot or something. I conceded the hand and the pot, but WSOP rules state that a hand must be shown to win the pot whether it is an all in situation or not and so it's not my fault that the dealer didn't know right away to pull my hand into the muck. I very clearly mucked towards the dealer and out of my immediate reach and even verbally conceded. I don't tolerate players being mean to the dealers. Sure they make mistakes from time to time but they are people too. We don't have the right to make them feel like pieces of **** because they make a mistake when they are only human. And they are defenseless against the players. They can't talk back out of fear of losing their job yet players can make them feel like total pieces of ****. Sorry not sorry that I won't stand for that.

I'm done posting in this thread and I have no interest in reading anything else from this point forward. I was told about this thread by a friend of mine since I don't read NVG and once I read the OP's post I felt compelled to come on here to defend myself. I don't care when people want to judge my looks or poker abilities but when they want to misrepresent my character and demeanor at the table then I take severe offense to that. I have very high standards of professionalism and take being a poker pro very seriously even if some people don't see poker as a real profession. It is what I do to make my living. I rely on it for income. I respect it.

And as far as other stupid comments on me not playing on my own money etc. etc. We can just clear that up right now. I have been very fortunate to do ok in poker and have been playing professionally for 10 years. I have NEVER been staked or backed. Occasionally I will sell pieces for higher buy-ins or tougher events to reduce variance. I very often buy pieces of other players in fact. I also co-stake a player with someone else. For people to just assume I don't play on my own dime is silly and probably sexist. I worked my way up in stakes all on my own and am very proud of that fact.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Good luck everyone. And to the OP, I am sorry that you had a bad experience at the poker table yesterday. I do not think Maurice was right in what he did. Hope you have better experiences at the WSOP.
06-17-2014 , 12:41 PM
I have not yet given my opinion on OP's statement, and I think it poorly reflects on both mr. Hawkins as OP. I did not think anything bad about you.


Originally Posted by Maria_Ho
For people to just assume I don't play on my own dime is silly and probably sexist. I worked my way up in stakes all on my own and am very proud of that fact.
No. No. No. Could you girls in poker please quit with the inappropriate assumption that whenever someone behaves as a douchebag it's because it is sexism. It has nothing to do with your gender. Hell, people are speculating all the time about who has shares in whom. Is it sexist when people asked who had shares of Antonio after the One Drop? No. I'm getting real tired of this stupid, childish argument about sexism. It is the reason REAL sexism in poker does not get the attention it deservers. There is a story in TWSS about guys telling a girl who got seated to 'turn around, let's see that ass'. That is sexism. Wondering if someone has 100% of his own shares is not sexism.

Complaining about this after shooting a HIL-A-RI-OUS video about BOOBS, makes it even more childish. Wanna have an example of sexism? Say I would say: 'I give Melanie two points for intimidation because of her cleavage.' Get it? Two points.
06-17-2014 , 12:45 PM
solid first post
06-17-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by greg nice
i don't like to push the lower players to act faster early on, but maybe he doesn't care
I hope you missed an "s" there, because everybody put up the same buy-in and no player is higher or lower than others.
06-17-2014 , 12:46 PM
Poker players have inflated egos? I am shocked.

Last edited by Pyrochaos; 06-17-2014 at 12:55 PM. Reason: bubbles
06-17-2014 , 12:50 PM
Sorry to hear about your incident. I am not surprised by Maurice's behavior. I had a similar unpleasant experience with him. I could not believe the kudos he was getting on final table he made this WSOP for being an entertaining guy-I thought if Dave Tuchmann only knew...

IMO, he is one of the most narcissistic and insecure players around.

I outplayed him in a pot- didn't show but he probably also had air but he didn't play back. He suspects he got outplayed, goes on tilts, and starts spewing his chips after the hand. I never said a word to the guy. Couple rounds later, I pick up a legit hand to 3-bet his preflop raise with. No idea his stack size cuz he was in every hand so I glance over at his concealed chips to get idea of his stack size. I ask dealer, who had better view than me, how many stacks of 20s does he have. Maurice explodes. Claims I'm rubbing it in cause he lost chips. Causes such a disturbance that a floor comes over to address the outburst. I'm sitting there and wondering what the hell is with this was childish & ridiculous.

Whatever skills he may have (& I've seen none), they are offset by a guy who thinks the world revolves around him...
06-17-2014 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Maria_Ho

I can not corroborate or defend Maurice's actions. We are not friends. We are poker acquaintances.
That's cold
06-17-2014 , 12:54 PM
Going to have to agree with OP on this one. I used to play full time online prior to black Friday. Mostly mixed games. I feel like live players sense something is owed to them, its tough to stomach sometimes. I play 1-2 days a week now live and its just painful sometimes.

Like get over yourself. The worst is when they talk down to the fish at the table. I witnessed one of the 30/60 regs cuss out a 70 year old man that never said a word to anyone.

Sent from my XT1080 using 2+2 Forums
06-17-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Maria_Ho
I don't read NVG
Anyone who knows the acronym NVG reads NVG.
06-17-2014 , 12:58 PM
How are you guys really giving the OP ****? I'd be ****ing furious if I just paid $5K and was treated like this.

Also, I wouldn't have shown my hand until Maria mucked or showed. You're 100% in the right on everything you did.

Sorry you had a poor experience.
06-17-2014 , 01:00 PM
Maybe lighten up, stop being such a self-important and sensitive DB?

As an amateur I find poker cliques as annoying as the next guy, but this sounds more like a case of a guy who had his feelings hurt than any legitimate beef.
06-17-2014 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rupert
I googled but I have absolutely no idea who Maurice Hawkins is

I played at the same table as him a couple of months ago. I did not know who he was/is. We were in a hand, and I wanted to see his chips because I never ask anyone how many chips they have. He did not want to show, we went back and forth, and I asked the dealer to get a floor person. The issue was resolved, and I let go of the issue.

For the rest of the night, I did not avoid conversation with him, and I feel that he knew that we was not going to push me around (metaphorically).

At the end of the night, he asked me my name, and I asked him for his. I Googled him later and I saw that he has done pretty well in tournaments over the last several years, as shown in his Hendon Mob results page, which should be the first result in the above link.

I have also read multiple reports of Hawkins being out of line while at the poker table.

Last edited by Jigsaw; 06-17-2014 at 01:11 PM.
06-17-2014 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by SJM3000
This hawkins guy sounds like a huge dbag. People like him are why we make fun of tourney pros, especially circuit grinders. Also funny that he is working so hard to impress a couple of 5's.
calling Melanie a 5 is extremely generous
06-17-2014 , 01:04 PM
For the record, I did not have a problem with the way Maria "mucked" her hand. The dealer should have pulled the cards in. I've played 4 events now and it's almost a constant thing now where people who are first to show wait and wait and wait and wait, and when I have had what I consider to likely be the winning hand, I've let them off the hook by showing first. I have made a conscious decision not to do this going forward because it just isn't fair to me. That's why I kept my hand on my cards.

The problem was the dealer just would not pull the cards in. She just wouldn't and I was left there holding my cards with nowhere to go. I got frustrated because the whole table is looking at me, the dealer is looking at me, and everyone is indicating that "I'm" the a-hole for not showing my hand. All I wanted is for her cards to hit the muck first.

This was NOT Maria's fault... although she could have relieved the situation by pushing the cards to the muck once she saw this was an issue so she could have helped the situation some.

I tell that hand story more to give authenticity tomy other story and not because I think Maria was angle shooting or doing anything wrong there. She let her hand go fairly.

The bigger problem for me was the "Jeopardy" hand that she was in. She seemed to enjoy Maurice's actions and certainly did not tell him to stop. After the hand it was business as usual with smiles and laughs all around. Here online she says that she felt Maruice was wrong in what he did, but when we were at the table, you would have thought that they were best friends for years. She certainly did not speak up about that at the time.

I was alone on an island on that table. I mention Maria and Melanie more to give authenticity to my story and also to explain why I think Maurice was so insufferable. I think the girls at the table put him into overdrive. My only real complaint about them is that they didn't give me any support but that's not their job either.

By the way, there was a new shift later. When he ca;;ed me "a little bitch" I called the floor. The floor came over and Maurice turned on his charm, but the floor said "Don't give me that Maurice. You can't play that game with me." But he then decided to give us both warnings, which I have no idea what I was being "warned" for.

I then spoke to the floor away from the table and said that this was the THIRD warning for Maurice... one for Jeopardy music, one for F-bomb, and one for calling me a little bitch. The floor seemed perturbed but unwilling to pursue it further.

Maria's muck hand is a red herring. I didn't think she did anything wrong. On the other hand, in regards to dealing with Maurice, she didn't do anything right either.
