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Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today Maurice Hawkins experience at k NLHE WSOP today

06-17-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by fslexcduck
OP, it sounds like you had a crappy experience. That sucks. It sounds like Maurice acted like a total tool.

I just wanted to clarify what is sexist for people that claim I "always cry sexism."
Hey Vanessa, I agree with you 100% on both of these things:

1. There is definitely sexism in poker, and its a completely unfair situation for many female poker players.

2. By all accounts, Maria did nothing wrong here. I thought her post was very well stated.

However, I disagree that sexism has played a role in this situation, and I think that "crying sexism" when none exists can be a hindrance to the overall cause.

Sexism = assuming Maria gets her money from sources other than poker. This assumption is routinely made about women and very rarely about men to a hugely disproportionate degree.
In the PokerNews interview Maria was asked about the strongest aspect of Melanie's poker game and she replied "her boobs" before talking about Melanie's personality. Next interview question was "whats the best hand she has played?", which was an opportunity for both of them to showcase their poker knowledge....Melanie gave a HH lacking a ton of details and Maria didn't talk about any specific hand. The interview concluded with them discussing their boobs some more.

I thought it was a great interview for entertainment value and for it's ability to attract people to poker. Both of them seem super comfortable in front of the camera, which is not easy to do. And I think it stems from the fact that they're legit laid-back and cool girls who would be fun to play poker with.

With that said, I think the image they choose to portray in these types of interviews has far more to do with the assumption that they get their money from sources other than poker than sexism does. I can't imagine what would happen if I were asked about a male poker pro's game and I instantly started talking about how large the bulge in his pants is and how its affecting play at the table.

Sexism = singling out Maria for behavior like "sneering" and not calling out Maurice for his behavior. What about all the other guys at the table? It's just annoying for people like Maria when she comports herself extremely well 99.9% of the time, but then the one time she does something that someone doesn't like, lo and behold, it's in a twoplustwo thread. This is obviously a double standard that people highly scrutinize the behavior of women like it is their duty to make everyone feel extremely welcome as if they are the poker hostesses rather than just players themselves. If you don't agree, it's just because you're not paying attention.
I don't see how this has more to do with "being a woman" than it does with "being a well known poker player." Replace Maria and Melanie with Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth and nothing changes about OP's posts.

Originally Posted by Superfluous Man
Oh no Maria didn't go all white-knight on behalf of a perfect stranger who was being VICIOUSLY ASSAULTED by the Final Jeopardy tune early in a live MTT. Clearly she's worse than Hitler.


Plus she was involved in the hand! When you're involved in the hand, you're focused on playing optimally......its incredibly silly to expect her to speak up immediately afterwards. Often times you're attempting to not show any emotion because you don't want to let your opponent see if you're happy or sad that he folded, or often times you're playing the hand back in your head to re-think your decisions.

Also, why are we completely dismissing the possibility that Maria was greatly annoyed by the guy humming the jeopardy theme song and calling clock? Maybe she felt as if this made her opponent more likely to take the action she didn't want, and she was super pissed off at him but kept it to herself.
06-17-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by BoyItalia
OP says there are cliques in poker. A few people who know Maria Ho prove it. Bravo.
06-17-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by maxinnrelaxin
Heh, UB and Lock Poker go hand in hand.
06-17-2014 , 04:41 PM
Singing Jeopardy while another player is contemplating a call seems like a violation of OPTAH to me. There's really no excuse for it. If a player think another player is taking to long, he is within his rights to call for a clock, but he should absolutely not be interfering with the play of the hand in any other way.

However, it is totally unreasonably for the OP to expect Maria Ho to say something to Maurice while this is going on. By saying anything in response to this, Maria might be telegraphing something about whether she wants a call or not. Really she is almost as much of a victim of this sort of behavior as the OP is.

Also, I had never heard of Maurice Hawkins before this year's Millionaire Maker tournament, and I have no idea why the OP would assume he is friends with Maria Ho or that they are part of the the same "clique".
06-17-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by MonsterJMcgee
OP seems way too sensitive and butthurt. Someone was a dick to you so you write a novel on 2p2? I think if this happened to most people they'd be annoyed for 10 minutes and then move on with their lives.
1. It wasn't just "someone," it was 2 semi-notable pros. People tend to share stories of their interactions with semi-notable pros on 2+2...

2. 800 words is not a novel.

3. I'm sure the OP will have no problem moving on with his life. You seem butthurt over his supposed butthurt.
06-17-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by ihavethewheel
Maurice just another wanna be scumbag at the poker table. He'll be irrelevant once he burns through his little score by the time this series is over.
I play poker with the guy who stakes him or at least staked him for his score this summer, Maurice is a low limit circuit grinder guys, and recreational player in 5ks is gonna be 10x cooler than this guy ever u shouldn't let someone like this bother you....notice how lebron doesn't respond to idiot trolls on twitter because he's above that, same way OP is above Maurice imo
06-17-2014 , 05:22 PM
For the record, I have played with OP before, and he is very polite, doesn't easily get pissed off about silliness, and definitely likes to gamble in my limited experience with him. Obv the Jeopardy crap is BS and MH is a confirmed DB in numerous instances, and is bad for poker, as well as the, "You win, but you gotta show" trope that has sadly taken hold in some circles. But if we chase off all the casual gamblers, then Duck wins every tournament. Love the Duck, be we gotta spread it out a bit.

As far as sexism in poker, obv it exists, just like racism, weightism, etc etc. Get a bunch of egos together and the worst comes out in many instances. My big issue with a similar aspect of it tho is how many archetypal "pretty" girls get sponsored/media coverage, etc for little to no poker success while female players who don't fit that mold toil on relative obscurity like most other male players that may have have better results. For that reason, girls in the former group are from time to time be subjected to heightened scrutiny, fair or not. Not to mention the fact that a high % of all "tourney pros" are staked. Just like everything else in life though, as my favorite law of thermodynamics goes, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".
06-17-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by sofired
Weird response - revenge clock call is fine imo to prove a point, and Maurice was a dick in both hands.

You shouldn't call the floor and have him penalized AND revenge clock call him. Pick one or the other.
06-17-2014 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by 1p0kerboy

You shouldn't call the floor and have him penalized AND revenge clock call him. Pick one or the other.
He wasn't penalized. Only warned.
06-17-2014 , 05:41 PM
haha i would be sitting waiting to snap call the clock on him
06-17-2014 , 05:48 PM
Is Maurice Hawkins nickname mohawk and if not why not?
He could get the haircut as well.
06-17-2014 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Daliman

As far as sexism in poker, obv it exists, just like racism, weightism, etc etc. Get a bunch of egos together and the worst comes out in many instances. My big issue with a similar aspect of it tho is how many archetypal "pretty" girls get sponsored/media coverage, etc for little to no poker success while female players who don't fit that mold toil on relative obscurity like most other male players that may have have better results. For that reason, girls in the former group are from time to time be subjected to heightened scrutiny, fair or not. Not to mention the fact that a high % of all "tourney pros" are staked. Just like everything else in life though, as my favorite law of thermodynamics goes, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".
I think comparisons like this are stifling the conversation a bit.
In my experience the poker culture does not really have much of a problem with weightism or racism (and even if it did it wouldn't make the sexism ones any less legitimate), but whether people realise it or not there absolutely is a HUGE problem with sexism. It's rare that more than a day goes by at the table where I don't see someone make a sexist remark, I can only imagine how it is if you are a female player who has to listen to it constantly.
Whether some people get more sponsorships than others or some laws about thermodynamics is really not proper justification for the comments that woman constantly have to put up with at the poker table.
Ask any woman who plays poker and they will tell you it's the kind of thing they have to put up with every day that they decide to play.
I really hope that everyone (myself included) will try harder to call out people on it in the future and explain to them why it's not okay. I think it's a big part of the reason that more women aren't playing and hindering the growth of the game and more importantly just a ****ty thing to do.

Last edited by mement_mori; 06-17-2014 at 06:22 PM.
06-17-2014 , 06:15 PM
Maria did nothing wrong. It was clearly just a misunderstanding. Throwing your cards towards the dealer as she did is perfectly acceptable. OP obviously misinterpreted her demeanor etc. Time to move on.

Also sexism is so prevalent throughout poker. Can you imagine being a young woman and having to deal with these dirty degenerate low-life ****s on a daily basis?
06-17-2014 , 06:15 PM
expected a decent thread or something, op sounds like a drama queen loser.
06-17-2014 , 06:23 PM
Good job, OP. I wouldn't have done much differently.

And I don't think it's outrageous to hope that a pro would stand up for an unknown player being treated unfairly. It's definitely not Maria's or anyone else's responsibility, but having a douche like Maurice scare away unknown players is obviously -EV. It doesn't take a whole lot to stand up for someone in that spot. Plus it improves your image in the poker community.

Again, it's not someone's responsibility to do that, but why would you pass up that opportunity? In a better poker world, Maria would have waited until the hand was over, told Maurice to shape up, and apologized to OP if Maurice's actions influenced his decision. Word would spread of Maria's awesomeness and everyone would want to play with her. $$$$$. It's possible to be kind to someone and still be selfish at the same time. There would be a lot more recreational players at the tables if we just treated them a little better.
06-17-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by D_Matthews
She said, "I have nothing but he has to show right?" and set her cards down in front of her face down. I had my fingers on my cards face down. The dealer told me to turn them over. I said, please muck her cards first and I will turn them over.

The dealer said, turn your cards over and Maria's cards were still sitting face down right in front of her no where near the muck. I said, "Muck those cards and I'll turn these over." Maria had bet and I called and she was in early position and I was in late position.
Originally Posted by Maria_Ho

In regards to the hand against OP where I triple barreled and then mucked? I did NOT muck right in front of me. I was sitting in seat 7. On the river after I bet and he called, I announced "You're good, you got it." Then I mucked my hand towards the dealer. The actual muck pile was on the left side of the dealer where seats 1,2,3 were. But my cards were basically a hand's length reach away from the dealer and no longer in front of me.
Originally Posted by D_Matthews
For the record, I did not have a problem with the way Maria "mucked" her hand. The dealer should have pulled the cards in.

The bigger problem for me was the "Jeopardy" hand that she was in. She seemed to enjoy Maurice's actions and certainly did not tell him to stop. After the hand it was business as usual with smiles and laughs all around. Here online she says that she felt Maruice was wrong in what he did, but when we were at the table, you would have thought that they were best friends for years. She certainly did not speak up about that at the time.
OP- you stated that Maria "set her cards down in front of her face down" and that is what led to the problem. Then Maria corrects you and says she actually tossed them in towards the dealer and they were not directly in front of her. Then you backtrack and say you had no problem with the way Maria mucked her hand.

Sounds like you exaggerated the facts to make Maria look bad, and then changed it when she called you out on it.

As to the second point about the Jeopardy thing, you chide her for not saying something? She was in the hand as well as you. Lot's of people don't talk during a hand for fear of giving off a tell. You apparently said nothing to the guy singing the song during the hand, but you really expected your opponent to? That's crazy. Even after the hand, did you tell the guy singing that it was inappropriate or were you waiting for Maria to do that?

At first I was on your side on this, but after reading Maria's version, it sounds like you were really weak for bringing her into this at all. Your basic premise seems to be that you didn't like what the dealer did IRT mucking her hand, and you didn't like the guy singing the Jeopardy song, but you call out Maria for not speaking out to fix those situations? That's weird, IMO.
06-17-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Freedom
Sorry to hear about your incident. I am not surprised by Maurice's behavior. I had a similar unpleasant experience with him. I could not believe the kudos he was getting on final table he made this WSOP for being an entertaining guy-I thought if Dave Tuchmann only knew...

IMO, he is one of the most narcissistic and insecure players around.

I outplayed him in a pot- didn't show but he probably also had air but he didn't play back. He suspects he got outplayed, goes on tilts, and starts spewing his chips after the hand. I never said a word to the guy. Couple rounds later, I pick up a legit hand to 3-bet his preflop raise with. No idea his stack size cuz he was in every hand so I glance over at his concealed chips to get idea of his stack size. I ask dealer, who had better view than me, how many stacks of 20s does he have. Maurice explodes. Claims I'm rubbing it in cause he lost chips. Causes such a disturbance that a floor comes over to address the outburst. I'm sitting there and wondering what the hell is with this was childish & ridiculous.

Whatever skills he may have (& I've seen none), they are offset by a guy who thinks the world revolves around him...

I played with Maurice a couple years ago. I would have forgotten him, but I no doubt remember him because of his absolute vulgar behavior and how he insulted and mistreated everyone at the table. It was so bad in fact, that the entire table hated him and we laughed and celebrated out loud when he donked out of the tournament. He played VERY LAG--raising and jamming with crap until he was snapped off with ace-rag.

Ya know how a table is full of fun and everyone was having a great time until that one a-hole ruins it and then the table becomes tense and dead quiet? Well, that was Maurice.

OP, if I ever play with him again, I'll insta-call clock at 120.1 seconds before he does it to me.

I think when his behavior gets douchey, he plays really bad. So, if anyone reads this and plays against him, verbally poke him with a stick and get him started. He'll donk off.
06-17-2014 , 06:52 PM
if 3 warning results in no penalty why didnt they just subtract points from w/e Harry Potter house Maurice is from (Slytherin obviously)?
06-17-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
OP- you stated that Maria "set her cards down in front of her face down" and that is what led to the problem. Then Maria corrects you and says she actually tossed them in towards the dealer and they were not directly in front of her. Then you backtrack and say you had no problem with the way Maria mucked her hand.

Sounds like you exaggerated the facts to make Maria look bad, and then changed it when she called you out on it.

As to the second point about the Jeopardy thing, you chide her for not saying something? She was in the hand as well as you. Lot's of people don't talk during a hand for fear of giving off a tell. You apparently said nothing to the guy singing the song during the hand, but you really expected your opponent to? That's crazy. Even after the hand, did you tell the guy singing that it was inappropriate or were you waiting for Maria to do that?

At first I was on your side on this, but after reading Maria's version, it sounds like you were really weak for bringing her into this at all. Your basic premise seems to be that you didn't like what the dealer did IRT mucking her hand, and you didn't like the guy singing the Jeopardy song, but you call out Maria for not speaking out to fix those situations? That's weird, IMO.
She did set them down in front of her but was indicating mucking by her body language. I considered it a mucked hand but the cards were not anywhere near the muck and the dealer was making zero effort to retrieve them. I feel that she could have alleviated this particular incident by pushing the cards more forcefully toward the muck because she knew what my issue was but I don't fault her considerably for this. The dealer was the biggest problem here.
06-17-2014 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by D_Matthews
Clearly there's clique in tournament poker, and if you're not in it, you're not going to be treated well by the floor.
Especially since its now a business, only natural for this to happen. I mean, we are all humans are naturally we will always end up showing some kind of favoritism.

Next time, as a tip (granted the way you handled it was hilarious), if you have a real issue with someone being a dick.....take a few hands off and go to the floor on the side. Talk to them about the player in question, tell them you are uncomfortable, be calm with your concern. Don't make a big scene at the just creates more problems and players NOT involved picking sides. After the TD does what he needs to do, then take a deep breath, put on the headphones, and ignore the madness.

Ironically, Joe Dumars used to do the same thing on those "Bad Boy" Detoit Piston teams. They would be complete dicks to the refs, then he would take the refs on the side during TV timeout and calmly explain his side and calm stuff down. It's the best way to handle this BS, IMO (altho you miss hands which sucks).

LOL at poker pros who act like this BTW. What a petty, childish lot of degenerates. Its just gambling, doods.
06-17-2014 , 07:10 PM

Last edited by LVpokerPRO; 06-17-2014 at 07:27 PM.
06-17-2014 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by D_Matthews
She did set them down in front of her but was indicating mucking by her body language. I considered it a mucked hand but the cards were not anywhere near the muck and the dealer was making zero effort to retrieve them. I feel that she could have alleviated this particular incident by pushing the cards more forcefully toward the muck because she knew what my issue was but I don't fault her considerably for this. The dealer was the biggest problem here.
I've had this issue before and I protect my hand and tell the dealer that I called. If the still dealer doesn't understand, I'll call the clock. It sounds funny but it's a good way to remind people that there is an order of operations. If Maria has actually mucked then the action is on the dealer because it's time for the pot to be pushed...
06-17-2014 , 07:24 PM
My first thought when opening this thread is "Who the **** is Maurice Hawkins and why does he have his own NVG thread?"

It's OK OP. He's not as well known as he probably thinks he is.
06-17-2014 , 07:27 PM
I thought I'd miss the WSOP but then I read these threads and nah.

I've heard a lot of Maurice stories, seems like the guy probably thinks he's an end boss and not getting the respect he deserves. But you didn't make a really good case for anything other than the hopelessness for humanity in this thread.
06-17-2014 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
My first thought when opening this thread is "Who the **** is Maurice Hawkins and why does he have his own NVG thread?"

It's OK OP. He's not as well known as he probably thinks he is.
he got a bunch of pokernews attention when he made that deep run
